980 resultados para Ornamental Fishes
En este trabajo se describen la cipsela y, por primera vez, la plántula de Grindelia ventanensis, un subarbusto con potencial ornamental endémico de las Sierras Australes de la provincia de Buenos Aires. También se presenta la cronología de floración y producción de semillas y se evalúa la relación entre el tamaño de las cipselas y el desarrollo de las plantas jóvenes respecto de la procedencia, cultivada o silvestre, de los propágulos. Las poblaciones cultivadas florecieron y produjeron semillas antes que las silvestres. Las cipselas de poblaciones cultivadas resultaron más pequeñas y las plántulas originadas a partir de ellas mostraron una mayor mortalidad. Las plántulas originadas de cipselas de poblaciones silvestres desplegaron su primera hoja verdadera entre los 7 y 21 días y presentaron una supervivencia a los 35 días de más del 70%. El menor tamaño de las cipselas de plantas cultivadas podría estar relacionado con las condiciones de cultivo o con un efecto fundador. La mayor supervivencia de las plantas germinadas de cipselas mayores resulta un dato de importancia al momento de seleccionar un stock de cultivo.
Se realizó un estudio para conocer características relacionadas con el crecimiento inicial de la especie Chysolaena flexuosa (Sims) H. Rob., Asteraceae nativa de las sierras bonaerenses con potencial ornamental gracias al colorido de sus capítulos durante la floración y a su inflorescencia. Se empleó para el ensayo simiente de C. flexuosa recolectada en la Sierra La Barrosa (Partido de Balcarce) y se analizó la evolución de las plantas en invernáculo durante un ciclo de crecimiento. Los estadios reproductivos de C. flexuosa comprendieron las estaciones de primavera, verano e inicios de otoño. En todas las plantas se observaron, a mediados de la etapa reproductiva, capítulos con flores violáceas conjuntamente con capítulos fructificados. A principios de otoño todas las plantas poseían capítulos fructificados que exhibían sus papus de color blanco, situación que entrega a la planta otro interesante atributo. Por su rusticidad, establecida sobre la base de la germinación y supervivencia de sus plántulas, y por el atractivo de la especie desde primavera a inicios del otoño, C. flexuosa se destaca como promisoria para la obtención de cultivares ornamentales para uso como ejemplar aislado, en macetas, borduras o como flor de corte para la realización de arreglos florales secos.
The flower market is characterized by being both eager for novelties and highly competitive. The exploration of native species with ornamental potential represents a remarkable area of research, since it entails the introduction and development of novel promising ornamental crops. The genus Glandularia, widely distributed in Argentina, holds an enormous ornamental potential, due to the variety of colors of its inflorescences (red, violet, white, rose and lily), and extended flowering period. There is little information on tissue culture of Glandularia, thus highlighting the relevance of this research. In this work, the conditions for in vitro multiplication of G. peruviana were optimized. It was concluded that WPM supplemented with TDZ, in concentrations ranging from 1.1 to 9.0 μM, was the most adequate treatment, rendering a multiplication rate of approximately 10 de novo shoots per explant. This paper presents a protocol for the in vitro propagation of this species and introduces interesting prospects in the application of biotechnological tools to breed Glandularia.
En este trabajo se estableció un protocolo de propagación in vitro de tres especies nativas del género Glandularia: G. peruviana, G. sp. y G. laciniata. Para el establecimiento in vitro se evaluó el medio de Murashige Skoog (MS) con macro y micronutrientes diluidos a la mitad adicionado con 0,05 μM de bencilaminopurina (BAP) sola o en combinación con 0,1 μM thiadiazuron (TDZ) y un testigo sin reguladores del crecimiento. En la etapa de multiplicación se evaluó el medio de cultivo MS diluido a la ½ ó ¼ y adicionado de 20 ó 40 gr.L-1 de sacarosa. Es posible establecer y micropropagar estas especies en medios de cultivo sencillos. El medio más eficiente para el establecimiento fue aquel sin reguladores, mientras que el más adecuado para la multiplicación fue MS ½ adicionado de 20 gr.L-1 de sacarosa, en el cual la tasa de multiplicación cada 30 días fue de 6 en G. sp. y G. peruviana y 4 para G. laciniata.
Findings made in 31 catches with an Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl in the light (09.00-16.00) and dark (21.00-04.00) periods of a day within a survey area of about 100 sq. miles with approximate center coordinates of 13°S and 78°E have been used to investigate vertical distribution of the main groups of sound-scattering fishes (35 species of the family Myctophidae and 16 species of other families). It has been shown that during daylight hours all fishes sink to depths deeper than 400 m. Data are presented concerning the fish population of night-time sound-scattering layers at depths of 70-150 m and about 400 m and of the daytime ones at depths of about 450 m.
The taxonomy of Antarctic fishes has been predominantly based on morphological characteristics rather than on genetic criteria. A typical example is the Notothenia group, which includes N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844, N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii Richardson, 1844. The Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was used to determine whether N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 and N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 are different or whether they are the same species with morphological, physiological and behavioural variability. N. rossii was used as control. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was isolated from muscle specimens of N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844, N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii, which were collected in Admiralty Bay, King George Island. The DNA was used to amplify a fragment (690 base pairs) of the mitochondrial gene coding region of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2. Further, the amplicon was digested with the following restriction enzymes: DdeI, HindIII and RsaI. The results showed a variation of the digestion pattern of the fragment amplified between N. rossii, and N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 or N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951. However, no differences were found between N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 and N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951, on the grounds of the same genetic pattern shown by the two fish.
How organisms may adapt to rising global temperatures is uncertain, but concepts can emerge from studying adaptive physiological trait variations across existing spatial climate gradients. Many ectotherms, particularly fish, have evolved increasing genetic growth capacities with latitude (i.e. countergradient variation (CnGV) in growth), which are thought to be an adaptation primarily to strong gradients in seasonality. In contrast, evolutionary responses to gradients in mean temperature are often assumed to involve an alternative mode, 'thermal adaptation'. We measured thermal growth reaction norms in Pacific silverside populations (Atherinops affinis) occurring across a weak latitudinal temperature gradient with invariant seasonality along the North American Pacific coast. Instead of thermal adaptation, we found novel evidence for CnGV in growth, suggesting that CnGV is a ubiquitous mode of reaction-norm evolution in ectotherms even in response to weak spatial and, by inference, temporal climate gradients. A novel, large-scale comparison between ecologically equivalent Pacific versus Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) revealed how closely growth CnGV patterns reflect their respective climate gradients. While steep growth reaction norms and increasing growth plasticity with latitude in M. menidia mimicked the strong, highly seasonal Atlantic coastal gradient, shallow reaction norms and much smaller, latitude-independent growth plasticity in A. affinis resembled the weak Pacific latitudinal temperature gradient.
Concerns about the impacts of ocean acidification on marine life have mostly focused on how reduced carbonate saturation affects calcifying organisms. Here, we show that levels of CO2-induced acidification that may be attained by 2100 could also have significant effects on marine organisms by reducing their aerobic capacity. The effects of temperature and acidification on oxygen consumption were tested in 2 species of coral reef fishes, Ostorhinchus doederleini and O. cyanosoma, from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The capacity for aerobic activity (aerobic scope) declined at temperatures above the summer average (29°C) and in CO2-acidified water (pH 7.8 and ~1000 ppm CO2) compared to control water (pH 8.15). Aerobic scope declined by 36 and 32% for O. doederleini and O. cyanosoma at temperatures between 29 to 32°C, whereas it declined by 33 and 47% for O. doederleini and O. cyanosoma in acidified water compared to control water. Thus, the declines in aerobic scope in acidified water were similar to those caused by a 3°C increase in water temperature. Minimum aerobic scope values of ~200 mg O2 kg-1 h-1 were attained for both species in acidified water at 32°C, compared with over 600 mg O2 kg-1 h-1 in control water at 29°C. Mortality rate increased sharply at 33°C, indicating that this temperature is close to the lethal thermal limit for both species. Acidification further increased the mortality rate of O. doederleini, but not of O. cyanosoma. These results show that coral reef fishes are sensitive to both higher temperatures and increased levels of dissolved CO2, and that the aerobic performance of some reef fishes could be significantly reduced if climate change continues unabated.
1. With the global increase in CO2 emissions, there is a pressing need for studies aimed at understanding the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems. Several studies have reported that exposure to CO2 impairs chemosensory responses of juvenile coral reef fishes to predators. Moreover, one recent study pointed to impaired responses of reef fish to auditory cues that indicate risky locations. These studies suggest that altered behaviour following exposure to elevated CO2 is caused by a systemic effect at the neural level. 2. The goal of our experiment was to test whether juvenile damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis exposed to different levels of CO2 would respond differently to a potential threat, the sight of a large novel coral reef fish, a spiny chromis, Acanthochromis polyancanthus, placed in a watertight bag. 3. Juvenile damselfish exposed to 440 (current day control), 550 or 700 µatm CO2 did not differ in their response to the chromis. However, fish exposed to 850 µatm showed reduced antipredator responses; they failed to show the same reduction in foraging, activity and area use in response to the chromis. Moreover, they moved closer to the chromis and lacked any bobbing behaviour typically displayed by juvenile damselfishes in threatening situations. 4. Our results are the first to suggest that response to visual cues of risk may be impaired by CO2 and provide strong evidence that the multi-sensory effects of CO2 may stem from systematic effects at the neural level.
Differences in the sensitivity of marine species to ocean acidification will influence the structure of marine communities in the future. Reproduction is critical for individual and population success, yet is energetically expensive and could be adversely affected by rising CO2 levels in the ocean. We investigated the effects of projected future CO2 levels on reproductive output of two species of coral reef damselfish, Amphiprion percula and Acanthochromis polyacanthus. Adult breeding pairs were maintained at current-day control (446 µatm), moderate (652 µatm) or high CO2 (912 µatm) for a 9-month period that included the summer breeding season. The elevated CO2 treatments were consistent with CO2 levels projected by 2100 under moderate (RCP6) and high (RCP8) emission scenarios. Reproductive output increased in A. percula, with 45-75 % more egg clutches produced and a 47-56 % increase in the number of eggs per clutch in the two elevated CO2 treatments. In contrast, reproductive output decreased at high CO2 in Ac. polyacanthus, with approximately one-third as many clutches produced compared with controls. Egg survival was not affected by CO2 for A. percula, but was greater in elevated CO2 for Ac. polyacanthus. Hatching success was also greater for Ac. polyacanthus at elevated CO2, but there was no effect of CO2 treatments on offspring size. Despite the variation in reproductive output, body condition of adults did not differ between control and CO2 treatments in either species. Our results demonstrate different effects of high CO2 on fish reproduction, even among species within the same family. A greater understanding of the variation in effects of ocean acidification on reproductive performance is required to predict the consequences for future populations of marine organisms.
Ocean acidification has the potential to cause dramatic changes in marine ecosystems. Larval damselfish exposed to concentrations of CO2 predicted to occur in the mid- to late-century show maladaptive responses to predator cues. However, there is considerable variation both within and between species in CO2 effects, whereby some individuals are unaffected at particular CO2 concentrations while others show maladaptive responses to predator odour. Our goal was to test whether learning via chemical or visual information would be impaired by ocean acidification and ultimately, whether learning can mitigate the effects of ocean acidification by restoring the appropriate responses of prey to predators. Using two highly efficient and widespread mechanisms for predator learning, we compared the behaviour of pre-settlement damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis that were exposed to 440 µatm CO2 (current day levels) or 850 µatm CO2, a concentration predicted to occur in the ocean before the end of this century. We found that, regardless of the method of learning, damselfish exposed to elevated CO2 failed to learn to respond appropriately to a common predator, the dottyback, Pseudochromis fuscus. To determine whether the lack of response was due to a failure in learning or rather a short-term shift in trade-offs preventing the fish from displaying overt antipredator responses, we conditioned 440 or 700 µatm-CO2 fish to learn to recognize a dottyback as a predator using injured conspecific cues, as in Experiment 1. When tested one day post-conditioning, CO2 exposed fish failed to respond to predator odour. When tested 5 days post-conditioning, CO2 exposed fish still failed to show an antipredator response to the dottyback odour, despite the fact that both control and CO2-treated fish responded to a general risk cue (injured conspecific cues). These results indicate that exposure to CO2 may alter the cognitive ability of juvenile fish and render learning ineffective.
La explotación de rocas ornamentales es, muy probablemente, una de las actividades mineras más desconocidas dentro de la profesión. esta publicación viene a llenar el vacío existente en lo que a publicaciones técnicas y divulgativas se refiere con respecto a la extracción de rocas ornamentales. Tras una descripción de las características del sector, se hace un análisis de los distintos tipos de explotaciones, las características y singularidades de la investigación geológica y minera, así como una descripción de los aspectos que deben ser tenidos muy presentes. Seguidamente, se analizan todas y cada una de las técnicas actualmente en uso, incluyendo las que son ya obsoletas pero que, por alguna razón, siguen en uso. La publicación también hace una breve descripción de las que en estos momentos están en desarrollo.