956 resultados para Organ (Musical instrument)


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O presente trabalho procura compreender as abordagens interpretativas desenvolvidas na guitarra das sonatas para violino BWV 1001, 1003 e 1005 de Bach e apresenta uma proposta de interpretação inspirada no autógrafo original. Sistematiza características de transcrições e gravações das obras no instrumento, e considera as respectivas inferências interpretativas. Face ao significativo número de autores e intérpretes que, adaptando o texto de Bach, privilegiam a faceta harmónica da guitarra e desvalorizam o uso de recursos expressivos da prática interpretativa barroca implícitos e explícitos na notação, problematiza os desafios colocados a uma interpretação num instrumento harmónico que mantém o texto escrito para um outro predominantemente melódico, e faz da articulação o seu centro, facultando propostas de realização. O texto de Bach para violino, as práticas barrocas e o legado dos discursos interpretativos sobre as obras integram o repositório de memórias que inspiraram e fundamentaram a criação de uma interpretação. Nela se tomam opções estéticas e encontram as respectivas soluções de realização técnica na sequência da procura de novos caminhos interpretativos, através da recuperação de alguns aspectos que teriam tido expressão numa imaginária interpretação oitocentista – criando uma outra memória.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se refletir sobre um projeto de teatro musical, A menina de papel, realizado por uma comunidade educativa constituída por professores e alunos do Conservatório de Música de Felgueiras e da Artmusic- Berço da Cultura da Lixa, levada a cena na Casa das Artes de Felgueiras no dia 26 de julho de 2013. Este trabalho centra a sua intervenção em torno de dois eixos: música na comunidade e o teatro musical baseado no conto infantil A menina de papel. Na presente dissertação propus-me ainda conhecer e analisar a instância educativa e tudo o que lhe é intrínseco para através de um diagnóstico da situação, e da elaboração de um plano de trabalho que fosse de encontro às necessidades pessoais e profissionais das instituições já referidas. Tendo em atenção os objetivos propostos para este projeto, este documento descreve os principais conceitos teóricos que enquadram esta pesquisa, expõe o processo criativo da obra de teatro musical A menina de papel, da conceção ao palco, relatando os motivos da escolha do conto, as experiências vivenciadas durante cada etapa até às apresentações públicas, terminado com uma análise e avaliação dos resultados.


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De entre los muchos repertorios de textos recogidos de la tradición oral hispánica que en los últimos años han ido publicándose, éste sobresale por un rasgo excepcional: su autor dedica igual espacio, aténcion, tiempo, rigor y esmero tanto al asunto puramente textual (los mayos) como as las cuestiones referidas al contexto folklórico (la fiesta) en el que los textos se actualizan.


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La réforme du collégial a entraîné un changement pédagogique majeur : la mise en application de l'approche d'élaboration de programme par compétences (APC). En formation, le développement des compétences passe par trois voies obligées : développement intégral de la personne, développement intégré à un milieu et développement centré sur l'élève. Les dimensions cognitive et sociale du développement de la personne sont les deux dimensions dominantes mises de l'avant par notre milieu institutionnel et les milieux socioprofessionnels. Pour notre recherche, nous avons retenu la dimension sociale du développement de la personne et nous avons établi que cette dimension passe par le développement de la compétence à travailler en équipe. En plus d'être exigée tant par notre milieu institutionnel que par les milieux socioprofessionnels, elle représente une difficulté ou du moins un immense défi pour l'enseignement. Alors nous avons posé notre question de recherche : Est-ce que l'utilisation de l'apprentissage coopératif (AC) en tant que stratégie pédagogique favorise le développement de la compétence à travailler en équipe au secteur collégial technique?"--Résumé abrégé par UMI.


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The work described here is part of a research program aiming to increase the sensitivity to disease detection using Doppler ultrasound by reducing the effects to the measurement procedure on the estimation of blood velocity and detection of flow disturbance.


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Sowohl die liquiditäts- als auch die erfolgsorientierte Betrachtungsweise von Zahlungsströmen soll mit dem Begriff der optimalen Liquidität zum Ausdruck kommen. Der Liquiditätsplan stellt ein geeignetes Instrument dar, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu ermöglichen. Neben Ausführungen zu den allgemeinen Grundlagen bietet die Abhandlung von Dr. K. Kairies praxisorientierte Überlegungen für die Einführung und Pflege eines Liquiditätsplanes im Unternehmen.


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Über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte hat sich die Interne Unternehmenskommunikation stets auf durch ökonomische Herausforderungen bedingte organisationale Veränderungen eingestellt und ihre Modelle zur Motivation und Integration von Mitarbeitern den Veränderungen im strategischen und operativen Management angepasst. Ging es in den 70er und 80er Jahren dabei noch um das Herstellen von Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, drehte sich seit den 90er Jahren in der Folge des zunehmenden globalen Wettbewerbs dann alles um das Mitarbeiterengagement.
Dieser Beitrag unternimmt einen Versuch, die Geschichte der Internen Unternehmens-kommunikation in Deutschland zu beleuchten. Dazu wird der Blickwinkel des Kommunikationsmanagements eingenommen, welches die Funktion der generellen Unternehmenskommunikation und damit auch die ihrer Teildisziplin für die Anspruchsgruppe der Mitarbeiter unter betriebswirt-schaftlichen Gesichtspunkten betrachtet und in den Wertschöpfungsprozess eines Unternehmens einordnet.
Es wird gezeigt, dass und wie sich die Interne Unternehmenskommunikation über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte auf durch ökonomische Herausforderungen bedingte organisationale Veränderungen eingestellt und diese unterstützt hat. Die jeweiligen Lösungsansätze der Internen Kommunikation dienten immer dazu, die Mitarbeiter zum Vorteil der Unternehmensführung in das Unternehmensgeschehen zu integrieren.
Und so, wie sich im Laufe der Zeit das strategische und operative Management veränderte, entwickelte sich auch die hier zu beschreibende Disziplin weiter.
Unterdessen ist der Wandel Normalität geworden, doch mehr als jeder dritte Veränderungsprozess kann auch heute noch vor allem durch eine mangelnde Integration der Mitarbeiter als nicht erfolgreich betrachtet werden. Aber mehr denn je ist die kreative Beteiligung der Betroffenen und die Übernahme von Eigenverant-wortung notwendig. Entsprechende Maßnahmen der Internen Unternehmenskommunikation müssen nun aus einem Modell für Mobilisierung erwachsen.
Inzwischen stellen diese Zusammenhänge die Verantwortlichen für die Interne Kommunikation vor große Herausforderungen und erfordern ein hohes Maß an Professionalität, die aber in der Praxis noch längst nicht überall Einzug gehalten hat. So gibt dieser Beitrag auch einen Ausblick auf die aktuell zu erkennenden Unterstützungspotenziale der Internen Unternehmenskommunikation im Wertschöpfungsprozess.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Tese de mestrado, Oncobiologia, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Concert Program for Michael E. Young, Organ Recital, February 1, 1966


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Concert Program for Halloween Organ Recital October 27, 2000


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Objective: The Finometer (FMS, Finapres Measurement Systems, Amsterdam) records the beat-to-beat finger pulse contour and has been recommended for research studies assessing shortterm changes of blood pressure and its variability. Variability measured in the frequency domain using spectral analysis requires that the impact of breathing be restricted to high frequency spectra (> 0.15 Hz) so data from participants needs to be excluded when the breathing impact occurs in the low frequency spectra (0.04 - 0.15 Hz). This study tested whether breathing frequency can be estimated from standard Finometer recordings using either stroke volume oscillation frequency or spectral stroke volume variability maximum scores. Methods: 22 healthy volunteers were tested for 270s in the supine and upright positions. Finometer recorded the finger pulse contour and a respiratory transducer recorded breathing. Stoke volume oscillation frequency was calculated manually while the stroke volume spectral maximums were obtained using the software Cardiovascular Parameter Analysis (Nevrokard Kiauta, Izola, Slovenia). These estimates were compared to the breathing frequency using the Bland-Altman procedures. Results: Stroke volume oscillation frequency estimated breathing frequency to <±10% 95% levels of agreement in both supine (-7.7 to 7.0%) and upright (-6.7 to 5.4%) postures. Stroke volume variability maximum scores did not accurately estimate breathing frequency. Conclusions: Breathing frequency can be accurately derived from standard Finometer recordings using stroke volume oscillations for healthy individuals in both supine and upright postures. The Finometer can function as a standalone instrument in blood pressure variability studies and does not require support equipment to determine breathing frequency.


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This chapter presents the main results of the Accessibility Instrument Survey (AIS), collecting basic information on each of the accessibility instruments reviewed in this report (for more detail on these Instruments see Chapter 3). The aim of the survey was to enable quick, objective and comparable overviews of each of the reviewed accessibility instruments. The information collected will enable the categorization of accessibility instruments present in this research, aiming to be a reference for future categorization of accessibility instruments for planning practice. These categories will support the analysis of the coverage of accessibility instruments in this research, i.e., identify how representative this research is across different accessibility instrument types. In addition, these will be used to analyse the characteristics and concerns which most frequently underlie the development of accessibility instruments. Finally, the survey also collects developer’s perceptions on the usefulness of their accessibility instruments in planning practice, enabling the first insight into the main research question of this COST Action, although limited to the developer’s point of view. In summary, the results of the survey will be used for four purposes: Development of an accessibility instrument sheet for each accessibility instrument summarizing its main characteristics (Appendix A); Identify the coverage of accessibility instrument types present in this research (Section 4.3.1) discussing the representativeness of this Action; Provide a glimpse on the characteristics and concerns which most frequently underlie the development of accessibility instruments (Section 4.3.2); Provide a first insight into the perceived usefulness of accessibility instruments in planning practice from the point of view of the developer (Section 4.3.2 and Section 4.3.3). The next section provides an overview of the Survey describing the information collected. This section also describes the development process of this survey including data collection, dates and means. The results of the survey are analysed in the third section starting with a discussion on the coverage of accessibility instruments reviewed by this research (Section 4.3.1), identifying accessibility measure types which are represented and which are absent. This discussion is accompanied by the presentation of the main categories of accessibility instruments from the perspective of the end user. These categories try to summarize the main concerns planning practitioners are expected to have when searching for an accessibility instrument and is built upon some of the information collected by the survey. Following, the third section also presents a general analysis of the results (Section 4.3.2), focussing on the dominant characteristics of the accessibility instruments reviewed and on the developer’s perception of the usefulness their instrument will have for end users. The section ends with a brief cross analysis of results (Section 4.3.3) trying to identify relationships between accessibility instrument characteristics and perceptions of usefulness by developers. The fourth and last section presents the main conclusions of this study.