950 resultados para Online services using open-source NLP tools


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O jornalismo é um dos principais meios de oferta de temas para a discussão e formação da opinião pública, porém depende de um sistema técnico para ser transmitido. Durante mais de cem anos as informações produzidas pela imprensa foram emitidas, armazenadas, transmitidas e recebidas pelos chamados veículos de comunicação de massa que utilizam a rede centralizada cujas características estão na escassez material, produção em série e massificação. Esse sistema separa no tempo e no espaço emissores e receptores criando uma relação desigual de força em que as grandes empresas controlaram o fluxo informativo, definindo quais fatos seriam veiculados como notícia. Em 1995, a internet cuja informação circula sob a tecnologia da rede distribuída, foi apropriada pela sociedade, alterando a forma de produção, armazenamento e transmissão de informação. A tecnologia despertou a esperança de que esta ferramenta poderia proporcionar uma comunicação mais dialógica e democrática. Mas aos poucos pode-se perceber novas empresas se apropriando da tecnologia da rede distribuída sob a qual circula a internet, gerando um novo controle do fluxo informativo. Realizou-se nessa pesquisa um levantamento bibliográfico para estabelecer uma reflexão crítica dos diferentes intermediários entre fato e a notícia tanto da rede centralizada como na rede distribuída, objetivando despertar uma discussão que possa oferecer novas ideias para políticas, bem como alternativas para uma comunicação mais democrática e mais libertária.


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Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pelos fabricantes de turbinas hidráulicas é prevenir o aparecimento de vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento nas travessas do pré-distribuidor e pás do rotor. Considerando apenas as travessas, e atribuídos a tais vibrações, foram relatados 28 casos de trincas ou ruídos anormais nas últimas décadas, que acarretaram enormes prejuízos associados a reparos, atrasos e perda de geração. O estado da arte na prevenção destes problemas baseia-se na utilização de sofisticados, e caros, programas comerciais de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional para o cálculo transiente do fenômeno. Este trabalho faz uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e levantamento de eventos de trincas ou ruídos ocorridos em travessas nos últimos 50 anos. Propõe, então, um enfoque alternativo, baseado exclusivamente em ferramentas de código aberto. A partir de hipóteses simplificadoras devidamente justificadas, o problema é formulado matematicamente de forma bidimensional, no plano da seção transversal da travessa, levando em conta a interação fluido-estrutura. Nesta estratégia, as equações de Navier-Stokes são resolvidas pelo método dos elementos finitos por meio da biblioteca gratuita oomph-lib. Um código especial em C++ é desenvolvido para o problema de interação fluido-estrutura, no qual o fenômeno de turbulência é levado em consideração por meio de um algoritmo baseado no modelo de Baldwin-Lomax. O método proposto é validado por meio da comparação dos resultados obtidos com referências e medições disponíveis na literatura, que tratam de problemas de barras retangulares suportadas elasticamente. O trabalho finaliza com a aplicação do método a um estudo de caso envolvendo uma travessa particular.


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We present a purposeful initiative to open new grounds for teaching Geometrical Optics. It is based on the creation of an innovative education networking involving academic staff from three Spanish universities linked together around Optics. Nowadays, students demand online resources such as innovative multimedia tools for complementing the understanding of their studies. Geometrical Optics relies on basics of light phenomena like reflection and refraction and the use of simple optical elements such as mirrors, prisms, lenses, and fibers. The mathematical treatment is simple and the equations are not too complicated. But from our long time experience in teaching to undergraduate students, we realize that important concepts are missed by these students because they do not work ray tracing as they should do. Moreover, Geometrical Optics laboratory is crucial by providing many short Optics experiments and thus stimulating students interest in the study of such a topic. Multimedia applications help teachers to cover those student demands. In that sense, our educational networking shares and develops online materials based on 1) video-tutorials of laboratory experiences and of ray tracing exercises, 2) different online platforms for student self-examinations and 3) computer assisted geometrical optics exercises. That will result in interesting educational synergies and promote student autonomy for learning Optics.


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In a communication to the Parliament and the Council entitled “Towards a modern, more European copyright framework” and dated 9 December 2015,1 the European Commission confirmed its intention to progressively remove the main obstacles to the functioning of the Digital Single Market for copyrighted works. The first step of this long-term plan, which was first announced in Juncker’s Political Guidelines2 and the Communication on “A Digital Single Market strategy for Europe”,3 is a proposal for a regulation aimed at ensuring the so-called ‘cross-border portability’ of online services giving access to content such as music, games, films and sporting events.4 In a nutshell, the proposed regulation seeks to enable consumers with legal access to such online content services in their country of residence to use the same services also when they are in another member state for a limited period of time. On the one hand, this legislative proposal has the full potential to resolve the (limited) issue of portability, which stems from the national dimension of copyright and the persisting territorial licensing and distribution of copyright content.5 On the other hand, as this commentary shows, the ambiguity of certain important provisions in the proposed regulation might affect its scope and effectiveness and contribute to the erosion of the principle of copyright territoriality.


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A Gestão de Processos de Negócio (BPM – Business Process Management) é uma abordagem que tem como objetivo melhorar a eficiência nas organizações, através da gestão dos processos, em que se realiza a sua modelação, organização e otimização de uma forma iterativa e contínua. O BPM permite suportar os processos de negócio, através da utilização de métodos, técnicas e software para projetar, representar e analisar processos organizacionais que envolvem, pessoas, organizações, aplicações, documentos e outras fontes de informação (Aalst, Hofstede, & Weske, 2003). Neste estudo é utilizado um Business Process Management System (BPMS) para realizar a modelação dos processos do Comité Européen de Rink-Hockey (CERH), para a inscrição de equipas e atletas, nos eventos realizados sob a responsabilidade deste comité. A modelação é realizada através da utilização do Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). A utilização do BPMS foi realizada considerando as seguintes etapas: (1) desenho do processo; (2) definição do processo; (3) desenvolvimento do processo e (4) administração e utilização de processos. Pretendeu-se, demonstrar a viabilidade e operacionalidade na utilização de uma ferramenta BPMS open-source, numa abordagem BPM, na modelação e implementação de processos, em detrimento de soluções proprietárias de custo elevado. O critério adotado para a seleção da ferramenta baseia-se na análise de relatórios sobre BPMS, que nos permitiu identificar e sustentar a solução adotada (Hill, Cantara, & Kerremans, 2009; Ovum, 2010; Richardson, Moore, Clair, & Vitti, 2010; Sinur & Hill, 2010). O resultado foi o desenvolvimento dos processos na organização, com a sua modelação em BPMN e implementação num BPMS, onde podemos comprovar a abordagem BPM numa organização desportiva.


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Null dereferencing is one of the most frequent bugs in Java systems causing programs to crash due to the uncaught NullPointerException. Developers often fix this bug by introducing a guard (i.e., null check) on the potentially-null objects before using them. In this paper we investigate the null checks in 717 open-source Java systems to understand when and why developers introduce null checks. We find that 35 of the if-statements are null checks. A deeper investigation shows that 71 of the checked-for-null objects are returned from method calls. This indicates that null checks have a serious impact on performance and that developers introduce null checks when they use methods that return null.


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The international perspectives on these issues are especially valuable in an increasingly connected, but still institutionally and administratively diverse world. The research addressed in several chapters in this volume includes issues around technical standards bodies like EpiDoc and the TEI, engaging with ways these standards are implemented, documented, taught, used in the process of transcribing and annotating texts, and used to generate publications and as the basis for advanced textual or corpus research. Other chapters focus on various aspects of philological research and content creation, including collaborative or community driven efforts, and the issues surrounding editorial oversight, curation, maintenance and sustainability of these resources. Research into the ancient languages and linguistics, in particular Greek, and the language teaching that is a staple of our discipline, are also discussed in several chapters, in particular for ways in which advanced research methods can lead into language technologies and vice versa and ways in which the skills around teaching can be used for public engagement, and vice versa. A common thread through much of the volume is the importance of open access publication or open source development and distribution of texts, materials, tools and standards, both because of the public good provided by such models (circulating materials often already paid for out of the public purse), and the ability to reach non-standard audiences, those who cannot access rich university libraries or afford expensive print volumes. Linked Open Data is another technology that results in wide and free distribution of structured information both within and outside academic circles, and several chapters present academic work that includes ontologies and RDF, either as a direct research output or as essential part of the communication and knowledge representation. Several chapters focus not on the literary and philological side of classics, but on the study of cultural heritage, archaeology, and the material supports on which original textual and artistic material are engraved or otherwise inscribed, addressing both the capture and analysis of artefacts in both 2D and 3D, the representation of data through archaeological standards, and the importance of sharing information and expertise between the several domains both within and without academia that study, record and conserve ancient objects. Almost without exception, the authors reflect on the issues of interdisciplinarity and collaboration, the relationship between their research practice and teaching and/or communication with a wider public, and the importance of the role of the academic researcher in contemporary society and in the context of cutting edge technologies. How research is communicated in a world of instant- access blogging and 140-character micromessaging, and how our expectations of the media affect not only how we publish but how we conduct our research, are questions about which all scholars need to be aware and self-critical.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The potential of online learning has long afforded the hope of providing quality education to anyone, anywhere in the world. The recent development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) heralded an exciting new breakthrough by providing free academic instruction and professional skills development from the world’s leading universities to anyone with the sufficient resources to access the internet. The research in Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative study was designed to analyze the MOOC landscape in developing countries and to better understand the motivations of MOOC users and afford insights on the advantages and limitations of MOOCs for workforce development outcomes. The key findings of this study challenge commonly held beliefs about MOOC usage in developing countries, defying typical characterizations of how people in resource constrained settings use technology for learning and employment. In fact, some of the findings are so contrary to what has been reported in the U.S. and other developed environments that they raise new questions for further investigation.


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Psychological distress is common in cancer patients, however, it is often unrecognized and untreated. We aimed to identify barriers to cancer patients expressing their psychological concerns, and to recommend strategies to assist oncologists to elicit, recognize, and manage psychological distress in their patients. Medline, Psychlit, and the Cochrane databases were searched for articles relating to the detection of emotional distress in patients. Patients can provide verbal and non-verbal information about their emotional state. However, many patients may not reveal emotional issues as they believe it is not a doctor's role to help with their emotional concerns. Moreover, patients may normalize or somatize their feelings. Anxiety and depression can mimic physical symptoms of cancer or treatments, and consequently emotional distress may not be detected. Techniques such as active listening, using open questions and emotional words, responding appropriately to patients' emotional cues, and a patient-centred consulting style can assist in detection. Screening tools for psychological distress and patient question prompt sheets administered prior to the consultation can also be useful. In conclusion, the application of basic communication techniques enhances detection of patients' emotional concerns. Training oncologists in these techniques should improve the psychosocial care of cancer patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of using different risk calculation tools on how general practitioners and practice nurses evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease with clinical data routinely available in patients' records. DESIGN: Subjective estimates of the risk of coronary heart disease and results of four different methods of calculation of risk were compared with each other and a reference standard that had been calculated with the Framingham equation; calculations were based on a sample of patients' records, randomly selected from groups at risk of coronary heart disease. SETTING: General practices in central England. PARTICIPANTS: 18 general practitioners and 18 practice nurses. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Agreement of results of risk estimation and risk calculation with reference calculation; agreement of general practitioners with practice nurses; sensitivity and specificity of the different methods of risk calculation to detect patients at high or low risk of coronary heart disease. RESULTS: Only a minority of patients' records contained all of the risk factors required for the formal calculation of the risk of coronary heart disease (concentrations of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were present in only 21%). Agreement of risk calculations with the reference standard was moderate (kappa=0.33-0.65 for practice nurses and 0.33 to 0.65 for general practitioners, depending on calculation tool), showing a trend for underestimation of risk. Moderate agreement was seen between the risks calculated by general practitioners and practice nurses for the same patients (kappa=0.47 to 0.58). The British charts gave the most sensitive results for risk of coronary heart disease (practice nurses 79%, general practitioners 80%), and it also gave the most specific results for practice nurses (100%), whereas the Sheffield table was the most specific method for general practitioners (89%). CONCLUSIONS: Routine calculation of the risk of coronary heart disease in primary care is hampered by poor availability of data on risk factors. General practitioners and practice nurses are able to evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease with only moderate accuracy. Data about risk factors need to be collected systematically, to allow the use of the most appropriate calculation tools.


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The possibility to analyze, quantify and forecast epidemic outbreaks is fundamental when devising effective disease containment strategies. Policy makers are faced with the intricate task of drafting realistically implementable policies that strike a balance between risk management and cost. Two major techniques policy makers have at their disposal are: epidemic modeling and contact tracing. Models are used to forecast the evolution of the epidemic both globally and regionally, while contact tracing is used to reconstruct the chain of people who have been potentially infected, so that they can be tested, isolated and treated immediately. However, both techniques might provide limited information, especially during an already advanced crisis when the need for action is urgent. In this paper we propose an alternative approach that goes beyond epidemic modeling and contact tracing, and leverages behavioral data generated by mobile carrier networks to evaluate contagion risk on a per-user basis. The individual risk represents the loss incurred by not isolating or treating a specific person, both in terms of how likely it is for this person to spread the disease as well as how many secondary infections it will cause. To this aim, we develop a model, named Progmosis, which quantifies this risk based on movement and regional aggregated statistics about infection rates. We develop and release an open-source tool that calculates this risk based on cellular network events. We simulate a realistic epidemic scenarios, based on an Ebola virus outbreak; we find that gradually restricting the mobility of a subset of individuals reduces the number of infected people after 30 days by 24%.


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The Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) has been developed to support the European Union’s efforts in strengthening our capacity to mobilize and use biodiversity data, information and forecasts so that they are readily accessible to policymakers, managers, experts and other users. Conceived as a set of web based services, DOPA provides a broad set of free and open source tools to assess, monitor and even forecast the state of and pressure on protected areas at local, regional and global scale. DOPA Explorer 1.0 is a web based interface available in four languages (EN, FR, ES, PT) providing simple means to explore the nearly 16,000 protected areas that are at least as large as 100 km2. Distinguishing between terrestrial, marine and mixed protected areas, DOPA Explorer 1.0 can help end users to identify those with most unique ecosystems and species, and assess the pressures they are exposed to because of human development. Recognized by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as a reference information system, DOPA Explorer is based on the best global data sets available and provides means to rank protected areas at the country and ecoregion levels. Inversely, DOPA Explorer indirectly highlights the protected areas for which information is incomplete. We finally invite the end-users of DOPA to engage with us through the proposed communication platforms to help improve our work to support the safeguarding of biodiversity.


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This poster presentation from the May 2015 Florida Library Association Conference, along with the Everglades Explorer discovery portal at http://ee.fiu.edu, demonstrates how traditional bibliographic and curatorial principles can be applied to: 1) selection, cross-walking and aggregation of metadata linking end-users to wide-spread digital resources from multiple silos; 2) harvesting of select PDFs, HTML and media for web archiving and access; 3) selection of CMS domains, sub-domains and folders for targeted searching using an API. Choosing content for this discovery portal is comparable to past scholarly practice of creating and publishing subject bibliographies, except metadata and data are housed in relational databases. This new and yet traditional capacity coincides with: Growth of bibliographic utilities (MarcEdit); Evolution of open-source discovery systems (eXtensible Catalog); Development of target-capable web crawling and archiving systems (Archive-it); and specialized search APIs (Google). At the same time, historical and technical changes – specifically the increasing fluidity and re-purposing of syndicated metadata – make this possible. It equally stems from the expansion of freely accessible digitized legacy and born-digital resources. Innovation principles helped frame the process by which the thematic Everglades discovery portal was created at Florida International University. The path -- to providing for more effective searching and co-location of digital scientific, educational and historical material related to the Everglades -- is contextualized through five concepts found within Dyer and Christensen’s “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators (2011). The project also aligns with Ranganathan’s Laws of Library Science, especially the 4th Law -- to "save the time of the user.”