969 resultados para OMERACT 7 Effective Musculoskeletal Consumer Workshop
We worked toward developing a core outcome set for clinical research studies in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) by conducting (1) patient consultations using modified nominal group technique; (2) a systematic literature review of outcome measures in PMR; (3) a pilot observational study of patients presenting with untreated PMR, and further discussion with patient research partners; and (4) a qualitative focus group study of patients with PMR on the meaning of stiffness, using thematic analysis. (1) Consultations included 104 patients at 4 centers. Symptoms of PMR included pain, stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. Function, anxiety, and depression were also often mentioned. Participants expressed concerns about diagnostic delay, adverse effects of glucocorticoids, and fear of relapse. (2) In the systematic review, outcome measures previously used for PMR include pain visual analog scores (VAS), morning stiffness, blood markers, function, and quality of life; standardized effect sizes posttreatment were large. (3) Findings from the observational study indicated that asking about symptom severity at 7 AM, or "on waking," appeared more relevant to disease activity than asking about symptom severity "now" (which depended on the time of assessment). (4) Preliminary results were presented from the focus group qualitative study, encompassing broad themes of stiffness, pain, and the effect of PMR on patients' lives. It was concluded that further validation work is required before a core outcome set in PMR can be recommended. Nevertheless, the large standardized effect sizes suggest that pain VAS is likely to be satisfactory as a primary outcome measure for assessing response to initial therapy of PMR. Dissection of between-patient heterogeneity in the subsequent treatment course may require attention to comorbidity as a potential confounding factor.
In this dissertation I quantify residential behavior response to interventions designed to reduce electricity demand at different periods of the day. In the first chapter, I examine the effect of information provision coupled with bimonthly billing, monthly billing, and in-home displays, as well as a time-of-use (TOU) pricing scheme to measure consumption over each month of the Irish Consumer Behavior Trial. I find that time-of-use pricing with real time usage information reduces electricity usage up to 8.7 percent during peak times at the start of the trial but the effect decays over the first three months and after three months the in-home display group is indistinguishable from the monthly treatment group. Monthly and bi-monthly billing treatments are not found to be statistically different from another. These findings suggest that increasing billing reports to the monthly level may be more cost effective for electricity generators who wish to decrease expenses and consumption, rather than providing in-home displays. In the following chapter, I examine the response of residential households after exposure to time of use tariffs at different hours of the day. I find that these treatments reduce electricity consumption during peak hours by almost four percent, significantly lowering demand. Within the model, I find evidence of overall conservation in electricity used. In addition, weekday peak reductions appear to carry over to the weekend when peak pricing is not present, suggesting changes in consumer habit. The final chapter of my dissertation imposes a system wide time of use plan to analyze the potential reduction in carbon emissions from load shifting based on the Ireland and Northern Single Electricity Market. I find that CO2 emissions savings are highest during the winter months when load demand is highest and dirtier power plants are scheduled to meet peak demand. TOU pricing allows for shifting in usage from peak usage to off peak usage and this shift in load can be met with cleaner and cheaper generated electricity from imports, high efficiency gas units, and hydro units.
Aflatoxins are one kind of fungal toxins produced by species of toxigenic Aspergillus (A. flavus and A. parasiticus) and in other words they are secondary metabolites which are considered as one of the threatening factors of food consumer's health. In this research 96 samples of cold-water cultural fish feed, rainbow trout, during the seasons of spring and summer of 2007 (every fifteenth of the month) were randomized (by simple and stratified random) to determine: 1. The prevalence rate of aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus in stored feed of cold-water cultural fish in West Azarbayjan cultural fish farms in both seasons (spring and summer); 2. The residues of total aflatoxin in stored feed of fish in cultural fish farms of West Azarbayjan in both seasons by ELISA method; and 3. The residues of that toxin in feed produced in aquatic feed factories in Tehran and West Azarbyjan provinces with the same method. In order to study prevalence rate of toxigenic species of Aspergillus, pour-plate culture method by general medium such as Malt Extract Agar (M.E.A.) and Sabouraud-Dextrose Agar (S.D.A.) and by standard No.997 of Iranian Standard Institute were used. The produced colonies were examined microscopically. To determine the aflatoxins residues, ELISA method using Agra-Quant kit of Romer Lab company, were applied. The results of this survey indicated that only 8.3% of the samples were infected by A. flavus. A. parasiticus was not observed. There were no significant differences between the prevalence rate of AFT and seasons/months, either (P<0.05). Evaluating mean of aflatoxin rate showed that the rates of this variable are lower than the tolerance levels designated by the joint FAO/WHO expert committee (The mean of AFT in all data was lower than 11 ppb). Furthermore, mean of total AFT residues rates of stored feed of various cultural center of West Azarbayjan and Tehran factories were comparable in spring and summer, and no significant differences were observed (P<0.05). But there were significant differences between the total aflatoxin rates in the feed of West Azarbayjan factory and spring and summer (P<0.05), and AFT residues in spring (8.6 ppb) were higher than summer (6.1 ppb). Prevalence rates of AFT in Tehran feed factories (9.2 ppb) are higher than W. Azarbayjan (7.4 ppb). In other words, location was considered as a decisive factor in total AFT rates of samples. Moreover, the results indicated that there was significant difference between total aflatoxin rates of feed and cultural centers (P<0.05). The mean of AFT rates in embankment dam cultural fish farms (6.75 ppb) and multi-functions cultural fish farms (6.25 ppb) was higher than individual cultural pond (4.67 ppb). In conclusion, the finally results of this survey indicated that the lower rates of Aspergillus is not effective on the presence of total aflatoxin rates in trout feed. Due to low levels of aflatoxin rates (lower than 20 ppb), the produced feed of cold-cultural fishes, Rainbow Trout, in Tehran and West Azarbayjan provinces, in spring and summer of 2007, were safe and healthy both for fish and their consumers.
International audience
O desenvolvimento de métodos adequados que permitam o monitoramento de resíduos e contaminantes em alimentos é de suma importância pois é a única forma de garantir a segurança dos alimentos evitando danos à saúde do consumidor. Para isso, fazse necessário que estes métodos sejam rápidos, fáceis e de baixo custo, capazes de detectar a presença de resíduos em concentrações baixas e em diferentes matrizes. Este trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de método para determinação de 5 sedativos e 14 β-bloqueadores em amostras de rim suíno e posterior análise por Cromatografia Líquida Acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas em Série (LC-MS/MS). O procedimento de extração que melhor se adequou para análise destes compostos consistiu na pesagem de 2 g de amostra e adição de 10 mL de acetonitrila seguida de homogeneização com auxílio de Ultra-Turrax e mesa agitadora. Após extração, as amostras foram submetidas a duas técnicas de clean-up, sendo elas, congelamento do extrato à baixa temperatura e extração em fase sólida dispersiva (d-SPE) utilizando como sorvente Celite® 545. Uma etapa de concentração foi realizada com auxílio de concentrador de amostras sob fluxo de N2 e temperatura controlada. As amostras secas foram retomadas com metanol e analisadas utilizando sistema LC-MS/MS com Ionização por Eletrospray (ESI), operando no modo MRM positivo, coluna Poroshell 120 EC-C18 (3,0 x 50 mm, 2,7 μm) para separação dos analitos, e gradiente de fase móvel composta por (A) solução aquosa acidificada com 0,1% de ácido fórmico (v/v) e (B) metanol 0,1% ácido fórmico (v/v). Os parâmetros de validação avaliados foram linearidade, seletividade, efeito matriz, precisão, veracidade, recuperação, limite de decisão, capacidade de detecção, incerteza da medição, robustez, limite de detecção e de quantificação. Além disso foram observados os critérios de desempenho aplicáveis à detecção por espectrometria de massas e estabilidade dos compostos. A recuperação foi avaliada em 10 μg kg-1 e a veracidade em 5, 10 e 15 μg kg-1 apresentando resultados satisfatórios entre 70 - 85% e 90 - 101%, respectivamente. O limite de quantificação determinado foi de 2,5 μg kg-1 , exceto para carazolol que foi de 1,25 μg kg- 1 . O estudo de linearidade foi realizado entre 0 e 20 μg kg-1 apresentando coeficientes de determinação superiores a 0,98. Estes procedimentos foram realizados através de análise de matriz branca fortificada. Além disso, o presente método foi utilizado para analisar carazolol, azaperone e azaperol em amostras de ensaio colaborativo de rim suíno, apresentando resultados muito próximos aos reais. Portanto, é possível concluir que o método desenvolvido é adequado para análise de sedativos e β-bloqueadores através de extração dos compostos e limpeza do extrato eficientes utilizando procedimentos rápidos, fáceis e de baixo custo, garantindo resultados seguros e confiáveis.
Published pre-Fukushima food monitoring data from 1963 to 1995 were used to study the long-term presence of 137Cs and 90Sr in rice and wheat. Effective half-lives (T eff) were calculated for rice (137Cs: 5.6 years; 90Sr: 6.7 years) and wheat (137Cs: 3.5 years; 90Sr: 6.2 years), respectively. In rice, 137Cs exhibits a longer T eff because putrefaction processes will lead to the formation of NH4 + ions that are efficient ion exchangers for mineral-adsorbed cesium ions, hence making it more readily available to the plant. Knowledge on the long-term behavior of radiocesium and radiostrontium will be important for Japanese food-safety campaigns after the Fukushima nuclear accident.
International audience
The interest and demand for aromatic and medicinal plants have been growing due to their combined organoleptic and bioactive properties. However, in general these plants suffer natural contamination by fungi and associated toxins during growth as also in harvesting, storage and drying processes, which represents a threat to public health. The rigorous standards required by the industrial sector in terms of good quality of raw materials demand efficient decontamination procedures (1-3). Gamma radiation is assumed as an accredited methodology for the decontamination of medicinal and aromatic plants, with numerous advantages not only to the product itself but also to the consumer and the environment (4). In this study, efficient methods for detecting aflatoxins (AFB" AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) and ocratoxin A (OTA), were optimized and validated, and afterwards, applied to spiked samples of Aloysia citrodora Pahiu submitted to gamma radiation treatment at different doses (I , 5 and I 0 kGy ), to evaluate the effectiveness of irradiation as a decontamination technique for dry plants. Mycotoxin levels were determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection, after immunoaffinity column (lAC) cleanup. All the applied gamma radiation doses conducted to a degradation of the studied mycotoxins. In relation to the control sample (0 kGy), the reduction rates in the irradiated samples ranged from 4.9 and 5.2% in OTA, 5.3 and 9.6% in AFBt. 12.3 and 13.5 in AFB2, 16.4 and 23.6 in AFG1 and, finally, 52.6 and 62.7% in AFG2. The gamma radiation dose of 5 kGy stood out as the best decontamination dose for AFB1 and AFG1, which are the most significant aflatoxins naturally found in food commodities. For OTA, AFG2 and AFB2 there was no significant difference in decontamination between doses. In conclusion, the extraction and analysis methods proved to be suitable for detection of aflatoxins and ocratoxin A in A. citrodora. Gamma radiation seems to be an effective technique for reducing aflatoxins G in A. citrodora, and eventually oth~r medicinal and aromatic plants. On the other hand, aflatoxins B and OTA are less affected by this treatment.
Objective: The aim of the study is to examine the distribution of integrated covariate and its association with blood pressure (BP) among children in Anhui province, China, and assess the predictive value of integrated covariate to children hypertension. Methods: A total of 2,828 subjects (1,588 male and 1,240 female) aged 7-17 years participated in this study. Height, weight, waistline, hipline and BP of all subjects were measured, obesity and overweight were defined by an international standard, specifying the measurement, the reference population, and the age and sex specific cut off points. High BP status was defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) > 95th percentile for age and gender. Results: Our results revealed that the prevalence of children hypertension was 11.03%, the SBP and DBP of obesity group were significantly higher than that of normal group. Anthropometric obesity indices such as body mass index (BMI) were positively correlated with SBP and DBP. Integrated covariate had a better performance than the single covariate in the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the cut-off value; the sensitivity and the specificity of the integrated covariate were 0.112, 0.577, 0.683, respectively. Conclusion: Integrated covariate is a simple and effective anthropometric index to identify childhood hypertension.
The reaction of post-consumer poly(ethylene terephthalate) with aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid 7.5M was investigated in terms of temperature, time and particle size. The reaction extent reached 80% in four days at 100 degrees C and 90% in 5 hours at 135 degrees C. TPA obtained was purified and considered in the same level of quality of the commercial one after tests of elemental analysis, particle size and color. It was concluded that the hydrolysis occurred preferentially at the chain ends and superficially, having as controller mechanism the acid diffusion into the polymer structure. The shrinking-core model can explain the reaction kinetics.
Post-consumer cooking oil and soft drink PET bottles (PEToil and PETsoft drink) were ground and washed only with water (conventional washing). The polymer was then chemically washed (10min in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide 5mol center dot L-1 at 90 degrees C) and rinsed. The materials before and after chemical washing were characterized by intrinsic viscosity, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy with X-ray spectrum microanalysis, and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The results indicated that conventionally washed PEToil is the material that most differs among the four tested ones, and that the other three are more similar to each other and to what is expected for pure PET. For example, the composition of PEToil washed only in water contained 30 volatile organic compounds, 5 nonvolatile compounds, and 7 metals, while PETsoft drink washed conventionally and chemically contained 5 volatile organic compounds and no metal or nonvolatile organic compounds.
Background: The increased prevalence of foot and ankle pathologies in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) is well documented1, however the provision of foot & ankle (F&A) healthcare services for people with RMDs in Europe has not been evaluated. Objectives: To assess the current healthcare systems for providing foot & ankle healthcare services for people with RMDs in Europe. Methods: A survey was undertaken to evaluate current provision of F&A health care services for people with RMDs across Europe. A questionnaire was distributed to all 22 country presidents representing HP associations within EULAR. The questionnaire used was developed and piloted (in 7 countries) by the EULAR F&A Study Group, and structured to capture the provision and type of F&A services for people with RMDs. When the HP presidents felt unable to answer specific questions they were encouraged to consult a colleague who may be better placed to provide the answers. Results: Sixteen questionnaires were completed (Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Hungary, Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, Malta). Of the 16, 13 respondents indicated provision of F&A health care services in their country, but only three countries had services specialising in RMD-related F&A problems (Netherlands, UK, Malta). The professions providing the care for patients with RMD-related F&A problems were different depending on the pathology and the country (Table1). Podiatrists provided care for F&A pain and deformity problems in 11 countries, but provided F&A ulcer care in only 8 countriesConclusions: Only 3 countries have F&A health care services specialised to the needs of people with RMDs. The professions providing the care varied between countries, and also depended on the F&A pathology. Interestingly, F&A healthcare services were provided by professions that do not solely specialised in F&A care. Further research is needed to assess the variation of F&A healthcare services between and within European countries and the impact on healthcare of various F&A healthcare service designs. References: Woodburn, J. & Helliwell, P. Foot problems in rheumatology. Rheumatology 36, 932-934 (1997).
This paper describes the process of creating a controlled vocabulary which can be used to systematically analyse the copyright transfer agreements (CTAs) of journal publishers with regard to self-archiving. The analysis formed the basis of the newly created Copyright Knowledge Bank of publishers’ self-archiving policies. Self-archiving terms appearing in publishers’ CTAs were identified and classified, with these then being simplified, merged, and discarded to form a definitive list. The controlled vocabulary consists of three categories that describe ‘what’ can be self-archived, the ‘conditions’ of self-archiving and the ‘restrictions’ of self-archiving. Condition terms include specifications such as ‘where’ an article can be self archived, restriction terms include specifications such as ‘when’ the article can be self archived. Additional information on any of these terms appears in ‘free-text’ fields. Although this controlled vocabulary provides an effective way of analysing CTAs, it will need to be continually reviewed and updated in light of any major new additions to the terms used in publishers’ copyright and self-archiving policies.
This study had three purposes. First, it aimed to re-conceptualize organization-public relationships (OPRs) in public relations and crisis communication. This OPR re-conceptualization helps find out when the OPR buffering effect or the OPR love-becomes-hate effect happens. Second, it aimed to examine how consumer emotions are influenced by OPRs and influence consumer behavioral intentions. Third, it aimed to address the current problematic operationalization of the concept of consumer. Three pilot studies and one main study were conducted. Apple and Whole Foods were the two brands examined. One crisis that undermined the self-defining attributes shared between the brand and its consumers and another crisis that did not were examined for each brand. Almost 500 Apple consumers and 400 Whole Foods consumers provided usable questionnaires. This study had several major findings. First, non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship were different constructs. Moreover, trust, satisfaction, and commitment were not conceptually separate dimensions of OPRs. Second, the non-identifying relationships offered buffering effects by increasing positive attitudes and tempering anger and disappointment. The identifying relationships primarily offered the love-becomes-hate effects by increasing anger and disappointment. Third, if the crisis was relevant to consumers’ daily lives, brand response strategies were less effective at mitigating consumer negative reactions. Moreover, apology-compensation-reminder strategy was more effective compared to no-comment strategy. However, the apology-compensation-reminder strategy was no more effective than other strategies as long as brands compensate to the victims. Identifying relationships increased the effectiveness of response strategies. If the crisis did not undermine the self-defining attributes shared between consumers and brands, the response strategies worked even better. This study contributes to crisis communication research in multiple ways. First, it advances the OPR conceptualization by demonstrating that non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship are different concepts. More importantly, it advances the theory building of OPRs’ influences on crises by finding out when the buffering effect and the love-becomes-hate effect happen. Second, it adds to emotion research by demonstrating that strong OPRs can lead to negative emotions and positive emotions can have negative behavioral consequences on organizations. Third, the precise operationalization of the concept of consumer gives more insights about consumer reactions to crises.
Unemployment is related to economic, political and social aspects. One of the least analysed economic aspects is the relationship of unemployment to the level of confidence that characterizes some macroeconomic relevant agents, such as consumers or investors. Expanding previous work on this matter, this chapter considers a fuzzy logic methodology in order to uncover the relationship that exists between the unemployment rate and the consumer confidence level for a large group of European Union countries, in the period 1995-2015. It is concluded that this relationship is stronger than apparently it looks, especially in certain countries. This result should therefore be used as an extra argument in making economic decisions leading to the diminishment of unemployment, which will boost economic confidence.