817 resultados para Nursing home patients.


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Objective: To identify the opinion of patients with mental disorder about tobacco and its prohibition during psychiatric hospitalization. Method: An exploratory study with 96 patients smokers with mental disorders hospitalized in a psychiatric ward of a general hospital. The interviews were conducted individually, using an instrument designed for this study. The content from the interviews was recorded, transcribed and submitted to a thematic content analysis. Results: The patients with mental disorder were identified as perceiving smoking during the psychiatric hospitalization as a help to support the difficulties in socialization and in the lack of activities. The permission for smoking is seen as a signal of respect to their needs. The subjects mentioned to not accept the total smoking prohibition. Conclusion: Tobacco helps to face difficulties and conflicts in the psychiatric hospitalization. There is resistance regarding the possibility to totally withdraw the smoking permission during hospitalization.


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Objective: Identifying risk factors for the occurrence of falls in hospitalized adult patients. Method: Integrative review carried out in the databases of LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE and Web of Science, including articles published between 1989 and 2012. Results: Seventy-one articles were included in the final sample. Risk factors for falls presented in this review were related to patients (intrinsic), the hospital setting and the working process of health professionals, especially in nursing (extrinsic). Conclusion: The systematic screening of risk factors for falls was identified as a contributing factor to the reduction of this injury, helping the non-occurrence of this event that, despite being preventable, can have serious consequences including death.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of prayer on anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Quasi-experimental study, with pre and post-intervention. Twenty patients admitted to treatment of continuous intravenous chemotherapy were recruited. The volunteers were evaluated through interviews using a questionnaire of sociodemographic, clinical and spiritual characteristics, the Index of Religiosity Duke University and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Vital signs were measured and collected salivary cortisol. The intervention was applied prayer and data collection occurred in three phases: first collection (baseline), pre and post-intervention. Results: The data found between the pre and post-intervention samples showed different statistically significant for state anxiety (p= <0.00), blood pressure (systolic, p=0.00, diastolic, p=<0.00) and respiratory rate (p=0.04). Conclusion: Prayer, therefore, proved to be an effective strategy in reducing the anxiety of the patient undergoing chemotherapy.


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Objective: Presenting a Virtual Environment (VE) based on the Protocol of Treatment of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus type 2, used in Primary Care for evaluation of dietary habits in nursing consultations. Method: An experimental study applied by two nurses and a nurse manager, in a sample of 30 deaf patients aged between 30 and 60 years. The environment was built in Visual Basic NET and offered eight screens about feeding containing food pictures, videos in Libras (Brazilian sign language) and audio. The analysis of the VE was done through questionnaires applied to patients and professionals by the Poisson statistical test. Results: The VE shows the possible diagnostics in red, yellow, green and blue colors, depending on the degree of patients&#8217; need. Conclusion: The environment obtained excellent acceptance by patients and nurses, allowing great interaction between them, even without an interpreter. The time in consultation was reduced to 15 minutes, with the preservation of patient privacy.


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Objective This study assessed pharmacological treatment adherence using the Morisky-Green Test and identified related variables. Method A longitudinal and retrospective study examined 283 patients with hypertension (62.5% women, 73.4 [10.9] years old) who were being monitored by a chronic disease management program for 17 months between 2011 and 2012. Nurses performed all the actions of the program, which consisted of advice via telephone and periodic home visits based on the risk stratification of the patients. Results A significant increase in treatment adherence (25.1% vs. 85.5%) and a decrease in blood pressure were observed (p<0.05). Patients with hypertension and chronic renal failure as well as those treated using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were the most adherent (p<0.05). Patients with hypertension who received angiotensin receptor blockers were less adherent (p<0.05). Conclusions Strategies such as nurse-performed chronic disease management can increase adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment and therefore contribute to the control of blood pressure, minimizing the morbidity profiles of patients with hypertension.


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Objective The collective construction of a nursing intervention bundle for patients in critical care in the hospital receiving enteral nutrition therapy, supported by evidence-based practice. Method A qualitative convergent-care study with 24 nursing professionals in an intensive care unit of a public hospital in Santa Catarina. Data collection was performed from May to August 2013, with semi-structured interviews and discussion groups. Results Four interventions emerged that constituted the bundle: bedside pH monitoring to confirm the position of the tube; stabilization of the tube; enteric position of the tube; and maintaining the head of the bed elevated at 30° to 45°.
 Conclusion The interventions chosen neither required additional professional workload nor extra charges to the institution, which are identified as improving the adoption of the bundle by nursing professionals at the ICU.


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Objective Analyzing the policy transfer of directly observed treatment of tuberculosis from the perspective of nursing. Method This is a descriptive study with qualitative approach, which had 10 nurses of the Family Health Strategy in São Paulo as subjects. The interviews were carried out between May and June 2013, and were adopted the technique of thematic content analysis and the referential of policy transfer. Results On the signification of this treatment, are related the senses of disciplinary monitoring, the bond and approximation to the context of patients&#8217; lives. Operationally, nurses, community health agents and nursing technicians stand out as agents of implementation of this policy, developing multiple actions of user embracement. The nurse is evidenced as an educator in health, leader in the family health team, and capable of creating emotional bond with users. Conclusion It was found that the innovations proposed in the treatment are incipient in the daily work of nurses.


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Objective to verify the associations between stress, Coping and Presenteeism in nurses operating on direct assistance to critical and potentially critical patients. Method this is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study, conducted between March and April 2010 with 129 hospital nurses. The Inventory of stress in nurses, Occupational and Coping Questionnaire Range of Limitations at Work were used. For the analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, correlation coefficient of Pearson and Spearman, Chi-square and T-test were applied. Results it was observed that 66.7% of the nurses showed low stress, 87.6% use control strategies for coping stress and 4.84% had decrease in productivity. Direct and meaningful relationships between stress and lost productivity were found. Conclusion stress interferes with the daily life of nurses and impacts on productivity. Although the inability to test associations, the control strategy can minimize the stress, which consequently contributes to better productivity of nurses in the care of critical patients and potentially critical.


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Objective To analyze the production of scientific knowledge about the use of patients&#8217; classification instruments in care and management practice in Brazil. Method Integrative literature review with databases search in: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and SCOPUS, between January 2002 through December 2013. Results 1,194 studies were found, 31 met the inclusion criteria. We observed a higher number of studies in the category care plans and workload (n=15), followed by the category evaluation of psychometric properties (n=14). Conclusion Brazilian knowledge production has not yet investigated some purposes of using instruments for classifying patients in professional nursing practice. The identification of unexplored areas can guide future research on the topic.


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Objective Identify nurses’ emancipatory practices in primary care, to contribute to the improvement of health care. Method A case study type social research of qualitative nature, in which nurses of a primary health care service unit in São Paulo were interviewed. Results The home visit was identified as a nursing practice possible to be expanded in order to identify social determinants of health, triggering emancipatory practices in the service. This expansion occurred because the design of health care labour intended by the service team changed its focus from the traditional object of health services, the disease. Conclusion First, it is advocated that social policies lead projects with the purpose of improving health needs. On the other hand, the daily labour needs to provide opportunities for reflection and discussion of healthcare projects, leading workers to propose labour-processes targeted to both the social determinants of health and people’s illness.


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Nursing students need to develop competences in the field of explanation, argumentation and questioning as they are pivotal to foster a relationship with their patients and achieve a greater humanisation of care. The objective of this paper is to analyse the perception of 1st-year nursing students with regard to the humanisation of care provided to patients by encouraging them to discuss real-life episodes. The study is qualitative and content analysis used the students’ questions, explanations and argumentation as core discourses. Among other conclusions, results point towards the importance of promoting activities that encourage the different nursing students’ discourses and the ability to understand the humanisation and dehumanisation patterns arising from the real-life episodes used as case study.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the self-care behaviors according to gender, the symptoms of depression and sense of coherence and compare the measurements of depression and sense of coherence according to gender. METHOD A correlational, cross-sectional study that investigated 132 patients with decompensated heart failure (HF). Data were collected through interviews and consultation to medical records, and analyzed using the chi-square and the Student's t tests with significance level of 0.05. Participants were 75 men and 57 women, aged 63.2 years on average (SD = 13.8). RESULTS No differences in self-care behavior by gender were found, except for rest after physical activity (p = 0.017). Patients who practiced physical activity showed fewer symptoms of depression (p<0.001). There were no differences in sense of coherence according to self-care behavior and gender. Women had more symptoms of depression than men (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION Special attention should be given to women with HF considering self-care and depressive symptoms.


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Contexte: la planification infirmière de sortie des personnes âgées est une composante importante des soins pour assurer une transition optimale entre l'hôpital et la maison. Beaucoup d'événements indésirables peuvent survenir après la sortie de l'hôpital. Dans une perspective de système de santé, les facteurs qui augmentent ce risque incluent un nombre croissant de patients âgés, l'augmentation de la complexité des soins nécessitant une meilleure coordination des soins après la sortie, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la pression financière. Objectif: évaluer si les interventions infirmières liées à la planification de sortie chez les personnes âgées et leurs proches aidants sont prédictives de leur perception d'être prêts pour le départ, du niveau d'anxiété du patient le jour de la sortie de l'hôpital et du nombre de recours non programmé aux services de santé durant les trente jours après la sortie. Méthode: le devis est prédictif corrélationnel avec un échantillon de convenance de 235 patients. Les patients âgés de 65 ans de quatre unités d'hôpitaux dans le canton de Vaud en Suisse ont été recrutés entre novembre 2011 et octobre 2012. Les types et les niveaux d'interventions infirmières ont été extraits des dossiers de soins et analysés selon les composantes du modèle de Naylor. La perception d'être prêt pour la sortie et l'anxiété ont été mesurées un jour avant la sortie en utilisant l'échelle de perception d'être prêt pour la sortie et l'échelle Hospital Anxiety and Depression. Un mois après la sortie, un entretien téléphonique a été mené pour évaluer le recours non programmé aux services de santé durant cette période. Des analyses descriptives et un modèle randomisé à deux niveaux ont été utilisés pour analyser les données. Résultats: peu de patients ont reçu une planification globale de sortie. L'intervention la plus fréquente était la coordination (M = 55,0/100). et la moins fréquente était la participation du patient à la planification de sortie (M = 16,1/100). Contrairement aux hypothèses formulées, les patients ayant bénéficié d'un plus grand nombre d'interventions infirmières de préparation à la sortie ont un niveau moins élevé de perception d'être prêt pour le départ (B = -0,3, p < 0,05, IC 95% [-0,57, -0,11]); le niveau d'anxiété n'est pas associé à la planification de sortie (r = -0,21, p <0,01) et la présence de troubles cognitifs est le seul facteur prédictif d'une réhospitalisation dans les 30 jours après la sortie de l'hôpital ( OR = 1,50, p = 0,04, IC 95% [1,02, 2,22]). Discussion: en se focalisant sur chaque intervention de la planification de sortie, cette étude permet une meilleure compréhension du processus de soins infirmiers actuellement en cours dans les hôpitaux vaudois. Elle met en lumière les lacunes entre les pratiques actuelles et celles de pratiques exemplaires donnant ainsi une orientation pour des changements dans la pratique clinique et des recherches ultérieures. - Background: Nursing discharge planning in elderly patients is an important component of care to ensure optimal transition from hospital to home. Many adverse events may occur after hospital discharge. From a health care system perspective, contributing factors that increase the risk of these adverse events include a growing number of elderly patients, increased complexity of care requiring better care coordination after discharge, as well as increased financial pressure. Aim: To investigate whether older medical inpatients who receive comprehensive discharge planning interventions a) feel more ready for hospital discharge, b) have reduced anxiety at the time of discharge, c) have lower health care utilization after discharge compared to those who receive less comprehensive interventions. Methods: Using a predictive correlational design, a convenience sample of 235 patients was recruited. Patients aged 65 and older from 4 units of hospitals in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland were enrolled between November 2011 and October 2012. Types and level of interventions were extracted from the medical charts and analyzed according to the components of Naylor's model. Discharge readiness and anxiety were measured one day before discharge using the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. A telephone interview was conducted one month after hospital discharge to asses unplanned health services utilization during this follow-up period. Descriptive analyses and a two- level random model were used for statistical analyses. Results: Few patients received comprehensive discharge planning interventions. The most frequent intervention was Coordination (M = 55,0/100) and the least common was Patient participation in the discharge planning (M = 16,1/100). Contrary to our hypotheses, patients who received more nursing discharge interventions were significantly less ready to go home (B = -0,3, p < 0,05, IC 95% [-0,57, -0,11]); their anxiety level was not associated with their readiness for hospital discharge (r = -0,21, p <0,01) and cognitive impairment was the only factor that predicted rehospitalization within 30 days after discharge ( OR = 1,50, p = 0,04, IC 95% [1,02, 2,22]). Discussion: By focusing on each component of the discharge planning, this study provides a greater and more detailed insight on the usual nursing process currently performed in medical inpatients units. Results identified several gaps between current and Best practices, providing guidance to changes in clinical practice and further research.


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OBJECTIVE Implementing cross-mapping of Nursing language terms with the terminology of NANDA International, contained in records of patients with Parkinson's disease in rehabilitation. METHOD Descriptive study of cross mapping, carried out in three steps. A simple random sample of 67 files of patients who participated in the rehabilitation in the period between March 2009 and April 2013. RESULTS We identified 454 terms of Nursing language that resulted in 54 diagnoses after cross-mapping, present in 11 of the 13 taxonomy domains. The most mapped diagnosis was "Impaired urinary elimination" (59.7%), followed by "Urgent urinary incontinence" (55.2%), "Willingness to self-control improved health" (50.7%), "Constipation" (47.8%) and "Compromised physical mobility" (29.9%). Seven described terms were not mapped due to a corresponding defining characteristic being absent. CONCLUSION It was possible to determine the profile of patients, as well as the complexity of nursing care in the rehabilitation of patients with Parkinson's disease.


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OBJECTIVE To verify the adequacy of the professional nursing staff in the emergency room of a university hospital and to evaluate the association between categories of risk classification triage with the Fugulin Patient Classification System. METHOD The classification of patients admitted into the emergency room was performed for 30 consecutive days through the methodology proposed by Gaidzinski for calculating nursing requirements. RESULTS The calculation determines the need for three registered nurses and four non-registered nursing for each six hour shift. However, only one registered nurse and four non-registered nurse were available per shift. There was no correlation between triage risk classification and classification of care by the Fugulin Patient Classification System. CONCLUSION A deficit in professional staff was identified in the emergency room. The specificity of this unit made it difficult to measure. To find the best strategy to do so, further studies should be performed.