868 resultados para Neuromuscular blocking agents
The purpose of this study is to introduce and describe a newly developed index using foot pressure analysis to quantify the degree of equinus gait in children with cerebral palsy before and after injection with botulinum toxin. Data were captured preinjection and 12 weeks postinjection. Ten children aged 2(1/2) to 6(1/2) years took part (5 boys and 5 girls). Three of them had a diagnosis of spastic diplegia and 7 of congenital hemiplegia. In total, 13 limbs were analyzed. After orientation and segmentation of raw pedobarographic data, we determined a dynamic foot pressure index graded 0 to 100 that quantified the relative degree of heel and forefoot contact during stance. These data were correlated (Pearson correlation) with clinical measurements of dorsiflexion at the ankle (on a slow and fast stretch) and video observation (using the Observational Gait Scale). Pedobarograph data were strongly correlated with both the Observational Gait Scale scores (R = 0.79, P < 0.005) and clinical measurements of dorsiflexion on a fast stretch, which is reflective of spasticity (R = 0.70, P < 0.005). We demonstrated the index's sensitivity in detecting changes in spasticity and good correlation with video observations seems to indicate this technique's potential validity. When manipulated and segmented appropriately, and with the development of a simple ordinal index, we found that foot pressure data provided a useful tool in tracking changes in patients with spastic equinus.
The contribution of muscle biopsies to the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders and the indications of various methods of examination are investigated by analysis of 889 biopsies from patients suffering from myopathic and/or neurogenic disorders. Histo-enzymatic studies performed on frozen material as well as immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy allowed to provide specific diagnoses in all the neurogenic disorders (polyneuropathies and motor neuron diseases), whereas one third of myopathies remained uncertain. Confrontation of neuropathological data with the clinical indications for histological investigations shows that muscle biopsies reveal the diagnosis in 25% of the cases (mainly in congenital and metabolic myopathies) and confirm and/or complete the clinical diagnosis in 50%. In the remaining cases with non specific abnormalities neuropathological investigations may help the clinician by excluding well defined neuromuscular disorders. Analysis of performed studies and results of investigations show the contribution and specificity of each method for the diagnosis. Statistical evaluation of this series indicates that cryostat sectioning for histo- and immunochemical and electron microscopy increases the rate of diagnoses of neuromuscular diseases: full investigation was necessary for the diagnosis in 30% of the cases. The interpretation of the wide range of pathological reactions in muscles requires a close cooperation with the clinician.
The general strategy to perform anti-doping analyses of urine samples starts with the screening for a wide range of compounds. This step should be fast, generic and able to detect any sample that may contain a prohibited substance while avoiding false negatives and reducing false positive results. The experiments presented in this work were based on ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Thanks to the high sensitivity of the method, urine samples could be diluted 2-fold prior to injection. One hundred and three forbidden substances from various classes (such as stimulants, diuretics, narcotics, anti-estrogens) were analysed on a C(18) reversed-phase column in two gradients of 9min (including two 3min equilibration periods) for positive and negative electrospray ionisation and detected in the MS full scan mode. The automatic identification of analytes was based on retention time and mass accuracy, with an automated tool for peak picking. The method was validated according to the International Standard for Laboratories described in the World Anti-Doping Code and was selective enough to comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency recommendations. In addition, the matrix effect on MS response was measured on all investigated analytes spiked in urine samples. The limits of detection ranged from 1 to 500ng/mL, allowing the identification of all tested compounds in urine. When a sample was reported positive during the screening, a fast additional pre-confirmatory step was performed to reduce the number of confirmatory analyses.
Numerous acute and chronic neuromuscular disorders may induce an acute ventilatory failure. The latter is sometimes triggered by a complication like a bronchial aspiration, a pneumonia, or an atelectasis. The acute ventilatory failure often develops insidiously and may be missed until the terminal event. Four different clinical presentations are depicted in this review: slowly progressive (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), rapidly progressive (Guillain-Barré syndrome), chronic with exacerbations (myasthenia gravis), and a form consecutive to critical care (critical care polyneuropathy and myopathy). For each type of ventilatory failure, the review discusses the preventive surveillance, the treatment of acute respiratory failure, and the long-term management.
Signaling cascades initiated by Wnt lipoglycoproteins and their receptors of the Frizzled family regulate many aspects of animal development and physiology. Improper activation of this signaling promotes carcinogenic transformation and metastasis. Development of agents blocking the Wnt-Frizzled signaling is of prime interest for drug discovery. Despite certain progress no such agents are as yet brought to the market or even to clinical trials. One reason for these delays might be the use of suboptimal readout assays. In this article we overview existing and developing assay platforms to screen for Wnt-Frizzled antagonists. Among those, G protein-activating assays built on the emerging GPCR properties of Frizzleds are highlighted.
Proposta metodològica que té com a element central la participació juvenil. La participació entesa com l’impuls d’estructures democràtiques entre els joves. Aquest treball està centrat en el manteniment de la consolidació de les polítiques de joventut al municipi de Caldes de Malavella. La pèrdua de recursos econòmics és un element que dificulta la realització de projectes que incideixin de manera positiva en els joves. La creació d’estructures de participació entre els joves és una manera de motivar als joves i fer-los membres actius en el desenvolupament de les polítiques locals
Antiresorptive agents such as bisphosphonates induce a rapid increase of BMD during the 1st year of treatment and a partial maintenance of bone architecture. Trabecular Bone Score (TBS), a new grey-level texture measurement that can be extracted from the DXA image, correlates with 3D parameters of bone micro-architecture. Aim: To evaluate the longitudinal effect of antiresorptive agents on spine BMD and on site-matched spine microarchitecture as assessed by TBS. Methods: From the BMD database for Province of Manitoba, Canada, we selected women age >50 with paired baseline and follow up spine DXA examinations who had not received any prior HRT or other antiresorptive drug.Women were divided in two subgroups: (1) those not receiving any HRT or antiresorptive drug during follow up (=non-users) and (2) those receiving non-HRT antiresorptive drug during follow up (=users) with high adherence (medication possession ratio >75%) from a provincial pharmacy database system. Lumbar spine TBS was derived by the Bone Disease Unit, University of Lausanne, for each spine DXA examination using anonymized files (blinded from clinical parameters and outcomes). Effects of antiresorptive treatment for users and non-users on TBS and BMD at baseline and during mean 3.7 years follow-up were compared. Results were expressed % change per year. Results: 1150 non-users and 534 users met the inclusion criteria. At baseline, users and non-users had a mean age and BMI of [62.2±7.9 vs 66.1±8.0 years] and [26.3±4.7 vs 24.7±4.0 kg/m²] respectively. Antiresorptive drugs received by users were bisphosphonates (86%), raloxifene (10%) and calcitonin (4%). Significant differences in BMD change and TBS change were seen between users and nonusers during follow-up (p<0.0001). Significant decreases in mean BMD and TBS (−0.36± 0.05% per year; −0.31±0.06% per year) were seen for non-users compared with baseline (p<0.001). A significant increase in mean BMD was seen for users compared with baseline (+1.86±0.0% per year, p<0.0018). TBS of users also increased compared with baseline (+0.20±0.08% per year, p<0.001), but more slowly than BMD. Conclusion: We observed a significant increase in spine BMD and a positive maintenance of bone micro-architecture from TBS with antiresorptive treatment, whereas the treatment naïve group lost both density and micro-architecture. TBS seems to be responsive to treatment and could be suitable for monitoring micro-architecture. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ECTS 2011. Disclosure of interest: M.-A. Krieg: None declared, A. Goertzen: None declared, W. Leslie: None declared, D. Hans Consulting fees from Medimaps.
[Acte. 1759-01-19. Paris]