899 resultados para Network of associations


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Background: Diverse projects and guidelines to assist hospitals towards the attainment of comprehensive smoke-free policies have been developed. In 2006, Spain government passed a new smoking ban that reinforce tobacco control policies and banned completely smoking in hospitals. This study assesses the progression of tobacco control policies in the Catalan Network of Smokefree Hospitals before and after a comprehensive national smoking ban. Methods: We used the Self-Audit Questionnaire of the European Network for Smoke-free Hospitals to score the compliance of 9 policy standards (global score = 102). We used two crosssectional surveys to evaluate tobacco control policies before (2005) and after the implementation of a national smoking ban (2007) in 32 hospitals of Catalonia, Spain. We compared the means of the overall score in 2005 and 2007 according to the type of hospital, the number of beds, the prevalence of tobacco consumption, and the number of years as a smoke-free hospital. Results: The mean of the implementation score of tobacco control policies was 52.4 (95% CI:45.4-59.5) in 2005 and 71.6 (95% CI: 67.0-76.2) in 2007 with an increase of 36.7% (p < 0.01). The hospitals with greater improvement were general hospitals (48% increase; p < 0.01), hospitals with > 300 beds (41.1% increase; p < 0.01), hospitals with employees' tobacco consumption prevalence 35-39% (72.2% increase; p < 0.05) and hospitals that had recently implemented smoke-free policies (74.2% increase; p < 0.01). Conclusion: The national smoking ban appears to increase tobacco control activities in hospitals combined with other non-bylaw initiatives such as the Smoke-free Hospital Network.


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Background: Diverse projects and guidelines to assist hospitals towards the attainment of comprehensive smoke-free policies have been developed. In 2006, Spain government passed a new smoking ban that reinforce tobacco control policies and banned completely smoking in hospitals. This study assesses the progression of tobacco control policies in the Catalan Network of Smokefree Hospitals before and after a comprehensive national smoking ban. Methods: We used the Self-Audit Questionnaire of the European Network for Smoke-free Hospitals to score the compliance of 9 policy standards (global score = 102). We used two crosssectional surveys to evaluate tobacco control policies before (2005) and after the implementation of a national smoking ban (2007) in 32 hospitals of Catalonia, Spain. We compared the means of the overall score in 2005 and 2007 according to the type of hospital, the number of beds, the prevalence of tobacco consumption, and the number of years as a smoke-free hospital. Results: The mean of the implementation score of tobacco control policies was 52.4 (95% CI:45.4-59.5) in 2005 and 71.6 (95% CI: 67.0-76.2) in 2007 with an increase of 36.7% (p < 0.01). The hospitals with greater improvement were general hospitals (48% increase; p < 0.01), hospitals with > 300 beds (41.1% increase; p < 0.01), hospitals with employees' tobacco consumption prevalence 35-39% (72.2% increase; p < 0.05) and hospitals that had recently implemented smoke-free policies (74.2% increase; p < 0.01). Conclusion: The national smoking ban appears to increase tobacco control activities in hospitals combined with other non-bylaw initiatives such as the Smoke-free Hospital Network.


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Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään pumppujen maailmanlaajuista varaosa-jakelua. Työn pääpaino on varaosien moniportaisen jakeluverkon toimitusketjun logistiikassa. Asiakaspalvelussa varaosien nopea saatavuus on ratkaisevassa asemassa, jotta asiakkaiden tehtaiden käynnissäpito voidaan turvata. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Ahlström Pumpuille uusi globaali toimintamalli varaosien jakeluun. Tämä uusi varaosien jakelumalli on kehitetty pääasiassa sopimusasiakkaille, jotka ovat halukkaita ulkoistamaan varaosatoimintonsa. Mallia sovelletaan käytäntöön varaosien jakelussa ensiksi Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Myöhemmin on tarkoitus kopioida mallia myös muualle. Malli on pyritty rakentamaan siten, että siihen voidaan helposti liittää muita Ahlström Pumppujen tarjoamia palveluita. Työssä koottu materiaali perustuu pääasiassa haastatteluihin, palavereihin, erilaisiin sisäisiin raportteihin, kirjallisuuteen ja itsenäiseen selvitystyöhön. Työssä on myös tutustuttu kolmen eri yrityksen after-sales- ja varaosatoimintaan.


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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive malignant primary brain tumour. Despite the aggressiveness of the applied therapy, the prognosis remains poor with a median survival to of about 15 months. It is important to identify new candidate genes that could have clinical application in this disease. Previous gene expression studies from human GBM samples in our laboratory, revealed Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 15 (USP15) as a gene with low expression, significantly associated with genomic deletions of the chromosomal region encompassing the USP15 locus. USP15 belongs to the ubiquitin-specific protease (USPs) family of which the main role is the reversion of ubiquitination and thereby stabilization of substrates. Previously, USP15 has been suggested to have a tumour suppressor function via its substrates APC and Caspase 3. We established GBM cell lines that stably express USP15 wt or its catalytic mutant. USP15 expression impairs cell growth by inhibiting cell cycle progression. On the other hand USP15 depletion in GBM cell lines induces cell cycle progression and proliferation. In order to identify the molecular pathways in which USP15 is implicated we aimed to identify protein-binding partners in the GBM cell line LN-229 by Mass spectrometry. As a result we identified eight new proteins that interact with USP15. These proteins are involved in important cellular processes like cytokinesis, cell cycle, cellular migration, and apoptosis. Three of these protein interactions were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in four GBM cell lines LN-229, LN428, LN18, LN-Z308. One of the binding proteins is HECTD1 E3 ligase of which the murine homologue promotes the APC-Axin interaction to negatively regulate the Wnt pathway. USP15 can de-ubiquitinate HECTD1 in the LN229 cell line while its depletion led to decrease of HECTD1 in GBM cell lines suggesting stabilizing role for USP15. Moreover, HECTD1 stable expression in LN229 inhibits cell cycle, while its depletion induces cell cycle progression. These results suggest that the USP15-HECTD1 interaction might enhance the antiproliferative effect of HECTD1 in GBM cell lines. Using the TOPflash/FOPflash luciferase system we showed that HECTD1 and USP15 overexpression can attenuate WNT pathway activity, and decrease the Axin2 expression. These data indicate that this new protein interaction of USP15 with HECTD1 results in negative regulation of the WNT pathway in GBM cell lines. Further investigation of the regulation of this interaction or of the protein binding network of HECTD1 in GBM may allow the discovery of new therapeutic targets. Finally PTPIP51 and KIF15 are the other two identified protein partners of USP15. These two proteins are involved in cell proliferation and their depletion in LN-229 cell line led to induction of cell cycle progression. USP15 displays a stabilizing role for them. Hence, these results show that the tumour suppressive role of USP15 in GBM cell line via different molecular mechanisms indicating the multidimensional function of USP15. Résumé Le glioblastome (GBM) est la tumeur primaire la plus fréquente et la plus agressive du cervau caractérisée par une survie médiane d'environ à 15 mois. De précédant travaux effectués au sein de notre laboratoire portant sur l'étude de l'expression de gènes pour des échantillons humains de GBM ont montré que le gène Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 15 (USP1S) était significativement associée à une délétion locales à 25% des cas. Initialement, les substrats protéiques APC et CaspaseS de USP15 ont conduit à considérer cette protéine comme un suppresseur de tumeur. USP15 appartient à la famille protèsse spécifique de l'ubiquitine (USPs) dont le rôle principal est la réversion de l'ubiquitination et la stabilisation de substrats. Par conséquent, nous avons établi des lignées de cellules de glioblastome qui expriment de manière stable USP15 ou bien son mutant catalytique. Ainsi, nous avons ainsi démontré que l'expression de l'USP15 empêche la croissance cellulaire en inhibant la progression du cycle cellulaire. Inversement, la suppression de l'expression du gène USP15 dans les lignées cellulaires de glioblastome induit la progression du cycle cellulaire et la prolifération. Afin d'identifier les voies moléculaires dans lesquelles sont impliquées USP15, nous avons cherché à identifier les partenaires de liaisons protéiques par spectrométrie de masse dans la lignée cellulaire LN-229. Ainsi, huit nouvelles protéines interagissant avec USP15 ont été identifiées dont la ligase E3 HECTD1. L'homologue murin de Hectdl favorise l'interaction APC-Axin en régulant négativement la voie de signalisation de Wnt. USP15 interagit en désubiquitinant HECTD1 dans la lignée cellulaire LN-229 et provoque ainsi l'atténuation de l'activité de cette voie de signalisation. En conclusion, HECTD1, en interagissant avec USP15, joue un rôle de suppresseur de tumeur dans les lignées cellulaire de GBM.


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The performance of a hydrologic model depends on the rainfall input data, both spatially and temporally. As the spatial distribution of rainfall exerts a great influence on both runoff volumes and peak flows, the use of a distributed hydrologic model can improve the results in the case of convective rainfall in a basin where the storm area is smaller than the basin area. The aim of this study was to perform a sensitivity analysis of the rainfall time resolution on the results of a distributed hydrologic model in a flash-flood prone basin. Within such a catchment, floods are produced by heavy rainfall events with a large convective component. A second objective of the current paper is the proposal of a methodology that improves the radar rainfall estimation at a higher spatial and temporal resolution. Composite radar data from a network of three C-band radars with 6-min temporal and 2 × 2 km2 spatial resolution were used to feed the RIBS distributed hydrological model. A modification of the Window Probability Matching Method (gauge-adjustment method) was applied to four cases of heavy rainfall to improve the observed rainfall sub-estimation by computing new Z/R relationships for both convective and stratiform reflectivities. An advection correction technique based on the cross-correlation between two consecutive images was introduced to obtain several time resolutions from 1 min to 30 min. The RIBS hydrologic model was calibrated using a probabilistic approach based on a multiobjective methodology for each time resolution. A sensitivity analysis of rainfall time resolution was conducted to find the resolution that best represents the hydrological basin behaviour.


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To efficiently replicate within mammalian cells, viruses have to manoeuvre through complex host mechanisms, hijacking a network of host proteins to achieve successful propagation. To prevent this invasion, cells have evolved over time to efficiently block the incursing pathogen by direct or indirect targeting. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus of major global public health issue. In the last decade, extensive focus on innate immune proteins has been given, and particularly restriction factors, proteins inhibiting HIV replication by affecting various stages of the viral cycle. Because of the importance of developing new HIV therapies that are associated with reduced side effects and resistances, there is an urge to understand the antiviral response against HIV. Using common features of known restriction factors as a signature to identify new anti-HIV factors, candidates were identified. Particularly multiple members of the apolipoproteins L (APOL) family were found. Cotransfection experiments confirmed very potent inhibitory effects on HIV-1 expression. Further characterization of APOL6, the best candidate, was carried out. APOL6 was not able to inhibit HIV specifically but rather inhibited any gene-encoded DNA that was cotransfected and therefore APOL6 does not classify as a bona fide restriction factor. In addition, we were able to map the activity of APOL6 to the MAD domain and mainly to residue 174. We also found that other members of the family identified in the screen, APOL1 and 3, could have similar mechanism of action as APOL6. Finally, although the complete mechanism of action of APOL6 has yet to be elucidated, it might be blocked during transfections, potentially improving transfection of primary cells. -- Pour se répliquer efficacement dans les cellules de mammifères, les virus doivent manoeuvrer à travers des mécanismes cellulaires complexes et détourner un réseau de protéines de l'hôte. Pour empêcher cette invasion, les gènes de l'hôte ont évolué dans le temps pour cibler efficacement, directement ou indirectement, l'agent pathogène. Le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est un rétrovirus de problème majeur de santé publique mondiale, mais le faible risque de transmission du virus pourrait être expliqué par la présence d'un système antiviral de l'hôte qui, en cas d'échec, conduit à une infection productive. Durant la dernière décennie, il y a eu un intérêt spécial porté sur les protéines immunitaires innées appelé facteurs de restriction présentant des effets inhibiteurs puissants sur la réplication du VIH en affectant différentes étapes du cycle viral. En raison de l'importance de la recherche de nouvelles thérapies anti-VIH associées à des effets secondaires et des résistances réduites comparé aux traitements actuels, il existe un besoin de comprendre la réponse antivirale innée contre le VIH. Basé sur des caractéristiques communes des facteurs de restriction connus, nous avons proposé d'identifier de nouveaux facteurs anti-VIH. Nous avons trouvé une famille de protéines, les apolipoprotéines L (APOL) montrant les effets inhibiteurs très puissants contre l'expression du VIH-1 dans des expériences de co-transfection. Nous avons décidé d'approfondir le rôle de ces protéines dans l'immunité innée et de se concentrer sur le meilleur candidat APOL6. Nous avons en outre établi qu'APOL6 n'a pas d'activité anti-virale spécifique et donc pas classé comme un facteur de bonne foi de restriction. Par ailleurs, APOL6 est capable d'inhiber fortement l'expression de tout Plasmide cotransfecté. En outre, nous avons été en mesure de cartographier l'activité d'APOL6 au domaine MAD et principalement au résidu 174. Nous avons également constaté que d'autres membres de la famille identifiés dans l'étude, APOL1 et 3, pourraient avoir le même mécanisme d'action qu'APOL6. Enfin, bien que le mécanisme d'action complet d'APOL6 reste à être élucidé, il pourrait être d'une importance biotechnologique car il pourrait potentiellement faciliter la transfection de cellules primaires après l'inhibition d'APOL6.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaista arvoa digitaalinen painatusmenetelmä tuo yrityksen arvoverkostoon. Teoriaosassa tavoite oli rakentaa digitaalipainatuksen arvoverkostoa tutkien kirjallisuutta liittyen arvoketju- ja arvoverkostoajatteluun. Myös aiemmat tutkimukset ja kirjallisuus liittyen digitaalipainatukseen rakensivat osaltaan teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostumista. Aiemmat tutkimukset digitaalisen painomenetelmän mahdollisuuksista ovat hyvin tekniikkapainotteisia, siksi tämä tutkimus liittyy enemmän kaupallisiin mahdollisuuksiin. Empiirinen osio tutkimuksesta tehtiin kvalitatiivisena case -tutkimuksena, johon sisältyi yksi alayksikkö. Eli tutkittiin yhtä casea, jossa oli kaksi osapuolta. Tutkielma liittyy kiinteästi Stora Enson ja Valion väliseen digipainatus-projektiin, joka käynnistettiin helmikuussa 2001. Tutkielman teemahaastatteluihin valittiin henkilöt tästä projektiryhmästä. Projektiryhmän mielipiteitä ja havaintoja hyödyntäen pyrittiin löytämään tukea ja eroavaisuuksia teoriaosan muodostamaan viitekehykseen ja informaatioon. Empiirinen osuus tuki teoriaosassa esittämiä väittämiä hyvin, mutta myös muutamia uusia havaintoja esiintyi. Tutkimusongelmaan löydettiin monia vastauksia: digitaalipainatus luo arvoa yrityksen jakeluketjuun vähentämällä varastoja ja nopeuttamalla toimituksia. Jäätelöpakkausten markkinointi on aivan uuden haasteen edessä, koska mahdollisuudet kasvavat digitaalipainatuksen myötä huomattavasti. Kartongin valmistajalle arvo tulee parempien tuotteiden kautta, joista saa myös paremman tuoton. Digitaalipainatuksen arvoverkostossa tulee tapahtumaan muutoksia jatkossa, eri osapuolten roolit saattavat muuttua radikaalisti. Kuka hoitaa painatusta ja miten?


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Clines in phenotypes and genotype frequencies across environmental gradients are commonly taken as evidence for spatially varying selection. Classical examples include the latitudinal clines in various species of Drosophila, which often occur in parallel fashion on multiple continents. Today, genomewide analysis of such clinal systems provides a fantastic opportunity for unravelling the genetics of adaptation, yet major challenges remain. A well-known but often neglected problem is that demographic processes can also generate clinality, independent of or coincident with selection. A closely related issue is how to identify true genic targets of clinal selection. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, three studies illustrate these challenges and how they might be met. Bergland et al. report evidence suggesting that the well-known parallel latitudinal clines in North American and Australian D. melanogaster are confounded by admixture from Africa and Europe, highlighting the importance of distinguishing demographic from adaptive clines. In a companion study, Machado et al. provide the first genomic comparison of latitudinal differentiation in D. melanogaster and its sister species D. simulans. While D. simulans is less clinal than D. melanogaster, a significant fraction of clinal genes is shared between both species, suggesting the existence of convergent adaptation to clinaly varying selection pressures. Finally, by drawing on several independent sources of evidence, Bo?ičević et al. identify a functional network of eight clinal genes that are likely involved in cold adaptation. Together, these studies remind us that clinality does not necessarily imply selection and that separating adaptive signal from demographic noise requires great effort and care.


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In this paper we discuss the use of digital data by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in a recent case of attempted homicide. We use this case to examine drawbacks for the defense when the presentation of scientific evidence is partial, especially when the only perspective mentioned is that of the prosecution. We tackle this discussion at two distinct levels. First, we pursue an essentially non-technical presentation of the topic by drawing parallels between the court's summing up of the case and flawed patterns of reasoning commonly seen in other forensic disciplines, such as DNA and particle traces (e.g., gunshot residues). Then, we propose a formal analysis of the case, using elements of probability and graphical probability models, to justify our main claim that the partial presentation of digital evidence poses a risk to the administration of justice in that it keeps vital information from the defense. We will argue that such practice constitutes a violation of general principles of forensic interpretation as established by forensic science literature and current recommendations by forensic science interest groups (e.g., the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes). Finally, we posit that argument construction and analysis using formal methods can help replace digital evidence appropriately into context and thus support a sound evaluation of the evidence.


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The presence of e-portfolios in educational centres, companies and administrations has emergedstrongly during the last years by creating very different practices coming from different objectives and purposes. This situation has led researchers and practitioners to design and implement e-portfolios with little reference to previous knowledge of them; consequently, developments are disparate with many of the processes and dimensions used both in development and use being unnecessary complex. In order to minimize the inconveniences, unify these developmental processes and improve the resultsof implementation and use of e-portfolios, it seemed necessary to create a network of researchers, teachers and trainers coming from different universities and institutions of different kinds who are interested in the investigation and the practice of e-portfolios in Spain. Therefore, The Network on e-portfoliowas created in 2006, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and led by the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya. Besides the goals associatedwith the creation of this network and which wewanted to share with other European researchers and experts of other continents, we will also present in this paper some data concerned with the first study carried out on the use of e-portfolios in our country that shows where we are and which trends are the most important for the near future.


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Simulation has traditionally been used for analyzing the behavior of complex real world problems. Even though only some features of the problems are considered, simulation time tends to become quite high even for common simulation problems. Parallel and distributed simulation is a viable technique for accelerating the simulations. The success of parallel simulation depends heavily on the combination of the simulation application, algorithm and message population in the simulation is sufficient, no additional delay is caused by this environment. In this thesis a conservative, parallel simulation algorithm is applied to the simulation of a cellular network application in a distributed workstation environment. This thesis presents a distributed simulation environment, Diworse, which is based on the use of networked workstations. The distributed environment is considered especially hard for conservative simulation algorithms due to the high cost of communication. In this thesis, however, the distributed environment is shown to be a viable alternative if the amount of communication is kept reasonable. Novel ideas of multiple message simulation and channel reduction enable efficient use of this environment for the simulation of a cellular network application. The distribution of the simulation is based on a modification of the well known Chandy-Misra deadlock avoidance algorithm with null messages. The basic Chandy Misra algorithm is modified by using the null message cancellation and multiple message simulation techniques. The modifications reduce the amount of null messages and the time required for their execution, thus reducing the simulation time required. The null message cancellation technique reduces the processing time of null messages as the arriving null message cancels other non processed null messages. The multiple message simulation forms groups of messages as it simulates several messages before it releases the new created messages. If the message population in the simulation is suffiecient, no additional delay is caused by this operation A new technique for considering the simulation application is also presented. The performance is improved by establishing a neighborhood for the simulation elements. The neighborhood concept is based on a channel reduction technique, where the properties of the application exclusively determine which connections are necessary when a certain accuracy for simulation results is required. Distributed simulation is also analyzed in order to find out the effect of the different elements in the implemented simulation environment. This analysis is performed by using critical path analysis. Critical path analysis allows determination of a lower bound for the simulation time. In this thesis critical times are computed for sequential and parallel traces. The analysis based on sequential traces reveals the parallel properties of the application whereas the analysis based on parallel traces reveals the properties of the environment and the distribution.


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During the past few years, a considerable number of research articles have been published relating to the structure and function of the major photosynthetic protein complexes, photosystem (PS) I, PSII, cytochrome (Cyt) b6f, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase. Sequencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) genome together with several high-quality proteomics studies has, however, revealed that the thylakoid membrane network of plant chloroplasts still contains a number of functionally unknown proteins. These proteins may have a role as auxiliary proteins guiding the assembly, maintenance, and turnover of the thylakoid protein complexes, or they may be as yet unknown subunits of the photosynthetic complexes. Novel subunits are most likely to be found in the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) complex, the structure and function of which have remained obscure in the absence of detailed crystallographic data, thus making this thylakoid protein complex a particularly interesting target of investigation. In this thesis, several novel thylakoid-associated proteins were identified by proteomics-based methods. The major goal of characterization of the stroma thylakoid associated polysome-nascent chain complexes was to determine the proteins that guide the dynamic life cycle of PSII. In addition, a large protein complex of ≥ 1,000 kDa, residing in the stroma thylakoid, was characterized in greater depth and it was found to be a supercomplex composed of the PSI and NDH complexes. A set of newly identified proteins from Arabidopsis thylakoids was subjected to detailed characterization using the reverse genetics approach and extensive biochemical and biophysical analysis. The role of the novel proteins, either as auxiliary proteins or subunits of the photosynthetic protein complexes, was revealed. Two novel thylakoid lumen proteins, TLP18.3 and AtCYP38, function as auxiliary proteins assisting specific steps of the assembly/repair of PSII. The role of the 10-kDa thylakoid lumen protein PsbR is related to the optimization of oxygen evolution of PSII by assisting the assembly of the PsbP protein. Two integral thylakoid membrane proteins, NDH45 and NDH48, are novel subunits of the chloroplast NDH complex. Finally, the thylakoid lumen immunophilin AtCYP20-2 is suggested to interact with the NDH complex, instead of PSII as was hypothesized earlier.


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This dissertation "Identification of turning points in the research on titanium dioxide production and application" aims at detecting in scientific literatures emerging trends and sudden changes in titanium dioxide production and application. These key changes are then studied to determine its transient patterns and its effect on the research on titanium dioxide production and application The source of information is from bibliographic data which discussed titanium dioxide production and application. These bibliographic data where obtained from ISI Web of Knowledge and then formed into a network of clusters by applying software called Citespace.


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Notwithstanding the functional role that the aggregates of some amyloidogenic proteins can play in different organisms, protein aggregation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of a large number of human diseases. One of such diseases is Alzheimer"s disease (AD), where the overproduction and aggregation of the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) are regarded as early critical factors. Another protein that seems to occupy a prominent position within the complex pathological network of AD is the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), with classical and non-classical activities involved at the late (cholinergic deficit) and early (Aβ aggregation) phases of the disease. Dual inhibitors of Aβ aggregation and AChE are thus emerging as promising multi-target agents with potential to efficiently modify the natural course of AD. In the initial phases of the drug discovery process of such compounds, in vitro evaluation of the inhibition of Aβ aggregation is rather troublesome, as it is very sensitive to experimental assay conditions, and requires expensive synthetic Aβ peptides, which makes cost-prohibitive the screening of large compound libraries. Herein, we review recently developed multi-target anti-Alzheimer compounds that exhibit both Aβ aggregation and AChE inhibitory activities, and, in some cases also additional valuable activities such as BACE-1 inhibition or antioxidant properties. We also discuss the development of simplified in vivo methods for the rapid, simple, reliable, unexpensive, and high-throughput amenable screening of Aβ aggregation inhibitors that rely on the overexpression of Aβ42 alone or fused with reporter proteins in Escherichia coli.