871 resultados para Municipal officials and employees


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Koulujen kestävän kehityksen työllä tarkoitetaan ekologiseen, taloudelliseen, sosiaaliseen ja kulttuuriseen kestävyyteen pohjautuvaa ympäristökasvatusta. Helsingissä peruskoulujen kestävän kehityksen työvälineet (ympäristökartoitukset ja – ohjelmat) ovat perustuneet koulujen ympäristöasioiden suunnitteluun, opetussuunnitelmien toteutumiseen ja ylläpitotoimintoihin, kuten jätehuoltoon. Opetusvirasto käytti vuosina 2005 ja 2009 ympäristötoiminnan arvioinnissa ympäristötasokuvauksia 1-3, joista arvosana 3 kuvaa ympäristöasioissa edistyneintä koulua. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia ympäristötoiminnan tasojen perusteella ryhmiteltyjen peruskoulujen välisiä eroja jätekustannuksissa ja – määrissä (euroa/henkilö ja kg/henkilö) ja löytää mahdollisesti eroihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkielman toimeksiantajana on 4V-Välitä, vaikuta, viihdy, voi hyvin – hanke, jonka yhtenä toiminnan osa-alueena on koulujen kestävän kehityksen työ. Tuloksista tullaan johtamaan tietoa Opetusviraston sekä muiden tahojen, kuten HSY:n ja Palmian ympäristötyöhön sekä Kiinteistöviraston Tilakeskuksen hallinnassa olevien koulukiinteistöjen jätehuollon kehittämiseen. Tutkimusaineistoina käytettiin Helsingin peruskoulujen vuoden 2009 jätekustannuksia ja tutkielman yhteydessä kerätyn jäteseurannan tuloksia vuodelta 2010. Jätekustannus- ja jätemääräaineistot yhdistettiin vuoden 2009 ympäristötoiminnan tasoluokitusten perusteella otokseksi (n=64). Lopullinen jätekustannus- ja jätemääräanalyysi tehtiin 29 koulun otoksella, josta oli rajattu pois kiinteistöt, joilla on koulun toiminnan lisäksi muita käyttötarkoituksia. Analyysiin sisällytettiin myös tarkempi tarkastelu koulujen seka- ja biojätejakeiden kustannuksista ja määristä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että eri ympäristötasoisten peruskoulujen välillä on huomattavia euro- ja kilomääräisiä eroja henkilöä kohden lasketuissa jätekustannuksissa ja –määrissä. Kokonaisjätemäärässä ei ole tapahtunut merkittävää muutosta tarkasteluvuosien välillä, mutta lajittelu näyttäisi kuitenkin tehostuneen. Tulosten perusteella ympäristöasioissa edistyneiden tason 3 koulujen keskimääräiset sekajätemäärät ja -kustannukset olivat pienimmät tasojen 1 ja 2 kouluihin verrattuna. Biojätemäärät ja –kustannukset olivat suurimmat tason 2 kouluissa. Jätekustannuksiin ja – määriin näyttäisivät vaikuttavan jäteastioiden määrien, kokojen ja tyhjennysrytmien optimointi sekä jäteastioiden täyttöasteet. Peruskoulujen tulisi keskittyä kestävän kehityksen työn avulla jätteiden synnyn ehkäisyyn ja vähentämiseen, jotta jätekustannuksetkin vähentyisivät jätehuollon kehittämistoimenpiteiden seurauksena.


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Administrative sciences are fragmented into a number of subfields; the most important dividing line separating public administration and business administration. We argue, however, that it is useful to cross these borders in theory building and empirical analysis. Therefore, we focus in this paper on the comparison of municipal amalgamations and corporate mergers. More specifically, we examine how findings in research on corporate mergers could enlighten the scarce analysis of municipal amalgamations. The analysis of corporate mergers shows that the motives range from rational reasoning to empire building, that the decision-making is plagued by uncertainty, group-thinking and politics, and finally, that the post-merger integration processes are often characterized by cultural confrontation, identitybuilding challenges, and resistance. We explain how – with due caution – similar phenomena can also be detected and analyzed in the context of municipal amalgamations and develop specific propositions for future research in this area.


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Ethnic minorities residential patterns and integration are widely discussed issues in many European countries. They have also become topical in Finland due to an increase in foreign migration, especially in recent decades. This dissertation contributes to debates associated with attempts to explain ethnic minorities residential patterns by examining the role of cultural factors and ethnic preferences of the residential choices of Somali and Russian immigrants in Finland. The research is based on in-depth interviews with Somali (n=24) and Russian (n=26) immigrants living in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Housing officials and social workers (n=18) working in cities of Helsinki and Vantaa were also interviewed. The results of this study show that propinquity to one s own ethnic group is important to Somalis living in Finland. This is important for maintaining their traditional, communal life styles, but also as a safe haven against the racism which they experience on a regular basis. They have a preference for mixed neighbourhoods that contain both native Finnish residents and some ethnic minorities. For Russians the spatial propinquity to their country people is less significant at the neighbourhood level. However, this is not to indicate the insignificance of intra-ethnic networks or one s cultural background. Rather, the differences in ethnic preferences between Somalis and Russians predominantly reflect their varying levels of exposure to racial harassment and diverse meanings that they give to social relations with their neighbours. According to this study, the time spent in a host-country and interactions with other ethnic groups affect ethnic preferences. The importance of one s own ethnic community also varies in accordance with life situations. Therefore, ethnic minorities residential preferences and choices should not be viewed as static or something deriving from cultural background alone. Residential preferences and aspirations are constantly being reshaped vis-à-vis to immigrants experiences. Past and present experiences and the way that immigrants observe the host society and its functions are important for the interpretation of residential preferences and patterns.


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The present study focuses on the drug market in Helsinki in the early 2000s, mainly on the dealing in and use of amphetamines, cannabis and the pharmaceutical Subutex. The drug market is usually analysed into upper, middle and lower level markets. These levels are very different in terms of their operating practices, although there may be some mingling. The present study is mainly concerned with drug dealers and users in the lower and middle level markets. Operations also differ depending on whether the dealing involves just one drug or several. Dealing in and using Subutex is a very different business from dealing and using home grown cannabis, for instance: both the customers and the dealers are mostly quite different. The study material was mostly collected through ethnographical field work, including observations and interviews. Interviews with officials and minutes of pre-trial investigations concerning aggravated drug crimes are also included. The study discusses the roles of dealers on the various levels of the drug market in Helsinki and traces activities at various levels. Ethnographical methods are employed to observe day-to-day drug dealing and use and leisure pursuits in private homes and in public premises. The study takes note of the risks inherent in drug dealing and estimates what kind of drug dealers can last the longest on the market without the authorities intervening. At the same time, the study discusses how small groups on the middle and lower levels of the drug market avoid control measures undertaken by the authorities and how the authorities address these groups. Moreover, the study discusses what the drug market is like in prison from the perspective of a drug dealer sent to prison, what their everyday lives are like after release, and how much money dealers on various levels of the drug market make. The study demonstrates that drug dealing in Helsinki, whether we consider the very top or the very bottom of the pyramid, is a far from rational pursuit. The undertakings are not very systematic; they are more a reaction to intoxicant addiction( s) and other problems caused by other dealers, the dealers own actions and the actions of the police. The everyday lives of drug dealers are often chaos only alleviated by drug use in the company of buyers or alone. If a drug dealer uses drugs himself/herself, things become even more complicated and a vicious circle develops. At the same time, everyday life is certainly exciting, and a drug dealer often has a highly eventful if brief life. Drug dealing is a very masculine pursuit, and there is a sort of macho code governing it, although this does not nearly always work as it should. This macho code, typically for illegal activities, involves the threat of violence as a control measure. Hence the untranslatable slang expression Kill the cows : the Finnish word for calf has the slang meaning snitch or police informant . No more cows, no more calves. But informing on others to the authorities is a fact of life in the drug-dealing world. Contributing factors to being reported to the authorities are the dealer s own mistakes and the actions of other dealers and the police. A determined drug dealer will not be deterred from drug dealing by a prison sentence. However, following time in prison only few dealers manage to gain an income from drug dealing commensurate with its risks.


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The research goal is to describe curriculas and leadership in day-care centers. The day-care centers needed to write their own curriculas, when Centre for Research and Development of Welfare and Health published The National Curriculum Guidelines on Early Childhood Education and Care in Finland (ECEC) in 2003. The study tries to review day-care center managers views of day-care centers plans for early childhood education and care in three municipals. The research data was collected in the begining of 2008. In previous researches it was found out that co-operation and employees knowledge of education in day-care centers will define the reality (Nivala). Furthermore sosial reality will be based on discussions (Berger JA Luckmann). The subject was approached by one-way analysis of variance. Views of the day-care center managers was compared to the written plans for early childhood education, it s effect on day-care center s early childhood education and evaluation. Besides day-care center managers views were compared to early childhood education. Day care center manager s (N=40) answers were collected to a questionnaire, where there were mainly structured and some open end questions. Data was analysed with PASW Statistics 17 program. The research results showed that the day-care center managers views of the prosess of writing the plans for early childhood education in the day-care centers varied from each other. In addition there were differences in views how the plan of day-care center s early childhood education effected daily in their early childhood education. Furthermore the results showed that there were differenties in evaluating day-care center s education. Whereas the views of early childhood education were not different between the day-care managers in the three municipals.


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Resumen: Se analiza un caso judicial inédito que involucra a una diócesis, a una parroquia, a un personal municipal y a un municipio de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Un agente municipal es adscripto provisoriamente, por decreto del señor intendente, para desempeñarse en una Cáritas diocesana, y luego este agente pasa a desempeñarse en una Cáritas parroquial de una parroquia perteneciente a esa diócesis, todo lo cual es comunicado y aceptado por el municipio, que es su empleador. Luego de desempeñarse un tiempo en esa Cáritas parroquial, el personal municipal primero intima y después inicia un juicio por despido contra la diócesis alegando una relación laboral no registrada con ésta. El caso lleva a plantear la aplicación del derecho canónico para su resolución. Se explica que la diócesis y las parroquias poseen personería jurídica propia, y que la acción judicial contra la diócesis es improcedente. Se expone en detalle el planteamiento realizado en el juicio por el agente municipal y por la diócesis.


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[ES] El gran reto de la empresa de servicios en la actualidad es orientarse con mayor precisión a sus clientes y conseguir su satisfacción y lealtad. Si bien el impulso de la innovación, el uso de tecnologías de información, y concretamente la creación de valor son factores decisivos, el gran factor a dirigir con una mejor proyección es el factor humano. Sin un enfoque consistente orientado a la persona, no será posible desarrollar la capacidad de servir al cliente en la organización.


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lGround water in Florida is the principal source of supply for industrial, municipal, agricultural, and domestic uses. During the last half century large developments of ground water have been made, and new developments are currently being addedi However, although problems of supply, some of them critical, have arisen in certain areas, vast quantities of ground water are:yet available for development over a major part of the State. It is quite conceivable that the availability of large developed water resources in Florida, in contrast with the shortages of supply in many other parts of the country, may play a dominant role in the agricultural and industrial growth of the State. (PDF has 15 pages.)


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For over a decade now, work has been ongoing on the professional organization and management of town centre retail spaces in Spain under what is known as the Open Shopping Centre model. Introducing this model has involved a process of public-private collaboration in several different phases, conditioned to a large extent by the specific context of each initiative. With a view to furthering the process of benchmarking developed out of the experiences of recent years, we shall use case analysis to explain trends in initiatives for retail regeneration and stimulation undertaken in the Basque Country (an autonomous community in the north of Spain) since 2000. We analyze the factors that have prompted these initiatives, assessing and comparing the landmarks and conditions that have marked, or are determining, progress in the dynamic of collaboration between municipal authorities and retailers for a competitive improvement both in the retail sector and in the environment in which it operates: the city. Finally we list witch are these key factors.


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Avalia a percepção de colaboradores e gestores das empresas terceirizadas pelo Senado Federal quanto à retenção de talentos, ou seja, a manutenção, no quadro destas empresas, de profissionais que se destacam e que merecem permanecer atuando em uma instituição legislativa. A metodologia contemplou a pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema “retenção de talentos”, bem como o estudo documental da relação entre Senado Federal e as empresas terceirizadas. Além disso, foi realizado levantamento por meio de questionário junto a 84 colaboradores das 15 empresas terceirizadas prestando serviços, atualmente, no Senado, bem como entrevistas com os gestores destas organizações. Os resultados apontaram para a contradição entre a percepção de colaboradores e gestores no que tange à retenção de talentos e a verificação de que inexistem medidas efetivas para que bons colaboradores sejam mantidos nas empresas, bem como a verificação de que não há percepção, por parte dos colaboradores, de que sejam valorizados pelas organizações terceirizadas.


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Presentation to elected officials [and American Fisheries Society] on the wealth of research to be done in the Chesapeake Bay. Citing drop in oyster production from a high of 17,000,000 bushels in 1885 to 2,000,000 bushels in 1925 or one-eighth of its one-time abundance. Citing water studies through the late 1880's-90's. Report of experiments with the Japanese Oyster O. gigas. Also addresses Crab, Callinectes sapidus and classes held. (PDF contains 7 pages)


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This paper highlights the potential contribution of the processed food industry (especially with regard to prepared and preserved fish) to the domestic industrial sector. Data for the study were collected from a sample of 85 retail canned fish sellers in South-Western Nigeria (45 and 40 respondents in Oyo and Lagos states respectively). Approaches were also made to government officials and merchant-agents connected with the importation, trade-regulation and distribution of fish in Nigeria. The study examined, in considerable detail, the marketing channels, services, prices and margins of canned fish in the area of study. The paper concludes that efforts should be made to encourage local processing and canning of fish not only to save on foreign exchange and importation costs but also to be able to meet the rapidly growing demand for this product in the country


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The problem of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad in Pasadena is a very dynamic one, as is readily recognized by engineers, city officials, and laymen. The route of the railroad was first laid out in the eighties and because of certain liberal concessions granted by the City of Pasadena, the right-of-way was located through Pasadena, despite the fact that the grade coming into the city either from Los Angeles or San Bernardino was enormous. Some years later, other transcontinental routes of the Santa Fe out of Los Angles were sought, and a right-of-way was obtained by way of Fullerton and Riverside to San Bernardino, where this route joins the one from Los Angeles through Pasadena. This route, however, is ten miles longer than the one through Pasadena, which means a considerable loss of time in a short diversion of approximately only sixty miles in length.


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Este estudo objetiva a sistematização do conhecimento, através de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, de forma a conformar uma proposta inicial de protocolo de gestão ocupacional e ambiental em grandes túneis urbanos em âmbito nacional. Há na presente pesquisa uma atenção particular aos túneis urbanos dedicados ao tráfego de veículos automotores, devido às suas características físico-espaciais que os tornam especialmente perigosos e tóxicos aos seus usuários e aos funcionários envolvidos. A relativa carência de material bibliográfico de caráter sistêmico e específico no Brasil enseja à busca por referências em documentos desenvolvidos em outros países. Ainda que em nível preliminar, a compilação crítica de dados, normas e referências pesquisadas, à luz do contexto e dos instrumentos normativos brasileiros referentes ao tema, traduz-se no aspecto original desta proposta dissertativa, a ser possivelmente utilizada como ponto de partida para estudos mais extensos. São abordadas as seguintes disciplinas relativas ao objeto de pesquisa: a) Características físico-espaciais; b) Formas de uso; c) Sistema de ventilação e exaustão; d) Sistema de iluminação; e) Sistema de segurança contra sinistros e incêndio; f) Sistema de fiscalização e orientação de tráfego, comunicação e sinalização; g) Sistema de drenagem; h) Sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. O túnel Rebouças (1962-1965) e o túnel Engenheiro Raymundo de Paula Soares (Linha Amarela) (1997), distanciados por mais de três décadas, foram escolhidos como estudos de caso, não tão somente devido aos seus portes, fluxos intensos de veículos etc., mas também devido aos contextos das evoluções normativas em que se inserem.