1000 resultados para Miguel Rio Branco
without practical results so far. Protocols used in biotechnological cultured aquatic organisms aimed at increasing growth rates and disease resistance, have been studied and perfected. Among the available techniques, the application of chromosomal manipulation, although still nascent, is presented as a tool aimed at mitigating ecological and economical issues in shrimp farming. The polyploidization artificial method already employed in fish and shellfish, has been widely researched for use in farmed shrimp. Some limitations of this method of expansion in shrimp refer to a better knowledge of cytogenetic aspects, the level of sexual dimorphism and performance in growing conditions. To contribute on some of these issues, the present study aimed to characterize cytogenetic species Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda) and Artemia franciscana (Anostraca), analyze the effectiveness of methods for detection of ploidy, through the use of flow cytometry in processes of induction polyploidy cold thermal shock at different stages of development of newly fertilized eggs. Additionally, aimed also the qualitative and quantitative comparison of larval development between diploid and polyploid organisms, besides the identification of sexual dimorphism in L. vannamei, through geometric morphometrics. The results provide information relevant to the improvement and widespread use of biotechnological methods applied toward national productivity in shrimp farming
This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model
The research aimed to understand the challenges for the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP. This study aimed to explore the gap with regard to the deepening of the possible causes that may hinder the implementation of integrated working between the police in public security, through a specific analysis on the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Was based on a theoretical framework that includes policies: general concepts, the steps of a public policy, the implementation stage , public security : conceptual definitions, policies on security in Brazil, the structure of public security in Brazil and systems police, Military Police x Civil Police: Roles and conflicts , integrating public security: the challenges to be overcome, the Unified public Safety (SUSP) and the main difficulties in the integration of the police. Being classified as to the purposes as an exploratory research on how to approach ranks as qualitative. The research unit was the Center for Integrated Operations Public Safety (CIOSP) through three subjects who were the chief CIOSP, the representative of the military police acting with the CIOSP, and representative civil police also active with the CIOSP. These subjects were chosen because of the understanding that individuals occupying senior positions would have more ability to respond to questions that guide the research problem. Data were collected through a set of interviews, qualitative data analysis was performed based content analysis, based on the definition of categories of analysis, gated time cross. With the results, it was revealed that the main problems of integration between the state police are treatment protocols, lack of political will and lack of infrastructure. The relationship between the Military Police and Civil Police in Rio Grande do Norte has differing cultural aspect, but can be considered as good value, professionalism and integrated operations. The implementation of CIOSP-RN followed the characteristics of the top-down model, the main difficulties in implementing the proposals of the SUSP, lack of own resources, the lack of standardization in public safety and the lack of professional training of public safety. It was concluded that with respect to the challenges to the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP, the actions follow the characteristics of the top-down model, with no autonomy of administrators public to say in decisions, which restricts the view of the public safety of the state
The goal of this research was to analyze the model of strategic management of the MPRN concerning the methodological guidelines presented by Balanced Scorecard. It is based in a theoretical referential which contemplates the themes, new public management, strategic management and Balanced Scorecard, focusing on applying the methodology in the public sector. This research is classified as descriptive and exploratory. According to the methods applied, it is a case study and, according to its approach, it is qualitative. The subjects of this research are members of the institution involved in the process of its strategic management. The data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and document analysis, done by means of method content analysis. Concerning the goal of this research, it points out that the MPRN has not concluded the implantation cycle of Balanced Scorecard, furthermore, important flaws in the steps of organizational alingment have been identified, specially when it refers to communication policy, implementing incentive actions and focused training in developing competences. It yet reveals that the implantation of BSC has allowed the introduction of changes in the Institution dynamics to seek better results, however the MPRN has faced and has not adequately gotten over the same difficulties reported in various cases of BSC implantation in public organizations
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
This paper studies modern houses built in the neighborhoods of Cabo Branco, Tambaú and Manaíra by the seafront in Joao Pessoa, built between 1960 and 1974. We start from the already widespread notion that Brazilian Modern Architecture was inspired by foreign ways, mainly European but also American here recast, adapted, often innovating repertoire and ideas received (Y. BRUAND, 2005; H. SEGAWA, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; M. M. ACAYABA e S. FICHER, 1982; M. B. C. ARANHA, 2008; F. C. L. LARA, 2001; R. V. ZEIN, 2005; L. E. AMORIM, 1999, C. V. STINCO, 2010). With this look, after a field study, we collected 61 specimens in the collection of the Central Archive of João Pessoa City Hall, in order to identify which reformulations, adaptations or innovations would exist in modern houses built along the coast in João Pessoa. As we try to analyze the houses by what the bibliography had suggested (G. C. ARGAN, 1992; L. CORBUSIER, 2002; C.E.D. e M. ADRIÀ, 2007; K. FRAMPTON, 1997; H. H. HITCHCOCK, 1976; L. BENEVOLO, 2004; R. DE FUSCO, 1992, N . PEVSNER, 2002; M. RAGON, 1986; B. RISEBERO, 1982; E. ROBBINS, 1997; W. J. R. CURTIS, 1982; V. SCULLY, 2003; B. ZEVI, 1984; D. DUNST, 1999; A. COLQUHOUN, 2002; R. WESTON, 2005; A. IÑAKI, 2006; J. PETER, 1994) the starting idea seemed to us not sufficiently developed. So we decided, first, to undertake a literature review comparing speech and image of modern houses most often cited by international and national literature, following a script freely inspired the Vitruvian triad: the functional and spatial (sectorization, guidance, spatiality, movement); constructive aspects (structural elements, modulation, deck, sealing), and aesthetic aspects (composition, apertures, ornaments) (Cap.1), then cast a look under this same route in 61 specimens obtained initially, trying to verify any specificities they would have (Cap.2). Failing to deepen the analysis of all these examples, we chose 10 projects which were redesigned and described in more detail to which we supplement with the aspects of place - location / lot location, access, axiality. (E. C. MAHFUZ, 2002; J. C. MIGUEL, 2000; E. C. CHEREGATI, 2007; M. COTRIM, 2007). (Cap. 3). The documentation and description resulting allowed us to approach some related questions about the canonical transcripts hybridizing, adoptions and any vernacular innovations of modern houses along the coast, We conclude that the appellants and anachronistic elements isolates found in each of the studied bind to the Brazilian Modern Architecture
Mestrado em Arquitectura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / UL
The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days
Sea urchins are common benthic organisms on coastal ecosystems of tropical and temperate shallow waters. The impact of sea urchins populations in shore communities is density-dependent, and therefore, knowledge of the life history of these animals is important to understand these interactions. Between 2000 and 2005 a population boom of Tripneustes ventricosus was observed in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. In 2004 a research program was started to monitor the population dynamics of T. ventricosus in the archipelago, when it noted a lack of basic information on the biology and reproduction of this species, despite its broad geographic distribution and economic importance in parts of its occurrence. In this context, this work focuses on the reproductive biology of T. ventricosus with emphasis on the description of the gametogenic stages. Between December 2006 and July 2007, ten urchins were collected by snorkeling in two sites of the archipelago, totaling 120 individuals. Gametogenic stages were described for both sexes through microscopic analysis, and were defined as: Recovery, Growing, Premature, Mature and Spawning. Results showed increasing in Gonad index throughout of months of sampling and suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species in the archipelago is annual
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
The aim of this study was to test the sediment preference of L. vannamei shrimp. It was observed shrimp visit frequency, swimming and burying behaviour at different sediment compositions for 24h. Juvenile (0.93 ± 0.29g) and sub-adult shrimps (10.0 ± 1.18g) were obtained from the aquaculture station at Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido UFERSA, and held in a plastic tank (water volume 500 L) supplied with aerated water and kept at constant temperature, pH, and salinity. Shrimp was fed by commercial shrimp dry food. The experimental substrates were composed by A: medium sand + thick sand + very thick sand + gravel; B: very fine sand + fine sand; and C: silt + clay. Thus, six different substrate combinations were tested: A, B, C, A+B, A+C, B+C. To test preference, it was used a cylindrical tank (40 l) divided into six differently substrate compartments. A single shrimp was introduced each tank and the frequency at which this shrimp visited each compartment was recorded over a 24h study period. It was tested 54 shrimp (18 sub-adult males, 18 subadult females and 18 juveniles). For each trial, sediment and water were changed to avoid pheromones and residues influence. Shrimp were weighted and sub-adults were divided by sex: males present petasma and females present thelycum. Data were collected on the experimental day at 19:30; 20:30; 00:30; 1:30; 05:30; 06:30; 13:30 and 14:30 h. At each time point, shrimp were observed for 20-min periods, in which we noted down which compartment the shrimp was occupying at 2-min intervals. Thus, for each period we had eleven observations (88 observations per day). For observations at night, it was used dim red light that did not affect shrimp behaviour. At each 20-min period, it was observed visit frequency in each substrate, if shrimp was burred or not or if it was swimming. There was not significant difference between light and dark burry activity for females. Swimming activity was significantly higher at night, mainly at 00:30 and 01:30 h. All L. vannamei shrimp showed preference for sediment B. This animal presents cyclic activity, spends the day light period buried and swims at night
A saúde da criança é uma das ações programáticas típicas da atenção primária à saúde (APS), sendo a puericultura uma importante ferramenta para a redução da morbimortalidade infantil e para o desenvolvimento de ações longitudinais e integrais na infância. Este trabalho é resultado de uma intervenção, realizada na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) de Novo Horizonte, na zona rural de São Miguel do Gostoso (SMG)/Rio Grande do Norte (RN), no ano de 2014. Após uma análise situacional da área, observou-se graves problemas na atenção à saúde da criança de zero a 72 meses (0-72m) com uma cobertura estimada de 53,6% na puericultura e de cerca de 20,0% na odontologia. O objetivo principal foi melhorar a atenção à saúde da criança na área, através de objetivos específicos, a saber: ampliação da cobertura do programa de saúde da criança; melhorar a qualidade do atendimento; melhorar a adesão ao programa de Saúde da Criança; melhorar o registro das informações; mapear as crianças de risco pertencentes à área de abrangência; promover a saúde das crianças; ampliar a cobertura de atenção à saúde bucal da criança; melhorar a qualidade da atenção à saúde bucal dos escolares; melhorar a adesão ao atendimento em saúde bucal; melhorar o registro das informações; promover a saúde bucal das crianças. Cada objetivo específico apresentava uma série de metas relacionadas e pré estabelecidas, que nortearam ações desenvolvidas nos quatro eixos pedagógicos do curso (monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica), visando contemplar as diretrizes do SUS de universalidade, equidade e integralidade. Foi criada uma ficha espelho individual para sumarizar as informações de saúde (inclusive odontologia) das crianças com as curvas de crescimento e marcos do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, cujas informações alimentaram planilhas de coleta de dados, a partir das quais foram gerados indicadores para cada ação desenvolvida, que foram comparados ao final com as metas. Ao final da intervenção, verificou-se aumento da cobertura da puericultura para 90,0%, superando a meta proposta. As metas de qualidade da assistência não foram alcançadas, mas a maioria apresentou padrão ascendente; observou-se que 2,8% das crianças tiveram a primeira consulta na primeira semana de vida; 66,7% das crianças (incluindo todas as com déficit e excesso de peso) estavam com monitoramento do crescimento, valor também observado para o monitoramento do desenvolvimento; 83,3% das crianças estavam com vacinação em dia, 100,0% recebendo suplementação de ferro, 29,6% recebendo suplementação de vitamina A, 36,1% haviam realizado a triagem auditiva, e 8,3% fizeram o teste do pezinho na primeira semana de vida; 46,9% das crianças de 6-72m tiveram avaliação da necessidade de atendimento odontológico (NAO) e realizaram primeira consulta odontológica programática (COP). Quanto à adesão, houve busca ativa de 100% das crianças faltosas às consultas de puericultura. Quanto aos registros e à avaliação de risco, o padrão foi ascendente, com 66,7% das crianças apresentando os registros atualizados e avaliação de risco em dia. As metas de promoção à saúde não foram alcançadas, mas mostraram padrão ascendente, com 66,7% das crianças com orientações sobre prevenção de acidentes e nutrição, 52,8% colocadas para mamar na primeira consulta, e 83,3% recebendo orientações sobre higiene bucal e cárie dentária. Quanto às metas de avaliação de risco, a cobertura de COP para crianças de 6-72 foi de 46,9%, superando a meta proposta. 100,0% das crianças avaliadas tinham NAO, das quais todas realizaram COP, porém apenas 60,0% concluíram o tratamento. 100,0% das crianças faltosas às COP foram buscadas; não houve tratamento continuado porque o consultório estava em manutenção. 100,0% das crianças estavam com os registros atualizados, receberam orientações sobre higiene bucal, dieta, e hábitos de sucção nutritiva e não nutritiva e prevenção de oclusopatias. Embora a maior parte das metas não tenha sido atingida, o padrão ascendente foi a regra, mostrando grande potencial de incremento dos indicadores com a continuidade da intervenção. Além disso, o principal objetivo do trabalho, de melhorar a assistência à saúde da criança de 0-72m, foi alcançado. A conclusão do trabalho é de que a APS apresenta grande potencial de modificar o panorama de saúde da população através da implementação de ações simples, de baixa densidade tecnológica. Além disso, é fundamental haver planejamento e monitoramento periódico das ações desenvolvidas, para adaptá-las às diferentes circunstâncias.
A intervenção ocorreu na Unidade de Saúde da Família denominada ESF II, no bairro Conjunto Novos Tempos, Município de Poço Branco, Rio Grande do Norte, entre outubro a dezembro de 2014, com o objetivo de melhorar a atenção à saúde dos hipertensos e diabéticos. A partir do diagnóstico situacional dessa unidade, identificou-se maior necessidade de realizar a intervenção nessa ação programática. Implementamos ações incluídas no projeto de intervenção que refletissem na melhoria da qualidade da saúde dos usuários adstritos. Seu monitoramento ocorreu semanalmente, com coleta e preenchimento de dados nas planilhas e fichas-espelho a fim de garantir melhor registro. Realizamos a capacitação da equipe, atualizando-a, discutindo-a as patologias e determinando sua atuação profissional nesse período. Fizemos busca ativa dos usuários faltosos, garantindo os princípios de equidade e universalidade. Antes da intervenção, a cobertura dos hipertensos e diabéticos apresentava-se 83 (34,2 %) e 20 (39%), respectivamente. Após intervenção, a cobertura desses usuários foi de 178 (73,6%) e 44 (84,6%), respectivamente. Alcançamos 100% na maioria dos indicadores de qualidade nos quatro eixos temáticos: organização do serviço, monitoramento e avaliação, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. Avaliamos garantia do exame físico adequado, com realização do exame do pé diabético e o cálculo do risco cardiovascular de cada usuário assistido. Cada consulta era registrada na ficha espelho, bem como seu acompanhamento, exames complementares e medicações. Em geral, consideramos a intervenção com resultado positivo, pois garantiu a melhoria da atenção à saúde dos hipertensos e diabéticos, alcance das metas preconizadas no projeto e implementação do Telessaúde, com inclusão do eletrocardiograma. A maior dificuldade enfrentada nesse período foi a realização dos exames complementares, conforme recomendação do protocolo do Ministério da Saúde, pois, o laboratório municipal, além de não realizar alguns exames como microalbuminúria, enviava-os com atraso. Acreditamos que a equipe, a gestão municipal e a comunidade entenderam os benefícios das ações e que elas serão incorporadas a rotina da ESF II, em Poço Branco – RN.
A intervenção ocorreu na Unidade de Saúde da Família denominada do Contador, na zona rural do município de Poço Branco, Rio Grande do Norte, entre outubro a dezembro de 2014, com o objetivo de melhorar a atenção à saúde das pessoas com hipertensão e/ou diabetes. A partir do diagnóstico situacional dessa unidade podemos identificar uma maior necessidade de realizar a intervenção nessa ação programática. Implementamos ações incluídas no projeto de intervenção que refletissem na melhoria da qualidade da saúde dos usuários adstritos. Seu monitoramento ocorreu semanalmente, com coleta e preenchimento de dados nas planilhas e fichas-espelho a fim de garantir melhor registro. Realizamos a capacitação da equipe, bem como determinamos sua atuação profissional nesse período. Fizemos busca ativa dos usuários faltosos, garantindo os princípios de equidade e universalidade. Antes da intervenção, a cobertura dos usuários com hipertensão e/ou diabetes apresentava-se 18 (10,1 %) e 8 (16,6%), respectivamente. Após intervenção, a cobertura desses usuários foi de 169 (94,9%) e 48 (100%), respectivamente. Alcançamos 100% na maioria dos indicadores de qualidade nos quatro eixos temáticos: organização do serviço, monitoramento e avaliação, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. Avaliamos garantia do exame físico adequado, com realização do exame do pé diabético e o cálculo do risco cardiovascular de cada usuário assistido. Cada consulta era registrada na ficha espelho, bem como seu acompanhamento, exames complementares e medicações. Em geral, a intervenção apresentou resultado positivo, uma vez que proporcionou a melhoria da atenção à saúde dos hipertensos e/ou diabéticos, alcance das metas preconizadas no projeto. Encontramos dificuldades na realização dos exames complementares, conforme recomendação do protocolo do Ministério da Saúde, pois, o laboratório municipal, além de não realizar alguns exames como microalbuminúria, enviava-os com atraso. Acreditamos que a equipe, a gestão municipal e a comunidade entenderam os benefícios das ações e que elas serão incorporadas a rotina da DO CONTADOR, em Poço Branco – RN.