998 resultados para Micro generation
Objectives: We are interested in the numerical simulation of the anastomotic region comprised between outflow canula of LVAD and the aorta. Segmenta¬tion, geometry reconstruction and grid generation from patient-specific data remain an issue because of the variable quality of DICOM images, in particular CT-scan (e.g. metallic noise of the device, non-aortic contrast phase). We pro¬pose a general framework to overcome this problem and create suitable grids for numerical simulations.Methods: Preliminary treatment of images is performed by reducing the level window and enhancing the contrast of the greyscale image using contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization. A gradient anisotropic diffusion filter is applied to reduce the noise. Then, watershed segmentation algorithms and mathematical morphology filters allow reconstructing the patient geometry. This is done using the InsightToolKit library (www.itk.org). Finally the Vascular Model¬ing ToolKit (www.vmtk.org) and gmsh (www.geuz.org/gmsh) are used to create the meshes for the fluid (blood) and structure (arterial wall, outflow canula) and to a priori identify the boundary layers. The method is tested on five different patients with left ventricular assistance and who underwent a CT-scan exam.Results: This method produced good results in four patients. The anastomosis area is recovered and the generated grids are suitable for numerical simulations. In one patient the method failed to produce a good segmentation because of the small dimension of the aortic arch with respect to the image resolution.Conclusions: The described framework allows the use of data that could not be otherwise segmented by standard automatic segmentation tools. In particular the computational grids that have been generated are suitable for simulations that take into account fluid-structure interactions. Finally the presented method features a good reproducibility and fast application.
Theories on social capital and on social entrepreneurship have mainly highlighted the attitude of social capital to generate enterprises and to foster good relations between third sector organizations and the public sector. This paper considers the social capital in a specific third sector enterprise; here, multi-stakeholder social cooperatives are seen, at the same time, as social capital results, creators and incubators. In the particular enterprises that identify themselves as community social enterprises, social capital, both as organizational and relational capital, is fundamental: SCEs arise from but also produce and disseminate social capital. This paper aims to improve the building of relational social capital and the refining of helpful relations drawn from other arenas, where they were created and from where they are sometimes transferred to other realities, where their role is carried on further (often working in non-profit, horizontally and vertically arranged groups, where they share resources and relations). To represent this perspective, we use a qualitative system dynamic approach in which social capital is measured using proxies. Cooperation of volunteers, customers, community leaders and third sector local organizations is fundamental to establish trust relations between public local authorities and cooperatives. These relations help the latter to maintain long-term contracts with local authorities as providers of social services and enable them to add innovation to their services, by developing experiences and management models and maintaining an interchange with civil servants regarding these matters. The long-term relations and the organizational relations linking SCEs and public organizations help to create and to renovate social capital. Thus, multi-stakeholder cooperatives originated via social capital developed in third sector organizations produce new social capital within the cooperatives themselves and between different cooperatives (entrepreneurial components of the third sector) and the public sector. In their entrepreneurial life, cooperatives have to contrast the "working drift," as a result of which only workers remain as members of the cooperative, while other stakeholders leave the organization. Those who are not workers in the cooperative are (stake)holders with "weak ties," who are nevertheless fundamental in making a worker's cooperative an authentic social multi-stakeholders cooperative. To maintain multi-stakeholder governance and the relations with third sector and civil society, social cooperatives have to reinforce participation and dialogue with civil society through ongoing efforts to include people that provide social proposals. We try to represent these processes in a system dynamic model applied to local cooperatives, measuring the social capital created by the social cooperative through proxies, such as number of volunteers and strong cooperation with public institutions. Using a reverse-engineering approach, we can individuate the determinants of the creation of social capital and thereby give support to governance that creates social capital.
RESUMO Tendo como base discussões recentes sobre as relações entre estratégia e desempenho no setor público, no presente trabalho analisam-se os condicionantes da participação e do sucesso de micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) em compras públicas a partir de alterações na legislação, favorecendo tais grupos. Adota-se uma abordagem de natureza quantitativa e desenvolve-se um conjunto de hipóteses, que são testadas usando uma base de dados única, com informações detalhadas de 542 contratos de compras realizados por um órgão da administração pública federal brasileira, entre 2005 e 2011. Os resultados demonstraram que as mudanças institucionais, promovidas por uma nova regulamentação, contribuíram significativamente para o aumento na participação de MPE nos processos de licitações do órgão pesquisado, porém não alteraram a probabilidade de êxito dessas empresas nos certames públicos, colocando em perspectiva a eficácia da legislação implantada. Adicionalmente, os resultados sugeriram que fatores estratégicos, associados ao ambiente competitivo, aos atributos transacionais e às capacidades inerentes aos participantes, influenciam seu acesso e as chances de sucesso em compras públicas.
Generation of tumor-antigen specific CD4(+) T-helper (T(H)) lines through in vitro priming is of interest for adoptive cell therapy of cancer, but the development of this approach has been limited by the lack of appropriate tools to identify and isolate low frequency tumor antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells. Here, we have used recently developed MHC class II/peptide tetramers incorporating an immunodominant peptide from NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a tumor antigen frequently expressed in different human solid and hematologic cancers, to implement an in vitro priming platform allowing the generation of ESO-specific T(H) lines. We isolated phenotypically defined CD4(+) T-cell subpopulations from circulating lymphocytes of DR52b(+) healthy donors by flow cytometry cell sorting and stimulated them in vitro with peptide ESO(119-143), autologous APC and IL-2. We assessed the frequency of ESO-specific cells in the cultures by staining with DR52b/ESO(119-143) tetramers (ESO-tetramers) and TCR repertoire of ESO-tetramer(+) cells by co-staining with TCR variable β chain (BV) specific antibodies. We isolated ESO-tetramer(+) cells by flow cytometry cell sorting and expanded them with PHA, APC and IL-2 to generate ESO-specific T(H) lines. We characterized the lines for antigen recognition, by stimulation with ESO peptide or recombinant protein, cytokine production, by intracellular staining using specific antibodies, and alloreactivity, by stimulation with allo-APC. Using this approach, we could consistently generate ESO-tetramer(+) T(H) lines from conventional CD4(+)CD25(-) naïve and central memory populations, but not from effector memory populations or CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg. In vitro primed T(H) lines recognized ESO with affinities comparable to ESO-tetramer(+) cells from patients immunized with an ESO vaccine and used a similar TCR repertoire. In this study, using MHC class II/ESO tetramers, we have implemented an in vitro priming platform allowing the generation of ESO-monospecific polyclonal T(H) lines from non-immune individuals. This is an approach that is of potential interest for adoptive cell therapy of patients bearing ESO-expressing cancers.
Learning object economies are marketplaces for the sharing and reuse of learning objects (LO). There are many motivations for stimulating the development of the LO economy. The main reason is the possibility of providing the right content, at the right time, to the right learner according to adequate quality standards in the context of a lifelong learning process; in fact, this is also the main objective of education. However, some barriers to the development of a LO economy, such as the granularity and editability of LO, must be overcome. Furthermore, some enablers, such as learning design generation and standards usage, must be promoted in order to enhance LO economy. For this article, we introduced the integration of distributed learning object repositories (DLOR) as sources of LO that could be placed in adaptive learning designs to assist teachers’ design work. Two main issues presented as a result: how to access distributed LO, and where to place the LO in the learning design. To address these issues, we introduced two processes: LORSE, a distributed LO searching process, and LOOK, a micro context-based positioning process, respectively. Using these processes, the teachers were able to reuse LO from different sources to semi-automatically generate an adaptive learning design without leaving their virtual environment. A layered evaluation yielded good results for the process of placing learning objects from controlled learning object repositories into a learning design, and permitting educators to define different open issues that must be covered when they use uncontrolled learning object repositories for this purpose. We verified the satisfaction users had with our solution
L’estudi examina les relacions entre (1) les xarxes socials personals de la població immigrant resident a Barcelona i (2) les seves identitats culturals múltiples. L’objectiu principal de l’estudi és entendre com el contingut i l’estructura de les relacions socials dels immigrants facilita o dificulta (1) tenir un sentiment de pertinença a les noves cultures d’acollida, la catalana i la espanyola, i (2) la integració d’aquestes noves identitats socioculturals amb la seva identitat d’origen en una nova identitat bicultural cohesiva. El nostre plantejament inicial era que els immigrants amb xarxes socials més diverses des del punt de vista de la seva composició cultural tindrien més recursos socials i experiències cognitives més diverses , factors que afavoreixen les identificacions múltiples i la participació cívica. Els resultats de l’estudi mostren que el grau d’identificació dels participants amb la seva cultura ètnica o d’origen és força alt i, en certa mesura, més alt en comparació amb les cultures d’acollida ( catalana, cívica i espanyola). Tanmateix, el vincle dels participants amb les cultures d’acollida (p. ex., la cultura catalana) és prou rellevant per a indicar una orientació bicultural (catalana i ètnica). Les anàlisis de correlacions revelen que sentir-se català no impedeix sentir-se part de la comunitat etnocultural d’origen. A més, existeix una interrelació entre l'orientació cultural catalana i la identificació amb les comunitats cíviques locals. De la mateixa manera, tenir competències en llengua catalana no va en detriment de les competències en llengua castellana. Les anàlisis també mostren que factors com l’orientació cultural catalana, l’ús del català i la identificació amb la cultura catalana tenen una correlació positiva amb el grau de chohesio de la indentitat bicultural, afavoreixen el benestar psicològic i disminueixen l’estrès aculturatiu. L’anàlisi de les xarxes socials mostra que la identificació amb la cultura catalana, l’orientació cultural catalana i la integració de la identitat són factors clau per tenir xarxes socials més diverses des del punt de vista ètnic i lingüístic, amb menys membres del col•lectiu d’origen, i amb subgrups o “cliques” culturalment més heterogenis. La identificació espanyola també prediu, en mesura més reduïda, la diversitat de les xarxes. Els nostres resultats contribueixen a la recerca actual i les teories sobre interculturalitat i identitat cultural.
A new practical method to generate a subspace of active coordinates for quantum dynamics calculations is presented. These reduced coordinates are obtained as the normal modes of an analytical quadratic representation of the energy difference between excited and ground states within the complete active space self-consistent field method. At the Franck-Condon point, the largest negative eigenvalues of this Hessian correspond to the photoactive modes: those that reduce the energy difference and lead to the conical intersection; eigenvalues close to 0 correspond to bath modes, while modes with large positive eigenvalues are photoinactive vibrations, which increase the energy difference. The efficacy of quantum dynamics run in the subspace of the photoactive modes is illustrated with the photochemistry of benzene, where theoretical simulations are designed to assist optimal control experiments
Purpose: The paper analyzes the micro-angels investment behaviour, looking both to the criteria used in the selection of their investment projects and to the characteristics of their guidance role during the investment period. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper focuses on a double bottom line movement of French micro-angels clubs that has been operating since 1983. Our primary source of data is an online survey carried out during March 2012, asking members of clubs all over France for different aspects of their procedures. Findings: Our findings suggest that micro-angels are interested in small, socially or environmentally friendly projects having the potential to contribute to the development of their neighbourhood. We find that women are even more interested than men in such projects. Educated micro-angels value entrepreneurial motivation and understanding of the project more than less-educated micro-angels. We also point out the factors that micro-angels consider important in accompanying enterprises. Here we find that gender makes little difference. However, retired micro-angels value financial diagnosis made conjointly with entrepreneurs, while both active micro-angels and educated micro-angels value more the use of their network to help micro-entrepreneurs. Practical/Social Implications: Given the potential benefits of micro-angels investing and guiding the development of micro-enterprises, a social micro-angel investment on a major scale in developing countries could help in tackling some of the problems faced by the development of microfinance, such as the over-indebtedness of micro-entrepreneurs. Practitioners and new initiatives would gain from understanding what adaptations need to be made. Originality/value: We expect to add to the venture capital theory to take into account non-economic motives.
The benzothiazinone lead compound, BTZ043, kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis by inhibiting the essential flavo-enzyme DprE1, decaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribose 2-epimerase. Here, we synthesized a new series of piperazine-containing benzothiazinones (PBTZ) and show that, like BTZ043, the preclinical candidate PBTZ169 binds covalently to DprE1. The crystal structure of the DprE1-PBTZ169 complex reveals formation of a semimercaptal adduct with Cys387 in the active site and explains the irreversible inactivation of the enzyme. Compared to BTZ043, PBTZ169 has improved potency, safety and efficacy in zebrafish and mouse models of tuberculosis (TB). When combined with other TB drugs, PBTZ169 showed additive activity against M. tuberculosis in vitro except with bedaquiline (BDQ) where synergy was observed. A new regimen comprising PBTZ169, BDQ and pyrazinamide was found to be more efficacious than the standard three drug treatment in a murine model of chronic disease. PBTZ169 is thus an attractive drug candidate to treat TB in humans.
Aims: In a head-to-head study, we compared the effects of strontium ranelate (SrRan) and alendronate (ALN), anti-osteoporotic agents with antifracture efficacy, on bone microstructure, a component of bone quality, hence of bone strength. Methods: In a randomised, double-dummy, double-blind controlled trial, 88 postmenopausal osteoporotic women were randomised to SrRan 2g/day or ALN 70mg/week for 2 years. Microstructure of the distal radius and distal tibia were assessed by HR-pQCT after 3,6,12,18 and 24 months of treatment. Primary endpoint was HR-pQCT variables relative changes from baseline. An ITT analysis was applied. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in both groups (mean ±SD): age: 63.6±7.5 vs. 63.7±7.6 yrs; L1-L4T Score: -2.7±0.8 vs. -2.8±0.8g/cm², Cortical Thickness (CTh), trabecular bone fraction (BV/TV) and cortical density=721±242 vs. 753±263μm, 9.5±2.5 vs. 9.3±2.7%, and 750±87 vs. 745±78mg/cm3 respectively. Over 2 yrs, distal radius values changes were within 1 to 2% without significant differences except cortical density. In contrast distal tibia CTh, BV/TV, trabecular and cortical densities increased significantly more in the SrRan group than in the ALN group (Table). No significant between-group differences were observed for the remaining measured parameter (trabecular number, trabecular spacing, and trabecular thickness). After 2 years, L1- L4 and hip aBMD increases were similar to results from pivotal trials (L1-L4:+6.5% and +5.6%;total hip:+4.1% and +2.9%, in Sr- Ran and ALN groups, respectively). In the SrRan group, bALP increased by a median of 18% (p<0.001) and sCTX decreased by a median of -16% (p=0.005) while in the ALN group, bALP and CTX decreased by median of -31% (p<0.001) and -59% (p<0.001) respectively. Relative changes from baseline to last observation (%) SrRan ALN Estimated between group difference p value CTh (μm) 6.29±9.53 0.93±6.23 5.411±1.836 0.004 BV/TV (%) 2.48±5.13 0.84±3.81 1.783±0.852 0.040 Trabecular density (mgHA/cm3) 2.47±5.07 0.88±4.00 1.729±0.859 0.048 Cortical density (mgHA/cm3) 1.43±2.77 0.36±2.14 1.137±0.530 0.045 The two treatments were well tolerated. Conclusions: Within the constraints related to HRpQCT technology, it appears that strontium ranelate has greater effects than alendronate on distal tibia cortical thickness, trabecular and cortical bone densities in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis after two years of treatment. A concomitant significant increase in bone formation marker is observed in the SrRan group.
Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have generated keen interestdue to their potential use in regenerative medicine. They havebeen obtained from various cell types of both mice and humans byexogenous delivery of different combinations of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4,c-Myc, Nanog, and Lin28. The delivery of these transcription factorshas mostly entailed the use of integrating viral vectors (retrovirusesor lentiviruses), carrying the risk of both insertional mutagenesisand oncogenesis due to misexpression of these exogenousfactors. Therefore, obtaining iPS cells that do not carry integratedtransgene sequences is an important prerequisite for their eventualtherapeutic use. Here we report the generation of iPS cell linesfrom mouse embryonic fibroblasts with no evidence of integrationof the reprogramming vector in their genome, achieved by nucleofectionof a polycistronic construct coexpressing Oct4, Sox2, Klf4,and c-Myc
The generation of patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCPSCPSCs) offers unprecedented opportunities for modeling and treating human disease. In combination with gene therapy, the iPSCPSCPSC technology can be used to generate disease-free progenitor cells of potential interest for autologous cell therapy. We explain a protocol for the reproducible generation of genetically corrected iPSCPSCPSCs starting from the skin biopsies of Fanconi anemia patients using retroviral transduction with OCT4, SOX2 and KLF4. Before reprogramming, the fibroblasts and/or keratinocytes of the patients are genetically corrected with lentiviruses expressing FANCA. The same approach may be used for other diseases susceptible to gene therapy correction. Genetically corrected, characterized lines of patient-specific iPSCPSCPSCs can be obtained in 4–5 months.