1000 resultados para Medios online


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Se ofrecen los resultados obtenidos del análisis de la organización de las redacciones de los medios de proximidad catalanes en el marco de la convergencia periodística. Los datos se han obtenido a partir de una encuesta distribuida entre los 123 medios que forman parte de la Associació Catalana de la Premsa Comarcal (ACPC), con un índice de respuesta del 45%, y de 19 entrevistas en profundidad mantenidas con periodistas y directivos de 8 grupos de comunicación. Las empresas fueron seleccionadas según criterios de distribución geográfica, diversidad mediática, periodicidad y tirada.Se observa cómo la convergencia periodística no supone necesariamente la integración de redacciones, aunque habitualmente sí que se desarrolla alguna forma de producción integrada. Las fórmulas desarrolladas son diversas, con distintos niveles de integración.


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This paper proposes to reflect from a semiotic perspective on the transformation that brands have undergone since the rise of the Internet. After a brief theoretical introduction to digital communication and the semiotics of brands, the case of the Google brand is analyzed by applying concepts of generative and interpretive semiotics. The paper holds that the iconic and linguistic enunciations are secondary with respect to interaction. In digital media interaction — the interactive experience that the Internet user lives — is a fundamental component of the hypermedia cocktail and occupies a central position in the brand building process. The article concludes with some of the questions and special characteristics raised by so-called eBranding.


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In this paper we present experimental results comparing on-line drawings for control population (left and right hand) as well as Alzheimer disease patients. The drawings have been acquired by means of a digitizing tablet, which acquires time information angles and pressures. Experimental measures based on pressure and in-air movements appear to be significantly different for both groups, even when control population performs the tasks with the non-dominant hand.


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En la industria de la automoción, así como en todas las que se dedican a fabricar piezas, ya sean plásticas o de otros materiales, es tan importante la Producción como la Calidad. No sirve de nada fabricar mucho si no son piezas de una calidad adecuada, y del mismo modo no es rentable fabricar muy poco volumen por mucho que tenga una calidad excelente. Por ello hay que buscar siempre el equilibrio entre ambos conceptos. La finalidad es tener procesos lo más robustos posibles que nos permitan fabricar cantidad con una buena calidad. La finalidad de este trabajo es buscar los parámetros que más afectan en un proceso de inyección, es decir, saber cuáles son los que debemos tener bajo control para lograr una calidad de piezas buena y un proceso estable y controlado. Para ver si el proceso es capaz de lograr ese objetivo utilizamos gráficos basados en la teoría de 6- sigma que nos calculan el coeficiente de capacidad del proceso (Cpk). A su vez analizaremos los sistemas de medida que utilizamos en cada una de las piezas analizadas para evaluar si son los correctos y nos permiten discriminar piezas buenas de malas en el proceso productivo. La conclusión del trabajo es que hay que prestar especial atención en controlar aquellos aspectos de un proceso que nos aportan variación, y no invertir tiempo ni dinero en aquellos otros que no nos aportan valor añadido y que no afectan sustancialmente al proceso. Este análisis por supuesto lleva su coste, que he analizado y plasmado en las conclusiones para saber lo que le cuesta aproximadamente a una empresa realizarlo.


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There is little consensus regarding how verticality (social power, dominance, and status) is related to accurate interpersonal perception. The relation could be either positive or negative, and there could be many causal processes at play. The present article discusses the theoretical possibilities and presents a meta-analysis of this question. In studies using a standard test of interpersonal accuracy, higher socioeconomic status (SES) predicted higher accuracy defined as accurate inference about the meanings of cues; also, higher experimentally manipulated vertical position predicted higher accuracy defined as accurate recall of others' words. In addition, although personality dominance did not predict accurate inference overall, the type of personality dominance did, such that empathic/responsible dominance had a positive relation and egoistic/aggressive dominance had a negative relation to accuracy. In studies involving live interaction, higher experimentally manipulated vertical position produced lower accuracy defined as accurate inference about cues; however, methodological problems place this result in doubt.


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In newly formed groups, informal hierarchies emerge automatically and readily. In this study, we argue that emergent group hierarchies enhance group performance (Hypothesis 1) and we assume that the more the power hierarchy within a group corresponds to the task-competence differences of the individual group members, the better the group performs (Hypothesis 2). Twelve three-person groups and 28 four-person groups were investigated while solving the Winter Survival Task. Results show that emerging power hierarchies positively impact group performance but the alignment between task-competence and power hierarchy did not affect group performance. Thus, emergent power hierarchies are beneficial for group performance and although they were on average created around individual group members' competence, this correspondence was not a prerequisite for better group performance.


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Previous research suggests that female physicians may not receive appropriate credit in patients' eyes for their patient-centered skills compared to their male counterparts. An experiment was conducted to determine whether a performance of higher (versus lower) verbal patient-centeredness would result in a greater difference in analogue patient satisfaction for male than female physicians. Two male and two female actors portrayed physicians speaking to a patient using high or low patient-centered scripts while not varying their nonverbal cues. One hundred ninety-two students served as analogue patients by assuming the patient role while watching one of the videos and rating their satisfaction and other evaluative responses to the physician. Greater verbal patient-centeredness had a stronger positive effect on satisfaction and evaluations for male than for female physicians. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that the different associations between patient-centeredness and patients' satisfaction for male versus female physicians occur because of the overlap between stereotypical female behavior and behaviors that comprise patient-centered medical care. If this is the case, high verbal patient-centered behavior by female physicians is not recognized as a marker of clinical competence, as it is for male physicians, but is rather seen as expected female behavior.


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La relación entre las organizaciones y la sociedad es muy sutil. Debido a las diferentes motivaciones de las dos, es inevitable que tienen conflictos o disputas entre la organización y los públicos. Estos conflictos o crisis afectan mucho a la imagen corporativa y la credibilidad en el público. Cómo gestionar la crisis y conflictos de comunicación entre las organizaciones y públicos es un problema importante para los gabinetes de comunicación. Se hará la comparación entre el accidente de vuelo de Asiana Airlines y de Malaysia Airlines; y se hablará del accidente nuclear de Fukushima de 2011


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El VIII Congrés Internacional Internet, Dret i Política (IDP 2012) que s'ha dut a terme a Barcelona els dies 9 i 10 de juliol de 2012 sota el títol genèric de "Reptes i oportunitats de l'entreteniment en línia", ha abordat alguns dels principals reptes als que s'enfronta la societat de la informació des de la perspectiva jurídica i politològica. Concretament, els temes centrals han estat el debat sobre l'entreteniment a la xarxa, així com altres qüestions relacionades amb Internet i els drets de propietat intel·lectual, la privacitat, la seguretat o la llibertat d'expressió.


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Aquest Treball Final de Carrera es centra en la comparació dels resultats obtinguts pel Doctor David Andreu a la seva tesi doctoral “ La publicity, els pseudoesdeveniments i la seva presència a la premsa a Catalunya” de 2010 als del 2013. Especialment, pretén comparar l’evolució del principals mitjans escrits catalans en quant a la presència de publicity. El treball està compost per una introducció i dos parts; una teòrica en la que s’analitzen els elements principals de la publicity i, en concret, dels pseudoesdeveniments; i una part pràctica enfocada en la comparació de les dades del Doctor amb les dades obtingudes al 2013. A partir de l’anàlisi plantejat, s’extrauran una sèrie de conclusions sobre com els mitjans es veuen afectats pels pseudoesdeveniments, on i perquè.


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Ante la pregunta sobre qué experiencias estéticas queremos, debemos y podemos potenciar desde la educación, el artículo discurre sobre una aproximación al sentido y significado que damos a la educación estética a partir de una revisión de las preguntas que se han formulado desde la tradición de la pedagogía estética. Sigue a continuación una reflexión sobre la vigencia de estas preguntas en la pedagogía estética contemporánea. Asimismo, se atiende especialmente a la necesidad de ofrecer espacios y momentos de silencio a los niños y a las niñas para que puedan aprender a pensar seriamente y a emitir juicios sopesados.


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This paper presents a first analysis on local electronic participatory experiences in Catalonia. The analysis is based on a database constructed and collected by the authors. The paper carries out an explanatory analysis of local initiatives in eparticipationand off line participation taking into account political variables (usually not considered in this kind of analysis) but also classical socio-economic variables that characterise municipalities. Hence, we add a quantitative analysis to the numerous case studies on local e-participation experiences. We have chosen Catalonia because is one of the European regions with more initiatives and one that has enjoyed considerable local governmental support to citizen participation initiatives since the 80s. The paper offers a characterisation of these experiences and a first explanatory analysis, considering: i) the institutional context in which these experiences are embedded, ii) the characteristics of the citizen participation processes and mechanisms on-line, and iii) a set of explanatory variables composed by the population size, thepolitical adscription of the mayor, the electoral abstention rate, age, income and level ofeducation in the municipality. The model that we present is explanatory for the municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants but it is not for the fewer than 20,000inhabitants. Actually, the number of participatory activities developed by these last municipalities is very low. Among all the variables, population size becomes the mostinfluential variable. Political variables such as political party of the mayor and the localabstention rate have a certain influence but that have to be controlled by population size.


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The recognition of prior experiential learning (RPEL) involves the assessment ofskills and knowledge acquired by an individual through previous experience, which isnot necessarily related to an academic context. RPEL practices are far from generalisedin higher education, and there is a lack of specific guidelines on how to implement RPLprograms in particular settings, such as management education or online programs. TheRPEL pilot program developed in a Spanish virtual university is used throughout thearticle as the basis for further reflection on the design and implementation of RPEL inonline postgraduate education in the business field. The role of competences as a centraltheoretical foundation for RPEL is explained, and the context and characteristics of theRPEL program described. Special attention is paid to the key elements of the program¿sdesign and to the practical aspects of its implementation. The results of the program areassessed and general conclusions and suggestions for further research are discussed.