972 resultados para Magnetic-field


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The equilibrium magnetic field inside axisymmetric plasmas with inversions on the toroidal current density is studied. Structurally stable non-nested magnetic surfaces are considered. For any inversion in the internal current density the magnetic families define several positive current channels about a central negative one. A general expression relating the positive and negative currents is derived in terms of a topological anisotropy parameter. Next, an analytical local solution for the poloidal magnetic flux is derived and shown compatible with current hollow magnetic pitch measurements shown in the literature. Finally, the analytical solution exhibits non-nested magnetic families with positive anisotropy, indicating that the current inside the positive channels have at least twice the magnitude of the central one.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the strength and structure of the magnetized medium surrounding radio galaxies via observations of the Faraday effect. This study is based on an analysis of the polarization properties of radio galaxies selected to have a range of morphologies (elongated tails, or lobes with small axial ratios) and to be located in a variety of environments (from rich cluster core to small group). The targets include famous objects like M84 and M87. A key aspect of this work is the combination of accurate radio imaging with high-quality X-ray data for the gas surrounding the sources. Although the focus of this thesis is primarily observational, I developed analytical models and performed two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of magnetic fields. The steps of the thesis are: (a) to analyze new and archival observations of Faraday rotation measure (RM) across radio galaxies and (b) to interpret these and existing RM images using sophisticated two and three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. The approach has been to select a few bright, very extended and highly polarized radio galaxies. This is essential to have high signal-to-noise in polarization over large enough areas to allow computation of spatial statistics such as the structure function (and hence the power spectrum) of rotation measure, which requires a large number of independent measurements. New and archival Very Large Array observations of the target sources have been analyzed in combination with high-quality X-ray data from the Chandra, XMM-Newton and ROSAT satellites. The work has been carried out by making use of: 1) Analytical predictions of the RM structure functions to quantify the RM statistics and to constrain the power spectra of the RM and magnetic field. 2) Two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations to address the effect of an incomplete sampling of RM distribution and so to determine errors for the power spectra. 3) Methods to combine measurements of RM and depolarization in order to constrain the magnetic-field power spectrum on small scales. 4) Three-dimensional models of the group/cluster environments, including different magnetic field power spectra and gas density distributions. This thesis has shown that the magnetized medium surrounding radio galaxies appears more complicated than was apparent from earlier work. Three distinct types of magnetic-field structure are identified: an isotropic component with large-scale fluctuations, plausibly associated with the intergalactic medium not affected by the presence of a radio source; a well-ordered field draped around the front ends of the radio lobes and a field with small-scale fluctuations in rims of compressed gas surrounding the inner lobes, perhaps associated with a mixing layer.


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The international growing concern for the human exposure to magnetic fields generated by electric power lines has unavoidably led to imposing legal limits. Respecting these limits, implies being able to calculate easily and accurately the generated magnetic field also in complex configurations. Twisting of phase conductors is such a case. The consolidated exact and approximated theory regarding a single-circuit twisted three-phase power cable line has been reported along with the proposal of an innovative simplified formula obtained by means of an heuristic procedure. This formula, although being dramatically simpler, is proven to be a good approximation of the analytical formula and at the same time much more accurate than the approximated formula found in literature. The double-circuit twisted three-phase power cable line case has been studied following different approaches of increasing complexity and accuracy. In this framework, the effectiveness of the above-mentioned innovative formula is also examined. The experimental verification of the correctness of the twisted double-circuit theoretical analysis has permitted its extension to multiple-circuit twisted three-phase power cable lines. In addition, appropriate 2D and, in particularly, 3D numerical codes for simulating real existing overhead power lines for the calculation of the magnetic field in their vicinity have been created. Finally, an innovative ‘smart’ measurement and evaluation system of the magnetic field is being proposed, described and validated, which deals with the experimentally-based evaluation of the total magnetic field B generated by multiple sources in complex three-dimensional arrangements, carried out on the basis of the measurement of the three Cartesian field components and their correlation with the field currents via multilinear regression techniques. The ultimate goal is verifying that magnetic induction intensity is within the prescribed limits.


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The synthesis, characterization and application of aqueous dispersions of superparamagnetic/polymer hybrid nanoparticles and capsules is described. Implementation of the superparamagnetic moiety into the polymer matrix enables a response of the nanomaterials towards an external magnetic field. Application of the external field is used for two main purposes: i) As heat generator, when an alternating magnetic field is applied. ii) As structuring agent to self-assemble superparamagnetic nanoparticles in the external field.rnIn the first part, superparamagnetic nanoparticles were used as heat generators in order to achieve a magnetic field induced release of an active compound from nanocontainers. To achieve such a release in remote-controlled fashion, the encapsulation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles into polymer nanocapsules was combined with the integration of a thermolabile compound into the shell of the nanocontainers. The magnetic nanoparticles acted as generators for heat, which decomposed the thermolabile compound. Pores were created in the degrading shell and an active substance was released.rn Additionally, the self-assembly of polymer nanoparticles, which were labeled with a superparamagnetic moiety as structuring agent, could be demonstrated. A combination of a magnetic field induced self-assembly and a sintering of neighboring particles upon an increase in temperature above the glass transition temperature of the polymer was used to form stable architectures. Various structures with tunable periodicity could be obtained ranging from smooth linear nanofibers to zigzag fibers. Besides solely creating linear architectures, the frugal process additionally allowed the creation of arrangements in analogy to more complex polymer architectures: By the introduction of defined junction points, the generation of branched structures and networks was demonstrated. Additionally, by tailoring the interaction of differently sized particles, the preparation of nanoparticle arrangements in statistical or block copolymer fashion was shown. Moreover, a reversible linear assembly and linkage of the nanoparticles was demonstrated following a lock/unlock mechanism. Therefore, the particles were locked in their linear assembly by a stable iron(III) hydroxamato-complex and unlocked by addition of a reducing agent and formation of a less stable iron(II)-complex.Further, in various projects with collaboration partners, nanoparticles and nanocapsules were labeled with a superparamagnetic moiety for their use as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging or as magnetically separable dispersions.


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The dissertation entitled "Tuning of magnetic exchange interactions between organic radicals through bond and space" comprises eight chapters. In the initial part of chapter 1, an overview of organic radicals and their applications were discussed and in the latter part motivation and objective of thesis was described. As the EPR spectroscopy is a necessary tool to study organic radicals, the basic principles of EPR spectroscopy were discussed in chapter 2. rnAntiferromagnetically coupled species can be considered as a source of interacting bosons. Consequently, such biradicals can serve as molecular models of a gas of magnetic excitations which can be used for quantum computing or quantum information processing. Notably, initial small triplet state population in weakly AF coupled biradicals can be switched into larger in the presence of applied magnetic field. Such biradical systems are promising molecular models for studying the phenomena of magnetic field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the solid state. To observe such phenomena it is very important to control the intra- as well as inter-molecular magnetic exchange interactions. Chapters 3 to 5 deals with the tuning of intra- and inter-molecular exchange interactions utilizing different approaches. Some of which include changing the length of π-spacer, introduction of functional groups, metal complex formation with diamagnetic metal ion, variation of radical moieties etc. During this study I came across two very interesting molecules 2,7-TMPNO and BPNO, which exist in semi-quinoid form and exhibits characteristic of the biradical and quinoid form simultaneously. The 2,7-TMPNO possesses the singlet-triplet energy gap of ΔEST = –1185 K. So it is nearly unrealistic to observe the magnetic field induced spin switching. So we studied the spin switching of this molecule by photo-excitation which was discussed in chapter 6. The structural similarity of BPNO with Tschitschibabin’s HC allowed us to dig the discrepancies related to ground state of Tschitschibabin’s hydrocarbon(Discussed in chapter 7). Finally, in chapter 8 the synthesis and characterization of a neutral paramagnetic HBC derivative (HBCNO) is discussed. The magneto liquid crystalline properties of HBCNO were studied by DSC and EPR spectroscopy.rn


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Radio relics are diffuse synchrotron sources generally located in the peripheries of galaxy clusters in merging state. According to the current leading scenario, relics trace gigantic cosmological shock waves that cross the intra-cluster medium where particle acceleration occurs. The relic/shock connection is supported by several observational facts, including the spatial coincidence between relics and shocks found in the X-rays. Under the assumptions that particles are accelerated at the shock front and are subsequently deposited and then age downstream of the shock, Markevitch et al. (2005) proposed a method to constrain the magnetic field strength in radio relics. Measuring the thickness of radio relics at different frequencies allows to derive combined constraints on the velocity of the downstream flow and on the magnetic field, which in turns determines particle aging. We elaborate this idea to infer first constraints on magnetic fields in cluster outskirts. We consider three models of particle aging and develop a geometric model to take into account the contribution to the relic transverse size due to the projection of the shock-surface on the plane of the sky. We selected three well studied radio relics in the clusters A 521, CIZA J2242.8+5301 and 1RXS J0603.3+4214. These relics have been chosen primarily because they are almost seen edge-on and because the Mach number of the shock that is associated with these relics is measured by X-ray observations, thus allowing to break the degeneracy between magnetic field and downstream velocity in the method. For the first two clusters, our method is consistent with a pure radiative aging model allowing us to derive constraints on the relics magnetic field strength. In the case of 1RXS J0603.3+4214 we find that particle life-times are consistent with a pure radiative aging model under some conditions, however we also collect evidences for downstream particle re-acceleration in the relic W-region and for a magnetic field decaying downstream in its E-region. Our estimates of the magnetic field strength in the relics in A 521 and CIZA J2242.8+5301 provide unique information on the field properties in cluster outskirts. The constraints derived for these relics, together with the lower limits to the magnetic field that we derived from the lack of inverse Compton X-ray emission from the sources, have been combined with the constraints from Faraday rotation studies of the Coma cluster. Overall results suggest that the spatial profile of the magnetic field energy density is broader than that of the thermal gas, implying that the ε_th /ε_B ratio decreases with cluster radius. Alternatively, radio relics could trace dynamically active regions where the magnetic field strength is biased high with respect to the average value in the cluster volume.


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The quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy ion collisions contains charged chiral fermions evolving in an external magnetic field. At finite density of electric charge or baryon number (resulting either from nuclear stopping or from fluctuations), the triangle anomaly induces in the plasma the Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW). The CMW first induces a separation of the right and left chiral charges along the magnetic field; the resulting dipolar axial charge density in turn induces the oppositely directed vector charge currents leading to an electric quadrupole moment of the quark-gluon plasma. Boosted by the strong collective flow, the electric quadrupole moment translates into the charge dependence of the elliptic flow coefficients, so that $v_2(\pi^+) < v_2(\pi^-)$ (at positive net charge). Using the latest quantitative simulations of the produced magnetic field and solving the CMW equation, we make further quantitative estimates of the produced $v_2$ splitting and its centrality dependence. We compare the results with the available experimental data.


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This paper describes the results of a unique "natural experiment" of the operation and cessation of a broadcast transmitter with its short-wave electromagnetic fields (6-22 MHz) on sleep quality and melatonin cycle in a general human population sample. In 1998, 54 volunteers (21 men, 33 women) were followed for 1 week each before and after shut-down of the short-wave radio transmitter at Schwarzenburg (Switzerland). Salivary melatonin was sampled five times a day and total daily excretion and acrophase were estimated using complex cosinor analysis. Sleep quality was recorded daily using a visual analogue scale. Before shut down, self-rated sleep quality was reduced by 3.9 units (95% CI: 1.7-6.0) per mA/m increase in magnetic field exposure. The corresponding decrease in melatonin excretion was 10% (95% CI: -32 to 20%). After shutdown, sleep quality improved by 1.7 units (95% CI: 0.1-3.4) per mA/m decrease in magnetic field exposure. Melatonin excretion increased by 15% (95% CI: -3 to 36%) compared to baseline values suggesting a rebound effect. Stratified analyses showed an exposure effect on melatonin excretion in poor sleepers (26% increase; 95% CI: 8-47%) but not in good sleepers. Change in sleep quality and melatonin excretion was related to the extent of magnetic field reduction after the transmitter's shut down in poor but not good sleepers. However, blinding of exposure was not possible in this observational study and this may have affected the outcome measurements in a direct or indirect (psychological) way.


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AIMS: The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure and mortality from several neurodegenerative conditions in Swiss railway employees. METHODS: We studied a cohort of 20,141 Swiss railway employees with 464,129 person-years of follow-up between 1972 and 2002. For each individual, cumulative exposure was calculated from on-site measurements and modelling of past exposure. We compared cause-specific mortality in highly exposed train drivers (mean exposure: 21 microT) with less exposed occupational groups (for example station masters: 1 microT). RESULTS: The hazard ratio for train drivers compared to station masters was 1.96 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.98-3.92] for senile dementia and 3.15 (95% CI = 0.90-11.04) for Alzheimer's disease. For every 10 microT years of cumulative exposure senile dementia mortality increased by 5.7% (95% CI = 1.3-10.4), Alzheimer's disease by 9.4% (95% CI = 2.7-16.4) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by 2.1% (95% CI = -6.8 to 11.7). There was no evidence for an increase in mortality from Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests a link between exposure to ELF-MF and Alzheimer's disease and indicates that ELF-MF might act in later stages of the disease process.


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AIMS: To investigate the relationship between extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure and mortality from leukaemia and brain tumour in a cohort of Swiss railway workers. METHODS: 20,141 Swiss railway employees with 464,129 person-years of follow-up between 1972 and 2002 were studied. Mortality rates for leukaemia and brain tumour of highly exposed train drivers (21 muT average annual exposure) were compared with medium and low exposed occupational groups (i.e. station masters with an average exposure of 1 muT). In addition, individual cumulative exposure was calculated from on-site measurements and modelling of past exposures. RESULTS: The hazard ratio (HR) for leukaemia mortality of train drivers was 1.43 (95% CI 0.74 to 2.77) compared with station masters. For myeloid leukaemia the HR of train drivers was 4.74 (95% CI 1.04 to 21.60) and for Hodgkin's disease 3.29 (95% CI 0.69 to 15.63). Lymphoid leukaemia, non-Hodgkin's disease and brain tumour mortality were not associated with magnetic field exposure. Concordant results were obtained from analyses based on individual cumulative exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Some evidence of an exposure-response association was found for myeloid leukaemia and Hodgkin's disease, but not for other haematopoietic and lymphatic malignancies and brain tumours.


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Interest in the study of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayered structures took a giant leap since Grünberg and his group established that the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) is a function of the non-magnetic spacer width. This interest was further fuelled by the discovery of the phenomenal Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) effect. In fact, in 2007 Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contribution to the discovery of GMR. GMR is the key property that is being used in the read-head of the present day computer hard drive as it requires a high sensitivity in the detection of magnetic field. The recent increase in demand for device miniaturization encouraged researchers to look for GMR in nanoscale multilayered structures. In this context, one dimensional(1-D) multilayerd nanowire structure has shown tremendous promise as a viable candidate for ultra sensitive read head sensors. In fact, the phenomenal giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect, which is the novel feature of the currently used multilayered thin film, has already been observed in multilayered nanowire systems at ambient temperature. Geometrical confinement of the supper lattice along the 2-dimensions (2-D) to construct the 1-D multilayered nanowire prohibits the minimization of magnetic interaction- offering a rich variety of magnetic properties in nanowire that can be exploited for novel functionality. In addition, introduction of non-magnetic spacer between the magnetic layers presents additional advantage in controlling magnetic properties via tuning the interlayer magnetic interaction. Despite of a large volume of theoretical works devoted towards the understanding of GMR and IEC in super lattice structures, limited theoretical calculations are reported in 1-D multilayered systems. Thus to gauge their potential application in new generation magneto-electronic devices, in this thesis, I have discussed the usage of first principles density functional theory (DFT) in predicting the equilibrium structure, stability as well as electronic and magnetic properties of one dimensional multilayered nanowires. Particularly, I have focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire structures and the role of non-magnetic Pt spacer in modulating the magnetic properties of the wire. It is found that the average magnetic moment per atom in the nanowire increases monotonically with an ~1/(N(Fe)) dependance, where N(Fe) is the number of iron layers in the nanowire. A simple model based upon the interfacial structure is given to explain the 1/(N(Fe)) trend in magnetic moment obtained from the first principle calculations. A new mechanism, based upon spin flip with in the layer and multistep electron transfer between the layers, is proposed to elucidate the enhancement of magnetic moment of Iron atom at the Platinum interface. The calculated IEC in the Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire is found to switch sign as the width of the non-magnetic spacer varies. The competition among short and long range direct exchange and the super exchange has been found to play a key role for the non-monotonous sign in IEC depending upon the width of the Platinum spacer layer. The calculated magnetoresistance from Julliere's model also exhibit similar switching behavior as that of IEC. The universality of the behavior of exchange coupling has also been looked into by introducing different non-magnetic spacers like Palladium, Copper, Silver, and Gold in between magnetic Iron layers. The nature of hybridization between Fe and other non-magnetic spacer is found to dictate the inter layer magnetic interaction. For example, in Fe/Pd nanowire the d-p hybridization in two spacer layer case favors anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) configuration over ferromagnetic (FM) configuration. However, the hybridization between half-filled Fe(d) and filled Cu(p) state in Fe/Cu nanowire favors FM coupling in the 2-spacer system.


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PURPOSE Precise temperature measurements in the magnetic field are indispensable for MR safety studies and for temperature calibration during MR-guided thermotherapy. In this work, the interference of two commonly used fiber-optical temperature measurement systems with the static magnetic field B0 was determined. METHODS Two fiber-optical temperature measurement systems, a GaAs-semiconductor and a phosphorescent phosphor ceramic, were compared for temperature measurements in B0 . The probes and a glass thermometer for reference were placed in an MR-compatible tube phantom within a water bath. Temperature measurements were carried out at three different MR systems covering static magnetic fields up to B0  = 9.4T, and water temperatures were changed between 25°C and 65°C. RESULTS The GaAs-probe significantly underestimated absolute temperatures by an amount related to the square of B0 . A maximum difference of ΔT = -4.6°C was seen at 9.4T. No systematic temperature difference was found with the phosphor ceramic probe. For both systems, the measurements were not dependent on the orientation of the sensor to B0 . CONCLUSION Temperature measurements with the phosphor ceramic probe are immune to magnetic fields up to 9.4T, whereas the GaAs-probes either require a recalibration inside the MR system or a correction based on the square of B0 . Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We investigate the plasma environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the target of the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission. Rosetta will rendezvous with the comet in 2014 at almost 3.5 AU and follow it all the way to and past perihelion at 1.3 AU. During its journey towards the inner solar system the comet's environment will significantly change. The interaction of the solar wind with a well developed neutral coma leads to the formation of an upstream bow shock and, closer to the comet, the inner shock separating the solar wind, with cometary pick-up ions mass-loaded, from the inner cometary ions which are dragged outward through abundant collisions and charge exchange with the expanding neutral gas. As a consequence the interplanetary magnetic field is prevented from penetrating the innermost region of the comet, the so-called magnetic cavity. We use our magnetohydrodynamics model BATSRUS (Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme) to simulate the solar wind - comet interaction. The model includes photoionization, ion-electron recombination, and charge exchange. Under certain conditions our model predicts an unstable plasma flow at the inner shock. We show that the plasma shear flow around the magnetic cavity can lead to Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. We investigate the onset of this phenomenon with change of heliocentric distance and furthermore show that a previously stable magnetic cavity boundary can become unstable when the neutral gas is predominately released from the dayside of the comet.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 832 and 833 were drilled in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin of the New Hebrides Island Arc (Vanuatu). High volcanic influxes in the intra-arc basin sediment resulting from erosion of volcanic rocks from nearby islands and from volcanic activity are associated with characteristic magnetic signals. The high magnetic susceptibility in the sediment (varying on average from 0.005 to more than 0.03 SI) is one of the most characteristic physical properties of this sedimentary depositional environment because of the high concentration of magnetites in redeposited ash flows and in coarse-grained turbidites. Susceptibility data correlate well with the high resolution electrical resistivity logs recorded by the formation microscanner (FMS) tool. Unlike the standard geophysical logs, which have low vertical resolution and therefore smooth the record of the sedimentary process, the FMS and whole-core susceptibility data provide a clearer picture of turbiditic sediment deposition. Measurements of Curie temperatures and low-temperature susceptibility behavior indicate that the principal magnetic minerals in ash beds, silt, and volcanic sandstone are Ti-poor titanomagnetite, whereas Ti-rich titanomagnetites are found in the intrusive sills at the bottom of Site 833. Apart from an increase in the concentration of magnetite in the sandstone layer, acquisition of isothermal and anhysteretic remanences does not show significant differences between sandstone and clayey silts. The determination of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in more than 400 samples show that clayey siltstone have a magnetic anisotropy up to 15%, whereas the AMS is much reduced in sandstone layers. The magnetic susceptibility fabric is dominated by the foliation plane, which is coplanar to the bedding plane. Reorientations of the samples using characteristic remanent magnetizations indicate that the bedding planes dip about 10° toward the east, in agreement with results from FMS images. Basaltic sills drilled at Site 833 have high magnetic susceptibilities (0.05 to 0.1 SI) and strong remanent magnetizations. Magnetic field anomalies up to 50 µT were measured in the sills by the general purpose inclinometer tool (GPIT). The direction of the in-situ magnetic anomaly vectors, calculated from the GPIT, is oriented toward the southeast with shallow inclinations which suggests that the sill intruded during a reversed polarity period.


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Distribution, accumulation and diagenesis of surficial sediments in coastal and continental shelf systems follow complex chains of localized processes and form deposits of great spatial variability. Given the environmental and economic relevance of ocean margins, there is growing need for innovative geophysical exploration methods to characterize seafloor sediments by more than acoustic properties. A newly conceptualized benthic profiling and data processing approach based on controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) imaging permits to coevally quantify the magnetic susceptibility and the electric conductivity of shallow marine deposits. The two physical properties differ fundamentally insofar as magnetic susceptibility mostly assesses solid particle characteristics such as terrigenous or iron mineral content, redox state and contamination level, while electric conductivity primarily relates to the fluid-filled pore space and detects salinity, porosity and grain-size variations. We develop and validate a layered half-space inversion algorithm for submarine multifrequency CSEM with concentric sensor configuration. Guided by results of modeling, we modified a commercial land CSEM sensor for submarine application, which was mounted into a nonconductive and nonmagnetic bottom-towed sled. This benthic EM profiler Neridis II achieves 25 soundings/second at 3-4 knots over continuous profiles of up to hundred kilometers. Magnetic susceptibility is determined from the 75 Hz in-phase response (90% signal originates from the top 50 cm), while electric conductivity is derived from the 5 kHz out-of-phase (quadrature) component (90% signal from the top 92 cm). Exemplary survey data from the north-west Iberian margin underline the excellent sensitivity, functionality and robustness of the system in littoral (~0-50 m) and neritic (~50-300 m) environments. Susceptibility vs. porosity cross-plots successfully identify known lithofacies units and their transitions. All presently available data indicate an eminent potential of CSEM profiling for assessing the complex distribution of shallow marine surficial sediments and for revealing climatic, hydrodynamic, diagenetic and anthropogenic factors governing their formation.