898 resultados para Lumber trade - Environmental aspects
The project deals with problems of marginal rural regions in the period of transformation in Slovenia and the Czech Republic. The course of the transformation, its impact, related border problems and environmental aspects were studied in seven model regions of the two countries, using geographical, cartographic, sociological, historical and remote-sensing methods. The opinions of both the local populations and the local authorities were also taken into account. The most important problems observed included the deepening of marginality, the worsening situation in the labour market, structural demographic degradation of the most marginal settlements and a lack of development programmes. In the Czech Republic the state had no effective regional policy up to the time of the research. Possibilities for future prosperity include exploitation of human and other local resources, the elaboration of local and regional programmes capable of gaining financial support and the utilisation of tranquility and the positive environmental situation. It is the local people who usually represent the main wealth of marginal regions and care for them is the task of the local authorities.
Live vaccines possess the advantage of having access to induce cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity; thus in certain cases they are able to prevent infection, and not only disease. Furthermore, live vaccines, particularly bacterial live vaccines, are relatively cheap to produce and easy to apply. Hence they are suitable to immunize large communities or herds. The induction of both cell-mediated immunity as well as antibody-mediated immunity, which is particularly beneficial in inducing mucosal immune responses, is obtained by the vaccine-strain's ability to colonize and multiply in the host without causing disease. For this reason, live vaccines require attenuation of virulence of the bacterium to which immunity must be induced. Traditionally attenuation was achieved simply by multiple passages of the microorganism on growth medium, in animals, eggs or cell cultures or by chemical or physical mutagenesis, which resulted in random mutations that lead to attenuation. In contrast, novel molecular methods enable the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) targeted to specific genes that are particularly suited to induce attenuation or to reduce undesirable effects in the tissue in which the vaccine strains can multiply and survive. Since live vaccine strains (attenuated by natural selection or genetic engineering) are potentially released into the environment by the vaccinees, safety issues concerning the medical as well as environmental aspects must be considered. These involve (i) changes in cell, tissue and host tropism, (ii) virulence of the carrier through the incorporation of foreign genes, (iii) reversion to virulence by acquisition of complementation genes, (iv) exchange of genetic information with other vaccine or wild-type strains of the carrier organism and (v) spread of undesired genes such as antibiotic resistance genes. Before live vaccines are applied, the safety issues must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case. Safety assessment includes knowledge of the precise function and genetic location of the genes to be mutated, their genetic stability, potential reversion mechanisms, possible recombination events with dormant genes, gene transfer to other organisms as well as gene acquisition from other organisms by phage transduction, transposition or plasmid transfer and cis- or trans-complementation. For this, GMOs that are constructed with modern techniques of genetic engineering display a significant advantage over random mutagenesis derived live organisms. The selection of suitable GMO candidate strains can be made under in vitro conditions using basic knowledge on molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of the corresponding bacterial species rather than by in vivo testing of large numbers of random mutants. This leads to a more targeted safety testing on volunteers and to a reduction in the use of animal experimentation.
Vietnam has developed rapidly over the past 15 years. However, progress was not uniformly distributed across the country. Availability, adequate visualization and analysis of spatially explicit data on socio-economic and environmental aspects can support both research and policy towards sustainable development. Applying appropriate mapping techniques allows gleaning important information from tabular socio-economic data. Spatial analysis of socio-economic phenomena can yield insights into locally-specifi c patterns and processes that cannot be generated by non-spatial applications. This paper presents techniques and applications that develop and analyze spatially highly disaggregated socioeconomic datasets. A number of examples show how such information can support informed decisionmaking and research in Vietnam.
Das Projekt „Analyse und Quantifizierung der Umweltauswirkungen von Fördermitteln in der Intralogistik“ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Umweltaspekte verschiedener Fördermittel während des gesamten Lebenszyklus zu analysieren, zu quantifizieren und zu bewerten. Dazu werden für die Produktgruppen Flurförderzeuge, Krane & Hebezeuge und Lagertechnik Methoden entwickelt, um die Umweltaspekte, die von diesen Geräten bzw. Systemen zu erwarten sind, einer genaueren Untersuchung zu unterziehen.
Ziel der ganzheitlichen Betrachtung der Umweltaspekte von Fördermitteln im Lager- und Kommissi-oniervorgang ist über den vollständigen Lebenszyklus Aussagen über Umweltauswirkungen zu treffen. Speziell für die Nutzungsphase werden am IFL analytische Energiebedarfsmodelle für die unterschiedlichen Fördermittel entwickelt. Deren Potential besteht v. a. darin, den aktuellen Stand heutiger Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen abzubilden und das Energieeinsparpotenzial zukünftiger Energiesparmaßnahmen abzuleiten.
Marine genetic resources other than fish and mammals are of increasing commercial interest and importance in genetic engineering, but fail being properly addressed in the law of the sea and in international economic law. The paper analyses the implication of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on Biodiversity, the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and related instruments under the auspices of WIPO. The paper argues that the triangle of these agreements does not adequately address marine genetic resources in particular in the high seas. Neither concerns of protecting biodiversity nor of access and benefit sharing find appropriate answers commensurate to the commercial potential of marine genetic resources. The paper suggests developing an instrument inspired by, and comparable to, the mechanisms developed by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The instrument would grant facilitated access to marine genetic resources and offer a more detailed set of rules with respect to the sharing of benefits resulting from their use, thereby addressing the existing legal gaps in a comprehensive way.
BACKGROUND AND METHODS We conducted a focus group analysis with students and surgeons on factors which influence medical school students' education in the operating room (OR). The interviews were analyzed using grounded theory. RESULTS The analysis resulted in 18 detailed and easily applyable themes, which were grouped into the four categories: "Students' preparation and organizational aspects", "Learning objectives", "Educational strategies for the teacher", and "Social-environmental aspects". CONCLUSION By including students and surgeons, we were able to extend existing knowledge and enable better understanding of factors influencing teaching in the OR.
Una reciente transición en el campo del desarrollo rural es el movimiento desde un enfoque reducido del sector agrícola hasta uno que adopta una visión territorial más amplia. Este pasaje intenta interpretar las interacciones entre los mundos urbano y rural de una manera más comprensiva. Esta perspectiva teórica relativamente nueva interesa particularmente a los académicos y los políticos en los países latinoamericanos donde, a partir de la mitad de los años noventa, el concepto de una nueva ruralidad se ha visto como la fuente de un nuevo enfoque para el desarrollo rural. Por lo tanto, el propósito teórico de esta investigación es explicitar los indicadores analíticos del nuevo enfoque de la ruralidad en América Latina e identificar las diferencias entre los acercamientos sectoriales y territoriales, considerando los aspectos socio-económicos, institucionales y medioambientales involucrados. La transición del enfoque sectorial a uno territorial significa también, desde un punto de vista operativo, el reconocimiento de la existencia de áreas homogéneas a partir de las cuales pueden proponerse estrategias de desarrollo rural. El propósito operativo de esta investigación consiste en proponer una metodología para identificar estas áreas con una aplicación a la Región del Maule en Chile. La conclusión subraya algunos elementos críticos que se deben considerar en la definición de estrategias del desarrollo rural territorial.
El concepto de sustentabilidad implica una relación a largo plazo entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza. Un sistema productivo sustentable es aquel capaz de permanecer en el tiempo ya que promueve la conservación de los recursos naturales, del capital social y genera una renta económica suficiente para la subsistencia de los mismos. La vitivinicultura brinda numerosos beneficios al sector agrícola, sector responsable del uso y contaminación de recursos naturales de la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina). Si bien existen algunos indicadores inherentes al sector vitivinícola, la mayoría se concentran en aspectos físicos y económicos. El trabajo consiste en elaborar indicadores para evaluar la sustentabilidad de la producción de vid en Mendoza, sobre la base del concepto de sustentabilidad que integra las tres dimensiones de un sistema: la económica, la social y la ambiental. Esto se aplicó a la producción vitícola, para lo cual se construyeron indicadores que caracterizaron al sistema siguiendo el concepto de sustentabilidad. Los indicadores se probaron con encuestas a productores (estudio de caso). Los indicadores seleccionados resultaron apropiados para determinar en qué estado de sustentabilidad está un viñedo respecto de cada una de las dimensiones (económica, social y ambiental); fáciles de obtener y de interpretar.
Planned to be a process of early evaluation of Politics, Plans and Programs (PPPs), which interfere in the environment; the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) suggests a methodology for planning and managing the land, which overcomes the limitations of the traditional plans that try to mitigate the environmental impacts of Projects, assuming a pro-active conception that incorporates the social and environmental aspects in the planning stage of the PPPs. This kind of Evaluation surpasses the existing limitations of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), once the EIA happens after the planning process, when lots of decisions have been made and carried out. In order to overcome the limitations of EIA, the SEA is a strategic tool in the process of planning and managing the land. When we focus on the PPPs and not on the Projects, the SEA, which is more political than technical, priorizes the strategies that assure the integration of the environmental, social, economic and institutional aspects into the planning process, in private or public organizations. In this context, this work aims to establish the concept basis of the Strategic Environmental Evaluation as a tool for land planning and managing. The methodology procedures used here lie in the literature review concerning the SEA, analyzing how this tool can be introduced as an alternative for sustainable development. Although the SEA is a tool that introduces the sustainable development theme as a guiding principle of planning, it is seldom used by managers and decision makers, locally and nationally
Led to become a national productive Center, the Great Dourados Region, which consists of 40 cities located in the south of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, emerged as a grain productive region from the middle of the 1970s in the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Using modern agricultural techniques, the land organization in this region was ruled by a development policy which was not concerned with the socio environmental aspects of the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the development process of the Great Dourados region, through soybean production and its relation to the confinement of the indigenous people present in the Area. This integration happened due to the money and for it, inserting this Region into a national productive pattern which guided the farmers to modern crops, mainly soybean. The land cultivation was not the only productive activity that granted the Region an economic integration, to both the national and international market. From the end of the Paraguay War (1870) to the middle of the 70s, there were at least two other ways to the regional economic integration. One of them happened with the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea (maté/ Yerba Mate) from 1870 to 1937, which divided the regional territory into large farmlands focused on the external market. The other way happened with the need to create a market for the agricultural production and for the demand for manufactured goods, which reorganized the regional territory into small farmlands, as a result of colonization projects from 1943 to 1956. Since 1976, with the creation of the Special Program for the Development of the Great Dourados Region (Prodegran), the capitalist relations of production, which were consolidated in the area, were not ruled almost exclusively by the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea, in order to create a new accumulation center connected to the modern crops. As this new accumulation center was created, the Region was led to a selective and dependent integration process, in which many farmers changed their accumulation centers to modern grain crops, causing environmental degradation, productive exclusion and ethnical-cultural conflicts with the indigenous community
El trabajo presenta los problemas y oportunidades de la agricultura ecológica en Aragón, España. Con esta finalidad, se compara la agricultura ecológica con la convencional tanto en los aspectos socioeconómicos como medioambientales. Como base de esta comparativa, se presentan algunos de los principios básicos de la agricultura ecológica y su estructura contable de costes, obtenida a través de un trabajo de campo en Aragón y bases de datos oficiales, así como datos sobre su consumo y distribución; finalmente se sugieren algunas vías de actuación pública que pueden apoyar las oportunidades de la agricultura ecológica.
Los municipios, en los últimos veinticinco años, han cambiado sus roles. En la actualidad, los gobernantes locales asumen formas de gestionar que atienden a las crecientes demandas sociales de sus vecinos, redefiniendo las políticas públicas municipales. Parte de la tarea de gestión es el ordenamiento territorial como estrategia para orientar la distribución espacial del desarrollo, de acuerdo con los recursos disponibles, con el mejor uso que a los mismos se da en términos sociales, económicos y ambientales. Concretarlo implica cambios cualitativos importantes, adecuaciones en la gestión político-administrativa. En Victorica, La Pampa, la autogestión se perfila como una de las características más sobresalientes. La dinámica gestión de su territorio es ejemplo para otros municipios que intentan imitar el estilo. Los actores sociales son la clave del cambio.
El trabajo presenta los problemas y oportunidades de la agricultura ecológica en Aragón, España. Con esta finalidad, se compara la agricultura ecológica con la convencional tanto en los aspectos socioeconómicos como medioambientales. Como base de esta comparativa, se presentan algunos de los principios básicos de la agricultura ecológica y su estructura contable de costes, obtenida a través de un trabajo de campo en Aragón y bases de datos oficiales, así como datos sobre su consumo y distribución; finalmente se sugieren algunas vías de actuación pública que pueden apoyar las oportunidades de la agricultura ecológica.