854 resultados para Lean Methodology
Lean-filosofian keskeinen ajatus on tuottaa asiakkaalle enemmän arvoa vähentämällä turhuuksia tuotannosta. Keskeisessä roolissa lean-filosofiassa ovat arvo, arvovirta, flow, pull ja täydellisyys. Lean accounting on lean-tuotantofilosofiaa tukeva työkalu ja sen avulla voidaan kehittää sekä seurata lean-tuotantoa. Lean accountingissa tuotetaan selkeitä ja yksinkertaisia raportteja, joita koko organisaatio voi ymmärtää. Oleellista lean accountingissa on keskittyä yhden tuotteen kannattavuuden sijaan koko arvovirran kannattavuuteen. Tässä kandidaatintyössä käsitellään lean accountingia yleisesti. Työssä perehdytään perinteisen laskentatoimen ongelmiin lean-tuotannossa sekä esitellään sopivia työkaluja ja menetelmiä, jotka sopivat lean-yritykselle. Työssä on haasteltu Suomessa toimivia lean-yrityksiä heidän lean accounting ja lean-työkalujen tuntemuksesta. Työn tärkeyttä korostaa se, että lean accounting on huonosti tunnettu. Useat yritykset hyödyntävät lean-tuotantoa, mutta hyöty saattaa jäädä huomaamatta ilman lean accountingia. Lean accounting on havaittu hyväksi menetelmäksi ja siitä voi olla apua lean-yrityksille.
The requirements set by the market for electrical machines become increasingly demanding requiring more sophisticated technological solutions. Companies producing electrical ma-chines are challenged to develop machines that provide competitive edge for the customer for example through increased efficiency, reliability or some customer specific special requirement. The objective of this thesis is to derive a proposal for the first steps to transform the electrical machine product development process of a manufacturing company towards lean product development. The current product development process in the company is presented together with the processes of four other companies interviewed for the thesis. On the basis of current processes of the electrical machine industry and the related literature, a generalized electrical machine product development process is derived. The management isms and –tools utilized by the companies are analyzed. Adoption of lean Pull-Event –reviews, Oobeya –management and Knowledge based product development are suggested as the initial steps of implementing lean product development paradigm in the manufacturing company. Proposals for refining the cur-rent product development process and increasing the stakeholder involvement in the development projects are made. Lean product development is finding its way to Finnish electrical machine industry, but the results will be available only after the methods have been implemented and adopted by the companies. There is some enthusiasm about the benefits of lean approach and if executed successfully it will provide competitive edge for the Finnish electrical machine industry.
Diplomityössä tarkastellaan hitsaavan verkoston laadunhallintaa ja siinä ilmeneviä erilaisia ongelmakohtia. Tämän lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan kolmen eri laatutyökalun Lean, Six Sigma ja Total Welding Management soveltamista hitsaavan verkoston laadunhallinnassa. Teoriaosassa käsitellään sekä yleisesti että hitsauksen osalta laatua ja laadunhallintaa, sekä edellä mainittuja laatutyökaluja. Tutkimusosaan tietoja hitsaavista verkostoista kerättiin kaikkiaan kolmesta eri verkostosta. Näiden kerättyjen tietojen pohjalta tarkasteltiin valittujen laatutyökalujen soveltuvuutta verkostomaiseen käyttöön. Verkostoitunut toiminta aiheuttaa monia uusia haasteita yritysten laadunhallinnalle verrattuna yksittäisiin hitsaaviin yrityksiin. Suurimpia tutkimuksessa havaittuja ongelmakohtia ovat suunnittelun ja valmistuksen yhteistyön erilaiset puutteet, laatutasoon ja sen varmistukseen liittyvät asiat, sekä verkoston sisälle syntyvä niin sanottu hiljainen tieto ja sen häviäminen. Tutkimuksen tarkastelujen perusteella havaittiin, että kaikkien tutkimukseen valitun kolmen laatutyökalun soveltaminen myös verkostomaisessa toiminnassa on mahdollista, mutta se vaatii huomattavasti suurempaa työpanosta kuin soveltaminen yksittäisessä yrityksessä. Myös näiden kaikkien kolmen työkalun yhtä aikainen käyttö on mahdollista. Juuri oikean työkalun valitseminen kullekin hitsaavalle verkostolle vaatii tarkkaa perehtymistä verkostoon ja sen tilanteeseen.
This thesis was part of lean adaptation project started at Outotec Lappeenranta factory in early 2013. The purpose of this thesis was to develop and propose lean tools that could be used in daily management, visual management and continuous improvement. This thesis was “outsiders” view, and as such, did not study the current processes deeply. As result of this thesis, two different Daily Management -boards were designed, one for parallel processes and one for sequential processes. In addition, methods of doing continuous improvement and daily task accountability were framed and standard work for the leaders outlined. The tools presented in this thesis are general tools which support work in lean environment. They are visual and, if used correctly, they provide a basis from which continuous improvement can be done. Lean philosophy emphasizes the deep understanding of the current situation and it would be against the lean principles to blindly implement anything developed “on the outside”. The tools presented should be reviewed and modified further by the people working on the factory floor.
This work describes the methodology, basic procedures and instrumental employed by the Solar Energy Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul for the determination of current-voltage characteristic curves of photovoltaic modules. According to this methodology, I-V characteristic curves were acquired for several modules under diverse conditions. The main electrical parameters were determined and the temperature and irradiance influence on photovoltaic modules performance was quantified. It was observed that most of the tested modules presented output power values considerably lower than those specified by the manufacturers. The described hardware allows the testing of modules with open-circuit voltage up to 50 V and short-circuit current up to 8 A.
This work presents recent results concerning a design methodology used to estimate the positioning deviation for a gantry (Cartesian) manipulator, related mainly to structural elastic deformation of components during operational conditions. The case-study manipulator is classified as gantry type and its basic dimensions are 1,53m x 0,97m x 1,38m. The dimensions used for the calculation of effective workspace due to end-effector path displacement are: 1m x 0,5m x 0,5m. The manipulator is composed by four basic modules defined as module X, module Y, module Z and terminal arm, where is connected the end-effector. Each module controlled axis performs a linear-parabolic positioning movement. The planning path algorithm has the maximum velocity and the total distance as input parameters for a given task. The acceleration and deceleration times are the same. Denavit-Hartemberg parameterization method is used in the manipulator kinematics model. The gantry manipulator can be modeled as four rigid bodies with three degrees-of-freedom in translational movements, connected as an open kinematics chain. Dynamic analysis were performed considering inertial parameters specification such as component mass, inertia and center of gravity position of each module. These parameters are essential for a correct manipulator dynamic modelling, due to multiple possibilities of motion and manipulation of objects with different masses. The dynamic analysis consists of a mathematical modelling of the static and dynamic interactions among the modules. The computation of the structural deformations uses the finite element method (FEM).
This work presents a methodology for the development of Teleoperated Robotic Systems through the Internet. Initially, it is presented a bibliographical review of the Telerobotic systems that uses Internet as way of control. The methodology is implemented and tested through the development of two systems. The first is a manipulator with two degrees of freedom commanded remotely through the Internet denominated RobWebCam (http://www.graco.unb.br/robwebcam). The second is a system which teleoperates an ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) Industrial Robot of six degrees of freedom denominated RobWebLink (http://webrobot.graco.unb.br). RobWebCam is composed of a manipulator with two degrees of freedom, a video camera, Internet, computers and communication driver between the manipulator and the Unix system; and RobWebLink composed of the same components plus the Industrial Robot. With the use of this technology, it is possible to move far distant positioning objects minimizing transport costs, materials and people; acting in real time in the process that is wanted to be controller. This work demonstrates that the teleoperating via Internet of robotic systems and other equipments is viable, in spite of using rate transmission data with low bandwidth. Possible applications include remote surveillance, control and remote diagnosis and maintenance of machines and equipments.
Industrial applications demand that robots operate in agreement with the position and orientation of their end effector. It is necessary to solve the kinematics inverse problem. This allows the displacement of the joints of the manipulator to be determined, to accomplish a given objective. Complete studies of dynamical control of joint robotics are also necessary. Initially, this article focuses on the implementation of numerical algorithms for the solution of the kinematics inverse problem and the modeling and simulation of dynamic systems. This is done using real time implementation. The modeling and simulation of dynamic systems are performed emphasizing off-line programming. In sequence, a complete study of the control strategies is carried out through the study of several elements of a robotic joint, such as: DC motor, inertia, and gearbox. Finally a trajectory generator, used as input for a generic group of joints, is developed and a proposal of the controller's implementation of joints, using EPLD development system, is presented.
Nowadays, the upwind three bladed horizontal axis wind turbine is the leading player on the market. It has been found to be the best industrial compromise in the range of different turbine constructions. The current wind industry innovation is conducted in the development of individual turbine components. The blade constitutes 20-25% of the overall turbine budget. Its optimal operation in particular local economic and wind conditions is worth investigating. The blade geometry, namely the chord, twist and airfoil type distributions along the span, responds to the output measures of the blade performance. Therefore, the optimal wind blade geometry can improve the overall turbine performance. The objectives of the dissertation are focused on the development of a methodology and specific tool for the investigation of possible existing wind blade geometry adjustments. The novelty of the methodology presented in the thesis is the multiobjective perspective on wind blade geometry optimization, particularly taking simultaneously into account the local wind conditions and the issue of aerodynamic noise emissions. The presented optimization objective approach has not been investigated previously for the implementation in wind blade design. The possibilities to use different theories for the analysis and search procedures are investigated and sufficient arguments derived for the usage of proposed theories. The tool is used for the test optimization of a particular wind turbine blade. The sensitivity analysis shows the dependence of the outputs on the provided inputs, as well as its relative and absolute divergences and instabilities. The pros and cons of the proposed technique are seen from the practical implementation, which is documented in the results, analysis and conclusion sections.
Diplomityön tarkoitus on tehostaa lämmityslinjan kokoonpanosoluja käyttämällä erilaisia Lean – työkaluja. Pyrkimys on lisätä järjestystä 5S - työkalun avulla sekä selvittää lämmitinlinjan työntekijän ajankäyttö. Lämmitinlinjan suurimmat ongelmat selvitetään häviön mittauksen ja kartoituksen avulla. Työntekijöiden työmenetelmät tutkitaan käyttämällä MTM (Methods-Time Measurement)– menetelmää, jossa yksittäinen työsuoritus kuvataan videolle. Video pisteytetään ja työntekijän liikkeet analysoidaan. Videon pohjalta havaitaan kehityskohteet työpisteissä ja työmenetelmissä, ja ne organisoidaan sekä standardoidaan uudestaan. Materiaalivirtauksen ongelma ratkaistaan siirtämällä komponentit kokoonpanosoluun uuden materiaalipalvelijan toimesta. Menetelmäkehityksen ja paremman järjestyksen avulla kokoonpanosolun tuottavuutta parannetaan 30 prosenttia verrattuna alkuperäiseen tilanteeseen. Lämmitinlinjan häviön mittauksella saavutetaan ymmärrys osaston suurimmista pullonkauloista. Mittauksen avulla tiedetään yksittäisten ongelmien esiintymistiheydet ja koneiden kapasiteettihäviöt. Lämmitinlinjaston tehostaminen tulevaisuudessa vaatii häviöiden alkuperäisten ongelmien ratkaisua.
More discussion is required on how and which types of biomass should be used to achieve a significant reduction in the carbon load released into the atmosphere in the short term. The energy sector is one of the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters and thus its role in climate change mitigation is important. Replacing fossil fuels with biomass has been a simple way to reduce carbon emissions because the carbon bonded to biomass is considered as carbon neutral. With this in mind, this thesis has the following objectives: (1) to study the significance of the different GHG emission sources related to energy production from peat and biomass, (2) to explore opportunities to develop more climate friendly biomass energy options and (3) to discuss the importance of biogenic emissions of biomass systems. The discussion on biogenic carbon and other GHG emissions comprises four case studies of which two consider peat utilization, one forest biomass and one cultivated biomasses. Various different biomass types (peat, pine logs and forest residues, palm oil, rapeseed oil and jatropha oil) are used as examples to demonstrate the importance of biogenic carbon to life cycle GHG emissions. The biogenic carbon emissions of biomass are defined as the difference in the carbon stock between the utilization and the non-utilization scenarios of biomass. Forestry-drained peatlands were studied by using the high emission values of the peatland types in question to discuss the emission reduction potential of the peatlands. The results are presented in terms of global warming potential (GWP) values. Based on the results, the climate impact of the peat production can be reduced by selecting high-emission-level peatlands for peat production. The comparison of the two different types of forest biomass in integrated ethanol production in pulp mill shows that the type of forest biomass impacts the biogenic carbon emissions of biofuel production. The assessment of cultivated biomasses demonstrates that several selections made in the production chain significantly affect the GHG emissions of biofuels. The emissions caused by biofuel can exceed the emissions from fossil-based fuels in the short term if biomass is in part consumed in the process itself and does not end up in the final product. Including biogenic carbon and other land use carbon emissions into the carbon footprint calculations of biofuel reveals the importance of the time frame and of the efficiency of biomass carbon content utilization. As regards the climate impact of biomass energy use, the net impact on carbon stocks (in organic matter of soils and biomass), compared to the impact of the replaced energy source, is the key issue. Promoting renewable biomass regardless of biogenic GHG emissions can increase GHG emissions in the short term and also possibly in the long term.
Today lean-philosophy has gathered a lot of popularity and interest in many industries. This customer-oriented philosophy helps to understand customer’s value creation which can be used to improve efficiency. A comprehensive study of lean and lean-methods in service industry were created in this research. In theoretical part lean-philosophy is studied in different levels which will help to understand its diversity. To support lean, this research also presents basic concepts of process management. Lastly theoretical part presents a development model to support process development in systematical way. The empirical part of the study was performed by performing experimental measurements during the service center’s product return process and by analyzing this data. Measurements were used to map out factors that have a negative influence on the process flow. Several development propositions were discussed to remove these factors. Problems mainly occur due to challenges in controlling customers and due to the lack of responsibility and continuous improvement on operational level. Development propositions concern such factors as change in service center’s physical environment, standardization of work tasks and training. These factors will remove waste in the product return process and support the idea of continuous improvement.
The importance of after-sales service or service in general can be seen and experienced by customers every day with industrial as well as other non-industrial services or products. This dissertation, drawing on theory and experience, focuses on practical engineering implications, specifically the management of customer issues in the after-sales phase in the mobile phone arena. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to investigate customer after-sales issue management, specifically regarding mobile phones. The case studies focus on issue resolution time and the issue of corrective actions. This dissertation consists of a main body and four peer-reviewed journal articles and one manuscript currently under review by a peer-reviewed journal. The main body of this dissertation examines the elements of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention with respect to corrective actions to address customer issues and issue resolution time through literature and empirical studies. The five independent works are case studies supporting the thesis research questions. This study examines four questions: 1) What are the factors affecting corrective actions for customers? 2) How can customer issue resolution time be controlled? 3) What are the factors affecting processes in the service chain? and 4) How can communication be measured in a service chain? In this work, both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods are used. The main body of the thesis reviews the literature regarding the elements that bridge the five case studies. The case studies of the articles and surveys lean more toward the methodology of critical positivism and then apply the interpretive approach in interpreting the results. The case study articles employ various statistical methods to analyze and to interpret the empirical and survey data. The statistical methods were used to create a model that is useful for significantly optimizing issue resolution time. Moreover, it was found that samples for verifying issues provided by the customer neither improve the perceived quality of corrective actions nor the perceived quality of issue resolution time. The term “service” in this work is limited to the technical services that are provided by product manufacturers and after-sales authorized service vendors. On the basis of this research work, it has been observed that corrective actions and issue resolution time are associated with customer satisfaction and hence, according to induction theory, to customer loyalty and retention. This thesis utilizes knowledge of marketing and customer relationships to contribute to the existing body of knowledge concerning information and communication technology for after-sales service recovery of mobile terminals. The established models in the thesis contribute to the existing knowledge of the after-sales process of dealing with customer issues in the field of mobile phones. The findings suggest that process managers could focus more on communication and training provided to the staff as new technology evolves rapidly. The study also suggest the managers formulate strategies for how customers can be kept informed on a regular basis of the status of issues that have been escalated for corrective action. The findings also lay the foundation for the comprehensive objective to control the entire product development process, starting with conceptualization. This implies that robust design should be applied to the new products so that problems affecting customer service quality are not repeated. The objective will be achieved when the entire service chain from product development to the final user can be modeled and this model can be used to support the organization at all levels.
Viime vuosien aikana tapahtunut nikkelin hinnan nouseminen on vaikuttanut austeniittis-ferriittisten ruostumattomien terästen, ns. duplex -terästen kehittämiseen. Niukkaseosteisemmissa lean duplex -teräksissä seostetun nikkelin määrää on vähennetty ja sitä on korvattu typellä ja mangaanilla. Nämä muutokset ko. terästen seostuksessa aiheuttavat haasteita hitsaukselle, erityisesti austeniitti-ferriitti -suhteen säilyttämisessä, sekä sitä kautta iskusitkeyden ja korroosio-ominaisuuksien säilyttämiselle. Suurempi typen osuus myös lisää teräksen hitsisulan viskositeettia, mikä heikentää juuripalkojen hitsauksessa tunkeumaa. Tässsä diplomityössä on tutkittu keinoja helpottaa paksujen (yli 20 mm) lean duplex -teräslevyjen hitsausta käytännön näkökulmasta, sekä parantaa hitsattujen levyjen iskusitkeyttä. Hitsauskokeilla löydettiin hitsausta helpottavia menetelmiä ja kokeista saatiin karsimalla valikoitua hitsausarvot, joilla pystytään hitsaamaan painelaitedirektiivin mukaisesti hyväksyttäviä hitsejä lean duplex -laatuihin LDX2101 ja UR2202.