975 resultados para Instituições e sociedades cientificas
Introdução/objetivos: A avaliação do estado de saúde de idosos institucionalizados é considerada prática essencial à promoção e recuperação da sua saúde, a qual deve incluir a investigação de aspectos multidimensionais e multidisciplinares relacionados ao envelhecimento saudável. O estudo objetivou avaliar as condições de saúde dos idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência (ILPI) do município de Natal RN. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, longitudinal, envolvendo seis ILPI filantrópicas, com uma população de 243 idosos. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas com os idosos nas instituições mediante a aplicação de um questionário com informações sócio demográficas, saúde e institucionalização, além de várias facetas multidisciplinares que envolvem a escala de avaliação cognitiva (Mini Exame do Estado Mental); o índex de KATZ, para avaliação das atividades da vida diária e uma análise do estado nutricional com questões antropométricas (peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal) e Índice de Massa Corpórea. Participaram do estudo todos os idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, que aceitaram responder a entrevista e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e/ou a impressão datiloscópica. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, sob parecer n° 164/2011. Resultados: Os participantes do estudo incluem 243 idosos, sendo a maioria mulheres (172 = 70,7%), com média de idade de 79 ± 9,44 anos. 124 idosos são solteiros (51,0%) e 66 viúvos (27,0%). A prática de atividades físicas não é rotina nas instituições, onde a maioria dos idosos (82,7%; n = 201) não realiza nenhum tipo de atividade. 78% dos idosos (n = 192) chegou a instituição sendo levados por familiares, enquanto que apenas 18% (n = 44 idosos) por vontade própria e 4% (n = 7 idosos) não souberam responder. Quanto aos aspectos cognitivos, identificou-se que 64,2% dos idosos (n = 156) apresentaram alterações significativas dentro da pontuação dos escores com restrições em responder aos demais questionamentos durante a entrevista por apresentarem limitações cognitivas e/ou dificuldades senso perceptivas.Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou alterações cognitivas na maioria dos idosos institucionalizados impossibilitando-os a continuidade da realização da avaliação global da saúde. A identificação correta da perda cognitiva em idosos é de suma importância para a equipe de saúde a fim de promover a detecção precoce de alterações cognitivas e a adoção de tratamento adequado, no sentido de contribuir para uma melhor qualidade de vida desta população
In recent years, issues involving public safety have gained more prominence in scientific debates, the media, and common sense, because undoubtedly the feeling of fear and insecurity caused by the increase in violence overall, has spread like construction element of social representations, both in individual levels, as well as collectively. Violence is a social phenomenon existing in human manifestations, from the older societies, ie it was present in all historical periods, but in different ways in the subjective and objective, having had the task of being the central element in modeling process for the formation of individual behavior, both in older societies as in modern society. However, it has a peculiar feature of acquiring new contours to the extent that the individual and collective behaviors are modified in relation individual-violence. In this sense, the institutions that establish the order from the control of violence, have their social representations in the context of social relationships permeated by elements of violence, fear and insecurity, that shift the subjective feeling of insecurity, or existential, for a concrete plan and goal, namely to the level of physical insecurity in daily life in the modern world. The objective of this study was to capture the construction of social representations of the population in Aracaju on the police institution and the figure of the policeman in the contemporary context. We focus our attention only to the institutions of order, which constitute the field of the apparatus of public security and social protection of our state
A presente pesquisa visa entender os fatores que explicam a manutenção dos aspectos artesanais no extrativismo da cera de carnaúba em Limoeiro do Norte. Justificamos a exploração desse tema pelo fascínio do autor pelo tema e por ser esse recurso ainda uma importante fonte de renda para produtores e trabalhadores rurais no respectivo município. Objetivamos nessa pesquisa identificar as razões pelas quais a atividade mantém seu padrão tecnológico intacto. Primeiro objetivamos uma descrição do processo produtivo da cera, tanto no passado, quanto no presente, comparando estes momentos e ressaltando o caráter artesanal da atividade, além de analisar a importância atual da atividade para aqueles que ainda lidam com esse tipo de produção, bem como procuramos revelar estrutura histórica e institucional que permeia a lógica e as escolhas destes produtores, a qual pode explicar a preservação destes aspectos artesanais. Utilizando o referencial teórico do institucionalismo, explicamos que a preservação destes aspectos artesanais, ocorre em virtude da prevalência de determinadas instituições, como a memória coletiva cultivada entre os rendeiros idosos e resistentes, a concentração fundiária, responsável pelo arrendamento e também as restritas possibilidades de investimento e poupança no processo produtivo, em face do baixo nível de renda de produtores, os quais com um produto pouco competitivo no mercado, pouco podem fazer para inovar tecnologicamente.
The research aimed to study the emergence, role, and the possibilities of environmental movements in Sergipe, running through an analysis of the period between 1983 and 2011. This goal has been guided by the core issue of research, which was to analyze the relationship between the mission, structure and action of environmental organizations in Sergipe. The research arose from the need to map and critically evaluate the environmental movement in Sergipe. The methodological procedures focused on the literature search, survey papers in Sergipe a time gap of 28 years, detailed analysis of nine "movements" and selected in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews with dozens of social actors involved in the area. In conclusion, we observed that environmentalism in Sergipe, from its inception, was associated with recovery of consciousness regarding the environment, to combat local problems of degradation, and the search for legitimacy of public opinion. Although the environmental movement have been, at times, the attention of mass media, the movement failed to leave the niche and achieve a more representative portion of society. You can still see the deep relationship between the profile of environmental leaders, capital strength and the practical results of the environmental actions and finally, it was observed that the action of the movements has much stronger bond with the relationship of the organization and its main leaders with the other "environmentalist," than with the structure and mission of the institution
The judicial intervention in limited liability company goes through several issues of legislative and hermeneutics origin, based considerably on the small importance given to freedom of economic initiative by the participants in the process of formation and application of the law. In addition, Brazilian law, due to incompleteness, inconsistency or lack of valid grounds, put the judge in a procedural delicate situation. Being forced to judge, the judiciary faces severe uncomfortable interpretive situations, of which derive solutions of dubious constitutionality and affecting, significantly, the dynamics of business activity. In this context, and considering the limited liability company as an expression of free enterprise, corresponding to a lawful association of people in order to undertake economically, in exercise of his freedom of contracting and professional action, intended to be offered safe parameters of constitutionality for judicial intervention in limited liability company in the hypothesis of (i) transfer of corporate shares, (ii) attachment of corporate shares, (iii) dismissal of directors, (iv) appointment of judicial stakeholders, (v) exclusion of shareholders and (vi ) trespass. The hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted, building hypotheses to overcome the gaps and unconstitutionality of the law and subjecting them to tests, reviews, and comparisons with hypothetical facts and case law in order to determine the constitutional validity of the proposed solutions. The procedure aimed to reconcile the historical, comparative, dialectical and scientific methods. The roots of temporal institutes were researched as well as current solutions provided by national and compared law. From problematizations point, addressed by the constitutional interpretation of the law and jurisprudence, responses that bring out the unconstitutionality of certain conceptions were headed
With a focus on the need for effectiveness of fundamental rights of persons with disabilities, this dissertation held a scientific research to analyze the degree of implementation of reservation of positions and public jobs to people with disabilities in the Brazilian State, because the 1988 Federal Constitution expressly determined such a reservation in your article 37, VIII. Highlight that this subject is enough evidence, given the large number of open public competition in recent years in Brazil, as well as recent proposals to grant equal rights to blacks (Bill nº 6,738/2013). In addition, the wording the constitutional device comes fomenting heated discussions on the subject, which are flowing on the doors of the judiciary and are spicy because such protection Microsystem vulnerable group has several gaps in the regulation of this policy. However, the research produced, unlike other related theme, does not address the problem of inefficiency in its constitutional theory, that is, abstractly, but also focuses on a specific analysis of this ineffectiveness within Brazilian society, so that research based on a bibliographical analysis, plus a study case law, at the national level, as well as in field research, while case study, focusing on the technique of the analysis of everyday life, because it was believed that the degree of realization of the constitutional norm debated is not yet a satisfactory degree of effectiveness. Soon, the methodological procedures chosen confirmed such a hypothesis and contributed to the study of realization of the fundamental right to work of people with disabilities in Brazil, the light of a Constitutional State, proposing a constitutionally appropriate model the greater effectiveness of the constitutional norm studied
Broadly anchored on Institutionalist literature this dissertation seeks to answer: Why rural credit granted to farming families in Rio Grande do Norte, Pronaf group B, has shown positive results in some territories while in others the same results are insatisfactory? Considering formal rules are the same, then why such results are so distinguished? This research supports the fact that these results are a direct consequence of the quality of institutions defined as longstanding social rules established and built in social interactions. For institutions one understands; organizational structures, formal and non-formal rules, social trust, thinking behaviors and its evolution as well as routines. Using Pronaf Rural Credit as a background this study measures and compares results obtained in the rural areas of Seridó, Sertão do Apodi, Mato Grande, Assú-Mossoró, Trairi, Potengi and Alto Oeste. The dimensions of measurement considered were: economics, social and guarantee of transparency. The study considers a sample of 402 Group B farming families. It also elaborates a socio-economic profile of these families in the considered areas and underlines the main causes for defaulted loans, difficulties to improve family income and results of access to Pronaf B credit line, as well as it proposes solutions to surpass obstacles to improve the efficiency of this credit line
This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Centers for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, the CEFET s (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica), government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. Taking the FORPLAN/CONCEFET performance indicators matrix it is developed a set of performance indicators for the two tops perspective in the conceptual model proposed five for customer/society perspective and three for financial/budget perspective. A field survey with ten CEFET s General Directors is conducted to validate the indicators and assess the perception of the Directors on the hierarchy of the conceptual model, and a hierarchy among the indicators as well. The main results suggests that the indicators are validated, that most of the Directors support the hierarchy presented in the conceptual model but 30% of them have a traditional model with financials coming first. In terms of indicator hierarchy, there s a slight priority for the student unitary cost among the financial perspective indicators, and a relative balance among the customer/society perspective indicators
This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Institution for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, a government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. It is used the annual management report of thirteen Institutions and applied a Pearson correlation analysis in order to verify a cause-effect situation between indicators. The main findings suggest that the model teachers qualification in terms of degree earned, quantity of teachers in full time job, and rate of students by teacher in full time job having good pearson correlation with the results expected of quality, throughput, social and demand response. However, the student unit cost use as the sole financial indicator did not get any reasonable correlation with the results, as so the quality and quantity of books in the libraries. Although it suggests a need for improvement in the model, the general model adopted appears to be satisfactory as a starting point to a BSC-like performance measuring system to this kind of Institutions
This Master of Science Thesis deals with a BSC modeling for higher education institution focusing on private institution in the Brazilian context. It‟s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to for profit and non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with a new perspective (Government) and a change in the hierarchy of the main BSC perspective equaling financial to customer/society. Taking the national higher education assessment system of Education Ministry indicators a model is deployed and the relations between the indicators are measured with the Pearson correlation coefficient. As a result a model emerges with sound relations of indicators but a improvement in the financial indicators is needed
This research aims to understand the relationship between media, capitalism and ownership of free time for leisure practices in industrial societies and postindustrial. Searching is thus a conceptual framework that takes into account the kind of ideology that naturalizes the relationship of leisure with the foundations of contemporary media, and the media only with leisure, forgetting their insertion in the labor and industrial relations in society. We intend to demonstrate that every mode of production, in the capitalist system, entails a mode of reproduction. Methodologically, this is a first approximation, from theoretical concerns already performed, constituting a theoretical research, bibliographic and descriptive character. The results of the text drives us to the conclusion that the work and leisure spheres tend to be less and less differentiated, since both remain as activities of product management with the same intellective protocols, based on information and communication technology, and that accordingly, the media favors an expansion of productive activity even during leisure time
Introduction: The aging process causes quantitative and qualitative changes in sleeping. Such changes affects more than half of the adults above 65 years old, that live in the community and 70% of the institutionalized, a great negative impact in their quality of life. One of the pathological displays of aging, that share some characteristics with sleeping disorders and predict similar results, is the Frailty Syndrome, that characterize the most weakened and vulnerable elderly. The way sleeping disorders play a role in the frailty pathogeneses remains uncertain. Objective: Evaluate the relation between the sleeping and the frailty syndrome on institutionalized elderly. Methodology: A transversal study was performed with 69 elderly in institutions in the city of João Pessoa PB. Were used the Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index and actigraphy to subjective and objective variables, respectively, and questionnaires and specific tests to frailty phenotype variant (Fried Frailty Criteria). In the statistic analysis were used the Pearson correlation test, Chi Square and One-way ANOVA test, with Tukey-Krammer posttest. Subsequently, a Simple Linear Regression model was built. On every statistical analysis were considered a confidence interval of 95% and a p < 0,05. Results: The sample was characterized by the prevalence of the frail (49,3%), women (62,3%), single (50,7%) and 77,52 (±7,82).The frail elderly obtained the worst sleeping quality 10,37 (±4,31) (f = 4,15, p = 0,02), when compared with the non-frail. The sleep latency influenced more the frailty (R2 = 0,13, β standard = 1,76, β = 0,41, p = 0,001). Weren t found differences between the standard resting-activity variable and the frailty phenotype categories. Conclusion: Sleeping alterations, including bad sleeping quality, prolonged sleep latency, low sleep efficiency and day drowsiness, influenced the frailty in institutionalized elderly
The elaboration of this thesis aimed at getting to know the structure of the psychological well-being (PWB) at work and analysing the differences in the PWB levels among technical-administrative servants in public and private Institutions of Higher Education (IES) in the municipality of João Pessoa. Two hundred and thirty-three public and private IES male and female servants of João Pessoa participated in the research, replying to an instrument composed of questionnaires referring to the elaborated model. Factorial and regression analyses were accomplished in order to test the hypotheses in respect of the proposed model. The results showed that the PWB related with the work is composed of indicators such as affection, vitality, anxiety, depression, satisfaction at work and aspiration for accomplishment and reduction of the self-efficiency. The observed PWB predictors at work were the IES type, presence of children, age and the escape and back-out facing strategy. These predictors possess relationship of moderation among them in the explanation of PWB. On comparing the PWB experienced by the technical-administrative servants, it was observed that those linked to private IES showed higher PWB rates. Furthermore, there are differences among PWB predictors in accordance with the IES type. The applicability of the results of this thesis is wide as regards social interventions in the search of health improvement under a psycho-sociological perspective. Eventually, the thematic of this thesis intends to reinforce the studies on the worker s health, since by knowing what would lead him into a feeling of accomplishment and well-being will result in more chances of promoting him, while creating opportunities of a sounder life for these people in psychological terms
Considerando o papel do ensino superior em saúde para a sociedade brasileira, em que os egressos dos cursos ofertados na área serão os profissionais prestadores de serviços à população, este estudo objetivou analisar o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família - Natal-RN na formação de estudantes dos cursos de graduação em saúde da UFRN. Foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa com análise de documentos das disciplinas SACI e POTI datados entre 2009 e 2011 (portfólios, avaliações de desempenho e oficina de avaliação), mediante o auxílio do software Alceste© e análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. Na análise foi encontrado como potencialidades: o alunato trabalhando em grupo tutorial multidisciplinar, cuja interação e contato com a Unidade de Saúde da Família, incluídos os profissionais, bem como a comunidade, instiga nos aprendizes o diálogo consigo mesmo e com o outro, numa construção dos ser/agir no mundo. Os textos trabalhados durante as aulas permitem refletir e teorizar a respeito da realidade observada, auxiliando-os na identificação dos problemas e no traçar estratégias de intervenção. Já a observação da realidade reveste o aluno de humanização. Este passa a captar as necessidades e dificuldades enfrentadas pela comunidade observada. Nas fragilidades ficaram evidenciados: problemas de relações interpessoais entre os estudantes da SACI; a maioria dos projetos de intervenção ocorrendo numa perspectiva paternalista, reproduzindo o modelo de prestação de serviços na saúde mais praticado nas sociedades brasileiras; dificuldades em aprofundar no aprendiz, a importância da teorização dos assuntos; problemas de financiamento de projetos de intervenção; descumprimento do plano de ensino em alguns grupos tutoriais; e, por fim, dificuldades dos alunos e monitores em acompanhar as atividade de pesquisa e extensão do PET-Saúde, pela falta de integração dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos. Conclui-se que o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família adota metodologias ativas de ensino na inserção de alunos na Atenção Primária em Saúde, proporcionando uma formação dentro de princípios éticos e humanísticos a partir do trabalho em equipe e da inclusão reflexiva dos alunos na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Apesar da existência de fragilidades concernentes às relações interpessoais, descompasso entre as proposições multiprofissionais e interdisciplinares da SACI e POTI e as dificuldades de pô-las em prática em currículos fragmentados e organizados por disciplinas pouco flexíveis, potencialmente, ao fim dessas experiências conectadas a Atenção Primária, os discentes apresentam uma nova visão do cuidado com a saúde, próxima às necessidades da população, iniciando uma tomada de postura crítica e reflexiva, entendendo-se com sujeitos ativos no construir a saúde coletivamente