891 resultados para High-grade serous ovarian cancer
Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire (CEO) est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal. Plus de 70% des patientes diagnostiquées avec une tumeur de stade avancé rechutent suite aux traitements chimiothérapeutiques de première ligne, la survie à cinq ans étant ainsi très faible. Afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution de la maladie, nous avons recherché de nouveaux gènes, responsables de l’initiation et de la progression du CEO. Précédemment, des lignées cellulaires ont été dérivées à partir de la tumeur primaire et récurrente et/ou d’ascites de trois patientes. Le séquençage de l’ARN de ces lignées par la technologie de séquençage de nouvelle génération (TSNG) nous a permis d’identifier des mutations ponctuelles qui pourraient nous indiquer des gènes dérégulés dans le CEO. La TSNG est un bon outil qui permet d’identifier et de cribler à grande échelle des mutations. Nous avons sélectionné PLEC1, SCRIB, NCOR2, SEMA6C, IKBKB, GLCE et ITGAE comme gènes candidats présentant des mutations dans nos lignées et ayant une relation fonctionnelle avérée avec le cancer. Étant donné que la TSNG est une technique à taux de fiabilité limité, nous avons validé ces mutations par séquençage Sanger. Ensuite, nous avons étudié l’effet de ces mutations sur la structure protéique et l’expression de PLEC1, de SCRIB et de SEMA6C. Seules certaines mutations dans les gènes PLEC1, SCRIB et SEMA6C ont pu être confirmées. PLEC1 et SCRIB sont deux protéines d’échafaudage dont la mutation, rapportée dans plusieurs cancers, pourrait induire des changements de leurs conformations et affecter leurs interactions et leurs fonctions. Les conséquences de ces mutations sur la tumorigenèse de l’ovaire devront être étudiées.
Cerebral glioma is the most prevalent primary brain tumor, which are classified broadly into low and high grades according to the degree of malignancy. High grade gliomas are highly malignant which possess a poor prognosis, and the patients survive less than eighteen months after diagnosis. Low grade gliomas are slow growing, least malignant and has better response to therapy. To date, histological grading is used as the standard technique for diagnosis, treatment planning and survival prediction. The main objective of this thesis is to propose novel methods for automatic extraction of low and high grade glioma and other brain tissues, grade detection techniques for glioma using conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities and 3D modelling of glioma from segmented tumor slices in order to assess the growth rate of tumors. Two new methods are developed for extracting tumor regions, of which the second method, named as Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA) can also extract white matter and grey matter from T1 FLAIR an T2 weighted images. The methods were validated with manual Ground truth images, which showed promising results. The developed methods were compared with widely used Fuzzy c-means clustering technique and the robustness of the algorithm with respect to noise is also checked for different noise levels. Image texture can provide significant information on the (ab)normality of tissue, and this thesis expands this idea to tumour texture grading and detection. Based on the thresholds of discriminant first order and gray level cooccurrence matrix based second order statistical features three feature sets were formulated and a decision system was developed for grade detection of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MRI modality.The quantitative performance analysis using ROC curve showed 99.03% accuracy for distinguishing between advanced (aggressive) and early stage (non-aggressive) malignant glioma. The developed brain texture analysis techniques can improve the physician’s ability to detect and analyse pathologies leading to a more reliable diagnosis and treatment of disease. The segmented tumors were also used for volumetric modelling of tumors which can provide an idea of the growth rate of tumor; this can be used for assessing response to therapy and patient prognosis.
La cirugía radioguiada es una rama de la medicina nuclear con la cual se marca el tejido tumoral con un radiotrazador (MIBI) y mediante el uso de una gamasonda o gamacámara poder diferenciarlo del tejido cerebral sano in vivo en la sala de cirugía. Esta técnica se ha aplicado con éxito en tumores del SNC (Gliomas de alto grado, metástasis, meningiomas). Los tumores del SNC representan el 1% de todos los tumores pero son la tercera causa de mortalidad por cáncer en el mundo. Hay un mejor pronóstico de los pacientes con mayor extensión de la resección. Objetivos: Evaluar la factibilidad de la técnica y optimizar los procesos en el INC con la finalidad de desarrollar un protocolo de línea de investigación en esta materia. Materiales y métodos: se realiza un reporte de casos de pacientes con diagnóstico de tumor cerebral supratentorial. Se realizó SPECT cerebral con MIBI para confirmar captación del radiotrazador. En los pacientes que marcaron positivo se programó cirugía radioguiada con gamacámara portátil Sentinel Resultados: En 5 pacientes con tumores supratentoriales se realizó SPECT cerebral con MIBI: 3 de ellos fueron positivos los cuales fueron programados para cirugía radioguiada y los 2 restantes con cirugía convencional. Dos de los casos positivos correspondieron a Tumor de alto grado y un caso de tumor abscedado. En quienes se practicó la cirugía radioguiada se consiguió resección tumoral completa tumoral por imagen de gamacámara intraquirúrgica
El Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), es el tumor cerebral más frecuente, con pronóstico grave y baja sensibilidad al tratamiento inicial. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar si la Difusión en RM (IDRM), es un biomarcador temprano de respuesta tumoral, útil para tomar decisiones tempranas de tratamiento y para obtener información pronostica. Metodología La búsqueda se realizo en las bases de datos EMBASE, CENTRAL, MEDLINE; las bibliografías también fueron revisadas. Los artículos seleccionados fueron estudios observacionales (casos y controles, cohortes, corte transversal), no se encontró ningún ensayo clínico; todos los participante tenían diagnostico histopatológico de GBM, sometidos a resección quirúrgica y/o radio-quimioterapia y seguimiento de respuesta al tratamiento con IDRM por al menos 6 meses. Los datos extraídos de forma independiente fueron tipo de estudio, participantes, intervenciones, seguimiento, desenlaces (sobrevida, progresión/estabilización de la enfermedad, muerte) Resultados Quince estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Entre las técnicas empleadas de IDRM para evaluar respuesta radiológica al tratamiento, fueron histogramas del coeficiente aparente de difusion ADC (compararon valores inferiores a la media y el percentil 10 de ADC, con los valores superiores); encontrando en términos generales que un ADC bajo es un fuerte predictor de sobrevida y/o progresión del tumor. (Esto fue significativo en 5 estudios); mapas funcionales de difusion (FDM) (midieron el porcentaje de cambio de ADC basal vs pos tratamiento) que mostro ser un fuerte predictor de sobrevida en pacientes con progresión tumoral. DISCUSION Desafortunadamente la calidad de los estudios fue intermedia-baja lo que hace que la aplicabilidad de los estudios sea limitada.
Introducción: La dismenorrea se presenta como una patología cada vez más frecuente en mujeres de 16-30 años. Dentro de los factores asociados a su presentación, el consumo de tabaco ha revelado resultados contradictorios. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la asociación entre el consumo de cigarrillo y la presentación de dismenorrea, y determinar si los trastornos del ánimo y la depresión, alteran dicha asociación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de prevalencia analítica en mujeres de la Universidad del Rosario matriculadas en pregrado durante el primer semestre de 2013, para determinar la asociación entre el consumo de tabaco y la presentación de dismenorrea. En el estudio se tuvieron en cuenta variables tradicionalmente relacionadas con dismenorrea, incluyendo las variables ansiedad y depresión como potenciales variables de confusión. Los registros fueron analizados en el programa Estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics Versión 20.0. Resultados: Se realizaron 538 cuestionarios en total. La edad promedio fue 19.92±2.0 años. La prevalencia de dismenorrea se estimó en 89.3%, la prevalencia de tabaquismo 11.7%. No se encontró una asociación entre dismenorrea y tabaquismo (OR 3.197; IC95% 0.694-14.724). Dentro de las variables analizadas, la depresión y la ansiedad constituyen factores de riesgo independientes para la presentación de dismenorrea con una asociación estadísticamente significativa p=0.026 y p=0.024 respectivamente. El análisis multivariado encuentra como factor determinante en la presentación de dismenorrea, la interacción de depresión y ansiedad controlando por las variables tradicionales p<0.0001. Sin embargo, esta asociación se pierde cuando se analiza en la categoría de dismenorrea severa y gana relevancia el uso de métodos de anticoncepción diferentes a los hormonales, mientras que el hecho de haber iniciado la vida sexual presenta una tendencia limítrofe de riesgo. Conclusiones: No se puede demostrar que el tabaco es un factor asociado a la presentación de dismenorrea. Los trastornos del ánimo y la ansiedad constituyen factores determinantes a la presentación de dismenorrea independientemente de la presencia de otros concomitantes. Las variables de asociación se modifican cuando la variable dependiente se categoriza en su estado más severo. Se necesitan estudios más amplios y detallados para establecer dicha asociación.
Introducción: La infección por un tipo de Virus del Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR), es el factor principal en el desarrollo de Cáncer de Cérvix (CC). La carga viral puede modular esta asociación, por lo que resulta importante su cuantificación y el establecimiento de su relación con lesiones precursoras de CC. Metodología: 60 mujeres con lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales (LEI) y 120 mujeres sin LEI, confirmadas por colposcopia, fueron incluidas en el estudio. Se determinó la carga viral de 6 tipos de VPH-AR, mediante PCR en tiempo real. Se estimaron OR crudos y ajustados para evaluar la asociación entre la carga viral de cada tipo y las lesiones cervicales. Resultados: 93.22% de mujeres con LEI y 91.23% de mujeres negativas, fueron positivas para al menos un tipo de VPH. VPH-18 y VPH-16 fueron los tipos más prevalentes, junto con VPH-31 en mujeres sin LEI. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de las cargas virales entre éstos dos grupos, aunque se observó un mayor carga viral en lesiones para algunos tipos virales. Una mayor frecuencia de lesiones se asoció a infecciones con carga baja de VPH-16 (ORa: 3.53; IC95%: 1.16 – 10.74), en comparación a mujeres con carga alta de VPH-16, (ORa: 2.63; IC95%: 1.09 – 6.36). En infecciones por VPH-31, la presencia de carga viral alta, se asoció con una menor frecuencia de lesiones (ORa: 0.34; IC95%: 0.15 – 0.78). Conclusiones: La prevalencia tipo-específica de VPH se corresponde con las reportadas a nivel mundial. La asociación entre la carga viral del VPH y la frecuencia de LEI es tipo específica y podría depender de la duración de la infección, altas cargas relacionadas con infecciones transitorias, y bajas cargas con persistentes. Este trabajo contribuye al entendimiento del efecto de la carga viral en la historia natural del CC; sin embargo, estudios prospectivos son necesarios para confirmar estos resultados.
Se realizó un estudio cualitativo exploratorio con estudiantes de carreras de Ciencias de la Salud con el objetivo de comprender las representaciones sociales que tienen acerca de la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (MCA) para el cáncer. Se desarrollaron grupos focales y la información obtenida fue analizada a través del Análisis Temático e interpretada con base en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Se encontraron diversas representaciones sociales asociadas con la definición, los objetivos, los tratamientos, la eficacia, las fuentes de información y el origen de la MCA. En conclusión se evidenció una alta tendencia a la aceptación y a la manifestación de una actitud positiva, aunque ambivalente frente a la MCA, además de un desconocimiento por la diferenciación conceptual entre este tipo de Medicina y la Medicina Popular. La cultura y las creencias sociales predominan en las representaciones sociales que tienen los estudiantes de la MCA para el cáncer, pese a su formación académica.
A Radioterapia é parte integrante, standart, da abordagem multidisciplinar do tratamento de Carcinomas de Cabeça e Pescoço (CPP). A perceção e descrição dos efeitos provocados pelo tratamento ao nível dos tecidos normais é importante para avaliação clínica do doente, já que com o aparecimento de efeitos agudos severos/graves ao tratamento, este é interrompido, o que afetando diretamente a sobrevida do doente. Este estudo incidiu na avaliação de 6 semanas de tratamento de 46 doentes, contemplando a avaliação dos efeitos agudos do tratamento em cinco áreas anatómicas distintas: Pele, Mucosa, Glândulas Salivares, Faringe/Esófago e Laringe. Fundamentada nos critérios de classificação do Acute Radiation Morbidity Scoring Criteria da Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG). Após a avaliação e análise dos dados, verificou-se que os efeitos agudos obtidos com a técnica de RapidArcTM surgiram mais precocemente, quando comparados com técnica de IMRT. Por outro lado, com a técnica de IMRT registaram-se efeitos mais exacerbados, de alto Grau.
Aluminium salts are used as the active antiperspirant agent in underarm cosmetics, but the effects of widespread, long term and increasing use remain unknown, especially in relation to the breast, which is a local area of application. Clinical studies showing a disproportionately high incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast together with reports of genomic instability in outer quadrants of the breast provide supporting evidence for a role for locally applied cosmetic chemicals in the development of breast cancer. Aluminium is known to have a genotoxic profile, capable of causing both DNA alterations and epigenetic effects, and this would be consistent with a potential role in breast cancer if such effects occurred in breast cells. Oestrogen is a well established influence in breast cancer and its action, dependent on intracellular receptors which function as ligand-activated zinc finger transcription factors, suggests one possible point of interference from aluminium. Results reported here demonstrate that aluminium in the form of aluminium chloride or aluminium chlorhydrate can interfere with the function of oestrogen receptors of MCF7 human breast cancer cells both in terms of ligand binding and in terms of oestrogen-regulated reporter gene expression. This adds aluminium to the increasing list of metals capable of interfering with oestrogen action and termed metal I oestrogens. Further studies are now needed to identify the molecular basis of this action, the longer term effects of aluminium exposure and whether aluminium can cause aberrations to other signalling pathways in breast cells. Given the wide exposure of the human population to antiperspirants, it will be important to establish dermal absorption in the local area of the breast and whether long term low level absorption could play a role in the increasing incidence of breast cancer. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Although risk factors are known to include the loss of function of the susceptibility genes BRCA1/BRCA2 and lifetime exposure to oestrogen, the main causative agents in breast cancer remain unaccounted for. It has been suggested recently that underarm cosmetics might be a cause of breast cancer, because these cosmetics contain a variety of chemicals that are applied frequently to an area directly adjacent to the breast. The strongest supporting evidence comes from unexplained clinical observations showing a disproportionately high incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, just the local area to which these cosmetics are applied. A biological basis for breast carcinogenesis could result from the ability of the various constituent chemicals to bind to DNA and to promote growth of the damaged cells. Multidisciplinary research is now needed to study the effect of long-term use of the constituent chemicals of underarm cosmetics, because if there proves to be any link between these cosmetics and breast cancer then there might be options for the prevention of breast cancer. Copyright D 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
The importance of chronic low-grade inflammation in the pathology of numerous age-related chronic conditions is now clear. An unresolved inflammatory response is likely to be involved from the early stages of disease development. The present position paper is the most recent in a series produced by the International Life Sciences Institute's European Branch (ILSI Europe). It is co-authored by the speakers from a 2013 workshop led by the Obesity and Diabetes Task Force entitled ‘Low-grade inflammation, a high-grade challenge: biomarkers and modulation by dietary strategies’. The latest research in the areas of acute and chronic inflammation and cardiometabolic, gut and cognitive health is presented along with the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying inflammation–health/disease associations. The evidence relating diet composition and early-life nutrition to inflammatory status is reviewed. Human epidemiological and intervention data are thus far heavily reliant on the measurement of inflammatory markers in the circulation, and in particular cytokines in the fasting state, which are recognised as an insensitive and highly variable index of tissue inflammation. Potential novel kinetic and integrated approaches to capture inflammatory status in humans are discussed. Such approaches are likely to provide a more discriminating means of quantifying inflammation–health/disease associations, and the ability of diet to positively modulate inflammation and provide the much needed evidence to develop research portfolios that will inform new product development and associated health claims.
This paper describes the methodology of providing multiprobability predictions for proteomic mass spectrometry data. The methodology is based on a newly developed machine learning framework called Venn machines. Is allows to output a valid probability interval. The methodology is designed for mass spectrometry data. For demonstrative purposes, we applied this methodology to MALDI-TOF data sets in order to predict the diagnosis of heart disease and early diagnoses of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. The experiments showed that probability intervals are narrow, that is, the output of the multiprobability predictor is similar to a single probability distribution. In addition, probability intervals produced for heart disease and ovarian cancer data were more accurate than the output of corresponding probability predictor. When Venn machines were forced to make point predictions, the accuracy of such predictions is for the most data better than the accuracy of the underlying algorithm that outputs single probability distribution of a label. Application of this methodology to MALDI-TOF data sets empirically demonstrates the validity. The accuracy of the proposed method on ovarian cancer data rises from 66.7 % 11 months in advance of the moment of diagnosis to up to 90.2 % at the moment of diagnosis. The same approach has been applied to heart disease data without time dependency, although the achieved accuracy was not as high (up to 69.9 %). The methodology allowed us to confirm mass spectrometry peaks previously identified as carrying statistically significant information for discrimination between controls and cases.
The studied sector of the central Ribeira Fold Belt (SE Brazil) comprises metatexites, diatexites, charnockites and blastomylonites. This study integrates petrological and thermochronological data in order to constrain the thermotectonic and geodynamic evolution of this Neoproterozoic-Ordovician mobile belt during Western Gondwana amalgamation. New data indicate that after an earlier collision stage at similar to 610 Ma (zircon, U-Pb age), peak metamorphism and lower crust partial melting, coeval with the main regional high grade D(1) thrust deformation, occurred at 572-562 Ma (zircon, U-Pb ages). The overall average cooling rate was low (<5 degrees C/Ma) from 750 to 250 degrees C (at similar to 455 Ma; biotite-WR Rb-Sr age), but disparate cooling paths indicate differential uplift between distinct lithotypes: (a) metatexites and blastomylonites show a overall stable 3-5 degrees C/Ma cooling rate; (b) charnockites and associated rocks remained at T>650 degrees C during sub-horizontal D(2) shearing until similar to 510-470 Ma (garnet-WR Sm-Nd ages) (1-2 degrees C/Ma), being then rapidly exhumed/cooled (8-30 degrees C/Ma) during post-orogenic D(3) deformation with late granite emplacement at similar to 490 Ma (zircon, U-Pb age). Cooling rates based on garnet-biotite Fe-Mg diffusion are broadly consistent with the geochronological cooling rates: (a) metatexites were cooled faster at high temperatures (6 degrees C/Ma) and slowly at low temperatures (0.1 degrees C/Ma), decreasing cooling rates with time; (b) charnockites show low cooling rates (2 degrees C/Ma) near metamorphic peak conditions and high cooling rates (120 degrees C/Ma) at lower temperatures, increasing cooling rates during retrogression. The charnockite thermal evolution and the extensive production of granitoid melts in the area imply that high geothermal gradients were sustained fora long period of time (50-90 Ma). This thermal anomaly most likely reflects upwelling of asthenospheric mantle and magma underplating coupled with long-term generation of high HPE (heat producing elements) granitoids. These factors must have sustained elevated crustal geotherms for similar to 100 Ma, promoting widespread charnockite generation at middle to lower crustal levels. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The expression levels of the clotting initiator protein Tissue Factor (TF) correlate with vessel density and the histological malignancy grade of glioma patients. Increased procoagulant tonus in high grade tumors (glioblastomas) also indicates a potential role for TF in progression of this disease, and suggests that anticoagulants could be used as adjuvants for its treatment. Objectives: We hypothesized that blocking of TF activity with the tick anticoagulant Ixolaris might interfere with glioblastoma progression. Methods and results: TF was identified in U87-MG cells by flow-cytometric and functional assays (extrinsic tenase). In addition, flow-cytometric analysis demonstrated the exposure of phosphatidylserine in the surface of U87-MG cells, which supported the assembly of intrinsic tenase (FIXa/FVIIIa/FX) and prothrombinase (FVa/FXa/prothrombin) complexes, accounting for the production of FXa and thrombin, respectively. Ixolaris effectively blocked the in vitro TF-dependent procoagulant activity of the U87-MG human glioblastoma cell line and attenuated multimolecular coagulation complexes assembly. Notably, Ixolaris inhibited the in vivo tumorigenic potential of U87-MG cells in nude mice, without observable bleeding. This inhibitory effect of Ixolaris on tumor growth was associated with downregulation of VEGF and reduced tumor vascularization. Conclusion: Our results suggest that Ixolaris might be a promising agent for anti-tumor therapy in humans.
Acute expression of E7 oncogene from human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 or HPV18 is sufficient to overcome tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha cytostatic effect on primary human keratinocytes. In the present study, we investigated the molecular basis of E7-induced TNF resistance through a comparative analysis of the effect of this cytokine on the proliferation and global gene expression of normal and E7-expressing keratinocytes. Using E7 functional mutants, we show that E7-induced TNF resistance correlates with its ability to mediate pRb degradation and cell transformation. On the other hand, this effect does not depend on E7 sequences required to override DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest or extend keratinocyte life span. Furthermore, we identified a group of 66 genes whose expression pattern differs between normal and E7-expressing cells upon cytokine treatment. These genes are mainly involved in cell cycle regulation suggesting that their altered expression may contribute to sustained cell proliferation even in the presence of a cytostatic stimulus. Differential expression of TCN1 (transcobalamin I), IFI44 (Interferon-induced protein 44), HMGB2 (high-mobility group box 2) and FUS [Fusion (involved in t(12; 16) in malignant liposarcoma)] among other genes were further confirmed by western-blot and/or real-time polymerase chain reaction. Moreover, FUS upregulation was detected in HPV-positive cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions when compared with normal cervical tissue. Further evaluation of the role of such genes in TNF resistance and HPVassociated disease development is warranted.