998 resultados para Guerre Savoie Fribourg Moyen Age


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Vaccination of infants with conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines has been proven to reduce Hib meningitis by 95% and pneumoniae by 20%. The routine use of Hib vaccine is facilitated by the introduction of combination vaccines into the EPI (Expanded Plan of Immunization). The objective of this study was to compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an extemporaneously mixed DTPw/Hib (diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis) combination, using the technology of two Brazilian manufacturers, against a licensed DTPw/Hib European combination in 108 infants vaccinated at 2, 4 and 6 months according to the local national schedule. The Brazilian combination was highly immunogenic with Hib seroprotection rates (anti-PRP > 0.15 mg /ml of 98% after 2 doses and 100% after 3). Also for tetanus and pertussis the new Brazilian combination was as immunogenic as the European counterpart, except the diphtheria seroprotection rates and titers were lower. There was also no clinically relevant difference in reactogenicity. If these feasibility results are confirmed, the Brazilian DTPw/Hib combination should help to boost the uptake of Hib vaccination in Brazil.


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Recensão sobre o livro Cyberscience 2.0 – Research in the Age of Digital Social Networks, Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2012, 238 pp. ISBN: 978-3-593-39518-0


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Ce n’est que dans les dernières années que l’héraldique au Portugal a entamé le processus de rénovation qui, en France, a commencé il y a déjà quelques décennies. Dans ce processus, l’étude de l’héraldique médiévale a été peu contemplé, restant pratiquement à faire, en bonne partir dû à l’absence d’armoriaux antérieurs au XVe siècle qui permettent de connaître les armes utilisées par les familles et les diverses entités portugaises. Pour cette raison, les sceaux portant des représentations héraldiques ont une importance extrême, car ils constituent très fréquemment la seule source pour l’étude des armoiries, ayant en plus l’avantage d’être datés avec précision et liées à des personnages ou entités qui sont connues. Cependant, la sigillographie portugaise se trouve aussi dans une phase de son évolution qui, n’étant plus embryonnaire, est encore une phase de formation. Il nous manque des catalogues, des dépouillages systématiques, des études approfondies qui permettent aux héraldistes de faire leurs recherches. C’est dans ce contexte qui est née ce partenariat entre deux médiévalistes très intéressés à la sigillographie et un spécialiste d’héraldique, qui ensemble ont décidé d’entamer l’étude des origines des représentations héraldiques dans les sceaux portugais, en commençant par les sceaux du clergé séculier, qui constitue le sujet par excellence de la recherche des deux historiens. Dans ce vaste univers sigillaire, qui concerne des personnes d’une grande variété d’origines sociales, y compris la noblesse et la riche bourgeoisie urbaine, les éléments héraldiques semblent avoir émergé seulement à partir de la fin du XIIIe siècle, et d’une façon timide. Le XIVe siècle assiste à sa diffusion dans les sceaux d’évêques, dignités et chanoines, mais ce n’est qu’au XVe siècle que l’héraldique s’impose, gagnant même une place primordiale dans quelques représentations sigillographiques. Le but de cette communication sera donc l’analyse du processus d’héraldisation des sceaux du clergé séculier portugais, entre les dernières décennies du XIIIe et le XVe siècle, pour évaluer comme s’est procédé, dans le cas portugais, le phénomène d’«acculturation héraldique» de l’emblématique épiscopale et cléricale.


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Some epidemiological characteristics of head lice, Pediculus capitis, were studied using two procedures: cut hair analysis and head inspection. Higher prevalence rates were observed in the middle and at the end of the school terms. Both procedures indicated that children were the main reservoir for this type of pediculosis in Uberlândia.


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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,


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Medievalista [Em linha]. Nº10, (Julho 2011). Direc. José Mattoso. Lisboa: IEM.


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INTRODUCTION: Governador Valadares is an endemic area of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL). The detection rate was 15.36 per 100,000 habitants from 2001 to 2006 (Miranda, 2008). This study aimed to analyze the effects of age on the frequency of adverse reactions caused by antimony in the treatment of ATL in the City of Governador Valadares, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during 2009. METHODS: Data were collected from the forms of the Information System for Notifiable Diseases, and from charts, questionnaires, and home visits to patients. RESULTS: The study included 40 patients, 26 (65%) of whom were males. Individuals over the age of 50 had a 66% higher rate of adverse effects than subjects who were 50 years old or less (CI 95%, 1.14-2.41). The average age of individuals who reported some type of adverse effect was 44.11 years (SD = 20.14), while the average age of the group that did not report any adverse effect was of 25.46 years (SD = 18.37; p < 0.01). Clinical healing was 67.5%, and 10% of patients discontinued the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In the treatment of ATL, the age of patients should be considered, because most adverse reactions occur in individuals over 50 years of age. For this reason, the drug should be used with restriction in these cases.


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INTRODUTION: A major concern with the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is its high lethality rate, even with proper treatment. Low age, prior malnutrition, disease duration prior to diagnosis, severe anemia, fever for more than 60 days, diarrhea and jaundice are known poor prognostic factors. The goals of this study are to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of VL among children under 12 years of age and to identify the factors associated with VL poor outcome. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty children under 12 years of age with confirmed VL admitted to Hospital João Paulo II (FHEMIG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between January 2001 and December 2005 were evaluated retrospectively. The primary outcome was the poor clinical evolution: sepsis, and/or pneumonia, and/or urinary tract infection, and/or of bleeding (expect epistaxis), and/or severe neutropenia (neutrophil < 500 cells/mm3). Odds ratio (crude and adjusted) and its 95% confidence interval for each variable were calculated. Values less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Average age was 3.3 years (3.6 months-11.6 years), 71.2% were younger than 5 years and 47.2% lived in Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte. The mean fatality rate was 3.6%. Sixty-six (26.4%) patients presented poor evolution. After a multivariate analysis, age <18 months, abnormal respiratory physical examination on hospital admission, and platelets <85,000/mm3 remained associated with increased chance of poor evolution. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that patients aged between 12 and 18 months, with platelet counts bellow 85,000/mm3, and respiratory abnormalities at admission should be considered potentially severe.


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Introduction Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) stands out as a zoonosis observed on four continents and also in urban expansion zones in several regions of Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional epidemiological study of VL cases in children under 15 years of age in the period from 2007 to 2012. Clinical data were gathered from medical reports; meteorological data were obtained at the Meteorological Measurement Department of UFT. Environmental variables were divided into two periods, rainy and dry. Results The study revealed no difference by gender (p=0.67) among the 821 patients. However, the most affected age group was between one and five years of age (58.6%; p<0.01); the highest prevalence of the disease (99.03%; p<0.01) occurred in urban zones; and the most affected ethnic group (85.5%; p<0.01) was mixed race. The highest incidence coefficients in this population occurred in 2007 and 2008 (578.39/100,000 inhabitants; 18.5/100,000 inhabitants, respectively), whereas the highest lethality coefficients occurred in 2008 and 2011 (0.85/100 deaths). There was no significant correlation between average rainfall and the number of VL cases. The correlation between temperature and number of VL cases was negative (r = -0.4039; p<0.01). Conclusions In Araguaína, visceral leishmaniasis in children under 15 years is an urban-based endemic disease distributed across all districts of the city wherein temperature as an environmental factor, a higher prevalence in mixed race children between one and five years of age, and a high incidence coefficient all strongly contribute to child mortality.


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The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the intensity of acid reflux and severity of esophageal tissue damage in a cross-sectional study of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Seventy-eight patients with were selected in accordance with the strict 24-hour ambulatory esophageal pHmetry (24h-pHM) criteria and distributed into three age groups: Group A: 14 - 24 years of age. Group B: 25 - 54; and Group C: 55 - 64. The 24h-pHM was carried out in accordance with DeMeester standardization, and the Savary-Miller classification for the diagnosis of reflux esophagitis was used. The groups were similar in 24h-pHM parameters (p > 0.05), having above normal values. For the study group as a whole, there was no correlation between age group and intensity of acid reflux, and there was no correlation between intensity of acid reflux and severity of esophageal tissue damage. However, when the same patients were sub-grouped in accordance with the depth of their epithelial injury and then distributed into age groups, there was a significant difference in esophagitis without epithelial discontinuity. Younger patients had less epithelial damage than older patients. Additionally, although there was a significant progression from the least severe to the moderate stages of epithelial damage among the age groups, there was no apparent difference among the age groups in the distribution between the moderate stages and most severe stages. The findings support the conclusion that the protective response of individuals to acid reflux varies widely. Continued aggression by acid reflux appears to lead to the exhaustion of individual mechanisms of epithelial protection in some patients, but not others, regardless of age or duration of the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis and follow-up of GERD should include both measurements of the quantity of refluxed acid and an assessment of the damage to the esophageal epithelium.


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In order to evaluate age related changes of the elastic fiber system in the interfoveolar ligament, we studied the deep inguinal ring from 33 male cadavers aged from stillborn to 76 years. Selective and alternated staining methods for elastic fibers were performed to differentiate oxytalan, elaunin, and mature elastic fibers. We confirmed quantitative changes of the elastic fiber system with aging. There was a significant and progressive reduction of the oxytalan fibers (responsible for tissue resistance) and a significant increment in the mature elastic and elaunin fibers (responsible for tissue elasticity). Furthermore, there were structural changes in the thickness, shortness and curling of these mature elastic fibers. These changes induced loss of the elastic fiber function and loss of the interfoveolar ligament compliance. These factors predispose individuals to the development of indirect inguinal hernias that frequently emerge in adults and aged individuals, especially above the fifth decade.


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Private financial transfers are becoming more and more important as ageing levels increase in Europe, with elders acting as both givers and receivers. Our study is divided in two main parts. In the first part we analyse the determinants of private financial transfers, using the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). In the second part we analyse the importance of family values for these transfers, combining SHARE with European Values Study. We show that family functions as the main agent of private transfers. We conclude that family values drive financial transfers, mainly gifts provided by elderly individuals. We find that receipts by old-aged people are more related with need cases, such as illness and poorness; moreover, for these particular cases, family network plays a very important role, working as a safety net.