715 resultados para Green supply chain management (GSCM)


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While the construction industry is frequently encouraged to learn from other business sectors, the difficulties of transferring knowledge from one context to another are rarely acknowledged. The problematic nature of knowledge is addressed with particular emphasis on the concept of contextual embeddedness. From this point of view, the process of 'knowledge transfer' depends upon a prolonged process of socialization between actors from both the 'receiving' and 'sending' contexts networking. It is contended that a significant conceptual chasm exists between the exhortations of industry leaders to learn from other sectors and the theoretical complexities associated with knowledge transfer. An ongoing research project is described that seeks to facilitate knowledge sharing between construction and aerospace. A novel approach to knowledge sharing based upon soft systems methodology (SSM) (Mode 2) is described and justified. Initial findings from the first cycle of the research are discussed and used to highlight the importance of context in the implementation of supply chain management.


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This paper proposes a way of addressing unresolved issues in international business theory by modelling the multinational enterprise as a coordinator of supply chains. It identifies a new market seeking strategy that is an alternative to conventional strategies such as exporting, licensing and FDI, and analyses the conditions under which it will be adopted by firms. The new strategy involves the off-shoring of production and the out-sourcing of R&D, and is implemented through co-operation between a source country firm and a host country firm.


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Unlike corporate and business levels, there is little research examining corporate responsibility (CR) at the functional level of the firm including supply chain strategy. The results of a firm-level survey show that CR internal awareness, and monitoring CR performance are positively related to the supply chain partnership approach, however sharing CR best practices is negatively associated. Furthermore, the impact of CR on firm performance is mediated by the functional behaviour of supply chain partnership formation. Our study provides support for including CR awareness building and monitoring in the development of partnerships but cautions against imposing CR best practices on suppliers.


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Knowledge is recognised as an important source of competitive advantage and hence there has been increasing academic and practitioner interest in understanding and isolating the factors that contribute to effective knowledge transfer between supply chain actors. The literature identifies power as a salient contributor to the effective operation of a supply chain partnership. However, there is a paucity of empirical research examining how power among actors influences knowledge acquisition and in turn the performance of supply chain partners. The aim of this research is to address this gap by examining the relationship between power, knowledge acquisition and supply chain performance among the supply chain partners of a focal Chinese steel manufacturer. A structured survey was used to collect the necessary data. Two conceptually independent variables – ‘availability of alternatives’ and ‘restraint in the use of power’ – were used to assess actual and realised power, respectively. Controlling for contingencies, we found that the flow of knowledge increased when supply chain actors had limited alternatives and when the more powerful actor exercised restraint in the use of power. Moreover, we found a positive relationship between knowledge acquisition and supply chain performance. This paper enriches the literature by empirically extending our understanding of how power affects knowledge acquisition and performance.


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Stakeholder analysis plays a critical role in business analysis. However, the majority of the stakeholder identification and analysis methods focus on the activities and processes and ignore the artefacts being processed by human beings. By focusing on the outputs of the organisation, an artefact-centric view helps create a network of artefacts, and a component-based structure of the organisation and its supply chain participants. Since the relationship is based on the components, i.e. after the stakeholders are identified, the interdependency between stakeholders and the focal organisation can be measured. Each stakeholder is associated with two types of dependency, namely the stakeholder’s dependency on the focal organisation and the focal organisation’s dependency on the stakeholder. We identify three factors for each type of dependency and propose the equations that calculate the dependency indexes. Once both types of the dependency indexes are calculated, each stakeholder can be placed and categorised into one of the four groups, namely critical stakeholder, mutual benefits stakeholder, replaceable stakeholder, and easy care stakeholder. The mutual dependency grid and the dependency gap analysis, which further investigates the priority of each stakeholder by calculating the weighted dependency gap between the focal organisation and the stakeholder, subsequently help the focal organisation to better understand its stakeholders and manage its stakeholder relationships.


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This research has responded to the need for diagnostic reference tools explicitly linking the influence of environmental uncertainty and performance within the supply chain. Uncertainty is a key factor influencing performance and an important measure of the operating environment. We develop and demonstrate a novel reference methodology based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) for examining the performance of value streams within the supply chain with specific reference to the level of environmental uncertainty they face. In this paper, using real industrial data, 20 product supply value streams within the European automotive industry sector are evaluated. Two are found to be efficient. The peer reference groups for the underperforming value streams are identified and numerical improvement targets are derived. The paper demonstrates how DEA can be used to guide supply chain improvement efforts through role-model identification and target setting, in a way that recognises the multiple dimensions/outcomes of the supply chain process and the influence of its environmental conditions. We have facilitated the contextualisation of environmental uncertainty and its incorporation into a specific diagnostic reference tool.


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The paper analyses the evolving corporate real estate supply chain and the interaction of this evolution with emerging business models in the serviced office sector. An enhanced model of the corporate real estate portfolio is first presented incorporating vacant, alienated and transitory space. It is argued that the serviced office sector has evolved in response to an increasingly diverse corporate real estate portfolio. For the peripheral corporate real estate portfolio, the core serviced workspace product provides the ability to rapidly acquire high-quality workspace and associated support services on very flexible bases. Whilst it is arguably a beta product, the core workspace offer is now being augmented by managed office or back-to-back leases which enables clients to complement the advantages of serviced offices with a wider choice of premises. Joint venture business models are aligned with solutions to problems of vacant space.


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Purpose – Recognizing the heterogeneity of services, this paper aims to clarify the characteristics of forward and the corresponding reverse supply chains of different services. Design/methodology/approach – The paper develops a two-dimensional typology matrix, representing four main clusters of services according to the degree of input standardization and the degree of output tangibility. Based on this matrix, this paper develops a typology and parsimonious conceptual models illustrating the characteristics of forward and the corresponding reverse supply chains of each cluster of services. Findings – The four main clusters of service supply chains have different characteristics. This provides the basis for the identification, presentation and explanation of the different characteristics of their corresponding reverse service supply chains. Research limitations/implications – The findings of this research can help future researchers to analyse, map and model forward and reverse service supply chains, and to identify potential research gaps in the area. Practical/implications – The findings of the research can help managers of service firms to gain better visibility of their forward and reverse supply chains, and refine their business models to help extend their reverse/closed-loop activities. Furthermore, the findings can help managers to better optimize their service operations to reduce service gaps and potentially secure new value-adding opportunities. Originality/value – This paper is the first, to the authors ' knowledge, to conceptualize the basic structure of the forward and reverse service supply chains while dealing with the high level of heterogeneity of services.


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Trata de propor um modelo teórico de treinamento & desenvolvimento para a efetiva disseminação dos conceitos pertinentes ao integrated supply chain centrado no homem, observando as vertentes científicometodológica, digital, econõnu ca, psicológica, social e técnica e embasado na teoria do impacto, que compreende o ambiente de trabalho, experiência do aprendizado e características individuais. Com base nesse modelo, o autor advoga a necessidade de transformar os modelos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e difusão, interação social e tomada de decisão e resolução de problemas ~ropostos por Havelock na década de 60, respectivamente, em Disseminação, Facilitação e Inovação.


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Trata do sistema de gerenciamento da supply chain (Logística, Compras e distribuição). Explica seu conceito, evolução, componentes e inter-relações, demonstrando sua aplicação em uma empresa de processo. Mostra, em um conceito amplo; as vantagens da integração da supply chain, onde o fluxo de materiais, produtos e informações é executado dentro de uma visão sistêmica englobando desde. os sub-fornecedores envolvidos até os clientes finais.


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As organizações de assistência à saúde têm sido pressionadas por melhoras no gerenciamento de resíduos e outros aspectos ambientais. O setor saúde movimenta cerca de 6% do PIB nacional e se constitui um importante consumidor de insumos e recursos naturais, gerando impactos, tanto na prestação da assistência, quanto ao longo da cadeia de fornecedores de produtos e serviços. No Brasil, as ações desse segmento na área ambiental têm se revelado ainda bastante tímidas, situação agravada pela falta de recursos e de conhecimento. No entanto, observamos que existe grande procura por serviços de tratamento para os resíduos perigosos de serviços de saúde, em grande parte motivada pelas exigências legais que recaem sobre essa atividade. Infelizmente, medidas menos onerosas e mais racionais, envolvendo redução, reciclagem ou eliminação de resíduos são pouco difundidas, a identificação das fontes de riscos e impactos é bastante falha e os estabelecimentos de saúde contam com pouca colaboração dos fornecedores para reconhecer e encontrar soluções para esses problemas. Quanto aos agentes financiadores do sistema de saúde, assim como os consumidores diretos, ou seja, a própria população, não parecem se dispor a diferenciar os serviços que invistam no meio ambiente, menos ainda pagar por eventuais custos adicionais. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é identificar possibilidades para aplicação de conceitos e técnicas de gerenciamento de cadeias produtivas (Supply Chain Management) na melhoria do desempenho ambiental da indústria da saúde no Brasil. Para isso, realizamos uma análise do setor saúde, incluindo sua origem, evolução e a estrutura atual cadeia produtiva do complexo industrial da saúde tendo como nível focal os prestadores e suas relações com os níveis acima e abaixo, visando identificar aspectos que favoreçam ou dificultem o desenvolvimento de melhorias no desempenho ambiental do setor, dentro de um conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Esta pesquisa foi complementada com a análise de alguns dos modelos e ferramentas de gestão ambiental empresarial tais como: análise de ciclo de vida, seleção de fornecedores (“green purchasing”), gestão da qualidade total ambiental e produção mais limpa, assim como e com duas experiências internacionais de sucesso, o projeto “Health Care Without Harm” e o “Hospitals for a Health Environment”. Concluímos com uma sugestão de que, tanto modelos e ferramentas, como as experiências bem sucedidas, são relacionados à cooperação e integração ao longo da cadeia produtiva e que outros estudos são necessários para subsidiar a aplicação dessas ferramentas e estabelecer modelos para o desenvolvimento integrado da sustentabilidade ambiental no setor saúde no Brasil.