954 resultados para GASEOUS WASTES
In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency performance of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WCSD) and the directives of ISO 14301 standard were followed and applied. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and eco-efficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, at both upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: i) Adoption of a new heating system for pultrusion die-tool in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; ii) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.
A realização deste trabalho teve como principal objectivo proceder ao projecto e realização de dois sistemas de produção de perfis pultrudidos híbridos a acoplar aos equipamentos de pultrusão já instalados na ALTO – PERFIS PULTRUDIDOS, Lda. A realização de perfis pultrudidos híbridos visa melhorar as características de isolamento térmico e acústico dos tubos habitualmente feitos por pultrusão, incrementando simultaneamente a sua resistência, através da melhoria do momento de inércia do perfil, sem que haja um aumento significativo do peso do conjunto. O projecto teve como base de trabalho dois sistemas de produção completamente distintos: (a) a existência de barras de cortiça e de poliuretano (pré-formas) sobre as quais se vai efectuar a pultrusão de um tubo que abraça as barras e (b) o uso de resíduos de pultrusão como forma de enchimento dos tubos, durante o seu processo produtivo. Estes equipamentos foram projectados e parcialmente fabricados, antevendo-se que os mesmos entrem em funcionamento muito brevemente.
Over the past few decades there has been some discussion concerning the increase of the natural background radiation originated by coal-fired power plants, due to the uranium and thorium content present in combustion ashes. The radioactive decay products of uranium and thorium, such as radium, radon, polonium, bismuth and lead, are also released in addition to a significant amount of 40K. Since the measurement of radioactive elements released by the gaseous emissions of coal power plants is not compulsory, there is a gap of information concerning this situation. Consequently, the prediction of dispersion and mobility of these elements in the environment, after their release, is based on limited data and the radiological impact from the exposure to these radioactive elements is unknown. This paper describes the methodology that is being developed to assess the radiological impact due to the raise in the natural background radiation level originated by the release and dispersion of the emitted radionuclides. The current investigation is part of a research project that is undergoing in the vicinity of Sines coal-fired power plant (south of Portugal) until 2013. Data from preliminary stages are already available and possible of interpretation.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Manutenção
STRIPPING is a software application developed for the automatic design of a randomly packing column where the transfer of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water to air can be performed and to simulate it’s behaviour in a steady-state. This software completely purges any need of experimental work for the selection of diameter of the column, and allows a choice, a priori, of the most convenient hydraulic regime for this type of operation. It also allows the operator to choose the model used for the calculation of some parameters, namely between the Eckert/Robbins model and the Billet model for estimating the pressure drop of the gaseous phase, and between the Billet and Onda/Djebbar’s models for the mass transfer. Illustrations of the graphical interface offered are presented.
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines Eco-Efficiency as follows: ‘Eco- Efficiency is achieved by the delivery of competitively priced-goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life-cycle to a level at least in line with the earth’s estimated carrying capacity’. Eco-Efficiency is under this point of view a key concept for sustainable development, bringing together economic and ecological progress. Measuring the Eco-Efficiency of a company, factory or business, is a complex process that involves the measurement and control of several and relevant parameters or indicators, globally applied to all companies in general, or specific according to the nature and specificities of the business itself. In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of WBCSD [1] and the directives of ISO 14301 standard [2] were followed and applied. The analysis was restricted to the main business branch of the company: the production and sale of standard GFRP pultrusion profiles. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined according to ISO 14031 recommendations. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency’s ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and ecoefficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, both in upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: a) Adoption of new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; b) Implementation of new software for stock management (raw materials and final products) that minimize production failures and delivery delays to final consumer; c) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. In particular, the last approach seems to significantly improve the eco-efficient performance of the company. Currently, by-products and wastes generated in the manufacturing process of GFRP profiles are landfilled, with supplementary added costs to this company traduced by transport of scrap, landfill taxes and required test analysis to waste materials. However, mechanical recycling of GFRP waste materials, with reduction to powdered and fibrous particulates, constitutes a recycling process that can be easily attained on heavy-duty cutting mills. The posterior reuse of obtained recyclates, either into a close-looping process, as filler replacement of resin matrix of GFRP profiles, or as reinforcement of other composite materials produced by the company, will drive to both costs reduction in raw materials and landfill process, and minimization of waste landfill. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.
In this work, the effect of incorporation of recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of shredding and milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortar (PM) materials was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (between 4% up to 12% in mass), were incorporated into polyester PM materials as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of silane coupling agent addition to resin binder was also evaluated. Applied waste material was proceeding from the shredding of the leftovers resultant from the cutting and assembly processes of GFRP pultrusion profiles. Currently, these leftovers, jointly with unfinished products and scrap resulting from pultrusion manufacturing process, are landfilled, with supplementary added costs. Thus, besides the evident environmental benefits, a viable and feasible solution for these wastes would also conduct to significant economic advantages. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of full factorial design approach and analysis of variance ANOVA. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as aggregates and reinforcement for PM materials, with significant improvements on mechanical properties with regard to non-modified formulations.
The development and applications of thermoset polymeric composites, namely fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), have shifted in the last decades more and more into the mass market [1]. Despite of all advantages associated to FRP based products, the increasing production and consume also lead to an increasing amount of FRP wastes, either end-of-lifecycle products, or scrap and by-products generated by the manufacturing process itself. Whereas thermoplastic FRPs can be easily recycled, by remelting and remoulding, recyclability of thermosetting FRPs constitutes a more difficult task due to cross-linked nature of resin matrix. To date, most of the thermoset based FRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled, leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs to FRP producers and suppliers. This actual framework is putting increasing pressure on the industry to address the options available for FRP waste management, being an important driver for applied research undertaken cost efficient recycling methods. [1-2]. In spite of this, research on recycling solutions for thermoset composites is still at an elementary stage. Thermal and/or chemical recycling processes, with partial fibre recovering, have been investigated mostly for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) due to inherent value of carbon fibre reinforcement; whereas for glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP), mechanical recycling, by means of milling and grinding processes, has been considered a more viable recycling method [1-2]. Though, at the moment, few solutions in the reuse of mechanically-recycled GFRP composites into valueadded products are being explored. Aiming filling this gap, in this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset GFRP based products was assessed. The mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the potential added value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. The use of a cementless concrete as host material for GFRP recyclates, instead of a conventional Portland cement based concrete, presents an important asset in avoiding the eventual incompatibility problems arisen from alkalis silica reaction between glass fibres and cementious binder matrix. Additionally, due to hermetic nature of resin binder, polymer based concretes present greater ability for incorporating recycled waste products [3]. Under this scope, different GFRP waste admixed polymer mortar (PM) formulations were analyzed varying the size grading and content of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacities of modified mortars with regard to waste-free polymer mortars.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química Pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn
RESUMO - Nos tempos que decorrem sabe-se que o meio ambiente é uma preocupação constante, uma vez que se encontra ameaçado pela poluição produzida pela humanidade. No ambiente hospitalar, também a poluição se encontra presente no dia-a-dia através, por exemplo, dos resíduos hospitalares. Estes são um risco para os trabalhadores, utentes, e para a população em geral. Como tal, torna-se importante gerir estes resíduos de modo a diminuir ao máximo todos estes danos. Assim, surge o tema de todo este trabalho de projecto: Gestão de Resíduos Hospitalares numa Unidade Prestadora de Cuidados de Saúde. Ao longo de todo este estudo serão abordadas as fases desta mesma gestão, bem como será construído um instrumento de colheita de dados que permita identificar a percepção de alguns funcionários em relação à mesma. ------------ABSTRACT - Nowadays, it is known that the environment is a constant concern, once that it is threatened by pollution produced by mankind. In the hospital environment, pollution is also present everyday through hospital wastes. These are considered a risk to the workers, regular patients and general population. As such, it is important to manage these wastes. With this action, it is possible to decrease all damages concerning the environment. Therefore, this study emerges: “Management of hospital wastes in Health Care Units” Along this study, there will be addressed the different phases of its management, as well as there will be built an instrument of data collection, so that it will be possible to identify the perception of the different workers.
RESUMO - A cidade do Seixal, enquanto Cidade Saudável tem como missão a implementação dos princípios e estratégias do Projecto Cidades Saudáveis da OMS. Para tal, desenvolve programas e acções, conjuntamente com parceiros intersectoriais, com vista à melhoria da saúde e da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos residentes na cidade do Seixal, e que promova em simultâneo a participação da comunidade. A separação selectiva dos resíduos depende da participação dos cidadãos, pelo que esta investigação propõe-se estudar quais os factores favoráveis e desfavoráveis à adesão dos cidadãos à separação selectiva de resíduos sólidos urbanos, na cidade do Seixal, enquanto Cidade Saudável. O paradigma quantitativo foi o escolhido para guiar o desenvolvimento deste estudo, através do método survey (descrição numérica de uma fracção da população – amostra – através do processo de aplicação de questionários à população). O questionário desenvolvido para esta investigação será aplicado no Fórum Municipal do Seixal a uma amostra de 250 cidadãos residentes na cidade do Seixal. Para obter os resultados finais, será realizada, numa primeira fase, uma análise descritiva de todas as variáveis, que deverá incluir medidas de localização e variabilidade adequadas a cada variável. Numa segunda fase será realizada uma análise inferencial recorrendo a testes não paramétricos e paramétricos. ----------------ABSTRAT - The city of Seixal, while Healthy City, takes as a mission the implementation of the beginnings and strategies of the WHO Healthy Cities Project. Programs and actions are being developed for that purpose, jointly with intersectorial partners, with sight to the improvement of the health and of the quality of life of the resident citizens in the city of Seixal, and that it promotes in simultaneous the participation of the community. Because the selective waste separation depends on the participation of the citizens, the purpose of this investigation is to study the favorable and unfavorable factors which leads participation or not of the citizens to the selective separation of urbane solid wastes, in the city of Seixal, while Healthy City. The quantitative paradigm was the chosen one to guide the development of this study, through the survey method (numerical description of a fraction of the population – sample – through the process of questionnaires to the population). The questionnaire developed for this investigation will be applied in the Fórum Municipal do Seixal, to a sample of 250 resident citizens in the city of Seixal. To obtain the final results, we will carry out, in a first phase, a descriptive analysis of all the variables, which will include measures of location and variability appropriate to each one. In a second phase will be carried out an inferential analysis resorting to non parametric and parametric tests.
CO2 capture from gaseous effluents is one of the great challenges faced by chemical and environmental engineers, as the increase in CO2 levels in the Earth atmosphere might be responsible for dramatic climate changes. From the existing capture technologies, the only proven and mature technology is chemical absorption using aqueous amine solutions. However, bearing in mind that this process is somewhat expensive, it is important to choose the most efficient and, at the same time, the least expensive solvents. For this purpose, a pilot test facility was assembled and includes an absorption column, as well as a stripping column, a heat exchanger between the two columns, a reboiler for the stripping column, pumping systems, surge tanks and all necessary instrumentation and control systems. Some different aquous amine solutions were tested on this facility and it was found that, from a set of six tested amines, diethanol amine is the one that turned out to be the most economical choice, as it showed a higher CO2 loading capacity (0.982 mol of CO2 per mol of amine) and the lowest price per litre (25.70 ¤/L), even when compared with monoethanolamine, the benchmark solvent, exhibiting a price per litre of 30.50 ¤/L.
The cleaning of syngas is one of the most important challenges in the development of technologies based on gasification of biomass. Tar is an undesired byproduct because, once condensed, it can cause fouling and plugging and damage the downstream equipment. Thermochemical methods for tar destruction, which include catalytic cracking and thermal cracking, are intrinsically attractive because they are energetically efficient and no movable parts are required nor byproducts are produced. The main difficulty with these methods is the tendency for tar to polymerize at high temperatures. An alternative to tar removal is the complete combustion of the syngas in a porous burner directly as it leaves the particle capture system. In this context, the main aim of this study is to evaluate the destruction of the tar present in the syngas from biomass gasification by combustion in porous media. A gas mixture was used to emulate the syngas, which included toluene as a tar surrogate. Initially, CHEMKIN was used to assess the potential of the proposed solution. The calculations revealed the complete destruction of the tar surrogate for a wide range of operating conditions and indicated that the most important reactions in the toluene conversion are C6H5CH3 + OH <-> C6H5CH2 + H2O, C6H5CH3 + OH <-> C6H4CH3 + H2O, and C6H5CH3 + O <-> OC6H4CH3 + H and that the formation of toluene can occur through C6H5CH2 + H <-> C6H5CH3. Subsequently, experimental tests were performed in a porous burner fired with pure methane and syngas for two equivalence ratios and three flow velocities. In these tests, the toluene concentration in the syngas varied from 50 to 200 g/Nm(3). In line with the CHEMKIN calculations, the results revealed that toluene was almost completely destroyed for all tested conditions and that the process did not affect the performance of the porous burner regarding the emissions of CO, hydrocarbons, and NOx.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Especialização em Edificações
A presente dissertação foi realizada em colaboração com o grupo empresarial Monteiro, Ribas, tendo como principal objectivo a realização de uma auditoria à gestão dos resíduos industriais produzidos pelas suas fábricas localizadas na Estrada da Circunvalação, no Porto. Para cumprir este objectivo, inicialmente foi efectuado um levantamento das obrigações legais relativas aos resíduos e foram procuradas práticas aconselhadas para a gestão interna. Para cada uma das fábricas, verificaram-se, quais os resíduos produzidos e analisaram-se os seus percursos, considerando as suas origens, os locais e modos de acondicionamento na origem, os modos de transporte interno, os locais e modos de armazenagem preliminar, e ainda, as quantidades produzidas, os transportadores, os operadores finais e as operações finais de gestão, sendo que estas quatro últimas informações são relativas ao ano 2013. De seguida procedeu-se à realização da auditoria nas diferentes unidades, verificando o cumprimento dos requisitos legais e das boas práticas em matéria de gestão de resíduos. As principais não conformidades detectadas, comuns às várias unidades fabris foram a inexistência de local/recipiente definido para acondicionamento de alguns resíduos, a falta ou insuficiente identificação de recipientes/zonas de acondicionamento, a inexistência de bacias de retenção para resíduos líquidos perigosos, o facto de no transporte interno apenas os resíduos perigosos serem cobertos e, os resíduos líquidos perigosos não serem transportados sobre bacias de retenção móveis nem com o material necessário para absorver derrames. Para cada resíduo e para cada unidade industrial foram propostas medidas correctivas e/ou de melhoria, quando aplicável. Relativamente à armazenagem preliminar, a principal inconformidade detectada foi o facto de todos os parques (quatro) possuírem resíduos perigosos no momento das auditorias, o que não é adequado. Foram propostas medidas correctivas e/ou de melhoria para cada parque. Como proposta global, tendo em conta factores económicos e de segurança, sugeriu-se que apenas o parque de resíduos perigosos possa armazenar este tipo de resíduos, pelo que os procedimentos de transporte interno devem ser melhorados, fazendo com que estes resíduos sejam transportados directamente para o parque de resíduos perigosos. Desta forma dois dos parques devem sofrer algumas remodelações, nomeadamente serem cobertos e fechados, ainda que não totalmente, e o parque de resíduos perigosos deve ser fechado, mantendo aberturas para ventilação, deve ser equipado com kit´s de contenção de derrames, fichas de segurança, procedimentos a realizar em caso de emergência, e ainda, devido ao facto do sistema de contenção de derrames ser pequeno face ao total de armazenamento, aconselha-se o uso de bacias de retenção para alguns dos recipientes de resíduos líquidos perigosos. Ao longo deste processo e em consequência da realização da auditoria, algumas situações consideradas não conformes foram sendo corrigidas. Também foram preparadas instruções de trabalho adequadas que serão posteriormente disponibilizadas. Foi ainda elaborada uma metodologia de avaliação de processos como base de trabalho para redução dos resíduos gerados. A etapa escolhida para a aplicação da mesma foi uma etapa auxiliar do processo produtivo da Monteiro, Ribas - Revestimentos, S.A - a limpeza de cubas com solventes, por forma a tentar minimizar os resíduos de solventes produzidos nesta operação. Uma vez que a fábrica já realiza a operação tendo em consideração medidas de prevenção e reutilização, a reciclagem é neste momento a única forma de tentar minimizar os resíduos de solventes. Foram então estudadas duas opções, nomeadamente a aquisição de um equipamento de regeneração de solventes e a contratação de uma operadora que proceda à regeneração dos resíduos de solventes e faça o retorno do solvente regenerado. A primeira opção poderá permitir uma redução de cerca de 95% na produção de resíduos de solventes e na aquisição de solvente puro, estimando-se uma poupança anual de cerca de **** €, com um período de recuperação do capital de cerca de 16 meses e a segunda pode conduzir a uma redução significativa na aquisição de solvente puro, cerca de 65%, e a uma poupança anual de cerca de **** €.