463 resultados para Explorations


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With the dramatic growth of text information, there is an increasing need for powerful text mining systems that can automatically discover useful knowledge from text. Text is generally associated with all kinds of contextual information. Those contexts can be explicit, such as the time and the location where a blog article is written, and the author(s) of a biomedical publication, or implicit, such as the positive or negative sentiment that an author had when she wrote a product review; there may also be complex context such as the social network of the authors. Many applications require analysis of topic patterns over different contexts. For instance, analysis of search logs in the context of the user can reveal how we can improve the quality of a search engine by optimizing the search results according to particular users; analysis of customer reviews in the context of positive and negative sentiments can help the user summarize public opinions about a product; analysis of blogs or scientific publications in the context of a social network can facilitate discovery of more meaningful topical communities. Since context information significantly affects the choices of topics and language made by authors, in general, it is very important to incorporate it into analyzing and mining text data. In general, modeling the context in text, discovering contextual patterns of language units and topics from text, a general task which we refer to as Contextual Text Mining, has widespread applications in text mining. In this thesis, we provide a novel and systematic study of contextual text mining, which is a new paradigm of text mining treating context information as the ``first-class citizen.'' We formally define the problem of contextual text mining and its basic tasks, and propose a general framework for contextual text mining based on generative modeling of text. This conceptual framework provides general guidance on text mining problems with context information and can be instantiated into many real tasks, including the general problem of contextual topic analysis. We formally present a functional framework for contextual topic analysis, with a general contextual topic model and its various versions, which can effectively solve the text mining problems in a lot of real world applications. We further introduce general components of contextual topic analysis, by adding priors to contextual topic models to incorporate prior knowledge, regularizing contextual topic models with dependency structure of context, and postprocessing contextual patterns to extract refined patterns. The refinements on the general contextual topic model naturally lead to a variety of probabilistic models which incorporate different types of context and various assumptions and constraints. These special versions of the contextual topic model are proved effective in a variety of real applications involving topics and explicit contexts, implicit contexts, and complex contexts. We then introduce a postprocessing procedure for contextual patterns, by generating meaningful labels for multinomial context models. This method provides a general way to interpret text mining results for real users. By applying contextual text mining in the ``context'' of other text information management tasks, including ad hoc text retrieval and web search, we further prove the effectiveness of contextual text mining techniques in a quantitative way with large scale datasets. The framework of contextual text mining not only unifies many explorations of text analysis with context information, but also opens up many new possibilities for future research directions in text mining.


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Although functional recovery could be advocated as an achievable treatment goal, many effective interventions for the treatment of psychotic symptoms, such as antipsychotic drugs, may not improve functioning. The last two decades of cognitive and clinical research on schizophrenia were a turning point for the firm acknowledgment of how relevant social cognitive deficits and negative symptoms could be in predicting psychosocial functioning. The relevance of social cognition dysfunction in schizophrenia patients’ daily living is now unabated. In fact, social cognition deficits could be the most significant predictor of functionality in patients with schizophrenia, non-redundantly with neurocognition. Emerging evidence suggests that negative symptoms appear to play an indirect role, mediating the relationship between neurocognition and social cognition with functional outcomes. Further explorations of this mediating role of negative symptoms have revealed that motivational deficits appear to be particularly important in explaining the relationship between both neurocognitive and social cognitive dysfunction and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. In this paper we will address the relative contribution of two key constructs—social cognitive deficits and negative symptoms, namely how intertwined they could be in daily life functioning of patients with schizophrenia.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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This paper discusses the urban consumer culture in Moscow and Petersburg during the 1880s and 1890s and uses the consumption of bicycles and watches as a lens through which to explore changing perceptions of time and space within the experience of modernity at the end of the nineteenth century. Specifically, I argue that the way in which consumers and merchants constructed a dialogue of meaning around particular objects; the way in which objects are consumed by a culture gives insight into the values, morals, and tenure of that culture. The paper preferences newspaper ads and photographs as the mouthpieces of merchants and consumers respectively as they constructed a dialogue in the language of consumerism, and explores the ways in which both parties sought to assign meaning to objects during the experience of modernity. I am particularly interested in the way consumers perform elements of cultural modernity in photographs and how these instances of performance relate to their negotiation of modernity. The paper takes as its focus large section of the urban Russian population, much of whom can traditionally be called “middle class” but whose diversity has led me to the adoption of the term “consumer community,” and whose makeup is described in detail. The paper contributes to the continuing scholarly discourse on the makeup of the middle class in Russia and the social boundaries of late tsarist society. It speaks to the the developing sensibilities and values of a generation struggling to define itself in a rapidly changing world, to the ways in which conceptualizations of public and private space, as well as feminine and masculine space were redefined, and to the developing visual culture of the Russian consumer society, largely predicated on the display of objects to signify socially desirable traits. Whereas other explorations of consumer culture and advertisements have portrayed the relationship between merchants and consumers as a one-sided monologue in which merchants convince consumers that certain objects have cultural value, I emphasis the dialogue between merchants and consumers, and their mutual negotiation of cultural meaning through objects.


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Frustrated systems, typically characterized by competing interactions that cannot all be simultaneously satisfied, are ubiquitous in nature and display many rich phenomena and novel physics. Artificial spin ices (ASIs), arrays of lithographically patterned Ising-like single-domain magnetic nanostructures, are highly tunable systems that have proven to be a novel method for studying the effects of frustration and associated properties. The strength and nature of the frustrated interactions between individual magnets are readily tuned by design and the exact microstate of the system can be determined by a variety of characterization techniques. Recently, thermal activation of ASI systems has been demonstrated, introducing the spontaneous reversal of individual magnets and allowing for new explorations of novel phase transitions and phenomena using these systems. In this work, we introduce a new, robust material with favorable magnetic properties for studying thermally active ASI and use it to investigate a variety of ASI geometries. We reproduce previously reported perfect ground-state ordering in the square geometry and present studies of the kagome lattice showing the highest yet degree of ordering observed in this fully frustrated system. We consider theoretical predictions of long-range order in ASI and use both our experimental studies and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate these predictions. Next, we introduce controlled topological defects into our square ASI samples and observe a new, extended frustration effect of the system. When we introduce a dislocation into the lattice, we still see large domains of ground-state order, but, in every sample, a domain wall containing higher energy spin arrangements originates from the dislocation, resolving a discontinuity in the ground-state order parameter. Locally, the magnets are unfrustrated, but frustration of the lattice persists due to its topology. We demonstrate the first direct imaging of spin configurations resulting from topological frustration in any system and make predictions on how dislocations could affect properties in numerous materials systems.


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Many of the equations describing the dynamics of neural systems are written in terms of firing rate functions, which themselves are often taken to be threshold functions of synaptic activity. Dating back to work by Hill in 1936 it has been recognized that more realistic models of neural tissue can be obtained with the introduction of state-dependent dynamic thresholds. In this paper we treat a specific phenomenological model of threshold accommodation that mimics many of the properties originally described by Hill. Importantly we explore the consequences of this dynamic threshold at the tissue level, by modifying a standard neural field model of Wilson-Cowan type. As in the case without threshold accommodation classical Mexican-Hat connectivity is shown to allow for the existence of spatially localized states (bumps) in both one and two dimensions. Importantly an analysis of bump stability in one dimension, using recent Evans function techniques, shows that bumps may undergo instabilities leading to the emergence of both breathers and traveling waves. Moreover, a similar analysis for traveling pulses leads to the conditions necessary to observe a stable traveling breather. In the regime where a bump solution does not exist direct numerical simulations show the possibility of self-replicating bumps via a form of bump splitting. Simulations in two space dimensions show analogous localized and traveling solutions to those seen in one dimension. Indeed dynamical behavior in this neural model appears reminiscent of that seen in other dissipative systems that support localized structures, and in particular those of coupled cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. Further numerical explorations illustrate that the traveling pulses in this model exhibit particle like properties, similar to those of dispersive solitons observed in some three component reaction-diffusion systems. A preliminary account of this work first appeared in S Coombes and M R Owen, Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005), 148102(1-4).


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Major diseases, including Fusarium wilt tropical race 4, threaten banana production systems worldwide. New sources of genetic resistance are considered necessary in the fight against such diseases. The triangular region of Indonesia taking in Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands and Lesser Sunda Islands was prioritized by the Global Musa Genetic Resources Network, MusaNet for exploration and collecting. It is just east of the Wallace Line, which is recognized as a transition zone for flora in southeast Asia, and had been little explored. Bioversity International funded a team of scientists from Indonesia and Australia to make collecting missions in the triangle in October 2012 and February 2013. Suckers and seeds of 35 promising new accessions were collected. About 90% of these are either wild species or diploid cultivars of more direct use to breeding programs. These were morphologically characterized during the collecting missions and included a set of photographs recommended by Bioversitys Taxonomic Advisory Group. Cigar leaf samples were also collected and sent as fresh samples to the International Banana Genotyping Centre in the Czech Republic. Ploidy and DNA (SSR) genotyping determinations from these samples have been invaluable in quickly interpreting and better appreciating what has been discovered. The new accessions have been grown on at Solok field collection, West Sumatra and will be made available by Indonesia to the international community, including breeding programs, for evaluation and utilization. Information on wild Eumusa prompts a rethinking of the phytogeography of Musa acuminata. The variation within the Australimusa species M. lolodensis highlights the need for broader study of this Musa section. French Plantain-like edible AAs and prospects for the generation of African plantains in the region were identified. The mission indicated existence of local edible ABs in eastern Indonesia in association with balbisiana hybrids origins in the region. Further explorations in the region should add to Musa diversity knowledge.


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O turismo é um fenómeno que ganhou terreno nas últimas décadas. A sua transversalidade fez com que se alastrasse a diversas áreas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de muitos países. Depois da Europa e América exploradas, voltou-se para Ásia e África, à descoberta do diferente. No início dos anos 90 deu-se uma viragem na política, muitos países em África abriram-se às eleições partidárias, pondo o fim ao partido único. Cabo Verde, a partir de 1990, conjuntamente com a abertura política abriu-se às cooperações, às privatizações e aos investimentos estrangeiros, e oportunamente, o sector turístico. Foi ganhando importância, ao ponto de os governos assumirem o fenómeno como um dos motores do desenvolvimento e de combate à pobreza. A presente dissertação pretende descrever o desenvolvimento do sector a partir de 1990 à actualidade, verificar a adequação das estratégias à realidade do país. Percebe-se a necessidade de planear o turismo, envolver mais a comunidade, desenvolver um turismo competitivo e sustentável, apostando na formação dos profissionais e na segurança. Fica explícito que a articulação dos sectores públicos e privados constitui a chave para o sucesso do turismo no arquipélago. ABSTRACT; Tourism is a phenomenon that won the ground in the last century. Its transversally makes it spread in several areas, helping to the development of many countries. After explorations of Europe and America, it returns to Asia and Africa to discover the different. In the beginning of years 90 gave a political change, many countries in Africa opened supporter elections, putting stop to unique party from 1990, Cape Verde, together with opening party opened to cooperation, privatizations and foreign investments and later on touristic sector. It won the importance that mode the government assume the phenomenon as one of the motor of development and fight against poverty. The present dissertation pretends to describe the sector development from 1990 till now, check suitable strategies to the reality of the country. We can see the need to plan tourism, develop our community, and develop a competitive and sustainable tourism by investing in staff training and safety. It is explicit that the articulation of public and private sectors is the key to the success of tourism in the archipelago.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2016.


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Planet X is video work which is presented using an original optical projection system which involves a large spherical lens, water and rear projection and various other materials including glass, timber, fabricated steel, etc and which I have called "Aqua Optica". The Planet X is 10 min looping video explores both the historical origins of the discovery of Pluto in 1930 (by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory) and the recent explorations of Pluto by NASA with the New Horizons space craft which was transmitting new images of Pluto at the time of this exhibition.


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Curatorial Aims and Objectives: Fragmentos was a curated exhibition (or expose) of 13 contemporary Australian artists. It was presented at the upstairs gallery at the Escuela Activa de fotografia in Cuernavaca, Morelos in Mexico. The curatorial objective was to present small samples or fragments from the creative practice of a number Australian artists. It would therefore act as introduction to their broader practice and as a way of representing the diverse range of creative explorations by a number contemporary, mostly Melbourne based Australian artists. These artists were selected on the basis of their diverse and often conceptual approaches to art making. All the artists have an established practice in the arts and their work reflects an experimental and investigative approach to materials and processes as well as exploring a wide range of conceptual and thematic concerns. Visitors to the Fragmentos exhibition were primarily local Mexican artists, art students and academics and members of the general public. The gallery is located in the heart of a photography school in central Cuernavaca but the students are engaged in a wide range of practices and the local arts community is vibrant and divers. Many of the works presented in this exhibition invited audience interaction and even the opportunity to contribute to the works providing a connection to the Australian artists involved and as a way of demystifying the ideas behind the works. One of the main curatorial objectives was to create a sense of connection and dialogue between local Mexican artists and the works. By offering samples and fragments, some of which were from unfinished work (in development) the audience could have an experience which was akin to visiting an artists studio or at least seeing something from behind the scenes This gives a sense of the artists as people, which is often not the case with highly resolved and finished works of art, displayed in a white cube. To facilitate this sense of discovery I made a number of small tables using builders timber work horses with a simple ply wood top to act as benches on which the artists work could be placed and to suggest the idea of things being in a transitional stage and undergoing and development. Also, the inclusion of pin boards, magnifying glasses, G Clamps were used during the installation to invoke this sense of workshop or studio. The works were very well received and I gave a number of public talks and presentation to student groups as well as after hour’s appointments to discuss the exhibition with various academics. The project has also generated some new engagements between Mexican and Australian artists with at least 3 outcomes emerging.


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Social justice and equity are important elements of all educational services and particularly in early childhood where there is an emphasis on including all children in the everyday life of early childhood settings. This emphasis has targeted both the policies and practices in early childhood to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners. An outcome of policy reform is the emphasis on inclusive education that is based on the right of all children to access and participate in general education. A critical pedagogy approach counters discrimination by promoting positive attitudes towards diversity. Science learning is important for all children as it is an approach to thinking and behaving that incorporates aspects of motor, behavioural, sensory, communication and mental functioning. Children from diverse situations can contribute at their own level to the opportunities involved in exploration and investigations. This paper discusses inclusive pedagogy and planning in early childhood centres with a particular focus on science learning through play and child-instigated explorations.


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