985 resultados para Error estimate.
An investigation was conducted to estimate the error when the flat-flux approximation is used to compute the resonance integral for a single absorber element embedded in a neutron source.
The investigation was initiated by assuming a parabolic flux distribution in computing the flux-averaged escape probability which occurs in the collision density equation. Furthermore, also assumed were both wide resonance and narrow resonance expressions for the resonance integral. The fact that this simple model demonstrated a decrease in the resonance integral motivated the more detailed investigation of the thesis.
An integral equation describing the collision density as a function of energy, position and angle is constructed and is subsequently specialized to the case of energy and spatial dependence. This equation is further simplified by expanding the spatial dependence in a series of Legendre polynomials (since a one-dimensional case is considered). In this form, the effects of slowing-down and flux depression may be accounted for to any degree of accuracy desired. The resulting integral equation for the energy dependence is thus solved numerically, considering the slowing down model and the infinite mass model as separate cases.
From the solution obtained by the above method, the error ascribable to the flat-flux approximation is obtained. In addition to this, the error introduced in the resonance integral in assuming no slowing down in the absorber is deduced. Results by Chernick for bismuth rods, and by Corngold for uranium slabs, are compared to the latter case, and these agree to within the approximations made.
In the field of mechanics, it is a long standing goal to measure quantum behavior in ever larger and more massive objects. It may now seem like an obvious conclusion, but until recently it was not clear whether a macroscopic mechanical resonator -- built up from nearly 1013 atoms -- could be fully described as an ideal quantum harmonic oscillator. With recent advances in the fields of opto- and electro-mechanics, such systems offer a unique advantage in probing the quantum noise properties of macroscopic electrical and mechanical devices, properties that ultimately stem from Heisenberg's uncertainty relations. Given the rapid progress in device capabilities, landmark results of quantum optics are now being extended into the regime of macroscopic mechanics.
The purpose of this dissertation is to describe three experiments -- motional sideband asymmetry, back-action evasion (BAE) detection, and mechanical squeezing -- that are directly related to the topic of measuring quantum noise with mechanical detection. These measurements all share three pertinent features: they explore quantum noise properties in a macroscopic electromechanical device driven by a minimum of two microwave drive tones, hence the title of this work: "Quantum electromechanics with two tone drive".
In the following, we will first introduce a quantum input-output framework that we use to model the electromechanical interaction and capture subtleties related to interpreting different microwave noise detection techniques. Next, we will discuss the fabrication and measurement details that we use to cool and probe these devices with coherent and incoherent microwave drive signals. Having developed our tools for signal modeling and detection, we explore the three-wave mixing interaction between the microwave and mechanical modes, whereby mechanical motion generates motional sidebands corresponding to up-down frequency conversions of microwave photons. Because of quantum vacuum noise, the rates of these processes are expected to be unequal. We will discuss the measurement and interpretation of this asymmetric motional noise in a electromechanical device cooled near the ground state of motion.
Next, we consider an overlapped two tone pump configuration that produces a time-modulated electromechanical interaction. By careful control of this drive field, we report a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of a single motional quadrature. Incorporating a second pair of drive tones, we directly measure the measurement back-action associated with both classical and quantum noise of the microwave cavity. Lastly, we slightly modify our drive scheme to generate quantum squeezing in a macroscopic mechanical resonator. Here, we will focus on data analysis techniques that we use to estimate the quadrature occupations. We incorporate Bayesian spectrum fitting and parameter estimation that serve as powerful tools for incorporating many known sources of measurement and fit error that are unavoidable in such work.
The time distribution of the decays of an initially pure K° beam into π+π-π° has been analyzed to determine the complex parameter W (also known as Ƞ+-° and (x + iy)). The K° beam was produced in a brass target by the interactions of a 2.85 GeV/c π- beam which was generated on an internal target in the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) Bevatron. The counters and hodoscopes in the apparatus selected for events with a neutral (K°) produced in the brass target, two charged secondaries passing through a magnet spectrometer and a ɣ-ray shower in a shower hodoscope.
From the 275K apparatus triggers, 148 K → π+π-π° events were isolated. The presence of a ɣ-ray shower in the optical shower chambers and a two-prong vee in the optical spark chambers were devices used to isolate the events. The backgrounds were further reduced by reconstructing the momenta of the two charged secondaries and applying kinematic constraints.
The best fit to the final sample of 148 events distributed between .3 and 7.0 KS lifetimes gives:
ReW = -.05 ±.17
ImW = +.39 +.35/-.37
This result is consistent with both CPT invariance (ReW = 0) and CP invariance (W = 0). Backgrounds are estimated to be less than 10% and systematic effects have also been estimated to be negligible.
An analysis of the present data on CP violation in this decay mode and other K° decay modes has estimated the phase of ɛ to be 45.3 ± 2.3 degrees. This result is consistent with the super weak theories of CP violation which predicts the phase of ɛ to be 43°. This estimate is in turn used to predict the phase of Ƞ°° to be 48.0 ± 7.9 degrees. This is a substantial improvement on presently available measurements. The largest error in this analysis comes from the present limits on W from the world average of recent experiments. The K → πuʋ mode produces the next largest error. Therefore further experimentation in these modes would be useful.
In the process of interferometric testing, the measurement result is influenced by the system structure, which reduces the measurement accuracy. To obtain an accurate test result, it is necessary to analyze the test system, and build the relationship between the measurement error and the system parameters. In this paper, the influences of the system elements which include the collimated lens and the standard surface on the interferometric testing are analyzed, the expressions of phase distribution and wavefront error on the detector are obtained, the method to remove some element errors is introduced, and the optimization structure relationships are given. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Based on the generalized Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral theory and the stationary-phase method, we analyze the influence on diffraction-free beam patterns of an elliptical manufacture error in an axicon. The numerical simulation is compared with the beam patterns photographed by using a CCD camera. Theoretical simulation and experimental results indicate that the intensity of the central spot decreases with increasing elliptical manufacture defect and propagation distance. Meanwhile, the bright rings around the central spot are gradually split into four or more symmetrical bright spots. The experimental results fit the theoretical simulation very well. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pela indústria do petróleo é reduzir o impacto causado pela cristalização indesejável de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos de elevada massa molar em tubulações e equipamentos de produção. A cristalização de parafinas em petróleo é normalmente detectada através da determinação da temperatura inicial de aparecimento de cristais (TIAC), que pode ser estimada através de modelagem termodinâmica com base na composição do petróleo. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: estudar os principais modelos termodinâmicos adotados para descrever a precipitação de parafinas; verificar a validade desses modelos para os petróleos brasileiros e determinar qual modelo é o mais adequado para esses óleos. Para tanto, três formas de cálculo da razão entre as fugacidades das fases sólida e líquida e cinco modelos para calcular os coeficientes de atividade dos componentes em cada fase são aplicados aos dados de composição de vinte e três petróleos brasileiros. Os resultados mostram que o modelo ideal de múltiplas fases sólidas e o modelo de Escobar-Remolina geram valores bastante abaixo da TIAC experimental. Para os modelos de única fase sólida ideal, de Won e de Coutinho, foi possível observar que: a) a grande maioria dos erros é negativa; b) que estes se distribuem melhor em torno de zero quando se utiliza a correlação de Coutinho para o cálculo dos valores de i; c) os valores de erro médio para os modelos de Coutinho, de Won e ideal com única fase sólida se equivalem, qualquer que seja o modelo utilizado para o cálculo de i, exceto para o caso em que todos os compostos presentes na fase líquida podem precipitar; d) os valores obtidos através do modelo de Coutinho apresentam erro sistemático em relação ao modelo ideal de única fase sólida; e) as diferentes formas de se calcular a razão entre as fugacidades da fase sólida e líquida (i) influenciam fortemente a capacidade preditiva dos modelos, o que não era esperado; f) o perfil do primeiro cristal formado nos petróleos é influenciado pelas moléculas mais pesadas presentes nos resíduos, o que mostra a necessidade de se desenvolver metodologias precisas e robustas de caracterização de resíduos; g) a inclusão de uma estimativa para a composição dos resíduos efetivamente melhorou o desempenho dos modelos em petróleos médio; h) em petróleos pesados, houve um aumento do erro de previsão da TIAC devido à pouca ou nenhuma quantidade de parafinas nos resíduos desses óleos. A necessidade de uma melhor caracterização dos resíduos de petróleos é corroborada pelo fato da TIAC calculada pelos modelos ser, via de regra, mais baixa que a TIAC experimental e pela melhora no desempenho dos modelos quando se estimou a composição dos resíduos, em petróleos médios
El objeto del presente trabajo, titulado “Aplicación de redes neuronales artificiales para la caracterización del error en trayectorias circulares por WEDM”, es el estudio y posterior optimización del error en trayectorias circulares mecanizadas mediante electroerosión por hilo. Se pretende desarrollar un modelo predictivo de dicho error a través de la implementación de una Red Neuronal Artificial (RNA), que deberá ser alimentada con resultados empíricos resultantes de una batería de ensayos. El modelo desarrollado permitirá conocer a priori los errores que se producirán al cortar formas circulares en distintos espesores y con distintos radios sin necesidad de recurrir a costosas baterías de ensayos.
Quantum Computing is a relatively modern field which simulates quantum computation conditions. Moreover, it can be used to estimate which quasiparticles would endure better in a quantum environment. Topological Quantum Computing (TQC) is an approximation for reducing the quantum decoherence problem1, which is responsible for error appearance in the representation of information. This project tackles specific instances of TQC problems using MOEAs (Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). A MOEA is a type of algorithm which will optimize two or more objectives of a problem simultaneously, using a population based approach. We have implemented MOEAs that use probabilistic procedures found in EDAs (Estimation of Distribution Algorithms), since in general, EDAs have found better solutions than ordinary EAs (Evolutionary Algorithms), even though they are more costly. Both, EDAs and MOEAs are population-based algorithms. The objective of this project was to use a multi-objective approach in order to find good solutions for several instances of a TQC problem. In particular, the objectives considered in the project were the error approximation and the length of a solution. The tool we used to solve the instances of the problem was the multi-objective framework PISA. Because PISA has not too much documentation available, we had to go through a process of reverse-engineering of the framework to understand its modules and the way they communicate with each other. Once its functioning was understood, we began working on a module dedicated to the braid problem. Finally, we submitted this module to an exhaustive experimentation phase and collected results.