910 resultados para Equações diferenciais não-lineares
I ntroduction: The assessment of respiratory muscle strength is important in the diagnosis and monitoring of the respiratory muscles weakness of respiratory and neuromuscular diseases. However, there are still no studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for maximal respiratory pressures for children in our population. Aim: The purpose of this study was to propose predictive equations for maximal respiratory pressures in healthy school children. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. 144 healthy children were assessed. They were students from public and private schools in the city of Natal /RN (63 boys and 81 girls), subdivided in age groups of 7-8 and 9-11 years. The students presented the BMI, for age and sex, between 5 and 85 percentile. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with the digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ®). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressures (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Statistics 15.0 software (Statistical Package for Social Science) by assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'Student test was used for unpaired comparison of averages of the variables. The comparison of measurements obtained with the predicted values in previous studies was performed using the paired t'Student test. The Pearson correlation test was used to verify the correlation of MRP's with the independent variables (age, sex, weight and height). For the equations analysis the stepwise linear regression was used. Results: By analyzing the data, we observed that in the age range studied MIP was significantly higher in boys. The MEP did not differ between boys and girls aged 7 to 8 years, the reverse occurred in the age between 9 and 11 years. The boys had a significant increase in respiratory muscle strength with advancing age. Regardless sex and age, MEP was always higher than the MIP. The reference values found in this study are similar to a sample of Spanish and Canadian children. The two models proposed in previous studies with children from other countries were not able to consistently predict the values observed in this studied population. The variables sex, age and weight correlated with MIP, whereas the MEP was also correlated with height. However, in the regression models proposed in this study, only gender and age were kept exerting influence on the variability of maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures. Conclusion: This study provides reference values, lower limits of normality and proposes two models that allow predicting, through the independent variables, sex and age, the value of maximal static respiratory pressures in healthy children aged between 7 and 11 years old
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia de rastreamento de sinais e rejeição de distúrbios aplicada a sistemas não-lineares. Para o projeto do sistema de rastreamento, projeta-se os controladores fuzzy M(a) e N(a) que minimizam o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de referência r(t) e o sinal de erro de rastreamento e(t), sendo e(t) a diferença entre a entrada de referência e a saída do sistema z(t). No método de rejeição de distúrbio utiliza-se a realimentação dinâmica da saída através de um controlador fuzzy Kc(a) que minimiza o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de entrada exógena w(t) e o sinal de saída z(t). O procedimento de projeto proposto considera as não-linearidades da planta através dos modelos fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno. Os métodos são equacionados utilizando-se inequações matriciais lineares (LMIs), que quando factíveis, podem ser facilmente solucionados por algoritmos de convergência polinomial. Por fim, um exemplo ilustra a viabilidade da metodologia proposta.
The intervalar arithmetic well-known as arithmetic of Moore, doesn't possess the same properties of the real numbers, and for this reason, it is confronted with a problem of operative nature, when we want to solve intervalar equations as extension of real equations by the usual equality and of the intervalar arithmetic, for this not to possess the inverse addictive, as well as, the property of the distributivity of the multiplication for the sum doesn t be valid for any triplet of intervals. The lack of those properties disables the use of equacional logic, so much for the resolution of an intervalar equation using the same, as for a representation of a real equation, and still, for the algebraic verification of properties of a computational system, whose data are real numbers represented by intervals. However, with the notion of order of information and of approach on intervals, introduced by Acióly[6] in 1991, the idea of an intervalar equation appears to represent a real equation satisfactorily, since the terms of the intervalar equation carry the information about the solution of the real equation. In 1999, Santiago proposed the notion of simple equality and, later on, local equality for intervals [8] and [33]. Based on that idea, this dissertation extends Santiago's local groups for local algebras, following the idea of Σ-algebras according to (Hennessy[31], 1988) and (Santiago[7], 1995). One of the contributions of this dissertation, is the theorem that it guarantees that, when deducing a local Σ-equation E t t in the proposed system SDedLoc(E), the interpretations of t and t' will be locally the same in any local Σ-algebra that satisfies the group of fixed equations local E, whenever t and t have meaning in A. This assures to a kind of safety between the local equacional logic and the local algebras
This study sprang from the hypothesis that spatial variations in the morbidity rate for dengue fever within the municipality of Natal are related to intra-city socioeconomic and environmental variations. The objective of the project was to classify the different suburbs of Natal according to their living conditions and establish if there was any correlation between this classification and the incidence rate for dengue fever, with the aim of enabling public health planners to better control this disease. Data on population density, access to safe drinking water, rubbish collection, sewage disposal facilities, income level, education and the incidence of dengue fever during the years 2001 and 2003 was drawn from the Brazilian Demographic Census 2000 and from the Reportable Disease Notification System -SINAN. The study is presented here in the form of two papers, corresponding to the types of analysis performed: a classification of the urban districts into quartiles according to the living conditions which exist there, in the first article; and the incidence of dengue fever in each of these quartiles, in the second. By applying factorial analysis to the chosen socioeconomic and environmental indicators for the year 2000, a compound index of living condition (ICV) was obtained. On the basis of this index, it was possible to classify the urban districts into quartiles. On undertaking this grouping (paper 1), a heterogeneous distribution of living conditions was found across the city. As to the incidence rate for dengue fever (paper 2), it was discovered that the quartile identified as having the best living conditions presented incidence rates of 15.62 and 15.24 per 1000 inhabitants respectively in the years 2001 and 2003; whereas the quartile representing worst living conditions showed incidence rates of 25.10 and 10.32 for the comparable periods. The results suggest that dengue fever occurs in all social classes, and that its incidence is not related in any evident way to the chosen formula for living conditions
The objective of this dissertation is the development of a general formalism to analyze the thermodynamical properties of a photon gas under the context of nonlinear electrodynamics (NLED). To this end it is obtained, through the systematic analysis of Maxwell s electromagnetism (EM) properties, the general dependence of the Lagrangian that describes this kind of theories. From this Lagrangian and in the background of classical field theory, we derive the general dispersion relation that photons must obey in terms of a background field and the NLED properties. It is important to note that, in order to achieve this result, an aproximation has been made in order to allow the separation of the total electromagnetic field into a strong background electromagnetic field and a perturbation. Once the dispersion relation is in hand, the usual Bose-Einstein statistical procedure is followed through which the thermodynamical properties, energy density and pressure relations are obtained. An important result of this work is the fact that equation of state remains identical to the one obtained under EM. Then, two examples are made where the thermodynamic properties are explicitly derived in the context of two NLED, Born-Infelds and a quadratic approximation. The choice of the first one is due to the vast appearance in literature and, the second one, because it is a first order approximation of a large class of NLED. Ultimately, both are chosen because of their simplicity. Finally, the results are compared to EM and interpreted, suggesting possible tests to verify the internal consistency of NLED and motivating further developement into the formalism s quantum case
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
In this work we present a mathematical and computational modeling of electrokinetic phenomena in electrically charged porous medium. We consider the porous medium composed of three different scales (nanoscopic, microscopic and macroscopic). On the microscopic scale the domain is composed by a porous matrix and a solid phase. The pores are filled with an aqueous phase consisting of ionic solutes fully diluted, and the solid matrix consists of electrically charged particles. Initially we present the mathematical model that governs the electrical double layer in order to quantify the electric potential, electric charge density, ion adsorption and chemical adsorption in nanoscopic scale. Then, we derive the microscopic model, where the adsorption of ions due to the electric double layer and the reactions of protonation/ deprotanaç~ao and zeta potential obtained in modeling nanoscopic arise in microscopic scale through interface conditions in the problem of Stokes and Nerst-Planck equations respectively governing the movement of the aqueous solution and transport of ions. We developed the process of upscaling the problem nano/microscopic using the homogenization technique of periodic structures by deducing the macroscopic model with their respectives cell problems for effective parameters of the macroscopic equations. Considering a clayey porous medium consisting of kaolinite clay plates distributed parallel, we rewrite the macroscopic model in a one-dimensional version. Finally, using a sequential algorithm, we discretize the macroscopic model via the finite element method, along with the interactive method of Picard for the nonlinear terms. Numerical simulations on transient regime with variable pH in one-dimensional case are obtained, aiming computational modeling of the electroremediation process of clay soils contaminated
In this work are presented, as a review and in a historical context, the most used methods to solve quadratic equations. It is also shown the simplest type of change of variables, namely: x = Ay + B where A;B 2 R, and some changes of variables that were used to solve quadratic equations throughout history. Finally, a change of variable, which has been used by the author in the classroom as an alternative method, is presented and the result of this methodoly is illustrated by the responses of a test that was done by the students in classroom
Objetivou-se com esse trabalho comparar estimativas de componentes de variâncias obtidas por meio de modelos lineares mistos Gaussianos e Robustos, via Amostrador de Gibbs, em dados simulados. Foram simulados 50 arquivos de dados com 1.000 animais cada um, distribuídos em cinco gerações, em dois níveis de efeito fixo e três valores fenotípicos distintos para uma característica hipotética, com diferentes níveis de contaminação. Exceto para os dados sem contaminação, quando os modelos foram iguais, o modelo Robusto apresentou melhores estimativas da variância residual. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram semelhantes em todos os modelos, mas as análises de regressão mostraram que os valores genéticos preditos com uso do modelo Robusto foram mais próximos dos valores genéticos verdadeiros. Esses resultados sugerem que o modelo linear normal contaminado oferece uma alternativa flexível para estimação robusta em melhoramento genético animal.
INTRODUÇÃO: A hemiparesia após o acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é a sequela mais frequente, prejudicando a velocidade de execução dos movimentos automáticos, diminuindo a autonomia do indivíduo e gerando incapacidade. OBJETIVOS: Analisar o efeito da espasticidade nos padrões lineares de marcha (PLM) em indivíduos hemiparéticos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados dois grupos: 20 indivíduos com AVE (G1) e 20 indivíduos sadios, destros, sem sequela neurológica (G2), com média de idade de 54,2 e 52,6 anos respectivamente. Foram avaliados os PLM pelo protocolo de Nagazaki, o tônus muscular pela escala de Ashworth modificada e o arco de movimento por goniometria. Foi feita comparação dos parâmetros nos dois grupos pelo teste t de Student e correlação de Spearman com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A média da distância foi de 14,52 m e 32,16 m, e o tempo foi de 23,75 s e 19,02 s no G1 e G2 respectivamente (p < 0,0001). Na comparação entre os grupos, a amplitude média de passo e a velocidade média foram estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,05) e a cadência não mostrou significância (p = 0,1936). Quando os PLM foram comparados com o grau de espasticidade dos músculos gastrocnêmio e sóleo, mostraram associação negativa com distância, amplitude de passo e velocidade e associação positiva com o tempo (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Quanto maior o grau de espasticidade dos músculos gastrocnêmio e sóleo, menores serão os parâmetros lineares de marcha do indivíduo com sequela de hemiparesia pós-AVE.
FUNDAMENTO: Ausência de estudos na literatura validando equações preditivas da frequência cardíaca máxima (FCmáx) em crianças e adolescentes. OBJETIVO: Analisar a validade das equações preditivas da FCmáx 220 - idade e 208 - (0,7 x idade) em meninos com idades entre 10 e 16 anos. MÉTODOS: Um teste progressivo de esforço máximo foi realizado em 69 meninos com idades entre 10 e 16 anos, aparentemente saudáveis e ativos. A velocidade inicial do teste foi de 9 km/h com incrementos de 1 km/h a cada três minutos. O teste foi mantido até a exaustão voluntária, considerando-se como FCmáx a maior frequência cardíaca atingida durante o teste. A FCmáx medida foi comparada com os valores preditos pelas equações 220 - idade e 208 - (0,7 x idade) através da ANOVA, medidas repetidas. Resultados: Os valores médios da FCmáx (bpm) foram: 200,2 ± 8,0 (medida), 207,4 ± 1,5 (220 - idade) e 199,2 ± 1,1 (208 - (0,7 x idade)). A FCmáx predita pela equação 220 - idade foi significantemente maior (p < 0,001) que a FCmáx medida e que a FCmáx predita pela equação (208 - (0,7 x idade)). A correlação entre a FCmáx medida e a idade não foi estatisticamente significativa (r = 0,096; p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A equação 220 - idade superestimou a FCmáx medida e não se mostrou válida para essa população. A equação 208 - (0,7 x idade) se mostrou válida apresentando resultados bastante próximos da FCmáx medida. Estudos futuros estudos com amostras maiores poderão comprovar se a FCmáx não depende da idade para essa população, situação em que o valor constante de 200 bpm seria mais apropriado para a FCmáx.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito da seleção das cargas e do modelo utilizado para a determinação da PC no ergômetro de braço. Participaram do estudo oito voluntários do sexo masculino, que praticavam atividade física regularmente e eram aparentemente saudáveis. Os sujeitos realizaram quatro testes com cargas constantes mantidas até a exaustão voluntária no ergômetro de braço UBE 2462-Cybex. As cargas foram individualmente selecionadas para induzir a fadiga entre 1 e 15 minutos. Para cada sujeito, a determinação da PC foi realizada através de dois modelos lineares: potência-1/tempo e trabalho-tempo. em cada um dos modelos, foram utilizadas todas as potências (1), as três maiores (2) e as três menores (3). As PC encontradas no modelo potência-1/tempo e trabalho-tempo para a condição 3 (177,5 + 29,5; 173,9 + 33,3, respectivamente) foram significantemente menores do que as da condição 2 (190,5 + 23,2; 183,4 + 22,3, respectivamente), não existindo diferenças destas com as da condição 1 (184,2 + 25,4; 176,4 + 28,8, respectivamente). As PC determinadas no modelo potência-1/tempo para as condições 1 e 2 foram significantemente maiores do que as determinadas no modelo trabalho-tempo, não existindo diferenças para a condição 3. Pode-se concluir que as cargas selecionadas e o modelo utilizado interferem na determinação da PC encontrada no ergômetro de braço, podendo interferir no tempo de exaustão durante o exercício submáximo realizado em cargas relativas a este índice.