996 resultados para Environmental auditing -- Catalonia -- Girona
Notice about the geologic and geomorphologic maps of Santa Coloma de Farners, at scale 1:10,000 published by Unitat de Geologia of the Universitat de Girona
The Onyar River basin is situated in the depression of la Selva. His origins are related to tectonic activity during Neogen in this region. In his evolution, we note a slowly and continuous downfall which directs the morphodinamical behaviour. In this sense, the drainage network has a directional trend towards the north, as consecuence of fault systems, and specially the N-S oriented one. A fault of this system has an important influence in the basin morphology, directs the drainage towards the north and avoids a closely drainage in the basin
With the aim of radiocarbon dating Llora travertines, chemical and isotopic data of strearn water and present travertines have been analyzed. The purpose is to determine the radiocarbon activity of present travertines in order to assign an initial radiocarbon activity to the old ones. Applying this methodology we conclude that travertines are from Holocen age around 4.000 years BP
Se describen los domos graníticos de la cuenca del río Ridaura. Sus caraterísticas geométricas se relacionan estrechamente con la disposición de las fracturas. Su génesis deriva de una fase subsuperficial, bajo un manto de alteración, presumiblemente desarrollada durante el Plioceno, y una fase de exhumación torrencial, que comprende desde el Plioceno terminal hasta la actualidad
The aim of the research presented in this article is to understand undergraduate students’ appraisal of the influence of reflective learning methodology in different aspects of their learning, and to obtain evidence of the main difficulties encountered by students and the main contributions of this kind of methodology into their learning process. The study was conducted in four different degree courses (Social education, Environmental sciences, Nursing, and Psychology) at the University of Girona Through the development of a self-report reflective learning questionnaire and its application to 162 students who participated in the experiences, we conclude that reflective learning can be positively assessed as having great potential to train university undergraduates
Descripció de la zona lacustre de Banyoles des del punt de vista geològic i hidrogeologic
Evergreen trees in the Mediterranean region must cope with a wide range of environmental stresses from summer drought to winter cold. The mildness of Mediterranean winters can periodically lead to favourable environmental conditions above the threshold for a positive carbon balance, benefitting evergreen woody species more than deciduous ones. The comparatively lower solar energy input in winter decreases the foliar light saturation point. This leads to a higher susceptibility to photoinhibitory stress especially when chilly (< 12 C) or freezing temperatures (< 0 C) coincide with clear skies and relatively high solar irradiances. Nonetheless, the advantage of evergreen species that are able to photosynthesize all year round where a significant fraction can be attributed to winter months, compensates for the lower carbon uptake during spring and summer in comparison to deciduous species. We investigated the ecophysiological behaviour of three co-occurring mature evergreen tree species (Quercus ilex L., Pinus halepensis Mill., and Arbutus unedo L.). Therefore, we collected twigs from the field during a period of mild winter conditions and after a sudden cold period. After both periods, the state of the photosynthetic machinery was tested in the laboratory by estimating the foliar photosynthetic potential with CO2 response curves in parallel with chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. The studied evergreen tree species benefited strongly from mild winter conditions by exhibiting extraordinarily high photosynthetic potentials. A sudden period of frost, however, negatively affected the photosynthetic apparatus, leading to significant decreases in key physiological parameters such as the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vc,max), the maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate (Jmax), and the optimal fluorometric quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm). The responses of Vc,max and Jmax were highly species specific, with Q. ilex exhibiting the highest and P. halepensis the lowest reductions. In contrast, the optimal fluorometric quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was significantly lower in A. unedo after the cold period. The leaf position played an important role in Q. ilex showing a stronger winter effect on sunlit leaves in comparison to shaded leaves. Our results generally agreed with the previous classifications of photoinhibition-tolerant (P. halepensis) and photoinhibitionavoiding (Q. ilex) species on the basis of their susceptibility to dynamic photoinhibition, whereas A. unedo was the least tolerant to photoinhibition, which was chronic in this species. Q. ilex and P. halepensis seem to follow contrasting photoprotective strategies. However, they seemed equally successful under the prevailing conditions exhibiting an adaptive advantage over A. unedo. These results show that our understanding of the dynamics of interspecific competition in Mediterranean ecosystems requires consideration of the physiological behaviour during winter which may have important implications for long-term carbon budgets and growth trends.
Energy efficiency and saving energy are the main question marks when thinking of reducing carbon dioxide emissions or cutting costs. The objective of thesis is to evaluate policy instruments concerning end-use energy efficiency of heavy industry in European Union. These policy instruments may be divided in various ways, but in this thesis the division is to administrative, financial, informative and voluntary instruments. Administrative instruments introduced in this thesis are Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services, and Climate and Energy Package. Financial means include energy and emission taxation, EU Emission Trading Scheme and diverse support systems. Informative instruments consist of horizontal BAT Reference Document for Energy Efficiency, as well as substantial EU documents including Green Paper on Energy Efficiency, Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and An Energy Policy for Europe. And finally, voluntary instruments include environmental managements systems like ISO 14001 and EMAS, energy auditing and benchmarking. The efficiency of different policy instruments vary quite a lot. Informative instruments lack the commitment from industry and are thus almost ineffective, contrary to EU Emission Trading Scheme, which is said to be the solution to climate problems. The efficiency of administrative means can be placed between those mentioned and voluntary instruments are still quite fresh to be examined fruitfully. However, each instrument has their potential and challenges. Cases from corporate world strengthen the results from theoretical part. Cases were written mainly on the basis of interviews. The interviewees praised the energy efficiency contract of Finnish industry, but the EU ETS takes the leading role of policy instruments. However, for industry the reductions do not come easily.
Aplicació d'una DAOM (Diagnosi Ambiental d’Oportunitats de Minimització)a l'Ajuntament de Banyoles. Una DAOM és una eina desenvolupada pel Centre per a l’Empresa i el Medi Ambient, que consisteix en l’avaluació d’una activitat o procés, per determinar les possibles oportunitats de prevenció i reducció en origen de la contaminació, i aportar-hi alternatives d’actuació tècnica i econòmicament viables
Aquest projecte té com a objectius: determinar les Directrius a seguir per la futura redacció d’un protocol de gestió de les zones inundables del PNAE, amb la finalitat de potenciar la presència d’aus; determinar les millors condicions d’hàbitat per les poblacions d’aus del PNAE i redactar unes línies de seguiment que permetin d'una banda avaluar si les pautes proposades tindran l’efecte desitjat i d'altra banda que permetin la redacció del protocol de gestió
Estudi del medi abiòtic i biòtic dels estanys de Basturs (Conca del riu Tremp) a partir del qual s'han elaborat diverses propostes de gestió dirigides a una millora de la conservació les zones humides
Aquest projecte pretén estudiar la falta de connectivitat biològica entre la serra de l' Albera i el massís de les Salines (Pirineu empordanès)
Aquest treball pretén identificar, predir i valorar les problemàtiques associades a la implantació i desenvolupament dels polígons industrials LOGIS Empordà (El Far d’Empordà), Empordà Internacional i CM3 (Vilamalla) utilitzant diversos indicadors (aigües, residus industrials, mobilitat, contaminació atmosfèrica). Posteriorment es fa una proposta per tal de millorar aquests aspectes ambientals
Estudi sobre l'optimització de l’eficiència d’una planta de tractament d’àrids de l'Alt Empordà basant-se en l'eina estratègica de política empresarial de P+N (Producció més Neta) per tal d'integrar el medi ambient en la gestió global de l'empresa
Aquest projecte pretén desenvolupar una proposta d’índexs ambientals per a l’avaluació de l’estat ecològic de la riera de l’Aubi; avaluar l’estat ambiental, classificar els diferents trams, identificar els punts crítics i definir les propostes de millora ambiental per a la riera d’Aubi. La riera de l’ Aubi es troba entre els termes municipals de Mont-ras, Palafrugell i Palamós, a les comarques del Baix Empordà i Gironès