797 resultados para Encapsulated


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The highly hydrophobic 5,10,15-triphenyl-20-(3-N-methylpyridinium-yl)porphyrin(3MMe)cationic species was synthesized, characterized and encapsulated in marine atelocollagen/xanthane gum microcapsules by the coacervation method. Further reduction in the capsule size, from several microns down to about 300-400 nm, was carried out successfully by ultrasonic processing in the presence of up to 1.6% Tween 20 surfactant, without affecting the distribution of 3MMe in the oily core. The resulting creamlike product exhibited enhanced photodynamic activity but negligible cytotoxicity towards HeLa cells. The polymeric micro/nanocapsule formulation was found to be about 4 times more phototoxic than the respective phosphatidylcholine lipidic emulsion, demonstrating high potentiality for photodynamic therapy applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Producing cost-competitive small and medium-sized solar cooling systems is currently a significant challenge. Due to system complexity, extensive engineering, design and equipment costs; the installation costs of solar thermal cooling systems are prohibitively high. In efforts to overcome these limitations, a novel sorption heat pump module has been developed and directly integrated into a solar thermal collector. The module comprises a fully encapsulated sorption tube containing hygroscopic salt sorbent and water as a refrigerant, sealed under vacuum with no moving parts. A 5.6m2 aperture area outdoor laboratory-scale system of sorption module integrated solar collectors was installed in Stockholm, Sweden and evaluated under constant re-cooling and chilled fluid return temperatures in order to assess collector performance. Measured average solar cooling COP was 0.19 with average cooling powers between 120 and 200 Wm-2 collector aperture area. It was observed that average collector cooling power is constant at daily insolation levels above 3.6 kWhm-2 with the cooling energy produced being proportional to solar insolation. For full evaluation of an integrated sorption collector solar heating and cooling system, under the umbrella of a European Union project for technological innovation, a 180 m2 large-scale demonstration system has been installed in Karlstad, Sweden. Results from the installation commissioned in summer 2014 with non-optimised control strategies showed average electrical COP of 10.6 and average cooling powers between 140 and 250 Wm-2 collector aperture area. Optimisation of control strategies, heat transfer fluid flows through the collectors and electrical COP will be carried out in autumn 2014.


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Aim. This paper is a report of a study to identify experienced rural nurses' perceptions of key issues related to the provision of effective psychosocial care for people with cancer in rural settings.

Background. A cancer diagnosis has a major impact on psychological and emotional wellbeing, and psychosocial support provided by nurses is an integral part of ensuring that people with cancer have positive outcomes. Although, ideally, people with cancer should be managed in specialist settings, significant numbers are cared for in rural areas.

Methods. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, three focus groups were conducted in 2005 with 19 nurses in three hospitals in rural Victoria, Australia.

Participants indicated that a key issue in providing psychosocial care to patients with cancer in the rural setting was their own 'emotional toil'. This Global Theme encapsulated three Organizing Themes– task vs. care, dual relationships and supportive networks – reflective of the unique nature of the rural environment. Nurses in rural Australia are multi-skilled generalists and they provide care to patients with cancer without necessarily having specialist knowledge or skill. The fatigue and emotional exhaustion that the nurses described often has a major impact on their own well-being.

Conclusion. In the rural context, it is proposed that clinical supervision may be an important strategy to support clinicians who face emotional exhaustion as part of their cancer nursing role.


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We described here a liposomal carrier system in which the targeting ligand was sulfatide, a glycosphingolipid known to bind several extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins whose expression was highly up-regulated in many tumors. In vitro experiments with human glioma cell lines demonstrated that robust intracellular uptake of the liposomes depended specifically on the presence of sulfatide as the key liposomal component. Significant amount of the liposomes remained largely intact in the cytoplasm for hours following their internalization. When anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) was encapsulated in such liposomes, most of the drug was preferably delivered into the cell nuclei to exert its cytotoxicity. Use of this drug delivery system to deliver DOX for treatment of tumor-bearing nude mice displayed much improved therapeutic effects over the free drug or the drug carried by polyethylene glycol (PEG)-grafted liposomes. Our results demonstrate a close link between effective intracellular uptake of the drug delivery system and its therapeutic outcome. Moreover, the sulfatide-containing liposomes (SCL) may represent an interesting ligand-targeted drug carrier for a wide spectrum of cancers in which sulfatide-binding ECM glycoproteins are expressed.


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We present a method for continuous database marketing that identifies target customers for a number of marketing offers using predictive models. The algorithm then selects the appropriate offer for the customer. Experimental design principles are encapsulated to capture more information that will be used to monitor and refine the predictive models. The updated predictive models are then used for the next round of marketing offers.


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Aim: The purpose of this research was to explore resilience as described by consumers of mental health services in Australia who have experienced mental illness.

Background: Most qualitative research pertaining to resilience has focused on child and adolescent groups. In relation to the Australian context there appears to be a paucity of qualitative studies on resilience and the experience of mental illness.

Method: The study utilized a phenomenological approach elucidated by Colaizzi as the philosophical underpinnings of the study. In keeping with Colaizzi’s (1978) approach to inquiry, information was gathered through in-depth, semi-structured individual interviews. Information analysis utilised Colaizzi’s (1978) original seven-step approach with the inclusion of two additional steps, making this study’s analysis a nine step process.

Findings: Emergent themes explicated from participant transcripts follow: Universality, Acceptance, Naming and knowing, Faith, Hope, Being the fool and, Striking a balance, Having meaning and meaningful relationships, and ‘Just doing it’. The emergent conceptualisation which encapsulated the themes was; Viewing life from the ridge with eyes wide open. - choosing to walk through the darkness all the while knowing the risks and dangers ahead and making a decision for life amid ever-present hardships.

Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest being resilient can be learnt and therefore, should be a fundamental consideration in guiding therapeutic interventions within the context of clinical practice.


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The state of global freshwater ecosystems is increasingly parlous with water resource development degrading high-conservation wetlands. Rehabilitation is challenging because necessary increases in environmental flows have concomitant social impacts, complicated because many rivers flow between jurisdictions or countries. Australia's MurrayDarling Basin is a large river basin with such problems encapsulated in the crisis of its Ramsar-listed terminal wetland, the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth. Prolonged drought and upstream diversion of water dropped water levels in the Lakes below sea level (20092010), exposing hazardous acid sulfate soils. Salinities increased dramatically (e.g. South Lagoon of Coorong>200gL-1, cf. modelled natural 80gL-1), reducing populations of waterbirds, fish, macroinvertebrates and littoral plants. Calcareous masses of estuarine tubeworms (Ficopomatus enigmaticus) killed freshwater turtles (Chelidae) and other fauna. Management primarily focussed on treating symptoms (e.g. acidification), rather than reduced flows, at considerable expense (≥AU$2 billion). We modelled a scenario that increased annual flows during low-flow periods from current levels up to one-third of what the natural flow would have been, potentially delivering substantial environmental benefits and avoiding future crises. Realisation of this outcome depends on increasing environmental flows and implementing sophisticated river management during dry periods, both highly contentious options.


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The Switched On Secondary Science Professional Learning (SOSSPL) program consisted of three days professional learning. Days 1 and 2 were undertaken consecutively, with Day 3 following a break of several weeks. The break allowed sufficient time for teachers to undertake a small classroom-based project within one of the topics teachers will be teaching at the time. The program was designed to build teacher capacity to improve learning outcomes in secondary science.

The program supported teachers to plan and implement classroom sequences that focus on student construction and interpretation of different representations of the science concepts and processes that are described by the Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Science and the Science Continuum P-10.

The Deakin University team in collaboration with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) produced curriculum resources for the program that encapsulated a representational focus to the teaching and learning of science. The program explored links to core DEECD resources such as the e5 Instructional Model and the Science Continuum P-10.

This evaluation of the SOSSPL program involved an online survey, daily workshop evaluations, focus group and phone interviews and presentations data of the participating teachers’ classroom-based projects. The aim of the evaluation was to make a judgement about the effectiveness of the SOSSPL program in terms of building teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes in secondary science.


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The Switched On Secondary Science Professional Learning (SOSSPL) program consisted of three days professional learning for Victorian DEECD secondary science teachers. Days 1 and 2 were undertaken consecutively, with Day 3 following a break of several weeks. The break allowed sufficient time for teachers to undertake a small classroom-based project within one of the topics they were teaching at the time. The program was designed to build teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes in secondary science.

The program supported teachers to plan and implement classroom sequences that focused on student construction and interpretation of different representations of the science concepts and processes that are described by the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS): Science and the Science Continuum P-10. The Deakin University team in collaboration with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) produced curriculum resources for the program that encapsulated a representational focus to the teaching and learning of science. The program explored and linked to core DEECD resources such as the e5 Instructional Model and the Science Continuum P-10.
The SOSSPL program was delivered in all Victorian DEECD regions in 2010-11 and was evaluated (Hubber et al, 2011). The program was delivered again in all Victorian DEECD regions in 2011-12. The evaluation of the 2011-12 program is reported here with some comparisons made to the findings from the previously delivered program.
This evaluation of the SOSSPL program involved an online survey, daily workshop evaluations, focus group and presentations data of the participating teachers’ classroom-based projects. The aim of the evaluation was to make a judgement about the effectiveness of the SOSSPL program in terms of building teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes in secondary science.


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Magnetic liquid marbles, an encapsulation of liquid droplet with hydrophobic magnetic particles, show remarkable responsiveness to external magnetic force and great potential to be used as a discrete droplet microfluidic system. In this study, we presented the manipulation of a magnetic liquid marble under an external magnetic field and calculated the maximum frictional force, the magnetic force required for actuating the liquid marbles and the effective surface tension of the magnetic liquid marble, as well as the threshold volume for the transition from quasi-spherical to puddle-like shape. By taking advantage of the unique feature of being opened and closed reversibly, we have proven the encapsulated droplets can be detected optically with a reflection-mode probe. Combining the open-close and optical detection also enables to probe chemical reactions taking place within liquid marbles. These remarkable features offer a simple yet powerful alternative to conventional discrete microfluidic systems and may have wide applications in biomedical and drug discovery. © 2012 The Author(s).


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Cell based therapeutics is one of the most rapidly advancing medical fields, bringing together a range of fields including transplantation, tissue engineering and regeneration, biomaterials and stem cell biology. However, traditional cell-based therapeutics have many limitations, one of which is their harmful effects exhibited on healthy body cells due to their lack of specificity. Nanomedicine is providing an alternative treatment strategy that is more targeted and specific to a range of diseases. Varying from polymers conjugated with drugs or tissue targeting molecules, to proteins encapsulated within a polymer shell, nanomedicine will without a doubt play a major role in designing effective cell-based therapeutics that can overcome certain classical problems. These may include from addressing the problem of non-specificity of contemporary treatments to overcoming mechanical barriers, such as crossing cell membranes. This review summarises the recent work on nano-based cell therapy as a regenerative agent and as a therapeutic for cancer and neurological diseases.


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Climate change is expected to have a number of impacts on biological communities including range extensions and contractions. Recent analyses of multidecadal data sets have shown such monotonic shifts in the distribution of plankton communities and various fish species, both groups for which there is a large amount of historical data on distribution. However, establishing the implications of climate change for the range of endangered species is problematic as historic data are often lacking. We therefore used a different approach to predict the implications of climate change for the range of the critically endangered planktivourous leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). We used long-term satellite telemetry to define the habitat utilization of this species. We show that the northerly distribution limit of this species can essentially be encapsulated by the position of the 15°C isotherm and that the summer position of this isotherm has moved north by 330 km in the North Atlantic in the last 17 years. Consequently, conservation measures will need to operate over ever-widening areas to accommodate this range extension.


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A novel chitosan-based microcapsule containing patchouli oil was developed by a non-toxic procedure for the purpose of improving the stability of patchouli oil and achieving a durable controlled release effect. The microcapsules were characterized in case of morphology, particle size and size distribution, infrared spectrum, and the drug controlled-release properties of microcapsules were investigated under constant temperature of 25 °C. The results indicated that the microcapsules were spherical in shape with good dispersibility and smooth surface, and the particle size of microcapsules ranged from 1 to 10 ?m. The controlled-release of patchouli oil could still be remained about 60% in the microcapsules after 10 days, which demonstrated that the stability of patchouli oil were effectively improved after being encapsulated in microcapsules. It is believed that this study will not only provide a novel chitosan-based microcapsule production containing patchouli oil, but also promote the applications of microcapsule technology for improving the bioavailability of active volatile oils.


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The recurrence and metastatic spread of cancer are major drawbacks in cancer treatment. Although chemotherapy is one of the most effective methods for the treatment of metastatic cancers, it is nonspecific and causes significant toxic damage. The development of drug resistance to chemotherapeutic agents through various mechanisms also limits their therapeutic potential. However, as we discuss here, the use of nanodelivery systems that are a combination of diagnostics and therapeutics (theranostics) is as relatively novel concept in the treatment of cancer. Such systems are likely to improve the therapeutic benefits of encapsulated drugs and can transit to the desired site, maintaining their pharmaceutical properties. The specific targeting of malignant cells using multifunctional nanoparticles exploits theranostics as an improved agent for delivering anticancer drugs and as a new solution for overriding drug resistance.


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This study aimed to evaluate the antiarthritic and chondroprotective potentials of Lakshadi Guggul (LG) and Cissus quadrangularis encapsulated in novel alginate-enclosed chitosan-calcium phosphate nanocarriers (NCs) both in vitro in primary human chondrocytes and in vivo in mice with collagen-induced arthritis.

Materials & methods:
Chondrocytes exposed to IL-1beta and osteoarthritis chondrocytes grown in an ex vivo inflammation-based coculture were incubated with different concentrations of herbals, and cell modulatory activities were determined. For in vivo studies, herbals and their encapsulated nanoformulations were administered orally to DBA/1 mice with collagen-induce arthritis.

C. quadrangularis and LG showed enhanced chondroprotective and proliferative activity in IL-1beta-exposed primary chondrocytes, with LG showing the highest therapeutic potency. LG increased viability, proliferative and mitogenic activity, and inhibited cell apoptosis and mitochondrial depolarization. In vivo studies with LG and alginate-enclosed chitosan-calcium phosphate LG NCs revealed cartilage regenerative activity in those administered with the nanoformulation. The NCs were nontoxic to mice, reduced joint swelling and paw volume, and inhibited gene expression of MMPs and cytokines.

The promising results from this study reveal, for the first time, the novel polymeric NC encapsulating LG as a potential therapeutic for rheumatic diseases. Original submitted 10 October 2013; Revised submitted 13 December 2013.