906 resultados para Educational innovations -- Basque country (Spain)


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Presentació de la Xarxa d’innovació docent sobre TIC i docència a la Jornada de Bones Pràctiques 2010


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Após a guerra civil espanhola (1936-1939), durante os anos de 1939 a 1951, assistimos em Espanha a um período de dura repressão contra todas as manifestações educativas republicanas, socialistas e de esquerda. Ao mesmo tempo, por razões de isolamento face ao exterior, de sobrevivência económica, e de construção ideológica e política do novo Estado fascista, a Espanha ruraliza-se. A escola rural vai ocupar, durante estes anos, um lugar central e de relevo no novo modelo educativo do regime de Franco. Será o coração da nova educação fascista.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data for forensic purposes are still scarce for some populations, which may limit the evaluation of forensic evidence especially when the rarity of a haplotype needs to be determined in a database search. In order to improve the collection of mtDNA lineages from the Iberian and South American subcontinents, we here report the results of a collaborative study involving nine laboratories from the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) and EMPOP. The individual laboratories contributed population data that were generated throughout the past 10 years, but in the majority of cases have not been made available to the scientific community. A total of 1019 haplotypes from Iberia (Basque Country, 2 general Spanish populations, 2 North and 1 Central Portugal populations), and Latin America (3 populations from São Paulo) were collected, reviewed and harmonized according to defined EMPOP criteria. The majority of data ambiguities that were found during the reviewing process (41 in total) were transcription errors confirming that the documentation process is still the most error-prone stage in reporting mtDNA population data, especially when performed manually. This GHEP-EMPOP collaboration has significantly improved the quality of the individual mtDNA datasets and adds mtDNA population data as valuable resource to the EMPOP database (www.empop.org). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study analyses digital inclusion in secondary education in the Tarija School District in the Plurinational State of Bolivia for the 2012-2013 school year, using the indicators in the Plan of Action for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (Plan of Action elac). This is an exploratory and descriptive analysis based on a sample of 311 students, 108 teachers and 15 school principals. According to the findings, teenagers use the Internet to look for information and entertainment; the expansion of mobile technology among them offers numerous educational opportunities; and insufficient training for teachers on how to integrate information and communications technologies (icts) into the learning process is a top challenge. The existence of icts in schools has been confirmed, but not their use. Local and national efforts are helping to reduce the digital divide and promote equality of opportunity for young people.


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Modern society is characterized by being in evolution finds, technology strides and every day becomes the setting in which we live. At school, however, we found no features of these changes, the years pass and the methodological tools remain unchanged. In this paper we analyze an object produced by the Learning Network Interactive Virtual Education - RIVED to discuss whether it covers the content and answers to the questions proposed by the National Curricular and Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo, and may be inserted in the educational environment, both to perform a qualitative analysis, focusing on information retrieval. The results showed that the Learning Objects: Abundance, has most of the proposals relating to the subject of study, prepared by the NCP and the Proposed Structure for the State of Sao Paulo, so it is valid for teachers to use this tool trying that with a new approach, we can give students a better understanding of chemical concepts


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Contemporary society is going through a cultural revolution evidenced by the area of information technology, and this has led to a transformation in social relations and in the classroom. trying to adjust to these changes and also to curricular high school, the teacher can use as teaching materials, some visual aids: the videos. for this he can use the youtube site to select this educational material. however, given the vast amount of videos available on the site requires a careful selection of them. this work of completion then you want to make a qualitative analysis about the videos available free on the youtube site


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In this research, qualitative, aimed to analyze the meanings assigned by Physical Education teachers to the relationship between continuing education and professional development stages. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight state public school teachers of Bauru/SP. The data were analyzed following the theory referential of HUBERMAN (2000), relatively to the concept of professional life cycles, and found that as well as other factors of the teaching career, on the extent of continuing education teachers also have different needs at each moment professional. In summary concluded: the early stage to teaching, they seek activities to improve pedagogical practice; stabilization phase: to solve problems in the educational context and to disseminate the academic content between teachers; diversifi cation phase: to provide a basis to work new content and to make constant updates according to educational innovations; serenity/exit: they feel the need to attend training activities in different spaces of the school.


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The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the quality of the school and psychosocial aspects involved in the assimilation of educational innovations by teachers in their teaching practices.Innovations cause resistance which endanger the goals of improving education outcomes. This makes the possibilities of basic schooling fail, preventing contribute to the transformation of living conditions of the working classes.


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The ESS-Bilbao facility, hosted by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), envisages the operation of a high-current proton accelerator delivering beams with energies up to 50 MeV. The time-averaged proton current will be 2.25 mA, delivered by 1.5 ms proton pulses with a repetition rate of 20 Hz. This beam will feed a neutron source based upon the Be (p,n) reaction, which will enable the provision of relevant neutron experimentation capabilities. The neutron source baseline concept consists in a rotating beryllium target cooled by water. The target structure will comprise a rotatable disk made of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy holding 20 beryllium plates. Heat dissipation from the target relies upon a distribution of coolant-flow channels. The practical implementation of such a concept is here described with emphasis put on the beryllium plates thermo-mechanical optimization, the chosen coolant distribution system as well as the mechanical behavior of the assembly.


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La obtención de energía a partir de la fusión nuclear por confinamiento magnético del plasma, es uno de los principales objetivos dentro de la comunidad científica dedicada a la energía nuclear. Desde la construcción del primer dispositivo de fusión, hasta la actualidad, se han llevado a cabo multitud de experimentos, que hoy en día, gran parte de ellos dan soporte al proyecto International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). El principal problema al que se enfrenta ITER, se basa en la monitorización y el control del plasma. Gracias a las nuevas tecnologías, los sistemas de instrumentación y control permiten acercarse más a la solución del problema, pero a su vez, es más complicado estandarizar los sistemas de adquisición de datos que se usan, no solo en ITER, sino en otros proyectos de igual complejidad. Desarrollar nuevas implementaciones hardware y software bajo los requisitos de los diagnósticos definidos por los científicos, supone una gran inversión de tiempo, retrasando la ejecución de nuevos experimentos. Por ello, la solución que plantea esta tesis, consiste en la definición de una metodología de diseño que permite implementar sistemas de adquisición de datos inteligentes y su fácil integración en entornos de fusión para la implementación de diagnósticos. Esta metodología requiere del uso de los dispositivos Reconfigurable Input/Output (RIO) y Flexible RIO (FlexRIO), que son sistemas embebidos basados en tecnología Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Para completar la metodología de diseño, estos dispositivos van a ser soportados por un software basado en EPICS Device Support utilizando la tecnología EPICS software asynDriver. Esta metodología se ha evaluado implementando prototipos para los controladores rápidos de planta de ITER, tanto para casos prácticos de ámbito general como adquisición de datos e imágenes, como para casos concretos como el diagnóstico del fission chamber, implementando pre-procesado en tiempo real. Además de casos prácticos, esta metodología se ha utilizado para implementar casos reales, como el Ion Source Hydrogen Positive (ISHP), desarrollada por el European Spallation Source (ESS Bilbao) y la Universidad del País Vasco. Finalmente, atendiendo a las necesidades que los experimentos en los entornos de fusión requieren, se ha diseñado un mecanismo mediante el cual los sistemas de adquisición de datos, que pueden ser implementados mediante la metodología de diseño propuesta, pueden integrar un reloj hardware capaz de sincronizarse con el protocolo IEEE1588-V2, permitiendo a estos, obtener los TimeStamps de las muestras adquiridas con una exactitud y precisión de decenas de nanosegundos y realizar streaming de datos con TimeStamps. ABSTRACT Fusion energy reaching by means of nuclear fusion plasma confinement is one of the main goals inside nuclear energy scientific community. Since the first fusion device was built, many experiments have been carried out and now, most of them give support to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project. The main difficulty that ITER has to overcome is the plasma monitoring and control. Due to new technologies, the instrumentation and control systems allow an approaching to the solution, but in turn, the standardization of the used data acquisition systems, not only in ITER but also in other similar projects, is more complex. To develop new hardware and software implementations under scientific diagnostics requirements, entail time costs, delaying new experiments execution. Thus, this thesis presents a solution that consists in a design methodology definition, that permits the implementation of intelligent data acquisition systems and their easy integration into fusion environments for diagnostic purposes. This methodology requires the use of Reconfigurable Input/Output (RIO) and Flexible RIO (FlexRIO) devices, based on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) embedded technology. In order to complete the design methodology, these devices are going to be supported by an EPICS Device Support software, using asynDriver technology. This methodology has been evaluated implementing ITER PXIe fast controllers prototypes, as well as data and image acquisition, so as for concrete solutions like the fission chamber diagnostic use case, using real time preprocessing. Besides of these prototypes solutions, this methodology has been applied for the implementation of real experiments like the Ion Source Hydrogen Positive (ISHP), developed by the European Spallation Source and the Basque country University. Finally, a hardware mechanism has been designed to integrate a hardware clock into RIO/FlexRIO devices, to get synchronization with the IEEE1588-V2 precision time protocol. This implementation permits to data acquisition systems implemented under the defined methodology, to timestamp all data acquired with nanoseconds accuracy, permitting high throughput timestamped data streaming.


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La Tesis Doctoral que se presenta trata de profundizar en el conocimiento del patrimonio arbóreo, en la cuestión de la evaluación y la singularidad a nivel de ejemplares y agrupaciones. La metodología incorpora nuevas herramientas, modelos y criterios utilizados en la valoración del paisaje y de los recursos naturales. Siendo el árbol un generador de espacio y habitats, solo o en masa, es vínculo entre la naturaleza y el ser humano, las comunidades y sus costumbres. Desde estos parámetros se indagan los procesos que permiten estimar el significado, la importancia y el valor del árbol para llevarlo a una consideración de Singular y/o Monumental. El estudio se basa en los sistemas de catalogación, tras el reconocimiento, localization y selección de ejemplares. Así mismo, se explora la relación sistémica entre árbol y entorno para poner de relieve la importancia del árbol en la configuración de determinados paisajes culturales y ecológicos -como son los robledales de antiguos trasmochos en Euskadi-. Sobre un primer inventario se realiza un estudio pormenorizado de cada árbol registrado y, en un procedimiento paramétrico, se definen criterios -ecológicos y paisajísticos, etnográficos y culturales- de selección de elementos y de evaluación. La obtención de distintos índices de singularidad para los árboles, utilizando modelos tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos, sirve como vía hacia una categorization de los árboles muestreados. A partir de la figura de "Árbol Singular", recogida en la Ley 16/ 1994, de Conservación de la Naturaleza del País Vasco se realiza una revisión del marco legislativo y el régimen de protección, haciendo un análisis a nivel local, autonómico y estatal. Dicho examen pone de manifiesto la diversidad de contextos y significados bajo los que se presentan los árboles. Se muestra también una (in)definición: cierta ambigüedad en torno a la definición que induce a diferentes interpretaciones y nomenclaturas en un intento de delimitar la categoría para regularlo jurídicamente. Estas figuras concebidas desde las políticas de protección ambiental, no siempre resultan del todo efectivas. El Catálogo de Árboles Singulares del País Vasco, creado por Decreto como instrumento para poner en valor estos recursos naturales, no ha sido actualizado desde hace casi veinte años. Sin embargo, se han llevado a cabo iniciativas de ampliación como el trabajo impulsado por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Biodiversidad de la Diputación Foral de Álava para el inventario de los árboles singulares del Territorio Histórico de Álava y la propuesta de catálogo a partir del cual se desarrolla esta Tesis Doctoral. Desde estas reflexiones y el desarrollo de modelos para la evaluación y catalogación de los ejemplares registrados, la investigación trata de descifrar cómo observamos a los árboles con los que nos vinculamos, cómo son identificados, a través de qué otros parámetros intangibles les damos valor, y por qué necesitamos clasificarlos. El trabajo concluye con propuestas y acciones alternativas para la conservación y mejora de los árboles que se proponen como singulares, entre ellas, la divulgación y la sensibilización para garantizar el compromiso y la ampliación en el futuro de un catálogo abierto para los árboles de interés. ABSTRACT The PhD thesis here presented tries to deepen the knowledge of tree heritage, the issue of evaluation and singularity where it comes to either specimen or groups. The methodology includes new tools, models and criteria to be used in the assessment of landscape and natural resources. With the tree being a creator of space and habitats, alone or in groups, it is a link between nature and humans, societies and their habits. Using these parameters processes are being sought after: processes that allow us to assess the meaning, the importance and the value of trees in order to lead us to considering a tree as being a 'Singular tree' and/or 'Heritage tree'. The research is based on cataloging systems, after recognizing, localizing and selecting of specimen. This way, the systemic relation between the tree and its surrounding is being explored to get a view on the importance of trees in certain cultural and ecological landscapes -such as the oak fields consisting of ancient pollards in the Basque Country-. After a first inventory a detailed study is performed of each registered tree and, using a parametric method, criteria for selection of elements and evaluation are defined -ecological and those concerning the landscape, as well as ethnographical and cultural-. The creation of different indexes of singularity for trees, using qualitative as well as quantitative models, serves as a way to categorize the selected trees. A revision is done on legislation and the protection regimen, analyzing on a local, autonomic state and national level, parting from the concept of the Singular Tree, as included in the Law 16/1994, of Nature Conservation of Basque Coutry. This review proves the diversity of contexts and meanings in which the trees are being presented. Also an (un)definition appears; certain ambiguity of the definition which induces different interpretations and nomenclatures in an attempt to limit categorization in order to legally regulate. These concepts created out of environment protection politics do not always turn out to be completely effective. The Catalogue of Singular Trees in the Basque Country, created by decree as an instrument to value these natural resources, has not been updated since almost twenty years. However, there have been initiatives of amplification such as the work promoted by the Environment and Biodiversity Service of Provincial Council of Alava to create the inventory of singular trees of the Historical Territory of Álava and the catalogue proposal which forms the starting point of this PhD thesis. Parting from these considerations and the development of models for evaluation and cataloging of the registered specimen, the investigation attempts to unravel the way we observe the trees with which we link, how they are identified, by which intangible parameters we assess them and why we need to classify them. This study ends with proposals and alternative actions for the conservation and improvement of the trees that are being proposed as being singular. Among them are the publication and creating of awareness to guarantee the commitment and the development of an open catalogue for significant trees.


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Es sabido que tras abandonar la carrera de arquitectura Chillida marcha a Paris a comenzar su carrera como escultor. De vuelta al País Vasco el hierro es el material en el que encuentra un camino propio. Toda la obra de su primera década está muy alejada en el aspecto formal de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, las líneas de fuerza que los hierros configuran muestran un interés espacial que queda manifiesto en una obra de 1953 denominada Consejo al espacio I. A partir de aquí su obra gira en torno al vacío. Las formas cambiarán con los materiales pero no el propósito. En sus dibujos, las manos expresan, más allá de su condición figurativa, la búsqueda del espacio cóncavo que los dedos encierran. El espacio que encuentra en la palma de la mano es equivalente al que construye con dedos gigantes de madera u hormigón. Chillida observa sus obras con una mirada cuya idea de escala se distancia del concepto de dimensión. Adquieren así una posibilidad de crecer que facilita imaginar sus espacios como arquitectura. Tras el hierro, el trabajo en madera y alabastro aproxima -en el aspecto formal- la obra de Chillida a la arquitectura. Los títulos de numerosas obras hacen referencia a ella o a conceptos con ella relacionados. Elogio de la arquitectura, Homenaje a la arquitectura, Arquitectura heterodoxa, Modulación del espacio, construcción heterodoxa, Alrededor del vacío, Mesa del arquitecto o Casa de luz, son algunos de ellos. La introducción del vacío en el alabastro da comienzo a un proceso tendente a que el espacio interior tenga una importancia inversamente proporcional a su presencia en la forma exterior. Un proceso de progresivo hermetismo donde pequeños espacios interiores son expresados mediante grandes masas envolventes. El espacio interior es el principal motivo por el que vemos la obra de Eduardo Chillida como arquitectura. La condición de interior, apreciable igualmente en sus grandes obras en el espacio público, hace que estas no constituyan únicamente hitos visuales sino espacios de protección con los que cuerpo interactúa estableciendo una nueva relación con el paisaje, el horizonte o el cosmos. La búsqueda de un interior vacío tiene como consecuencia la evolución hacia la desaparición de la forma exterior. Tal evolución comienza con el diálogo entre el bolo natural de alabastro y el vacío tallado de Homenaje a Goethe, y, como muestra de la inter-escalabilidad de la obra de Chillida, concluye con la introducción de un vacío oculto en la montaña sagrada de Tindaya. El gran vacío de Tindaya nos hace mirar la obra de pequeño formato a través de su filtro de aumento. Nos permite entender que el límite entre arquitectura y escultura es difuso en la obra del escultor vasco. Que la arquitectura puede estar en el origen de su escultura. Que su escultura puede ser el germen de muchas arquitecturas. ABSTRACT It is well known that after leaving his architectural studies Chillida went to Paris in order to begin his career as a sculptor. Back again to the Basque Country, iron is the material in which he finds his own way. In terms of form, his work from the very first ten years is far away from architecture. However, the strength lines set by the iron show a spatial will that is clearly evident in a 1953 piece called Advice to space I. From there on, his work focuses on void. Different materials will set different forms but the purpose will remain the same. In his drawings, hands are expressing, beyond its figurative condition, the search of the concave space that fingers are enclosing. The space founded in the palm of the hand is equivalent to the one built with giant wood or concrete fingers. Chillida faces his work with a look where the idea of scale takes distance to the concept of dimension. His works gets then a possibility to grow that allow us to imagine his spaces as architecture. Following iron, wood and alabaster pieces, in the formal aspect, approaches Chillida´s work to architecture. The titles of many sculptures are referred to it or to the concept related to it. In praise of architecture, Homage to architecture, Heterodox architecture, Modulation of space, Heterodox construction, Around the void, Architect’s table, or House of light, are some of them. The introduction of void in alabaster begins a process leading to the interior space has a presence inversely proportional to its importance in the external form. A process of progressive secrecy where small interior spaces are expressed through large enveloping masses. The interior space is the main reason why we see the work of Eduardo Chillida as architecture. The condition of inner space, equally noticeable in his great works in public space, makes this not only constitute visual landmarks, but protection spaces that body interacts with establishing a new relationship with the landscape, the horizon or the cosmos. The search of an inner void leads to an evolution towards the disappearance of the external form. The evolution begins in the dialogue between the natural bolus of alabaster and the carved void of Homage to Goethe, and as a sign of inter-scalability of the work of Chillida, it concludes with the introduction of a hidden void in the sacred mountain of Tindaya. The great void of Tindaya makes us look at a small format work trough the filter of his increase filter. It allows us to understand that the boundary between architecture and sculpture is diffuse in the work of the Basque sculptor. That architecture can be at the origin of his sculpture. That his sculpture may be the seed of many architectures.


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El artículo analiza las iniciativas de comunicación relacionadas con la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres. El objetivo es analizar con enfoque de género las acciones realizadas por parte de las instituciones públicas regionales y locales para sensibilizar y promover la conciliación entre la vida familiar y laboral de seis comunidades autónomas (Andalucía, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Madrid y País Vasco) y de sus capitales, desde 1999 (cuando se aprueba la ley de conciliación) hasta 2007 (se aprueba la ley de igualdad). La información sobre publicidad convencional fue proporcionada por Infoadex. Para la recogida de otro tipo de iniciativas a través de medios menos convencionales se acudió a cuatro fuentes institucionales: 1) Ayuntamientos de las capitales, como fuente estrictamente local, 2) Diputaciones de la capital de la Comunidad Autónoma, como fuente provincial, 3) Direcciones Generales de la Mujer o instituciones análogas como fuente de información a nivel regional o autonómico y, por último, 4) otras concejalías vinculadas al tema de la corresponsabilidad, cuyo radio de acción también es autonómico. Los resultados, aunque con diferencias entre regiones, reflejan carencias en la cobertura de las acciones que llevan a cuestionar la falta de estrategia política en términos de comunicación, pese a la introducción sistemática de estos objetivos en la agenda internacional (ONU y UE) y del gobierno español. En consecuencia, las campañas publicitarias e iniciativas recogidas contribuyen a la visibilización del problema y al empoderamiento, pero no tanto al objetivo de la paridad.