900 resultados para Educação de Infância


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The goal of this study was to apprehend conceptualizations and professional experiences concerning child maltreatment as reported by physicians and nurses working for the Family Health Strategy implemented in a medium-sized city in São Paulo state. It is a descriptive qualitative study in which 20 professionals were included and semi-structured taped interviews were used. The data obtained were analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse and systematized into five themes: Conceptualizations of child maltreatment; Professional training to work in this field; Professional experiences related to such aggravations; Difficult and easy aspects faced during care provision to child maltreatment in the Family Health Strategy; Proposals to promote child safety. It was concluded that care provision to such aggravation types by family health units is configured as an important strategy to promote child safety and support families in relation to this issue. However, it was observed that, in order to qualify professionals for such care provision, it is necessary to invest in continuing education for the multiprofessional team. Also, municipal policies concerning care provision to child abuse, particularly in the organization of integrated work of the health care, education, social welfare and justice sectors must be urgently established by actively including the general society in such process


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This study aimed at analyzing the meanings of Children and Child Rights awarded by the kindergarten children and their educators, parents and teacher. Interest in the subject arose from the participation of the University Extension Project, conducted at the Department of Education, UNESP, Bauru, called The Rights of the Child: ECA in school. Since then, the question arose: to what extent we have visibility of meanings that educators and the child has on the Rights of the Child relating to the specifics of childhood? The research followed the tenets of qualitative research, methodological procedures and adopting the observation in a classroom from kindergarten (K II), semi-structured interview through leisure moments, with the class of aged five years and a questionnaire for family and teacher. The research adopted as reference material, studies of the area of Sociology of Childhood, History of Childhood, Public Policy, Legislation Related to the theme, and an overview of psychogenic to talk about the morality of children. The results showed that parents and caregivers understand childhood as a stage of child development, marked by jokes and fancies, in which the family and the school has an important role in this process. In what concerns the children's rights, there are contradictions in the legal aspects and the situation of children today. The results showed that children's childhood is characterized by recreational activities, and adults are responsible for caring for them. And it comes on the Rights of the Child noted that there is a confusion between rights and duties because they are in a phase of moral heteronomy. The findings indicate the need for wide dissemination on the Statute of Children and Adolescents, especially in preschools in line with families to practice it a new look at childhood, conceiving children as subjects... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O acesso à educação infantil é um direito da criança, a sua oferta é obrigação do poder público municipal embora a matrícula seja uma opção da família. Devido a crescente demanda nesta etapa da educação, surgiram estratégias para ampliar o atendimento. Em sendo assim, atualmente tem-se expandido, na rede pública, a oferta de vagas para educação infantil principalmente por meio de convênios e parcerias público-privadas, de certa maneira, incentivados pelo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (FUNDEB), que admite a distribuição dos recursos públicos às instituições conveniadas. Este estudo está vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Política Educacional, GREPPE (grupo interinstitucional) – Seção Rio Claro, mais precisamente ao Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado Avaliando a produção científica sobre financiamento e convênios na educação infantil, coordenado pela Profª Drª Regiane Helena Bertagna. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo mapear e analisar a temática relacionada ao conveniamento e financiamento da educação infantil a partir de periódicos científicos nacionais de educação, avaliados pela CAPES como ―A1 – ano de referência 2008 - durante os anos de 2000 a 2010. Por meio de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de levantamento e análise bibliográfica, foram verificados e analisados os assuntos mais abordados em relação à temática nos estudos científicos, a saber: teoria econômica em educação; globalização e educação; Estado e educação; organismos internacionais e a infância; política de fundos para educação; atendimento na educação infantil. Verificou-se que o periódico que mais apresentou artigos sobre a temática foi o Educação & Sociedade (CEDES). Em defesa da importância da garantia do direito... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Criança gosta mesmo de brincar. Em casa, na rua, em qualquer lugar. E por que não na escola? O lugar de estudar não poderia ter mais espaços para brincar? Faltam em nossas escolas áreas mais interessantes e atraentes que o playground convencional, que incitem a aventura, o desafio, às brincadeiras em grupo. A melhor forma de se aprender na infância é através das brincadeiras, que formam o alicerce para o seu futuro lingüístico, de raciocínio, de lógica, de inserção na sociedade. Por meio das brincadeiras, as crianças evidenciam seus sentimentos, seu entendimento de mundo, suas descobertas, suas construções. Quando bem orientadas e acompanhadas, elas não são apenas passatempo e sim a forma mais consistente e genuína de aprendizagem. A aprendizagem na Educação Infantil acontece de forma experimental, ou seja, a criança necessita fazer e fazendo vai construindo os seus conceitos. No playground, a criança experimenta os brinquedos que ainda não usou, arrisca, persiste, esforça-se, sem a crítica e a vergonha que mais tarde inibe e desestimula as suas ações. Na EMEI Márcia de Almeida Bighetti, localizada no Núcleo Habitacional Mary Dota na cidade de Bauru, espaço é que não falta para um projeto lúdico. Por possuir um enorme terreno para um pequeno bloco de salas de aula e apenas alguns brinquedos no parquinho, essa foi a escola escolhida para a proposta de um espaço lúdico infantil


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Este estudo teve por objetivo pesquisar a afetividade no universo escolar e mais especificamente na educação infantil. A proposta pretende focar nas manifestações infantis e nos modos de produção do vínculo da criança com o outro. Neste sentido é uma pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico tendo como foco estudos desenvolvidos na área. Tomo como ponto de partida desta reflexão, olhares para os filmes, “O garoto da bicicleta”, dos diretores Jean-Pierre e Luc- Dardenne, “ A central do Brasil”, do diretor Walter Salles e o filme “Ser e Ter”, de Nicolas Philbert. E como ponte de partida aborda a questão da afetividade em autores que discutem a infância no campo da psicologia do desenvolvimento como Henri Wallon


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The goal of this research is to identify and describe the recreational objects, or toys, children’s play and games offered by teachers from a public municipal school of early childhood education in Pederneiras, a city located inland São Paulo State. The research has started with a retrospective look of the childhood concept and of the recreational objects with in the classical era till the modernity, what has allowed to identify how to play was in history and what is its relation with education. In order to understand how the recreational objects have been seen at school we have made a survey of the oficial Brazilian documents related to the childhood education. The benchmark survey has allowed the organization of a half structured questionnaire and the Kobayashi studies (2009, 2011), was the mean used to identify and classify the recreational objects found at school. The data collected in the benchmark survey in the field remark and by the questionnaire have permitted to identify here recreational objects available by teachers in early childhood education of 3 to 5 years old children at the school mentioned and what they think about the theme, on the other hand the studies performed have allowed us to analyse the adaptation and validity of the recreational objects already found


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The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of educational practices aimed at children in non formal education, in this case, specifically, the hospital context. The chosen methodology is part of an investigation conducted in two phases. In the first phase was carried out a theoretical stage, scientifically based studies guided by an historical-cultural and Sociology of Childhood, enabling placement on the particularities of children, the playfulness and the positioning of Pedagogy in the hospital. After this theoretical study was performed the second phase, with the completion of an empirical study with a research and intervention in a hospital playroom, in a public hospital considered a regional center in the northwestern city of São Paulo. The methodological procedures adopted for this empirical study were participant observation, interviews, action research and a questionnaire. Participant observation and action research are conducted within the brinquetodeca in five meetings with about 15 children, interviews were conducted with three family members and the questionnaire was applied to a healthcare professional. Among the results we can mention the following findings: a confirmation of the necessity of work in the hospital directing playful adaptations for the preservation and development of children's learning, and recent publications are scarce about the Hospital Education and underscore the need for the professional practice of education in non-school, the educational activities carried out reveals the possibilities of offering the child the continuation of their educational activities involving the playful and educational, the international and national literature on educational practices in the hospital allow to check ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O presente trabalho intitulado O Conselho Tutelar e o direito à educação pretende verificar de que forma através da atuação do Conselho Tutelar se pode ter garantido o direito à educação. A decisão de trabalhar com este tema se deu em primeiro lugar pelo fato de a pesquisadora ter atuado como conselheira tutelar em duas gestões consecutivas do Conselho Tutelar de Rio Claro/SP, no período de 2006 a 2011 (quarta e quinta gestões). Em segundo lugar, embora a atuação do Conselho Tutelar não se restrinja ao atendimento do direito à educação, abrangendo as mais diversas áreas, optou-se por tratar o tema vinculado ao direito à educação por ser um trabalho de conclusão do curso de pedagogia da UNESP/IB e pelo fato de o Conselho Tutelar ser até então pouco explorado no meio acadêmico, principalmente em relação aos encaminhamentos dados à garantia do direito à educação. Em terceiro lugar esta decisão também se baseou no entendimento de que a educação tornou-se um dos requisitos indispensáveis para que os indivíduos tenham acesso ao conjunto de bens e serviços disponíveis na sociedade, constituindo-se em condição necessária para se usufruir de outros direitos constitutivos do estatuto da cidadania (OLIVEIRA, 2002). De modo que no Brasil, a educação é um direito garantido por lei para todos os cidadãos prescrito na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88), sendo que a Lei Federal 8069/90 Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) e a Lei n.º 9.394/96, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB/96) ratificam o princípio constitucional. Entretanto devemos levar em conta que nosso país apresenta uma série de desigualdades sociais, econômicas e culturais que dificultam o acesso de parcela considerável da população ao ensino formal. Para podermos tratar deste tema procuramos traçar inicialmente um breve percurso da história social da infância... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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It is through the media that information is transmitted, both educational or noneducational. Among the various forms of media there’s television, as one of the means of communication most used since the 50’s. Most of the time, television displays images and words to reach the target audience, something that is done in a simple, but often appealing way. Media is present in our daily lives and takes a significant educational role in the constitution of subjects. That is to say, the persuasive power of television is amazing, in order to influence children in their habits and their ways of thinking and acting. It was intended to discuss in this paper the influence of media on kindergarten children. For this, the historic rescue of television in Brazil was presented and also its trajectory to the present day and the power of media on children in preschool


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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This text aims to present some ideas of the philosopher Walter Benjamin, one of the most intriguing intellectuals of our time, trying to outline in his work the relationship that the author establishes between childhood playing and ludic culture, more precisely regarding the memory of playing, childhood, culture, history and memory in contemporary society after the twentieth century. Thus, in order to identify reinterpreted experiments, as places, forms of playing and types of toys made out of this paradigm, we were guided by the notes, essays, translations and articles in which Benjamin identified conceptions of childhood and ludic culture. Benjamin's view of childhood is not childish, simplistic or reductive. His works allow us to discuss and justify the need for a more detailed analysis on the phenomenon of development and teaching practice within the everyday schoolchildren. By revisiting the original ideas, and irreverent criticism of Benjamin, thinking education from his account, we hope to contribute with other studies in the field of education, by elucidating the process of development and teaching practice in relation to the ludic childhood culture, specifically regarding childhood and the places of childhood in the contemporary context.


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This paper aims to contribute on (re)awakening new and/or known discussions about childhood and the relation school and family, linking the debate to some confrontations that could be developed at school environment. The paper presents the following topics: 1) Childhood and Education: Family and school relationship, 2) Childhood and schooling: the child in school. This paper also seeks to discuss childhood specificities and educational practices in family and at school,allowing the construction of a school project that interweaves school cultures, childhood cultures and the families in the contemporary society


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Childhood sexuality is a polemic theme among pre-school educators. This text describes an extension project that aimed to observe the manifestation of children’s sexuality in a pre-school and to intervene by offering a space for dialogue, reflection and better understanding about childhood sexuality. The participants were seven teachers and whole group of children from a selected pre-school. It was observed (1) among the educators: the different games applied according to gender; how tolerant the teachers were regarding to boys bad behavior; vigilance against the homosexuality and constant motivation to female vanity and beauty. (2) Among the children: sexist stereotypes; manifestations of racism and prejudice; curiosity and interest about the body and sexuality and the use of insulting words concerning body beauty. The teacher education discussed theoretical and practical issues about the development of the sexuality in the childhood and the sexual education of their students. The project observed that a sexual education project can be put into practice in a pedagogical and ethical way in a pre-school environment.