988 resultados para Darfour (2003 à 2008)


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This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.


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This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.


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BACKGROUND: Distalgesic, the prescription-only analgesic compound of paracetamol (325 mg) and dextropropoxyphene (32.5 mg) known as co-proxamol in the UK, was withdrawn from the Irish market as of January 2006. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the withdrawal of distalgesic in terms of intentional drug overdose (IDO) presentations to hospital emergency departments (EDs) nationally. METHODS: A total of 42,849 IDO presentations to 37 of the 40 hospitals EDs operating in Ireland in 2003-2008 were recorded according to standardised procedures. Data on sales of paracetamol-containing drugs to retail pharmacies for the period 1998-2008 were obtained from IMS Health. RESULTS: The withdrawal of distalgesic from the Irish market resulted in an immediate reduction in sales to retail pharmacies from 40 million tablets in 2005 to 500,000 tablets in 2006 while there was a 48% increase in sales of other prescription compound analgesics. The rate of IDO presentations to hospital involving distalgesic in 2006- 2008 was 84% lower than in the three years before it was withdrawn (10.0 per 100,000). There was a 44% increase in the rate of IDO presentations involving other prescription compound analgesics but the magnitude of this rate increase was five times smaller than the magnitude of the decrease in distalgesic-related IDO presentations. There was a decreasing trend in the rate of presentations involving any paracetamol-containing drug that began in the years before the distalgesic withdrawal. CONCLUSIONS: The withdrawal of distalgesic has had positive benefits in terms of IDO presentations to hospital in Ireland and provides evidence supporting the restriction of availability of means as a prevention strategy for suicidal behaviour.


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320 p.


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Resumen El programa “Hambre Cero”, desarrollado en Brasil como estrategia de acción del gobierno de Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2008), está concebido como un programa estructural que busca combatir el hambre que maltrata a los illones de brasileños y brasileñas que no logran satisfacer ni siquiera sus necesidades básicas. Es un programa concebido y orientado a combatir las causas estructurales de la pobreza y el hambre y, al mismo tiempo, busca asegurar que haya comida en la mesa del que más la necesita…


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Objetivo: Determinar diferencias en las impedancias basales registradas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal por radiofrecuencia de los pacientes sometidos a este procedimiento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil de Bogotá durante los años 2012 a 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico de corte retrospectivo, donde se analizaron todas las impedancias basales medidas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal, buscando diferencias significativas entre los segmentos de las arterias intervenidas, estratificados en proximal, medio distal y superior, lateral, inferior u ostial. Con seguimiento a los pacientes a tres, seis y doce meses en cuanto a presión arterial de consultorio. Resultados: Se evaluaron 150 puntos de denervación renal exitosos, correspondientes a 23 arterias renales de 11 procedimientos. La mediana de edad fue 56 años. Al realizar un modelo de regresión lineal no se encontró ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las impedancias de ninguno de los segmentos de las arterias ni sitios anatómicos. Se documentó disminución de presión arterial sistólica a tres meses, seis meses y doce meses de 14 mmHg (RIQ 10-33mmHg), 21 mmHg (RIQ 12-42mmHg) y 19 mmHg (RIQ 11-42 mmHg) respectivamente


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SGSST), y la frecuencia y la severidad de la accidentalidad en la industria de la construcción en Colombia. Para ello se seleccionaron 35 empresas que realizan actividades relacionadas con la edificación, infraestructura e interventoría, que hubiesen implementado un SGSST para la intervención de los riesgos de accidentes y que contaran con la evaluación del mismo. La evaluación del SGSST está enmarcada en cinco dimensiones o criterios: planeación, política, implementación, manejo integral del accidente y revisión por la gerencia. Cada una evaluada a través de diferentes requisitos y se presentan en una escala de 1 a 10, siendo 10 el nivel más alto del cumplimiento por requisito. Teniendo los resultados de esta calificación, la tasa (proporción entre los accidentes reportados y los trabajadores de cada empresa) y los días de incapacidad (ausentismo por accidente de trabajo), se realizó un análisis de las medidas descriptivas consolidado por las empresas del estudio: tendencia central y dispersión para número de trabajadores, tasa de accidentalidad, días de incapacidad y el resultado de los totales de cada criterio de la evaluación y el gran total. Para estudiar la relación entre los resultados de la evaluación y los indicadores de tasa y días, se llevó a cabo un análisis de correlación y regresión lineal entre los indicadores de accidentalidad y los resultados de las puntuaciones de los criterios. Esta correlación se realizó tanto para la primera evaluación como para la segunda. En las dos mediciones las correlaciones fueron negativas mostrando que existe una disminución en la tasa de accidentalidad y días de incapacidad entre una evaluación y la otra. En el análisis de regresión, en la primera evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, se presentó una reducción de la tasa de frecuencia de 0.140. En la segunda evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, la tasa se redujo en 0.159. Ambos hallazgos soportan la necesidad de implementar un SGSST para ayudar a reducir el número inaceptable de lesiones y enfermedades en la industria de la construcción.


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Introduction More than half of the malaria cases reported in the Americas are from the Brazilian Amazon region. While malaria is considered endemic in this region, its geographical distribution is extremely heterogeneous. Therefore, it is important to investigate the distribution of malaria and to determine regions whereby action might be necessary. Methods Changes in malaria indicators in all municipalities of the Brazilian Amazon between 2003-2004 and 2008-2009 were studied. The malaria indicators included the absolute number of malaria cases and deaths, the bi-annual parasite incidence (BPI), BPI ratios and differences, a Lorenz curve and Gini coefficients. Results During the study period, mortality from malaria remained low (0.02% deaths/case), the percent of municipalities that became malaria-free increased from 15.6% to 31.7%, and the Gini coefficient increased from 82% to 87%. In 2003, 10% of the municipalities with the highest BPI accumulated 67% of all malaria cases, compared with 2009, when 10% of the municipalities (with the highest BPI) had 80% of the malaria cases. Conclusions This study described an overall decrease in malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon region. As expected, an increased heterogeneity of malaria indicators was found, which reinforces the notion that a single strategy may not bring about uniformly good outcomes. The geographic clustering of municipalities identified as problem areas might help to define better intervention methods.


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Report on a special investigation of the City of Ames Electric Department for the period July 1, 2003 through January 7, 2008


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Review of the Abandoned Mined Land Reclamation program administered by the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the period July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008


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El objetivo fue determinar la variación batimétrica y temporal de la composición funcional por gremios tróficos del grupo Poliquetos. Se colectaron muestras de macrobentos e información oceanográfica en tres estaciones ubicadas en la bahía (BH, 35 m), plataforma interna (PI, 65 m) y plataforma externa (PE, 117 m), de febrero 2003 a octubre 2008. Los resultados indicaron que la variabilidad estacional está sujeta a cambios de mayor escala, como el incremento de la producción primaria en primavera y verano, posibilitando un aumento de los depositívoros superficiales (SDF) en la BH durante primavera, por efecto de la acumulación de materia orgánica fitoplanctónica que llega al fondo. Asimismo, la disminución de los depositívoros superficiales (SDF) y el aumento de los suspensívoros (SF) en verano, en la BH y PI, se pueden explicar debido al incremento de la descarga de partículas terrígenas de origen vegetal, que afectan físicamente al sustrato. En tanto, los consumidores de interfaz (IF) que dominaron en verano/otoño en la PE, donde la influencia continental es menor, pueden haber sido favorecidos por la mayor calidad de flujo acumulado de fitodetritus en los sedimentos y a un menor contenido de OD, lo cual disminuyó quizás la presión por predación y competencia.


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Report on the Charter Agency Initiative administered by the Department of Management for the period July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008


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The Office of the Drug Policy Coordinator is established in Chapter 80E of the Code of Iowa. The Coordinator directs the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy; coordinates and monitors all statewide counter-drug efforts, substance abuse treatment grants and programs, and substance abuse prevention and education programs; and engages in other related activities involving the Departments of public safety, corrections, education, public health, and human services. The coordinator assists in the development of local and community strategies to fight substance abuse, including local law enforcement, education, and treatment activities. The Drug Policy Coordinator serves as chairperson to the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The council includes the directors of the departments of corrections, education, public health, public safety, human services, division of criminal and juvenile justice planning, and human rights. The Council also consists of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialist, substance abuse prevention specialist, substance abuse treatment program director, judge, and one representative each from the Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, the Iowa State Police Association, and the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies’ Association. Council members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The council makes policy recommendations related to substance abuse education, prevention, and treatment, and drug enforcement. The Council and the Coordinator oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive State of Iowa Drug Control Strategy. The Office of Drug Control Policy administers federal grant programs to improve the criminal justice system by supporting drug enforcement, substance abuse prevention and offender treatment programs across the state. The ODCP prepares and submits the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Control Strategy to the U.S. Department of Justice, with recommendations from the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The ODCP also provides program and fiscal technical assistance to state and local agencies, as well as program evaluation and grants management.


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Des données de Statistique Canada montrent que le Québec a perdu 86 700 emplois manufacturiers nets entre 2004 et 2008, ce qui représente un recul de 13,8% (Bernard, 2009). Un dollar canadien fort, la concurrence internationale, les délocalisations de la production et les consolidations globales d'opérations sont souvent mentionnés comme étant les causes des difficultés du secteur manufacturier canadien - principalement concentré au Québec et en Ontario. La crise financière amorcée à l’été 2007, a contribué à aggraver la crise propre au secteur manufacturier dont les origines remontent au début des années 2000 (Weir, 2007; AgirE, 2008; Pilat et al., 2006). Cette recherche examine le processus de restructuration du secteur manufacturier québécois de manière détaillée au niveau des établissements afin d’en évaluer l’ampleur et la nature entre 2003 et 2008. Les données colligées permettent de poser un regard unique et original sur les restructurations ayant impliqué des licenciements collectifs au Québec. Ces données sont issues de deux sources. D'abord, nous avons utilisé une liste d‘entreprises qui ont envoyé un avis de licenciement collectif au Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale du Québec entre 2003 et 2008. En second lieu, nous avons eu recours aux archives en ligne des médias pour trouver d’autres évènements de restructuration non rapportés par le ministère ainsi que pour obtenir des informations complémentaires sur les évènements déjà compilés dans la liste du ministère. Notre méthodologie de recherche et notre typologie analytique des types de restructuration sont basées sur celles développées par l’European Monitoring Center on Change (EMCC) et reprises dans certaines études comme celles de Bronfenbrenner et Luce (2004) et Hickey et Schenk (soumis). Les résultats, présentés en termes d’événements de restructuration et d’emplois perdus, sont ventilés en fonction de quelques variables (année d’occurrence, taille de l’établissement, sous-secteur d’activité, intensité technologique, région administrative, types de restructuration). Les raisons données par l’entreprise afin de justifier la restructuration ont aussi été colligées. Au cours de la période étudiée, nous avons identifié au total 1 631 évènements de restructurations dans le secteur manufacturier à travers toutes les régions du Québec, qui ont entraîné la perte de 129 383 emplois. Ainsi, 78 246 emplois ont été perdus suite à la réduction des activités de l‘établissement et 51 137 emplois l’ont été suite à la fermeture de leur établissement. La forme la plus fréquente de restructuration est la restructuration interne, suivi par la faillite/fermeture. Les types de restructuration qui ont engendré le plus de pertes d’emplois en moyenne par évènement sont dans l’ordre, la délocalisation, la sous-traitance, la consolidation d’activités ainsi que la fusion-acquisition. L’année 2008 fut celle où il y a eu le plus grand nombre de restructurations. Montréal et la Montérégie sont les régions qui ont le plus été touchées par la restructuration, les pertes d’emplois et les fermetures d’établissements. Les industries à faible intensité technologique ont davantage été frappées par la crise manufacturière. C’est le sous-secteur du papier et du bois qui connu le plus grand nombre d’événements de restructurations. Ce sous-secteur a aussi subi les pertes d’emplois les plus importantes, suivi par le sous-secteur du textile et du vêtement. Ces deux industries se partagent plus de la moitié des fermetures d’établissements. L’insuffisance de la demande (22,1%), la concurrence internationale (14,3%), la hausse de la valeur du dollar canadien (11,2%), la réorganisation interne de l’entreprise (11,1%), la rationalisation des coûts visant une augmentation de la profitabilité (10,1%) ainsi que les difficultés financières (9,9%) sont les motifs principaux donnés par les employeurs. Nos résultats montrent qu’il y a eu deux temps dans l’évolution de la restructuration du secteur manufacturier au Québec. Un premier temps au début de la période où des changements structurels profonds ont été observés dans certaines industries (p.ex. le bois-papier et le textile-vêtement) et un second temps, en fin de période caractérisé par des changements davantage liés à la conjoncture en raison de la crise économique dont les effets commençaient à se faire sentir à ce moment (Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2009a).