986 resultados para DIPOLE-MOMENTS


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[EN]When analysing the seismic response of pile groups, a vertically-incident wavefiel is usually employed even though it doesnot necessarily correspond to the worst case scenario. This work aims to study the influence of both type of seismic body wave and its angle of incidence on the dynamic response of pile foundations.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine Messung des magnetischen Moments des Elektronsin wasserstoffähnlichem Kohlenstoff vorgestellt. Das Ergebnis derMessungen an einem einzelnen gespeicherten12C5+-Ionist: g = 2,001 041 596 4 (8)(6)(44). Der erste Fehler bezeichnet die statistischeUnsicherheit, der zweite Fehler die systematische Unsicherheit. Der letzteFehler resultiert aus der Unsicherheit des Verhältnisses der Massedes 12C5+-Ions und der des Elektrons. Die hohe Genauigkeitder Messung wurde durch die räumliche Trennung des Nachweises derAusrichtung des Spins und des Induzierens der spin-flips erreicht. DieMessung stellt die bisher genaueste Bestimmung eines atomaren g-Faktorsdar und bestätigt den theoretischen Wert der Göteborger Theoriegruppeauf 7*10-9. Zusammen mit diesen Rechnungen verifiziert sie dieBound-State-QED-Korrekturen genauer als 1%. Somit ist der g-Faktor desin12C5+ gebunden Elektrons neben Messungen der Lambshiftin schweren hochgeladenen Ionen der genaueste Test der Bound-State-QED.
Wird auf die Richtigkeit der Berechnung des g-Faktors des gebundenenElektrons vertraut, kann folgender Wert für die atomare Masse desElektrons gewonnen werden: me= 0,000 548 579 912 8 (15) u.


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Kernmomente und Kernladungsradien von kurzlebigen NeonIsotopen in der Kette 17-26,28Ne wurden mittels kollinearerLaserspektroskopie am online Massenseparator ISOLDE am CERN(Genf) vermessen. Bei kollinearer Laserspektroskopieverlangt die Bestimmung der Kernladungsradien leichterIsotope aus der Isotopeverschiebung nach einer sehr präzisenKenntnis der Ionenstrahlenergie. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eineneue, auf kollinearer Laserspektroskopie basierende Methodezur Strahlenergiemessung entwickelt und erfolgreich in denExperimenten zu Neon eingesetzt. Die experimentellenErgebnisse werden mit theoretischen Rechnungen im Rahmen desSchalenmodells und von kollektiven Kernmodellen verglichen.


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This thesis is concerned with the calculation of virtual Compton scattering (VCS) in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in the momentum and quark-mass expansion. In the one-photon-exchange approximation, the VCS process is experimentally accessible in photon electro-production and has been measured at the MAMI facility in Mainz, at MIT-Bates, and at Jefferson Lab. Through VCS one gains new information on the nucleon structure beyond its static properties, such as charge, magnetic moments, or form factors. The nucleon response to an incident electromagnetic field is parameterized in terms of 2 spin-independent (scalar) and 4 spin-dependent (vector) generalized polarizabilities (GP). In analogy to classical electrodynamics the two scalar GPs represent the induced electric and magnetic dipole polarizability of a medium. For the vector GPs, a classical interpretation is less straightforward. They are derived from a multipole expansion of the VCS amplitude. This thesis describes the first calculation of all GPs within the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. Because of the comparatively large number of diagrams - 100 one-loop diagrams need to be calculated - several computer programs were developed dealing with different aspects of Feynman diagram calculations. One can distinguish between two areas of development, the first concerning the algebraic manipulations of large expressions, and the second dealing with numerical instabilities in the calculation of one-loop integrals. In this thesis we describe our approach using Mathematica and FORM for algebraic tasks, and C for the numerical evaluations. We use our results for real Compton scattering to fix the two unknown low-energy constants emerging at fourth order. Furthermore, we present the results for the differential cross sections and the generalized polarizabilities of VCS off the proton.


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The electric dipole response of neutron-rich nickel isotopes has been investigated using the LAND setup at GSI in Darmstadt (Germany). Relativistic secondary beams of 56−57Ni and 67−72Ni at approximately 500 AMeV have been generated using projectile fragmentation of stable ions on a 4 g/cm2 Be target and subsequent separation in the magnetic dipole fields of the FRagment Separator (FRS). After reaching the LAND setup in Cave C, the radioactive ions were excited electromagnetically in the electric field of a Pb target. The decay products have been measured in inverse kinematics using various detectors. Neutron-rich 67−69Ni isotopes decay by the emission of neutrons, which are detected in the LAND detector. The present analysis concentrates on the (gamma,n) and (gamma,2n) channels in these nuclei, since the proton and three-neutron thresholds are unlikely to be reached considering the virtual photon spectrum for nickel ions at 500 AMeV. A measurement of the stable 58Ni isotope is used as a benchmark to check the accuracy of the present results with previously published data. The measured (gamma,n) and (gamma,np) channels are compared with an inclusive photoneutron measurement by Fultz and coworkers, which are consistent within the respective errors. The measured excitation energy distributions of 67−69Ni contain a large portion of the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) strength predicted by the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn energy-weighted sum rule, as well as a significant amount of low-lying E1 strength, that cannot be attributed to the GDR alone. The GDR distribution parameters are calculated using well-established semi-empirical systematic models, providing the peak energies and widths. The GDR strength is extracted from the chi-square minimization of the model GDR to the measured data of the (gamma,2n) channel, thereby excluding any influence of eventual low-lying strength. The subtraction of the obtained GDR distribution from the total measured E1 strength provides the low-lying E1 strength distribution, which is attributed to the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR). The extraction of the peak energy, width and strength is performed using a Gaussian function. The minimization of trial Gaussian distributions to the data does not converge towards a sharp minimum. Therefore, the results are presented by a chi-square distribution as a function of all three Gaussian parameters. Various predictions of PDR distributions exist, as well as a recent measurement of the 68Ni pygmy dipole-resonance obtained by virtual photon scattering, to which the present pygmy dipole-resonance distribution is also compared.


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The conventional way to calculate hard scattering processes in perturbation theory using Feynman diagrams is not efficient enough to calculate all necessary processes - for example for the Large Hadron Collider - to a sufficient precision. Two alternatives to order-by-order calculations are studied in this thesis.rnrnIn the first part we compare the numerical implementations of four different recursive methods for the efficient computation of Born gluon amplitudes: Berends-Giele recurrence relations and recursive calculations with scalar diagrams, with maximal helicity violating vertices and with shifted momenta. From the four methods considered, the Berends-Giele method performs best, if the number of external partons is eight or bigger. However, for less than eight external partons, the recursion relation with shifted momenta offers the best performance. When investigating the numerical stability and accuracy, we found that all methods give satisfactory results.rnrnIn the second part of this thesis we present an implementation of a parton shower algorithm based on the dipole formalism. The formalism treats initial- and final-state partons on the same footing. The shower algorithm can be used for hadron colliders and electron-positron colliders. Also massive partons in the final state were included in the shower algorithm. Finally, we studied numerical results for an electron-positron collider, the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider.


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A permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron violates time reversal as well as parity symmetry. Thus it also violates the combination of charge conjugation and parity symmetry if the combination of all three symmetries is a symmetry of nature. The violation of these symmetries could help to explain the observed baryon content of the Universe. The prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics for the neutron electric dipole moment is only about 10e−32 ecm. At the same time the combined violation of charge conjugation and parity symmetry in the Standard Model is insufficient to explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Several extensions to the Standard Model can explain the observed baryon asymmetry and also predict values for the neutron electric dipole moment just below the current best experimental limit of d n < 2.9e−26 ecm, (90% C.L.) that has been obtained by the Sussex-RAL-ILL collaboration in 2006. The very same experiment that set the current best limit on the electric dipole moment has been upgraded and moved to the Paul Scherrer Institute. Now an international collaboration is aiming at increasing the sensitivity for an electric dipole moment by more than an order of magnitude. This thesis took place in the frame of this experiment and went along with the commissioning of the experiment until first data taking. After a short layout of the theoretical background in chapter 1, the experiment with all subsystems and their performance are described in detail in chapter 2. To reach the goal sensitivity the control of systematic errors is as important as an increase in statistical sensitivity. Known systematic efects are described and evaluated in chapter 3. During about ten days in 2012, a first set of data was measured with the experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. An analysis of this data is presented in chapter 4, together with general tools developed for future analysis eforts. The result for the upper limit of an electric dipole moment of the neutron is |dn| ≤ 6.4e−25 ecm (95%C.L.). Chapter 5 presents investigations for a next generation experiment, to build electrodes made partly from insulating material. Among other advantages, such electrodes would reduce magnetic noise, generated by the thermal movement of charge carriers. The last Chapter summarizes this work and gives an outlook.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger Experimentaufbau -- das γ3 Experiment -- zur Messung von photoneninduzierten Kern-Dipolanregungen in stabilen Isotopen konzipiert und an der High Intensity γ-Ray Source (HIγS) an der Duke University installiert.rnDie hohe Energieauflösung und die hohe Nachweiseffizienz des Detektoraufbaus, welcher aus einer Kombination von LaBr Szintillatoren und hochreinen Germanium-Detektoren besteht, erlaubt erstmals die effiziente Messung von γ-γ-Koinzidenzen in Verbindung mit der Methode der Kernresonanzfluoreszenz.rnDiese Methode eröffnet den Zugang zum Zerfallsverhalten der angeregten Dipolzustände als zusätzlicher Observablen, die ein detaillierteres Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden Struktur dieser Anregungen ermöglicht.rnDer Detektoraufbau wurde bereits erfolgreich im Rahmen von zwei Experimentkampagnen in 2012 und 2013 für die Untersuchung von 13 verschiedenen Isotopen verwendet. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand die Analyse der Pygmy-Dipolresonanz (PDR) im Kern 140Ce im Energiebereich von 5,2 MeV bis 8,3 MeV basierend auf den mit dem γ3 Experimentaufbau gemessenen Daten. Insbesondere das Zerfallsverhalten der Zustände, die an der PDR beteiligt sind, wurde untersucht. Der Experimentaufbau, die Details der Analyse sowie die Resultate werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit präsentiert. Desweiteren erlaubt ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit theoretischen Rechnungen im quasi-particle phonon model (QPM) eine Interpretation des beobachteten Zerfallsverhaltens.


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We calculate the set of O(\alpha_s) corrections to the double differential decay width d\Gamma_{77}/(ds_1 \, ds_2) for the process \bar{B} \to X_s \gamma \gamma originating from diagrams involving the electromagnetic dipole operator O_7. The kinematical variables s_1 and s_2 are defined as s_i=(p_b - q_i)^2/m_b^2, where p_b, q_1, q_2 are the momenta of b-quark and two photons. While the (renormalized) virtual corrections are worked out exactly for a certain range of s_1 and s_2, we retain in the gluon bremsstrahlung process only the leading power w.r.t. the (normalized) hadronic mass s_3=(p_b-q_1-q_2)^2/m_b^2 in the underlying triple differential decay width d\Gamma_{77}/(ds_1 ds_2 ds_3). The double differential decay width, based on this approximation, is free of infrared- and collinear singularities when combining virtual- and bremsstrahlung corrections. The corresponding results are obtained analytically. When retaining all powers in s_3, the sum of virtual- and bremstrahlung corrections contains uncanceled 1/\epsilon singularities (which are due to collinear photon emission from the s-quark) and other concepts, which go beyond perturbation theory, like parton fragmentation functions of a quark or a gluon into a photon, are needed which is beyond the scope of our paper.