965 resultados para Cross Document Structure Theory


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Aquest document amplia el treball realitzat per Oliveras, durada i Perkmann en l'estudi de la cooperació transfronterera (CBC) a Europa. S'argumenta que el catàleg de les transferències regions (CBR), desenvolupat per Oliveras, durada i Perkmann el 2010, ha d'incloure la CBR que han sorgit com a resultat de l'ampliació actual de la UE en l'Oest Balcans. També serveix per donar suport a la opinió que una quarta etapa en la història desenvolupament de CBC a Europa encara no ha començat. El document porta el CBC de Bòsnia i Hercegovina en el marc de l'Instrument d'Ajuda Preadhesió (component II) com un estudi de casos i classifica cada CBC d'acord amb la tipologia que estableix Oliveras, durada i Perkmann. L'anàlisi revela que una forma de multi-nivell govern (MLG) també està sorgint en aquestes noves CBR. El tipus de MLG és també classificats. La conclusió de l'article és que el procés actual de la UE l'ampliació ha creat dos CBR i MLG promogut en els Balcans Occidentals


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Reading, United Kingdom, from January until May 2008. The main objectives have been firstly to infer population structure and parameters in demographic models using a total of 13 microsatellite loci for genotyping approximately 30 individuals per population in 10 Palinurus elephas populations both from Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. Secondly, developing statistical methods to identify discrepant loci, possibly under selection and implement those methods using the R software environment. It is important to consider that the calculation of the probability distribution of the demographic and mutational parameters for a full genetic data set is numerically difficult for complex demographic history (Stephens 2003). The Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), based on summary statistics to infer posterior distributions of variable parameters without explicit likelihood calculations, can surmount this difficulty. This would allow to gather information on different demographic prior values (i.e. effective population sizes, migration rate, microsatellite mutation rate, mutational processes) and assay the sensitivity of inferences to demographic priors by assuming different priors.


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After a historical survey of temperament in Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach, an analysis of the work has been made by applying a number of historical good temperaments as well as some recent proposals. The results obtained show that the global dissonance for all preludes and fugues in major keys can be minimized using the Kirnberger II temperament. The method of analysis used for this research is based on the mathematical theories of sensory dissonance, which have been developed by authors such as Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Harry Partch, Reinier Plomp, Willem J. M. Levelt and William A. Sethares


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Employment flexibility is commonly associated to greater labour mobility and thus faster cross-regional adjustments. The literature however offers very little hard evidence on this and quite limited theoretical guidance. This paper examines empirically the relationship between employment flexibility and cross-regional adjustment (migration) at the regional and local levels in the UK. Employment flexibility is associated to higher labour mobility (but only at a rather localised scale) and at the same time seems to reduce the responsiveness of migration to unemployment. This suggest that rising flexibility may be linked to higher persistence in spatial disparities, as intra-regional adjustments are strengthened while extraregional adjustments weakened. Keywords: Employment flexibility, regional migration, labour market adjustment JEL Codes: R11, R23, J08, J61


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, entre 2007 i 2009. L’objecte principal del projecte ha estat analitzar les implicacions jurídico-polítiques i institucionals d’una teoria de la justícia i la igualtat liberals aplicada a societats multiculturals amb un marcat predomini de la diversitat cultural. L’anàlisi desenvolupa una línia d'investigació interdisciplinar - entre el dret i la teoria política - iniciada en una tesis doctoral sobre multiculturalisme i drets de les minories culturals (UPF, 2000) que va culminar en la publicació de Group Rights as Human Rights (Springer, 2006). La recerca adopta com a punt de partida les conclusions de l'esmentada obra, en especial, la rellevància del reconeixement de drets col•lectius; tanmateix, el tipus de qüestions plantejades, l’enfoc i la metodologia emprades són substancialment diferents. En concret, s'adrecen preguntes específiques sobre el model i aspiracions del constitucionalisme democràtic i el paper del dret en contextos multiculturals. També s’atorga un pes central a la dimensió institucional dels models de gestió de la diversitat que s’analitzen, prioritzant un enfocament comparatiu a partir de l’estudi de controvèrsies concretes. L’objectiu és superar algunes limitacions importants de la literatura actual, com ara la tendència a examinar en abstracte la compatibilitat de determinades demandes amb el constitucionalisme democràtic, sense abordar el funcionament d'estratègies de gestió de la diversitat cultural emprades en contextos concrets. Els treballs producte d'aquest projecte articulen les línies bàsiques d’un model pluralista, basat en principis més que en regles, que desafia els plantejaments dominants actualment. Aquest model es caracteritza pel compromís amb la legitimitat i igualtat comparatives, rebutjant el paternalisme i les visions liberals típiques sobre el paper de la regulació. La presumpció de l’“standing” moral dels grups identitaris és fonamental per tal de considerar-los interlocutors vàlids amb interessos genuïns. També s’argumenta que la integració social en contextos multiculturals no depèn tant de l’eliminació del conflicte sinó, sobre tot, d’una gestió eficient que eviti abusos de poder sistemàtics. El model defensa el rol del dret en la institucionalització del diàleg intercultural, però admet que el diàleg no necessàriament condueix a l’acord o a una estructura reguladora coherent i uniforme. Les aspiracions del ordre jurídic pluralista són més modestes: afavorir la negociació i resolució en cada conflicte, malgrat la persistència de la fragmentació i la provisionalitat dels acords. La manca d'un marc regulador comú esdevé una virtut en la mesura que permet la interacció de diferents subordres; una interacció governada per una multiplicitat de regles no necessàriament harmòniques. Els avantatges i problemes d’aquest model s'analitzen a partir de l'anàlisi de l’estructura fragmentària de l'ordre jurídic internacional i del règim Europeu de drets humans.


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Understanding the interplay between cooperation and conflict in social groups is a major goal of biology. One important factor is genetic relatedness, and animal societies are usually composed of related but genetically different individuals, setting the stage for conflicts over reproductive allocation. Recently, however, it has been found that several ant species reproduce predominantly asexually. Although this can potentially give rise to clonal societies, in the few well-studied cases, colonies are often chimeric assemblies of different genotypes, due to worker drifting or colony fusion. In the ant Cerapachys biroi, queens are absent and all individuals reproduce via thelytokous parthenogenesis, making this species an ideal study system of asexual reproduction and its consequences for social dynamics. Here, we show that colonies in our study population on Okinawa, Japan, recognize and effectively discriminate against foreign workers, especially those from unrelated asexual lineages. In accord with this finding, colonies never contained more than a single asexual lineage and average pairwise genetic relatedness within colonies was extremely high (r = 0.99). This implies that the scope for social conflict in C. biroi is limited, with unusually high potential for cooperation and altruism.


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We use historical data that cover more than one century on real GDP for industrial countries and employ the Pesaran panel unit root test that allows for cross-sectional dependence to test for a unit root on real GDP. We find strong evidence against the unit root null. Our results are robust to the chosen group of countries and the sample period. Key words: real GDP stationarity, cross-sectional dependence, CIPS test. JEL Classification: C23, E32


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Oscillations have been increasingly recognized as a core property of neural responses that contribute to spontaneous, induced, and evoked activities within and between individual neurons and neural ensembles. They are considered as a prominent mechanism for information processing within and communication between brain areas. More recently, it has been proposed that interactions between periodic components at different frequencies, known as cross-frequency couplings, may support the integration of neuronal oscillations at different temporal and spatial scales. The present study details methods based on an adaptive frequency tracking approach that improve the quantification and statistical analysis of oscillatory components and cross-frequency couplings. This approach allows for time-varying instantaneous frequency, which is particularly important when measuring phase interactions between components. We compared this adaptive approach to traditional band-pass filters in their measurement of phase-amplitude and phase-phase cross-frequency couplings. Evaluations were performed with synthetic signals and EEG data recorded from healthy humans performing an illusory contour discrimination task. First, the synthetic signals in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulations highlighted two desirable features of the proposed algorithm vs. classical filter-bank approaches: resilience to broad-band noise and oscillatory interference. Second, the analyses with real EEG signals revealed statistically more robust effects (i.e. improved sensitivity) when using an adaptive frequency tracking framework, particularly when identifying phase-amplitude couplings. This was further confirmed after generating surrogate signals from the real EEG data. Adaptive frequency tracking appears to improve the measurements of cross-frequency couplings through precise extraction of neuronal oscillations.


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This paper conducts an empirical analysis of the relationship between wage inequality, employment structure, and returns to education in urban areas of Mexico during the past two decades (1987-2008). Applying Melly’s (2005) quantile regression based decomposition, we find that changes in wage inequality have been driven mainly by variations in educational wage premia. Additionally, we find that changes in employment structure, including occupation and firm size, have played a vital role. This evidence seems to suggest that the changes in wage inequality in urban Mexico cannot be interpreted in terms of a skill-biased change, but rather they are the result of an increasing demand for skills during that period.


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L'objectif de l'étude présentée est d'adapter et de valider une version française de la Stigma Scale (King, 2007) auprès d'une population de personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques. Dans une première phase, la stabilité temporelle (fidélité test-retest), la cohérence interne et la validité convergente de l'instrument original à 28 items traduit en français ont été évaluées auprès d'un échantillon de 183 patients. Les résultats d'analyses factorielles confirmatoires ne nous ont pas permis de confirmer la structure originale de l'instrument. Nous avons donc proposé, sur la base des résultats d'une analyse factorielle exploratoire, une version courte de l'échelle de stigmatisation (9 items) qui conserve la structure en trois facteurs du modèle original. Dans une deuxième phase, nous avons examiné les qualités psychométriques et validé cette version abrégée de l'échelle de stigmatisation auprès d'un second échantillon de 234 patients. Les indices d'ajustements de notre analyse factorielle confirmatoire confirme la structure en trois facteurs de la version abrégée de la Stigma Scale. Les résultats suggèrent que la version française abrégée de l'échelle de stigmatisation constitue un instrument utile, fiable et valide dans l'autoévaluation de la stigmatisation perçue par des personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques. - Aim People suffering from mental illness are exposed to stigma. However, only few tools are available to assess stigmatization as perceived from the patient's perspective. The aim of this study is to adapt and validate a French version of the Stigma Scale (King, 2007). This self-report questionnaire has a three-factor structure: discrimination, disclosure and positive aspects of mental illness. Discrimination subscale refers to perceived negative reactions by others. Disclosure subscale refers mainly to managing disclosure to avoid discrimination and finally positive aspects subscale taps into how patients are becoming more accepting, more understanding toward their illness. Method In the first step, internal consistency, convergent validity and test-retest reliability of the French adaptation of the 28-item scale have been assessed on a sample of 183 patients. Results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) did not confirm the hypothesized structure. In light of the failed attempts to validate the original version, an alternative 9-item short-form version of the Stigma Scale, maintaining the integrity of the original model, was developed based on results of exploratory factor analyses in the first sample and cross- validated in a new sample of 234 patients. Results Results of CFA did not confirm that the data fitted well to the three-factor model of the 28-item Stigma Scale (χ2/άί=2.02, GFI=0.77, AGFI=0.73, RMSEA=0.07, CFI=0.77 et NNFI=0.75). Cronbach's α are excellent for discrimination (0.84) and disclosure (0.83) subscales but poor for potential positive aspects (0.46). External validity is satisfactory. Overall Stigma Scale total score is negatively correlated with score on Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (r = -0.49), and each sub-scale is significantly correlated with a visual analogue scale that refers to the specific aspect of stigma (0.43 < |r| < 0.60). Intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.68 and 0.89 indicate good test- retest reliability. Results of CFA demonstrate that the items chosen for the short version of the Stigma Scale have the expected fit properties fa2/df=1.02, GFI=0.98, AGFI=0.98, RMSEA=0.01, CFI=1.0 et NNFI=1.0). Considering the small number (3 items) of items in each subscales of the short version of the Stigma Scale, a coefficients for the discrimination (0.57), disclosure (0.80) and potential positive aspects subscales (0.62) are considered as good. Conclusion Our results suggest that the 9-item French short-version of the Stigma Scale is a useful, reliable and valid self-report questionnaire to assess perceived stigmatization in people suffering from mental illness. The time of completion is really short and questions are well understood and accepted by the patients.


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El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en el estudio de los parámetros circuitales (condensadores, bobinas…) de un resonador, realizado con estructuras microstrip, donde permita obtener unos resultados de esos parámetros circuitales cambiando los valores físicos del diseño, tales como la longitud y la anchura del resonador a partir de las medidas de los parámetros S. Para llevar a cabo dicho trabajo, se desarrolla en primer lugar toda la teoría necesaria de resonadores. Empezando por el funcionamiento y la estructura del resonador diseñado, y mostrando especial interés en el modelado de dicho resonador. Seguidamente, se estudia y analiza su comportamiento a través de las simulaciones de los parámetros S. Una vez se ha estudiado y analizado su comportamiento, se procede con las modificaciones de los parámetros físicos y se analiza a través de las simulaciones de los parámetros S cómo afectan estas modificaciones en los parámetros circuitales. Donde se utilizan una serie de herramientas que agilizan la extracción de los valores de los parámetros circuitales del resonador.


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The greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica has long been recognized as posing a potential challenge to kin selection theory because it has large queenless colonies where apparently many of the morphological workers are mated and reproducing. However this species has never been studied genetically and important elements of its breeding system and kin structure remain uncertain. We used microsatellite markers to measure the relatedness among nestmates unravel the fine-scale population genetic structure and infer the breeding system of R. metallica. The genetic relatedness among worker nestmates is very low but significantly greater than zero (r = 0.082 +/- 0.015) which demonstrates that nests contain many distantly related breeders. The inbreeding coefficient is very close to and not significantly different from zero indicating random mating and lack of microgeographic genetic differentiation. On average. closely located nests are not more similar genetically than distant nests which is surprising as new colonies form by budding and female dispersal is restricted. Lack of inbreeding and absence of population viscosity indicates high gene flow mediated by males. Overall the genetic pattern detected in R. metallica suggests that a high number of moderately related workers mate with unrelated males from distant nests. This breeding system results in the lowest relatedness among nestmates reported for social insect species where breeders and helpers are not morphologically differentiated. [References: 69]


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The identification of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals is a long standing issue in population genetics. A recent Bayesian algorithm implemented in the software STRUCTURE allows the identification of such groups. However, the ability of this algorithm to detect the true number of clusters (K) in a sample of individuals when patterns of dispersal among populations are not homogeneous has not been tested. The goal of this study is to carry out such tests, using various dispersal scenarios from data generated with an individual-based model. We found that in most cases the estimated 'log probability of data' does not provide a correct estimation of the number of clusters, K. However, using an ad hoc statistic DeltaK based on the rate of change in the log probability of data between successive K values, we found that STRUCTURE accurately detects the uppermost hierarchical level of structure for the scenarios we tested. As might be expected, the results are sensitive to the type of genetic marker used (AFLP vs. microsatellite), the number of loci scored, the number of populations sampled, and the number of individuals typed in each sample.