1000 resultados para Compras online - riscos e experiências
This paper deals with an experiment to determine the optimum period (number of days) in fattening chickens. Thirty chickens R. I. R. were numbered, weighed and feeded in crate, with one standard ration (17% crude protein). The chickens were weighted every two days and the results obtained indicate the optimum is reached between 12 and 16 days of feeding. It was observed that after 16 days the weights stop or decrease progressively as showed by the Grafic I.
Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows: 1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring) 2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg) 3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca) 4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N) 5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P) 6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K) 7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers) 8 control Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure. As far yields are concerned the following observations were made: 1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others; 2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5; 3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that: 1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content; 2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content; 3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8; 4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low; 5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7; 6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element. As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.
Várias experiências de combate à "saúva limão" Atta sexdens rubropitosa Forel, 1908, a saúva mais prejudicial à agricultura de várias regiões do Estado de São Paulo, são descritas. Nas 8 experiências, aqui descritas, foram empregadas as seguintes substâncias químicas: I - Diazinom em pó; II - Sevin em pó; III - Clordane líquido; IV - Heptacloro líquido; V - Clordane e Diazinom líquidos; VI - Hepcloro + Frumin AL; VII - Heptacloro líquido; VIII - Clordane em pó.
Tese de mestrado em Biologia Humana e Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Nach der Erfindung der Computer in Kombination mit der Sprachwissenschaft entstand die maschinelle Übersetzung als Teilbereich der künstlichen Intelligenz. Maschinelle Übersetzungssysteme werden heutzutage oft im Lokalisierungsprozess eingesetzt, um die Übersetzungs- und Lokalisierungsaufwände zeitlich und kostenmäßig zu reduzieren. Es ist zu sehen, dass heutzutage maschinelle Übersetzung starke und eindeutige Marktpräsenz besitzt. Daher gibt es immer mehr Menschen, die sich für die Darstellung von Aufbau, Funktionsweise und Einsatzszenarien maschineller Übersetzung und für die Nutzung online verfügbarer Ressourcen für maschinelle Übersetzung interessieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Anwendungsbereiche, Anwendungsverfahren und die Möglichkeiten der Nutzung online verfügbarer Ressourcen der maschinellen Übersetzung, so dass sich im Beruf stehende Übersetzer mit dieser Technologie und ihren Möglichkeiten und Grenzen vertraut machen können. Auch im Rahmen eines Fernstudiums können die in der Arbeit vorgestellten Informationsquellen und Ressourcen eingesetzt werden, um die Grundlagen der MÜ zu erlernen. Zu diesem Zweck werden die weiteren Aufgabenfelder und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten in naher Zukunft prognostiziert.
Neste trabalho descrevemos experiencias destinadas a mostrar a influência do pH nas crises convulsivas por resfriamento da medula espinhal da rã e estudar o mecanismo da ação inibidora do gás carbonico sobre estas conculsões. Verificamos que o CO² não age atravez um abaixamento do pH do sangue ou do meio intercelular. O gás carbonico teria uma ação específica que estaria ligada á sua grande difusibilidade. Essa sua propriedade permitiria que penetrasse ràpidamente no interior de neurônio, abaixando sensìvelmente o pH intracelular, sem que houvesse nítida variação do pH do sangue.
Avui en dia la venda de productes, mitjançant les possibilitats que ens ofereix Internet, es troba en ple creixement. Aquest projecte pretén posar en funcionament una pàgina Web dedicada a la venda de fruita, concretament kiwis. Des de fa un temps, la població comença a ser conscient del desequilibri entre l'agent productor i l'agent comercial. Com passa també en altres sectors, el productor ven a un preu molt inferior respecte al que després es ficarà de cara al comprador final. En el cas de la fruita, el client acaba comprant un producte més car i normalment de menys qualitat. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és promoure la venda online a partir d'una mercaderia de qualitat i més econòmica, aconseguint un major benefici tant per part del productor com del client.
Aquesta memòria tracta sobre el desenvolupament d’una aplicació web, amb tecnologia Ajax, per la gestió d’avaluacions de manera online. L’aplicació està destinada a facilitar la creació i correcció de proves i lliuraments per part dels usuaris professors i per automatitzar el procés de realització d’una prova i lliurament per part de l’alumne.