994 resultados para Cachey, Theodore


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[ES] Conferencia impartida por Ted Packard The Black Sea Flood was it Noah?s Flood?. Presentación a cargo de Félix Pintado Pico ; palabras a cargo de Avelina Fernández Manrique de Lara, Melchor González Dávila y Rafael Robaina Romero y conferencia impartida por Ted Packard en la Sala de Grado del Edificio de Ciencias Básicas el 23 de abril de 2012.


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[EN] This seminar will report the latest activities of the ULPGC»s Plankton Ecophysiology group (PEG). This group studies respiration, growth, nitrogen metabolism, oceanic carbon flux, deep ocean metabolism, and plankton cultivation. It works with zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacteria, and macroalgae. The premise behind the group»s investigations is that enzyme biochemistry controls an organism»s physiology that, in turn, has a strong impact on ocean chemistry and ecology. This research team (PEG) uses as foils, the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) and Kleiber»s law to argue the fact that respiratory metabolism is controlled not by biomass, but by the respiratory electron transport system (R-ETS). It has pointed out that the reason, zooplankton respiration statistically correlates with biomass, is because biomass packages mitochondria and mitochondria package the R-ETS. It has demonstrated, experimentally with Artemia salina, the superiority of using ETS as a respiration proxy rather than using biomass. Working with bacteria it has shown the inadequacy of the MTE in describing respiration in different growth phases of bacteria and has shown that a rival model based on enzyme kinetics works much better.


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[EN] Brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia sp.) are used in aquaculture as the major food source for many cultured marine larvae, and also used in the adult phase for many juvenile and adult fish. One artemia species, Artemia franciscana is most commonly preferred, due to the availability of its cysts and to its ease in hatching and biomass production. The problem with A. franciscana is that its nutritional quality is relatively poor in essential fatty acids, so that it is common practice to enrich it with emulsions like SELCO and ORIGO. This “bioencapsulation”, enrichment method permits the incorporation of different kinds of products into the artemia. This brine-shrimp’s non-selective particle-feeding habits, makes it particularly suitable for this enrichment process. The bioencapsulation is done just prior to feeding the artemia to a predator organism. This allows the delivery of different substances, not only for nutrient enrichment, but also for changing pigmentation and administering medicine. This is especially useful in culturing ornamental seahorses and tropical fish in marine aquaria In this study the objectives were to determine, the relative nutrient value of ORIGO and SELCO as well as the optimal exposure to these supplements prior to their use as food-organisms.


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[EN] The atmospheric CO2 level is rising. Its greenhouse effect is partially mitigated by terrestrial (plants) and marine photosynthetic organisms (algae, phytoplankton), and also by the less-known chemosynthetic bacteria. Within this group of bacteria, nitrifiers have a direct and indirect impact on carbon fixation because, on one hand, they are autotrophs and, on the other, they release inorganic nitrogenous nutrients that feed other photoautotrophs. A new assay which simplifies the measurement of nitrification would improve our knowledge about the ocean’s capacity to fix CO2. Knowing how to cultivate these microbes from marine water samples is a first step towards developing new nitrification detection techniques. During the last six months, we have isolated and cultured a natural assembledge of marine nitrifiers. Our larger objective is to develop a way to enzymatically detect nitrification. However, to do this, we need large quantities of nitrifiers. Consequently, at this point, culturing this marine nitrifier community is our priority. We have learned that pH, nutrient levels, air flow, temperature, low light and sterility are critical for growing healthy nitrifiers. With this knowledge we will now be able to conduct experiments with the nitrifiers and develop the methodology that we seek.