769 resultados para Business enterprises - Finance - Risk management - Thailand


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Le tecnologie sviluppatesi a cavallo del nuovo millennio hanno dato e stanno dando un grande impulso all'evoluzione dei processi che riguardano qualsiasi campo della vita di oggigiorno: tutto ciò riguarda ovviamente anche le aziende, che si adoperano nel trovare nuove soluzioni che possano garantire profitti maggiori abbinati a costi di gestione minori. Risulta quindi interessante approcciarsi allo studio dei processi decisionali ed organizzativi che interessano un'azienda e come i suddetti vengano influenzati dall'uso delle tecnologie. In particolare, l'adattamento delle strategie e dei modelli di business alle tecnologie odierne è una sfida interessante e ripetuta nel tempo, in quanto le tecnologie si sviluppano e si evolvono in tempi sempre più brevi, con tutti i vantaggi ed i rischi del caso. Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di analizzare i temi inerenti all'E-Business, ovvero l'applicazione delle Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in supporto alle attività di business di un'azienda. Verrano esaminati in che modo un'impresa deve approcciarsi per sviluppare ed implementare una strategia e-business, quali sono i fattori che influenzano una strategia, quali sono i vantaggi e gli svantaggi dell'adozione di tale strategia.


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Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione di legislatori e degli Organi di Vigilanza, in base alle riforme regolamentari attivate in risposta alla crisi economica, si sono focalizzate sulle pratiche di risk management delle Banche, sottolineando l’importanza dei sistemi di controllo e gestione dei rischi. Il presente lavoro nasce con l’intento di analizzare e valutare le caratteristiche salienti del processo di assunzione e gestione dei rischi nel sistema economico finanziario attuale. Numerosi e autorevoli esperti, come gli operatori del Financial Stability Board , Institute of International Finance e Senior Supervisory Group, si sono espressi sulle cause della crisi finanziaria ed hanno sollevato dubbi circa la qualità delle azioni intraprese da alcuni manager, sulle loro politiche gestionali e sulla comprensione delle reali condizioni in cui versavano le loro Banche (in termini di esposizione ai rischi, report da aggregazione dati su performance aziendali e qualità dei dati aggregati) , si è ritenuto giusto dal punto di vista teorico approfondire in particolare i temi del Risk Appetite e Risk Tolerance, novità introdotte nelle diverse direttive e normative in risposta alle citate ed ambigue politiche di gestione ed assunzione rischi. I concetti, qui introdotti, di appetito e tolleranza al rischio conducono ad una ampia sfera di riferimento che guarda alla necessità di fissare degli obiettivi di rischio e loro limiti per poter meglio controllare e valutare la stabilità economica/finanziaria e stimare gli effetti di condizioni peggiorative (reali o soltanto teoriche, come gli stress test) sulla solvibilità e profittabilità delle Banche nazionali ed internazionali. Inoltre, ad integrazione di quanto precedentemente esposto sarà illustrata una survey sulla disclosure delle principali Banche europee in relazione alle informazioni sul Risk Appetite e sul Risk Tolerance.


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Critical limb ischaemia (CLI) is a particularly severe manifestation of lower limb atherosclerosis posing a major threat to both limb and life of affected patients. Besides arterial revascularisation, risk-factor modification and administration of antiplatelet therapy is a major goal in the treatment of CLI patients. Key elements of cardiovascular risk management are smoking cessation and treatment of hyperlipidaemia with dietary modification or statins. Moreover, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus should be adequately treated. In CLI patients not suitable for arterial revascularisation or subsequent to unsuccessful revascularisation, parenteral prostanoids may be considered. CLI patients undergoing surgical revascularisation should be treated with beta blockers. At present, neither gene nor stem-cell therapy can be recommended outside clinical trials. Of note, walking exercise is contraindicated in CLI patients due to the risk of worsening pre-existing or causing new ischaemic wounds. CLI patients are oftentimes medically frail and exhibit significant comorbidities. Co-existing coronary heart and carotid as well as renal artery disease should be managed according to current guidelines. Considering the above-mentioned treatment goals, interdisciplinary treatment approaches for CLI patients are warranted. Aim of the present manuscript is to discuss currently existing evidence for both the management of cardiovascular risk factors and treatment of co-existing disease and to deduct specific treatment recommendations.


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This paper surveys the currency risk management practices of Swiss industrial corporations. We find tha industrials do not quantify their currency risk exposure and investigate possible reasons. One possibility is that firms do not think they need to know because they use on-balance-sheet instruments to protect themselves before and after currency rates reach troublesome levels. This is puzzling because a rough estimate of at least cash flow exposure is not a prohibitive task and could be helpful. It is also puzzling that firms use currency derivatives to hedge/insure individual short-term transactions, without apparently trying to estimate aggregate transaction exposure.


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The banking sector underwent drastic reform in post-crisis Indonesia. Bank restructuring, driven by IMF conditionalities, resulted in the exit of insolvent banks and ownership changes of major private banks. Through recapitalization and sales of government-held shares, foreign-owned banks emerged as leading actors in the place of business-group-affiliated banks. As part of the restructuring process, an exit rule was created. The central bank, which up to that time had been given only partial authority under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Finance, now gained a full range of authority over banks. The central bank's supervision system on banks, risk management systems at individual banks, and their efforts to build risk management capacities, began to function. This is totally different from the old financial institution under the Soeharto regime, where banks had no incentive to control risks, as the regime tacitly ensured their survival.


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This paper examines and compares the location choice of Japanese and Taiwanese MNEs in China. Furthermore, we investigate the relationship between location choice and firm characteristics, specifically firms' productivity. Due to Taiwan's linguistic and cultural advantages in China, it is expected that the location choice mechanics are different between Japanese and Taiwanese MNEs. As a result, our main findings are that, while the less productive Japanese firms prefer a location in an area with a larger agglomeration of Japanese affiliates or in an area closer to Japan, the more productive Taiwanese firms prefer a location in an area with a larger agglomeration of Taiwanese affiliates or in an area closer to Taiwan.


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La sequía es un fenómeno natural que se origina por el descenso de las precipitaciones con respecto a una media, y que resulta en la disponibilidad insuficiente de agua para alguna actividad. La creciente presión que se ha venido ejerciendo sobre los recursos hídricos ha hecho que los impactos de la sequía se hayan visto agravados a la vez que ha desencadenado situaciones de escasez de agua en muchas partes del planeta. Los países con clima mediterráneo son especialmente vulnerables a las sequías, y, su crecimiento económico dependiente del agua da lugar a impactos importantes. Para reducir los impactos de la sequía es necesaria una reducción de la vulnerabilidad a las sequías que viene dada por una gestión más eficiente y por una mejor preparación. Para ello es muy importante disponer de información acerca de los impactos y el alcance de este fenómeno natural. Esta investigación trata de abarcar el tema de los impactos de las sequías, de manera que plantea todos los tipos de impactos que pueden darse y además compara sus efectos en dos países (España y Chile). Para ello se proponen modelos de atribución de impactos que sean capaces de medir las pérdidas económicas causadas por la falta de agua. Los modelos propuestos tienen una base econométrica en la que se incluyen variables clave a la hora de evaluar los impactos como es una variable relacionada con la disponibilidad de agua, y otras de otra naturaleza para distinguir los efectos causados por otras fuentes de variación. Estos modelos se adaptan según la fase del estudio en la que nos encontremos. En primer lugar se miden los impactos directos sobre el regadío y se introduce en el modelo un factor de aleatoriedad para evaluar el riesgo económico de sequía. Esto se hace a dos niveles geográficos (provincial y de Unidad de Demanda Agraria) y además en el último se introduce no solo el riesgo de oferta sino también el riesgo de demanda de agua. La introducción de la perspectiva de riesgo en el modelo da lugar a una herramienta de gestión del riesgo económico que puede ser utilizada para estrategias de planificación. Más adelante una extensión del modelo econométrico se desarrolla para medir los impactos en el sector agrario (impactos directos sobre el regadío y el secano e impactos indirectos sobre la Agro Industria) para ello se adapta el modelo y se calculan elasticidades concatenadas entre la falta de agua y los impactos secundarios. Por último se plantea un modelo econométrico para el caso de estudio en Chile y se evalúa el impacto de las sequías debidas al fenómeno de La Niña. iv Los resultados en general muestran el valor que brinda el conocimiento más preciso acerca de los impactos, ya que en muchas ocasiones se tiende a sobreestimar los daños realmente producidos por la falta de agua. Los impactos indirectos de la sequía confirman su alcance a la vez que son amortiguados a medida que nos acercamos al ámbito macroeconómico. En el caso de Chile, su diferente gestión muestra el papel que juegan el fenómeno de El Niño y La Niña sobre los precios de los principales cultivos del país y sobre el crecimiento del sector. Para reducir las pérdidas y su alcance se deben plantear más medidas de mitigación que centren su esfuerzo en una gestión eficiente del recurso. Además la prevención debe jugar un papel muy importante para reducir los riesgos que pueden sufrirse ante situaciones de escasez. ABSTRACT Drought is a natural phenomenon that originates by the decrease in rainfall in comparison to the average, and that results in water shortages for some activities. The increasing pressure on water resources has augmented the impact of droughts just as water scarcity has become an additional problem in many parts of the planet. Countries with Mediterranean climate are especially vulnerable to drought, and its waterdependent economic growth leads to significant impacts. To reduce the negative impacts it is necessary to deal with drought vulnerability, and to achieve this objective a more efficient management is needed. The availability of information about the impacts and the scope of droughts become highly important. This research attempts to encompass the issue of drought impacts, and therefore it characterizes all impact types that may occur and also compares its effects in two different countries (Spain and Chile). Impact attribution models are proposed in order to measure the economic losses caused by the lack of water. The proposed models are based on econometric approaches and they include key variables for measuring the impacts. Variables related to water availability, crop prices or time trends are included to be able to distinguish the effects caused by any of the possible sources. These models are adapted for each of the parts of the study. First, the direct impacts on irrigation are measured and a source of variability is introduced into the model to assess the economic risk of drought. This is performed at two geographic levels provincial and Agricultural Demand Unit. In the latter, not only the supply risk is considered but also the water demand risk side. The introduction of the risk perspective into the model results in a risk management tool that can be used for planning strategies. Then an extension of the econometric model is developed to measure the impacts on the agricultural sector (direct impacts on irrigated and rainfed productions and indirect impacts on the Agri-food Industry). For this aim the model is adapted and concatenated elasticities between the lack of water and the impacts are estimated. Finally an econometric model is proposed for the Chilean case study to evaluate the impact of droughts, especially caused by El Niño Southern Oscillation. The overall results show the value of knowing better about the precise impacts that often tend to be overestimated. The models allow for measuring accurate impacts due to the lack of water. Indirect impacts of drought confirm their scope while they confirm also its dilution as we approach the macroeconomic variables. In the case of Chile, different management strategies of the country show the role of ENSO phenomena on main crop prices and on economic trends. More mitigation measures focused on efficient resource management are necessary to reduce drought losses. Besides prevention must play an important role to reduce the risks that may be suffered due to shortages.


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Este estudo analisa a utilização do gerenciamento de riscos em algumas Empresas de Pequeno e Médio Porte (PMEs) na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. A análise do risco empresarial possui uma crescente importância e ela pode contribuir fortemente para a continuidade dos negócios. A capacidade para gerenciar os riscos do negócio em relação ás inevitáveis incertezas e com uma valorização futura dos resultados é um fator substancial de vantagem competitiva. Este processo de geração de valor providencia a disciplina e ferramentas de administração dos riscos empresariais permitindo a criação de valor para sua organização. As Metodologias de Análise de Risco, em sua maioria, são aplicadas para grandes corporações. Uma das motivações desse trabalho é verificar o grau de utilidade dessas metodologias para as empresas PMEs escolhidas para a pesquisa em São Bernardo do Campo. O estudo é desenvolvido por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas e pesquisa exploratória nas empresas escolhidas. Após as pesquisas, foi feita uma análise qualitativa utilizando o método de estudo de casos. Finalmente, conclui-se que as empresas pesquisadas de São Bernardo do Campo, podem obter vantagens significativas ao implantar metodologias de gerenciamento de risco. Todas as empresas pesquisadas possuem mais de dez anos e consideram importante controlar a continuidade de seus negócios.


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Este estudo analisa a utilização do gerenciamento de riscos em algumas Empresas de Pequeno e Médio Porte (PMEs) na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. A análise do risco empresarial possui uma crescente importância e ela pode contribuir fortemente para a continuidade dos negócios. A capacidade para gerenciar os riscos do negócio em relação ás inevitáveis incertezas e com uma valorização futura dos resultados é um fator substancial de vantagem competitiva. Este processo de geração de valor providencia a disciplina e ferramentas de administração dos riscos empresariais permitindo a criação de valor para sua organização. As Metodologias de Análise de Risco, em sua maioria, são aplicadas para grandes corporações. Uma das motivações desse trabalho é verificar o grau de utilidade dessas metodologias para as empresas PMEs escolhidas para a pesquisa em São Bernardo do Campo. O estudo é desenvolvido por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas e pesquisa exploratória nas empresas escolhidas. Após as pesquisas, foi feita uma análise qualitativa utilizando o método de estudo de casos. Finalmente, conclui-se que as empresas pesquisadas de São Bernardo do Campo, podem obter vantagens significativas ao implantar metodologias de gerenciamento de risco. Todas as empresas pesquisadas possuem mais de dez anos e consideram importante controlar a continuidade de seus negócios.


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This paper sketches the main features and issues related to recent market developments in global transaction banking (GTB), particularly in trade finance, cash management and correspondent banking. It describes the basic functioning of the GTB, its interaction with global financial markets and related implications of global regulatory developments such as Basel III. The interest in GTB has recently increased, since its low-risk profile, tendency to follow growth rates worldwide and relative independence from other financial instruments became an interesting diversification opportunity both for banks’ business models and for investors. Transaction banking has been a resilient business during the crisis, despite the reduction in world trade figures. In the post crisis period, GTB must cope with new challenges related to increased local and global regulation and the risk of inconsistency in regulatory approaches, which could negatively impact the global network and increased competition by new market entrants. Increased sophistication of corporate clients, as well as the pressure to develop and adopt technological innovations more quickly than other areas of banking continues to impact the business. The future of the industry closely depends on its ability to adjust to complex regulatory developments while at the same time being able to operate a global and efficient network.


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The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network was established throughout the state to provide business management, counseling and training, assistance in entering international markets, information on competing for the state and federal contracts, developing technology related products and providing a supportive environment for new, startup businesses. This network consists of Small Business Development Centers, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, International Trade/NAFTA Centers, Small Business Incubators and of course Entrepreneurship Centers. Assistance is provided in the areas of preparing business and marketing plans, securing capital, improving business skills, accessing international trade opportunities and addressing other business management needs. DCEO also has programs targeted to assist minority and women-owned business concerns. The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network is a collaborative arrangement among DCEO, the US Small Business Administration, the US Department of Defense, colleges and universities and private business organizations. Pursuant to the Business Assistance and Regulatory Reform Act, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) created the IEN Business Information Center of Illinois (the Center). The goal of the Center is to enhance the state's business climate by making it easier for businesses to comply with government requirements and gain access to the information they need to be competitive. Whether a startup or existing business, this handbook will inform you of various legal requirements and guide you to additional resources.