979 resultados para Balanced scorecard (BSC)
With a wide diversity of available technologies, it is extremely problematic for SMEs to identify, plan, prioritize and use the correct strategy. Electronic-manufacturing has been evolving for some time, but currently an effective planning framework to assist managers with implementing electronic-manufacturing planning is still lacking. A framework, built around three elements: the Balanced Scorecard, Quality Function Deployment and Value Chain Analysis, is proposed here to assist SMEs in managing complexity in e-manufacturing planning. A case study, carried out in Singapore, demonstrates the practicality and utility of the framework in the context of a real business environment. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
The International Cooperation Agency (identified in this article as IDEA) working in Colombia is one of the most important in Colombian society with programs that support gender rights, human rights, justice and peace, scholarships, aboriginal population, youth, afro descendants population, economic development in communities, and environmental development. The identified problem is based on the diversified offer of services, collaboration and social intervention which requires diverse groups of people with multiple agendas, ways to support their mandates, disciplines, and professional competences. Knowledge creation and the growth and sustainability of the organization can be in danger because of a silo culture and the resulting reduced leverage of the separate group capabilities. Organizational memory is generally formed by the tacit knowledge of the organization members, given the value of accumulated experience that this kind of social work implies. Its loss is therefore a strategic and operational risk when most problem interventions rely on direct work in the socio-economic field and living real experiences with communities. The knowledge management solution presented in this article starts first, with the identification of the people and groups concerned and the creation of a knowledge map as a means to strengthen the ties between organizational members; second, by introducing a content management system designed to support the documentation process and knowledge sharing process; and third, introducing a methodology for the adaptation of a Balanced Scorecard based on the knowledge management processes. These three main steps lead to a knowledge management “solution” that has been implemented in the organization, comprising three components: a knowledge management system, training support and promotion of cultural change.
There were three principal research aims: primarily, Lean is and always should be regarded as a business model as depicted by Toyota who is dedicated towards finding better ways of producing cars; consequently an investigation of whether organisations embracing Lean as a philosophy were indeed more triumphant. An adapted balanced scorecard was used which embraced strategic, operation and indices focused towards the future prospects of an organisation. Secondly, it was obligatory to explicitly and precisely determine whether an organisation espoused Lean as a philosophy as opposed to another process or strategy. Thirdly, since Lean has to be envisaged as a never-ending journey; it was important to map out the Lean journey and to be able to categorize the juncture an organisation occupies at any particular phase of its overall implementation. This affords an opportunity to advise an organisation of specific requirements it needs to satisfy should it wish to embrace Lean as a philosophy. The methodological approach focused on the effective deployment of survey questionnaires in sixty-eight organisations and seven extensive case studies in manufacturing organisations of varying sizes. The CIMA organisational classification, the Puttick grid and the Product-Process matrix were used to analyse the range of organisations used in this investigation. Whilst there was a requirement to investigate whether Lean indeed equates to success, pertinent performance measurement was considered decisive; the DMP Model (Maltz et al., 2003) was modified to perform this role. An unremitting theme both in literature concerning the implementation of Lean and in the research evolves around the notion of corporate cultures. Its relevance is explored further within the analysis. In accepting the premise that Lean incorporates a journey, it was fundamental to identify the voyage. Prevalent frameworks are deficient in identifying the sustainability and ideological facets of Lean. Consequently, an extensive Lean audit was developed and piloted in twenty disparate organisations.
Definitions and perceptions of the role and styles of risk management, and performance management/strategic control systems have evolved over time, but it can be argued that risk management is primarily concerned with ensuring the achievement of strategic objectives. This paper shows the extent of overlap between a broad-based view of risk management, namely Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), and the balanced scorecard, which is a widely used strategic control system. A case study of one of the UK's largest retailers, Tesco plc, is used to show how ERM can be introduced as part of an existing strategic control system. The case demonstrates that, despite some differences in lines of communications, the strategic controls and risk controls can be used to achieve a common objective. Adoption of such an integrated approach, however, has implications for the profile of risk and the overall risk culture within an organisation.
Sustainable development support, balanced scorecard development and business process modeling are viewed from the position of systemology. Extensional, intentional and potential properties of a system are considered as necessary to satisfy functional requirements of a meta-system. The correspondence between extensional, intentional and potential properties of a system and sustainable, unsustainable, crisis and catastrophic states of a system is determined. The inaccessibility cause of the system mission is uncovered. The correspondence between extensional, intentional and potential properties of a system and balanced scorecard perspectives is showed. The IDEF0 function modeling method is checked against balanced scorecard perspectives. The correspondence between balanced scorecard perspectives and IDEF0 notations is considered.
In this study, we developed a DEA-based performance measurement methodology that is consistent with performance assessment frameworks such as the Balanced Scorecard. The methodology developed in this paper takes into account the direct or inverse relationships that may exist among the dimensions of performance to construct appropriate production frontiers. The production frontiers we obtained are deemed appropriate as they consist solely of firms with desirable levels for all dimensions of performance. These levels should be at least equal to the critical values set by decision makers. The properties and advantages of our methodology against competing methodologies are presented through an application to a real-world case study from retail firms operating in the US. A comparative analysis between the new methodology and existing methodologies explains the failure of the existing approaches to define appropriate production frontiers when directly or inversely related dimensions of performance are present and to express the interrelationships between the dimensions of performance.
This study explores institutional complexity in Thai State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). In doing so, a qualitative approach has been employed in this study in order to identify institutional logics in the field of Thai SOEs and to understand organisational and individual perceptions of institutional complexity in the implementation of performance measurement systems (PMS) and how they respond to the complexity. To achieve this goal, two Thai SOEs were studied, both of which faced challenges in the implementation of Economic Value Management (EVM) and Balance Scorecard (BSC) as well as difficulties in linking their individual BSC and incentive systems. The qualitative data were collected from semi-structured interviews and document reviews. The empirical aspects of this study reveal that the institutional logics in the field of Thai SOEs are the logic of bureaucracy, commercial operations, social activities, seniority and unity. Regarding the multiple institutional logics embedded, SOEs experienced the institutional complexity in the implementation of PMS. The results suggest that the organisations have decoupled the EVM and loosely coupled the BSC from organisational practices to cope with institutional complexity and conflict institutional demands. Also, the evidence shows that the institutional logics influence SOEs’ actions towards resisting changes incentive systems and the relationship between individual BSC and incentives.
A presente pesquisa consiste num trabalho exploratório de análise dos aspetos específicos da gestão de projetos de desenvolvimento de software de Patient Relationship Management (PRM), tendo em vista contribuir para a definição, no futuro, de um framework específico. Uma revisão de literatura sistemática permitiu concluir a inexistência de referências neste âmbito inseridas, tendo-se procurado suprir esta lacuna através da realização de um estudo de caso suportado em três entrevistas a peritos de reconhecida competência. As conclusões remetem para a necessidade e pertinência de um framework de gestão de projetos de desenvolvimento de software de PRM, evidenciando também um controlo do projeto de reduzida complexidade. Propõe-se e discute-se, neste aspeto, a utilização do sistema de controlo Balanced Scorecard. Esta pesquisa fornece um importante contributo para o conhecimento, compreensão e orientação da gestão e da tomada de decisão subjacentes a projetos de PRM no setor da saúde.
Internet and the Web have changed the way that companies communicate with their publics, improving relations between them. Also providing substantial benefits for organizations. This has led to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop corporate sites to establish relationships with their audiences. This paper, applying the methodology of content analysis, analyzes the main factors and tools that make the Websites usable and intuitive sites that promote better relations between SMEs and their audiences. Also, it has developed an index to measure the effectiveness of Webs from the perspective of usability. The results indicate that the Websites have, in general, appropriate levels of usability.
As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras têm passado por grandes desafios devido ao aumento da concorrência. Paralelamente, no campo da Administração, um tema que tem sido estudado de forma recorrente são os modelos de avaliação organizacional. Nesse contexto, foi realizada uma pesquisa com o objetivo de identificar e comparar os principais métodos e indicadores de avaliação de desempenho organizacional desenvolvidos na literatura e sua forma de utilização nas IES da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo – RMSP. Com base em análise sistematizada da bibliografia consultada foram identificados 19 modelos de avaliação de desempenho, resumindo-se suas principais características, pontos fortes e fracos. Realizou-se, adicionalmente, uma análise comparativa destes modelos com base na consideração de 18 aspectos classificados em 5 grupos: clientes e mercado; econômico-financeiros; gestão e organização; recursos humanos; e sociedade em geral. Por meio de «survey» junto aos gestores de 14 significativas IES foram identificados seus formatos e indicadores de avaliação de desempenho organizacional constatando-se que a maioria realiza avaliação de desempenho por meio de modelos, sendo o «The Balanced Scorecard» o mais utilizado. Entre os 19 indicadores de desempenho pesquisados, os quatro utilizados com mais frequência e também considerados de maior importância pelas IES são os relacionados: à demanda por ensino; aos clientes, ou alunos; à qualidade e eficiência dos processos; e a aspectos econômico-financeiros. É possível levantar a hipótese de que a importância dos dois primeiros deve-se ao fato de serem relevantes direcionadores de receita, a do terceiro, ser direcionador de custo, e a do quarto, ser a síntese dos resultados.
The need to steer economic development has always been great and as management model has the balanced scorecard has been popular since the mid- 1990s, mainly in the private sector but also in the municipal sector. The introduction of the balanced scorecard has been primarily to organizations to see more than economic dimensions. The Balanced Scorecard was originally a measurement system, and today it works more as a strategic instrument. In our study is a case study to evaluate a municipality and how they make use of the balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic and value-adding work in municipal activities. In the local business is it important that the organization adapts the balanced scorecard, so it fits on the basis that it is a politically driven organization, with mandates, committees and administrations. In our study, we used a qualitative method with a deductive approach. In the study, we have gathered information through a case study where we interviewed 7 people in leading positions. In our analysis and results section, we came to the conclusion that the municipality does not use the balanced scorecard correctly. We also found that the balanced scorecard as a tool for value creation and strategic planning does not work in a favorable way. In our study, we see difficulties with the implementation of the balanced scorecard. If the municipality has invested in implementing the balanced scorecard at all levels of the business so the municipality would be able to use it on one of the activities more adequately. When the municipality is a politically driven organization, it is important that vision alive and changing based on the conditions that reflect the outside world and the municipality in general. Looking at a vivid vision, goals and business ideas, it's balanced scorecard in line with how a balanced scorecard should look like. The municipality has a strategic plan in terms of staff and employees at large. In the study, we have seen that the strategic plan is not followed up in a good way and for the business favorably, the municipality chooses the easy way out for evaluation. Employee participation to changes and ongoing human resources management feels nonexistent. However, as has been the vision of creating empowered and motivated employees. In our conclusion, we describe how we in our study look at the use of the balanced scorecard in municipal operations. We can also discern that a balanced scorecard as a tool for value creation and strategic work is good if it is used properly. In the study, we have concluded that the municipality we have chosen to study should not use the balanced scorecard when you have not created the tools and platforms required for employees, civil servants and politicians to evaluate, monitor and create a living scorecard change over time. The study reveals major shortcomings in the implementation, evaluation and follow-up possibilities, and the consequence of this is that the balanced scorecard is not - 4 - preferable in municipal operations as a strategic instrument for value creation and long-term planning.
Il presente elaborato si propone di analizzare la tematica della sostenibilità nella gestione della Supply Chain, con particolare attenzione alla misurazione delle performance attraverso indicatori KPI e modelli multidimensionali. Nella prima sezione, dopo un’introduzione sul tema dello sviluppo sostenibile, si offre una descrizione dello scenario attuale e degli approcci alla sostenibilità, evidenziandone i principi guida e le sfide future, mentre in seguito vengono analizzate le pressioni esercitate dagli stakeholder per l’implementazione di pratiche sostenibili. La seconda porzione dell’elaborato è incentrata sull’introduzione della sostenibilità nel Supply Chain Management, caratterizzandone l’evoluzione dalla tradizionale gestione della catena di fornitura e mettendone in luce opportunità e barriere. Successivamente, la terza parte si propone di entrare nel dettaglio in merito alle pratiche adottabili nella filiera finalizzate all’implementazione di un management sostenibile, proponendo un modello concettuale per l’analisi delle varie attività, dalla progettazione di prodotto fino alla logistica inversa. Un’ulteriore tematica approfondita è rappresentata dall’impatto di queste pratiche sostenibili sulle performance economiche aziendali, proponendo diversi approcci. Nell’ultima sezione dell’elaborato il focus è incentrato sulla misurazione delle performance di sostenibilità, dove ne vengono indagate opportunità e difficoltà, proponendo in seguito un modello teorico. Contestualmente vengono quindi esposti diversi KPI e modelli multidimensionali, i quali, con modalità e prospettive diverse, contribuiscono alla misurazione delle prestazioni di sostenibilità: in particolare viene fatto riferimento agli indici caratteristici del GRI e all’utilizzo combinato della balanced scorecard e dell’analytic hierarchy process.
Tämä työ tarkastelee toimitusketjussa käytettyjä kustannusjohtamismenetelmiä. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää mitkä menetelmät ovat useimmiten käytössä ja miten niiden käyttöä on tutkittu kirjallisuudessa. Työ on kirjallisuuskatsaus aiempaan tutkimukseen ja tiedonhaun perusteella pyritään luomaan mahdollisimman laaja kuva tutkituista ja käytössä olevista kustannusjohtamismenetelmistä toimitusketjussa. Työssä tarkasteltuja kustannusjohtamismenetelmiä toimitusketjuissa ovat toimintolaskenta, tavoitekustannuslaskenta, elinkaarikustannuslaskenta ja Balanced Scorecard. Työ esittelee näiden menetelmien teoriat ja tarkastelee niiden käyttötapoja toimitusketjuissa ja tutkittuja käyttökohteita työkaluille. Tutkimus kustannusjohtamismenetelmiin toimitusketjussa on hajanaista. Toimintolaskentaa ja tavoitekustannuslaskentaa on tutkittu laajasti, kun taas elinkaarikustannuslaskennan ja Balanced Scorecardin yleisiä malleja toimitusketjussa on tutkittu vähän ja menetelmien käyttö on tapauskohtaista.
El tema de los indicadores de gestión se ha venido convirtiendo en prioritario dentro del ámbito de las organizaciones. Las aproximaciones al tema van desde lo meramente instrumental hasta la inclusión de los indicadores como parte del tema estratégico. Una de las metodologías que liga los indicadores con el ejercicio estratégico es la de Cuadro de Mando Integral (Balanced Scorecard) que sugiere enlazar los indicadores con los objetivos estratégicos a través de relaciones causales. En este artículo se muestra, a través de un modelo de ejemplo, la potencialidad de la Dinámica de Sistemas como herramienta para establecer las relaciones causales entre indicadores, verificar la validez de las hipótesis subyacetes a dichas relaciones y mostrar la necesidad de establecer transacciones entre el logro de los objetivos asociados a diferentes indicadores.
La finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación es la elaboración de un plan estratégico para la empresa Ingeniería de Sistemas de Fluidos SAC para los siguientes tres años. Este plan se inicia analizando el entorno externo en el que se desempeña ISF SAC, tanto el entorno general como el entorno de la industria, de esta manera conocer las oportunidades y amenazas a las que se debe enfrentar la empresa. Una vez analizado el entorno externo, se realiza el análisis interno en el cual se evalúan las áreas funcionales así como la cadena de valor con la finalidad de obtener las fortalezas y debilidades de ISF SAC. Complementando estos resultados, se evalúan los recursos y capacidades para luego obtener la ventaja competitiva de la empresa y determinar la estrategia genérica. Una vez definida la estrategia genérica, se realiza el análisis de costos de los proyectos, por ser un aspecto crucial para el buen desempeño de la empresa en el largo plazo. Con esto, se puede proceder a determinar la misión, visión y objetivos estratégicos para ISF SAC, los cuales se tratarán de alcanzar siguiendo una estrategia de crecimiento adecuada y desarrollando planes funcionales para diferentes áreas de la empresa. La estrategia de crecimiento a emplearse se determina utilizando los métodos de la matriz FODA cruzada y la matriz PEYEA, cuyos resultados se analizan en la matriz cuantitativa de la planificación estratégica. Los cuatro planes funcionales (marketing, operaciones, recursos humanos y finanzas), detallan las acciones que se deben tomar para alcanzar los objetivos definidos previamente. El plan de responsabilidad social empresarial, complementa todos los resultados para establecer la importancia de las operaciones de la empresa dentro de la sociedad. Finalmente, se propone llevar el control de todos los aspectos antes mencionados utilizando el método del Balanced Scorecard donde se asignan los indicadores, metas y responsables de alcanzar los objetivos definidos. El trabajo finaliza con las conclusiones obtenidas así como recomendaciones para el futuro.