855 resultados para Automatic Data Processing.
首先应用Visual Basic 6.0计算机语言,根据我们所熟知的海洋重力数据的处理步骤和海洋重力测量规范内容,开发出一套海洋重力资料整理软件,以便能使资料整理工作成为一体化,提高工作效率,保证数据处理的准确性。应用该软件对南海某工区的实际重力资料进行了处理,得到了满意的处理结果,证明该软件使用方便,计算准确可靠,能够快速准确的处理采集到的重力数据。对数据处理结果进行了分析和应用。 通过分析Eötvös校正值与重力仪读数之间的变化关系,可以对重力仪的动态性能进行分析和评价。得到2级海况条件下重力仪的实际阻尼延迟时间约为60s,比厂方推荐的理论值(110s)更接近实际,有助于减小数据处理过程中的定位误差,提高测量精确度。通过对重力仪的灵敏性进行分析,验证重力仪在测量过程中的准确性和可靠性,为获得精确的数据提供可靠的保障。 对该套规则重力测网数据,分别采用60s阻尼延迟时间和110s阻尼延迟时间进行阻尼延迟校正,然后进行交点差计算和平差处理,得到的结果显示:采用60s阻尼延迟时间对数据进行阻尼延迟校正后得到的测量精度为1.40mGal,经过平差后的测量精度为0.77mGal;而采用110s阻尼延迟时间对数据进行阻尼延迟校正后得到的测量精度为1.62mGal,经过平差后的测量精度为0.96mGal。此结果验证了利用船只机动转向法确定海洋重力仪的实际阻尼延迟时间的必要性和应用价值。 最后,对宋文尧等人的平差方法和刘保华等人的最小二乘平差方法进行了分析比较,从推导原理和计算结果两方面证明了两种方法在规则海洋重力测网平差作用上是等效的。对于不规则重力测网平差,最小二乘平差方法具有强大的优势,且计算机程序运算实现方便。
本文在分析几种常用的基于编码器测速方法的基础上,提出了一种高性能的自适应速度测量方法。该方法选择一个可变的时间周期和编码器脉冲数来测量单位时间内的编码器脉冲数,再通过简单的计算得到转速的测量值。数字信号处理器(DSP)芯片集成有正交脉冲编码电路,并且数据处理速度快,实时性强。本文中提出的方法在电机控制专用DSP芯片TMS320 LF2407A上进行了实现。实验研究表明,可以在提高低速时的测速准确度的同时,提高系统的响应时间。该方法已经在自主研发的全数字伺服驱动系统中得到了成功应用。
根据心理物理学、神经生理学、认知神经学等学科在视觉认知领域的部分研究成果,结合机器视觉、图像处理领域在图像增强方面已经提出的一些方法,提出了结合先验知识的多窗口结构下的分块中值滤波方法,在每一个窗口内单独进行处理与分析,突出了视觉处理目的,减少了运算量, 节省数据存储空间,达到了令人满意的滤波效果,能够在原始图像比较复杂的情况下,较好地对其进行预处理,可以改善、提高后期图像处理过程,如图像分割、图像分析的正确性和有效性。
具有自主的全局定位能力是自主式移动机器人传感器系统的一项重要功能 .为了实现这个目的 ,国内外均在不断地研究发展各种定位传感器系统 .这里介绍了一种采用光学原理的全方位位置传感器系统 .该传感器系统由主动式路标、视觉传感器、图象采集与数据处理系统组成 .其视觉传感器和数据处理系统可安装在移动机器人上 ,然后可通过观测路标和视角定位的方法 ,计算出机器人在世界坐标系中的位置和方向 .实验证明 ,该系统可以实现机器人的在线定位 ,其采样速率和精度能够满足实用要求 .
本文介绍了一个基于 PSD 的机器人动态位置测量系统,描述了系统的构成,并对该系统中的标定方法,数据处理方法和为提高系统的性能所采取的硬件措施进行探讨,本系统通过长期考机和初步应用,表明了它具有良好的可靠性和有效性.
本文主要介绍用于图象数据处理的 CCD-微机系统。该系统使用电荷耦合器件(CCD)作为传感器,并与微型计算机连接,进行图象数据的采集和处理。系统还包括有光学系统、CCD 驱动控制线路、计算机 I/O 接口和应用软件。数据采集程序用汇编语言编写,数据处理和打印程序用 BASIC 语言编写,整个软件用BASIC 语言编写的程序管理。应用该系统曾对静止和运动物体尺寸进行过非接触测量,重复性很好。
With the Oil field exploration and exploitation, the problem of supervention and enhaning combination gas recovery was faced.then proposing new and higher demands to precision of seismic data. On the basis of studying exploration status,resource potential,and quality of 3D seismic data to internal representative mature Oil field, taking shengli field ken71 zone as study object, this paper takes advantage of high-density 3D seismic technique to solving the complex geologic problem in exploration and development of mature region, deep into researching the acquisition, processing of high-density 3D seismic data. This disseration study the function of routine 3D seismic, high-density 3D seismic, 3D VSP seismic,and multi-wave multi-component seismic to solving the geologic problem in exploration and development of mature region,particular introduce the advantage and shortage of high-density 3D seismic exploration, put forward the integrated study method of giving priority to high-density 3D seismic and combining other seismic data in enhancing exploration accuracy of mature region. On the basis of detailedly studying acquisition method of high-density 3D seismic and 3D VSP seismic,aming at developing physical simulation and numeical simulation to designing and optimizing observation system. Optimizing “four combination” whole acquisition method of acquisition of well with ground seimic and “three synchron”technique, realizing acquisition of combining P-wave with S-wave, acquisition of combining digit geophone with simulation geophone, acquisition of 3D VSP seismic with ground seimic, acquisition of combining interborehole seismic,implementing synchron acceptance of aboveground equipment and downhole instrument, common use and synchron acceptance of 3D VSP and ground shots, synchron acquisition of high-density P-wave and high-density multi-wave, achieve high quality magnanimity seismic data. On the basis of detailedly analysising the simulation geophone data of high-density acquisition ,adopting pertinency processing technique to protecting amplitude,studying the justice matching of S/N and resolution to improving resolution of seismic profile ,using poststack series connection migration,prestack time migration and prestack depth migration to putting up high precision imaging,gained reliable high resolution data.At the same time carrying along high accuracy exploration to high-density digit geophone data, obtaining good improve in its resolution, fidelity, break point clear degree, interbed information, formation characteristics and so on.Comparing processing results ,we may see simulation geophone high-density acquisition and high precision imaging can enhancing resolution, high-density seismic basing on digit geophone can better solve subsurface geology problem. At the same time, fine processing converted wave of synchron acquisition and 3D VSP seismic data,acquiring good result. On the basis of high-density seismic data acquisition and high-density seismic data processing, carry through high precision structure interpretation and inversion, and preliminary interpretation analysis to 3D VSP seismic data and multi-wave multi-component seismic data. High precision interpretation indicates after high resolution processing ,structural diagram obtaining from high-density seismic data better accord with true geoligy situation.
Attaining sufficient accuracy and efficiency of generalized screen propagator and improving the quality of input gathers are often problems of wave equation presack depth migration, in this paper,a high order formula of generalized screen propagator for one-way wave equation is proposed by using the asymptotic expansion of single-square-root operator. Based on the formula,a new generalized screen propagator is developed ,which is composed of split-step Fourier propagator and high order correction terms,the new generalized screen propagator not only improving calculation precision without sharply increasing the quantity of computation,facilitates the suitability of generalized screen propagator to the media with strong lateral velocity variation. As wave-equation prestack depth migration is sensitive to the quality of input gathers, which greatly affect the output,and the available seismic data processing system has inability to obtain traveltimes corresponding to the multiple arrivals, to estimate of great residual statics, to merge seismic datum from different projects and to design inverse Q filter, we establish difference equations with an embodiment of Huygens’s principle for obtaining traveltimes corresponding to the multiple arrivals,bring forward a time variable matching filter for seismic datum merging by using the fast algorithm called Mallat tree for wavelet transformations, put forward a method for estimation of residual statics by applying the optimum model parameters estimated by iterative inversion with three organized algorithm,i.e,the CMP intertrace cross-correlation algorithm,the Laplacian image edge extraction algorithm,and the DFP algorithm, and present phase-shift inverse Q filter based on Futterman’s amplitude and phase-velocity dispersion formula and wave field extrapolation theory. All of their numerical and real data calculating results shows that our theory and method are practical and efficient. Key words: prestack depth migration, generalized screen propagator, residual statics,inverse Q filter ,traveltime,3D seismic datum mergence