986 resultados para Anabrus simplex.
A mixed-valence complex, [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)]BF4 center dot H2O, where the ligand H(2)L1 = 2-{[[3-[((bis-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)methyl)-2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl](pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino]methyl]phenol}, has been studied with a range of techniques, and, where possible, its properties have been compared to those of the corresponding enzyme system purple acid phosphatase. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III and Fe-2(III) oxidized species were studied spectroelectrochemically. The temperature-dependent population of the S = 3/2 spin states of the heterovalent system, observed using magnetic circular dichroism, confirmed that the dinuclear center is weakly antiferromagnetically coupled (H = -2JS(1).S-2, where J = -5.6 cm(-1)) in a frozen solution. The ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions are correlated with density functional theory calculations. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex is electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-silent, except at very low temperatures (<2 K), because of the broadening caused by the exchange coupling and zero-field-splitting parameters being of comparable magnitude and rapid spin-lattice relaxation. However, a phosphate-bound Fe-2(III) complex showed an EPR spectrum due to population of the S-tot = 3 state (J= -3.5 cm(-1)). The phosphatase activity of the (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex in hydrolysis of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)phosphate (k(cat.) = 1.88 x 10(-3) s(-1); K-m = 4.63 x 10(-3) mol L-1) is similar to that of other bimetallic heterovalent complexes with the same ligand. Analysis of the kinetic data supports a mechanism where the initiating nucleophile in the phosphatase reaction is a hydroxide, terminally bound to Fe-III. It is interesting to note that aqueous solutions of [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)](+) are also capable of protein cleavage, at mild temperature and pH conditions, thus further expanding the scope of this complex's catalytic promiscuity.
The clinical use of topical photodynamic therapy in herpes simplex lesions in Sao Paulo is presented and discussed. Although previous attempts utilising this type of approach in the USA were discontinued in the early 1970s due to several presentations of post-treatment Bowen's disease, none of the cases from the clinic presented here have displayed any complications on follow-up. In addition, lesion recrudescence periods are generally much longer than with conventional approaches. This is thought to be due to improvements in the treatment protocol, viz, use of the non-toxic photosensitisers methylene blue and Hypericum perforatum extract in place of proflavine and neutral red in the original trials, differences in photosensitisation pathway and illumination of the treatment site with red rather than fluorescent/UV light. Post-treatment cosmesis is also excellent. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Auriculo-condylar syndrome (ACS) is characterized by typical ears malformation (so-called "question mark" ears), prominent cheeks, microstomia, and abnormality of the temporomandibular joint and condyle of the mandible. In this report we describe a new simplex case and a previously unreported family with affected individuals in three generations documenting clinical variability. Linkage study for markers located in candidate region for ACS1 (1p21.1-q23.3) was excluded in our familial case, reinforcing the hypothesis of genetic heterogeneity for this condition. A review of the literature focusing diagnostic criteria and features of ACS was performed. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desnsenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq)
Opportunistic and other infections have declined since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in developed countries but few studies have addressed the impact of HAART in HIV-infected children from developing countries. This study examines the prevalence and incidence of opportunistic and other infections in Latin America during the HAART era. Vertically HIV-infected children enrolled in a cohort study between 2002 and 2007 were followed for the occurrence of 29 targeted infections. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses were performed to calculate the prevalence of infections before enrollment and the incidence rates of opportunistic and other infections after enrollment. Comparisons were made with data from a U. S. cohort (PACTG 219C). Of the 731 vertically HIV-infected children 568 (78%) had at least one opportunistic or other infection prior to enrollment. The most prevalent infections were bacterial pneumonia, oral candidiasis, varicella, tuberculosis, herpes zoster, and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. After enrollment, the overall incidence was 23.5 per 100 person-years; the most common infections (per 100 person-years) were bacterial pneumonia (7.8), varicella (3.0), dermatophyte infections (2.9), herpes simplex (2.5), and herpes zoster (1.8). All of these incidence rates were higher than those reported in PACTG 219C. The types and relative distribution of infections among HIV-infected children in Latin America in this study are similar to those seen in the United States but the incidence rates are higher. Further research is necessary to determine the reasons for these higher rates.
Millions of people worldwide are currently infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). For this enormous contingent of people, the search for preventive and therapeutic immunological approaches represents a hope for the eradication of latent infection and/or virus-associated cancer. To date, attempts to develop vaccines against these viruses have been mainly based on a monovalent concept, in which one or more antigens of a virus are incorporated into a vaccine formulation. In the present report, we designed and tested an immunization strategy based on DNA vaccines that simultaneously encode antigens for HIV, HSV and HPV. With this purpose in mind, we tested two bicistronic DNA vaccines (pIRES I and pIRES II) that encode the HPV-16 oncoprotein E7 and the HIV protein p24 both genetically fused to the HSV-1 gD envelope protein. Mice i.m. immunized with the DNA vaccines mounted antigen-specific CD8⁺ T cell responses, including in vivo cytotoxic responses, against the three antigens. Under experimental conditions, the vaccines conferred protective immunity against challenges with a vaccinia virus expressing the HIV-derived protein Gag, an HSV-1 virus strain and implantation of tumor cells expressing the HPV-16 oncoproteins. Altogether, our results show that the concept of a trivalent HIV, HSV, and HPV vaccine capable to induce CD8⁺ T cell-dependent responses is feasible and may aid in the development of preventive and/or therapeutic approaches for the control of diseases associated with these viruses.
Programa de doctorado de Acuicultura: producción controlada de animales acuáticos.
Acto celebrado en la sala de grado de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, el 28 de junio de 2013, actuando como Presidenta María Candelaria Gil Rodríguez (Universidad de La Laguna), Secretaria Ascensión Viera Rodríguez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), vocales, José María Gorostiaga Garay (Universidad del País Vasco), Juan Luis Gómez Pinchetti (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) y Nathalie Korbee Peinado (Universidad de Málaga)
Mixed integer programming is up today one of the most widely used techniques for dealing with hard optimization problems. On the one side, many practical optimization problems arising from real-world applications (such as, e.g., scheduling, project planning, transportation, telecommunications, economics and finance, timetabling, etc) can be easily and effectively formulated as Mixed Integer linear Programs (MIPs). On the other hand, 50 and more years of intensive research has dramatically improved on the capability of the current generation of MIP solvers to tackle hard problems in practice. However, many questions are still open and not fully understood, and the mixed integer programming community is still more than active in trying to answer some of these questions. As a consequence, a huge number of papers are continuously developed and new intriguing questions arise every year. When dealing with MIPs, we have to distinguish between two different scenarios. The first one happens when we are asked to handle a general MIP and we cannot assume any special structure for the given problem. In this case, a Linear Programming (LP) relaxation and some integrality requirements are all we have for tackling the problem, and we are ``forced" to use some general purpose techniques. The second one happens when mixed integer programming is used to address a somehow structured problem. In this context, polyhedral analysis and other theoretical and practical considerations are typically exploited to devise some special purpose techniques. This thesis tries to give some insights in both the above mentioned situations. The first part of the work is focused on general purpose cutting planes, which are probably the key ingredient behind the success of the current generation of MIP solvers. Chapter 1 presents a quick overview of the main ingredients of a branch-and-cut algorithm, while Chapter 2 recalls some results from the literature in the context of disjunctive cuts and their connections with Gomory mixed integer cuts. Chapter 3 presents a theoretical and computational investigation of disjunctive cuts. In particular, we analyze the connections between different normalization conditions (i.e., conditions to truncate the cone associated with disjunctive cutting planes) and other crucial aspects as cut rank, cut density and cut strength. We give a theoretical characterization of weak rays of the disjunctive cone that lead to dominated cuts, and propose a practical method to possibly strengthen those cuts arising from such weak extremal solution. Further, we point out how redundant constraints can affect the quality of the generated disjunctive cuts, and discuss possible ways to cope with them. Finally, Chapter 4 presents some preliminary ideas in the context of multiple-row cuts. Very recently, a series of papers have brought the attention to the possibility of generating cuts using more than one row of the simplex tableau at a time. Several interesting theoretical results have been presented in this direction, often revisiting and recalling other important results discovered more than 40 years ago. However, is not clear at all how these results can be exploited in practice. As stated, the chapter is a still work-in-progress and simply presents a possible way for generating two-row cuts from the simplex tableau arising from lattice-free triangles and some preliminary computational results. The second part of the thesis is instead focused on the heuristic and exact exploitation of integer programming techniques for hard combinatorial optimization problems in the context of routing applications. Chapters 5 and 6 present an integer linear programming local search algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). The overall procedure follows a general destroy-and-repair paradigm (i.e., the current solution is first randomly destroyed and then repaired in the attempt of finding a new improved solution) where a class of exponential neighborhoods are iteratively explored by heuristically solving an integer programming formulation through a general purpose MIP solver. Chapters 7 and 8 deal with exact branch-and-cut methods. Chapter 7 presents an extended formulation for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TSPTW), a generalization of the well known TSP where each node must be visited within a given time window. The polyhedral approaches proposed for this problem in the literature typically follow the one which has been proven to be extremely effective in the classical TSP context. Here we present an overall (quite) general idea which is based on a relaxed discretization of time windows. Such an idea leads to a stronger formulation and to stronger valid inequalities which are then separated within the classical branch-and-cut framework. Finally, Chapter 8 addresses the branch-and-cut in the context of Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problems (GMSTPs) (i.e., a class of NP-hard generalizations of the classical minimum spanning tree problem). In this chapter, we show how some basic ideas (and, in particular, the usage of general purpose cutting planes) can be useful to improve on branch-and-cut methods proposed in the literature.
In dieser Dissertation stellen wir einen neuen Ansatz zurModellierungvon Polymersystemen vor. Es werden (von methodischer Seiteher) zweiautomatisierte Iterationschemata dazu eingeführt,Kraftfeldparametermesoskopischer Polymersysteme systematisch zu optimieren:DasSimplex-Verfahren und das Struktur-Differenzen-Verfahren. Sowerdendiejenigen Freiheitsgrade aus Polymersystemen eliminiert,die einehohe Auflösung erfordern, was die Modellierung größerersystemeermöglicht. Nach Tests an einfachen Flüssigkeiten werdenvergröberteModelle von drei prototypischen Polymeren (Polyacrylsäure,Polyvinylalkohol und Polyisopren) in unterschiedlichenUmgebungen(gutes Lösungsmittel und Schmelze) entwickelt und ihrVerhalten aufder Mesoskala ausgiebig geprüft. Die zugehörige Abbildung(vonphysikalischer Seite her) so zu gestalten, daß sie dieunverwechselbaren Charakteristiken jedes systems auf diemesoskopischeLängenskala überträgt, stellt eine entscheidende Anforderungan dieautomatisierten Verfahren dar. Unsere Studien belegen, daß mesoskopische Kraftfeldertemperatur- unddichtespezifisch sind und daher bei geändernden Bedingungennachoptimiert werden müssen. Gleichzeitig läßt sichabschätzen, beiwelchen Umgebungsbedingungen dies noch nicht notwendig wird.In allenFällen reichen effektive Paarpotentiale aus, einrealistischesmesoskopisches Modell zu konstruieren. VergröberteSimulationenwerden im Falle der Polyacrylsäure erfolgreich gegenexperimentelleLichtstreudaten getestet. Wir erzielen für Molmassen bis zu300000g/mol eine hervorragende Übereinstimmung für denhydrodynamischenRadius. Unsere Ergebnisse erklären auch Korrekturen zudessenVerhalten als Funktion der Kettenlänge ('Skalenverhalten'). Im Fallevon Polyisopren untersuchen wir sowohl statische als auchdynamischeGrößen und stellen klare Unterschiede unserer Ergebnisse zudeneneines einfachen semi-flexiblen Mesoskalenmodells fest. InderProteinforschung werden aus Datenbanken gewonnene effektivePaarwechselwirkungen dazu verwendet, die freie Energie einesneuensystems vorherzusagen. Wir belegen in einem Exkurs mittelsGittersimulationen, daß es selbst in einfachsten Fällennicht gelingt,dies auch nur qualitativ korrekt zu bewerkstelligen.
Um Cytotoxizität und Gentoxizität nukleosidischer Antiherpes-Virustatika zu untersuchen, wurden stabile CHO-Klone etabliert, die Thymidinkinase (TK) des Herpes simplex-Virus Typ 1 (HSV-TK) oder des Varicella zoster-Virus (VZV-TK) exprimieren. In HSV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde das Purinanalogon Ganciclovir (GCV) effizient in die genomische DNA eingebaut, worauf in den nächsten Replikationsrunden DNA-Strangbrüche und Aberrationen entstehen und Apoptose ausgelöst wird. GCV-induzierte Apoptose wird hauptsächlich über den mitochondrialen Weg vermittelt, wobei das anti-apoptotische Protein Bcl-2 im Mittelpunkt steht. Nach GCV-Behandlung konnte eine Caspase-9-vermittelte post-translationale Spaltung von Bcl-2 nachgewiesen werden. Das 23 kDa-großes Bcl-2-Fragment wirkt im Gegensatz zum intakten Bcl-2-Protein pro-apoptotisch und verstärkt die Cytochrom C-Freisetzung und damit die Aktivierung der Caspase-9, die Bcl-2 spaltet, was zu einem positiven 'Amplifikationsloop' des mitochondrialen apoptotischen Weges führt. In weiteren Experimenten wurde gezeigt, daß in die DNA inkorporiertes GCV durch Basenexzisionsreparatur repariert wird, wobei die DNA-Polymerase ß eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Diese Reparatur führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Apoptose und Klastogenität und damit zur Resistenzsteigerung gegenüber GCV. In VZV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde gezeigt, daß Brivudin (BVDU), gleichermaßen Apoptose und Nekrose induzierte. Für die BVDU-induzierte Cytotoxizität konnte die Hemmung der Thymidylatsynthetase als Ursache identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zur GCV-induzierten Apoptose war für die BVDU-induzierte Apoptose der Rezeptor (Fas/CD95/APO-1)-vermittelte Weg von vorrangiger Bedeutung.
Typing of Clostridium perfringens strains by PCR-based determination of toxin genes proved to be a reliable method for diagnosis of enterotoxaemia in various animal species. We report the establishment and validation of three real-time fluorogenic (TaqMan) multiplex PCRs for the detection of C. perfringens alpha-, beta-, beta2-, epsilon-, entero- and iota-toxin genes. The composition of the PCRs was chosen with regard to robustness of the assays and in order to increase sensitivity compared to the conventional simplex PCRs. The combination of probe dyes selected for the real-time assays (FAM/TAMRA, Cy-5/BHQ-2 and VIC/TAMRA) as well as the designation of the chromosome-borne alpha-toxin as internal positive control allowed the creation of highly specific and sensitive, as well as time and cost effective PCRs. One hundred and three strains of C. perfringens isolated in Switzerland derived from clinical or suspected cases of enterotoxaemia in 10 different animal species were tested. The toxin genotypes were in agreement in both the conventional PCRs and the newly designed multiplex PCRs. Furthermore, the real-time PCR carried out as simplex allows to quantitate the copy numbers of plasmid-borne toxin genes in relation to the chromosomally located alpha-toxin gene.
Linear programs, or LPs, are often used in optimization problems, such as improving manufacturing efficiency of maximizing the yield from limited resources. The most common method for solving LPs is the Simplex Method, which will yield a solution, if one exists, but over the real numbers. From a purely numerical standpoint, it will be an optimal solution, but quite often we desire an optimal integer solution. A linear program in which the variables are also constrained to be integers is called an integer linear program or ILP. It is the focus of this report to present a parallel algorithm for solving ILPs. We discuss a serial algorithm using a breadth-first branch-and-bound search to check the feasible solution space, and then extend it into a parallel algorithm using a client-server model. In the parallel mode, the search may not be truly breadth-first, depending on the solution time for each node in the solution tree. Our search takes advantage of pruning, often resulting in super-linear improvements in solution time. Finally, we present results from sample ILPs, describe a few modifications to enhance the algorithm and improve solution time, and offer suggestions for future work.
An extrusion die is used to continuously produce parts with a constant cross section; such as sheets, pipes, tire components and more complex shapes such as window seals. The die is fed by a screw extruder when polymers are used. The extruder melts, mixes and pressures the material by the rotation of either a single or double screw. The polymer can then be continuously forced through the die producing a long part in the shape of the die outlet. The extruded section is then cut to the desired length. Generally, the primary target of a well designed die is to produce a uniform outlet velocity without excessively raising the pressure required to extrude the polymer through the die. Other properties such as temperature uniformity and residence time are also important but are not directly considered in this work. Designing dies for optimal outlet velocity variation using simple analytical equations are feasible for basic die geometries or simple channels. Due to the complexity of die geometry and of polymer material properties design of complex dies by analytical methods is difficult. For complex dies iterative methods must be used to optimize dies. An automated iterative method is desired for die optimization. To automate the design and optimization of an extrusion die two issues must be dealt with. The first is how to generate a new mesh for each iteration. In this work, this is approached by modifying a Parasolid file that describes a CAD part. This file is then used in a commercial meshing software. Skewing the initial mesh to produce a new geometry was also employed as a second option. The second issue is an optimization problem with the presence of noise stemming from variations in the mesh and cumulative truncation errors. In this work a simplex method and a modified trust region method were employed for automated optimization of die geometries. For the trust region a discreet derivative and a BFGS Hessian approximation were used. To deal with the noise in the function the trust region method was modified to automatically adjust the discreet derivative step size and the trust region based on changes in noise and function contour. Generally uniformity of velocity at exit of the extrusion die can be improved by increasing resistance across the die but this is limited by the pressure capabilities of the extruder. In optimization, a penalty factor that increases exponentially from the pressure limit is applied. This penalty can be applied in two different ways; the first only to the designs which exceed the pressure limit, the second to both designs above and below the pressure limit. Both of these methods were tested and compared in this work.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to review the Chinese-language medical and dental literature from 1982 to 2008 on oral manifestations (OMs) of patients with HIV/AIDS for introducing the spectrum of OMs of the patients in China. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All data were extracted from 18 references which had used diagnostic criteria for HIV/AIDS. Four of the references had used the EC-Clearinghouse classification for oral lesions in HIV infection. The feasible overall rate and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of the data on OMs were calculated. RESULTS: Risk group analysis revealed that, of 203 patients, 64.3% were men and 35.7% were women (age range, 5 months to 64 years; mean age in three studies, 34.0, 34.3, and 36.1 years). Of these patients, 22.2% were infected by sexual contacts, 11.8% by intravenous drug use (IDU), 59.6% by blood or its products, 2.9% by mother to child transmission, and 3.4% were unclear. In 203 patients, oral candidiasis (OC) was the most common lesion (66%, 95%CI = 59.48-72.52%), followed by herpes simplex (HS) (22.2%, 95%CI = 16.48-27.92%), ulcerative stomatitis (14.8%, 95%CI = 9.92-19.68%), salivary gland disease (11.3%, 95%CI = 6.94-15.66%), oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) (9.8%, 95%CI = 5.71-13.89%), necrotizing gingivitis (5.9%, 95%CI = 2.66-9.14%), Kaposi's sarcoma (2.9%, 95%CI = 0.59-5.21%), other malignant tumors (2.9%, 95%CI = 0.59-5.21%), and linear gingival erythema (2.0%, 95%CI = 0.07-3.93%). CONCLUSIONS: The spectrum of OMs reported from China is similar to that described in the international literature. Present data are useful to supplement international resources of HIV/AIDS research.
We report the case of a 34-year old mother presenting in the emergency unit because of fever and odynophagia. Herpetic esophagitis with Herpes simplex virus primoinfection in a immunocompetent patient was diagnosed. The virus was transmitted by her own child which came to be hospitalised because of herpetic stomatitis. In the blood chemistry pancreas enzymes were elevated which we interpreted as herpetic pancreatitis because of coincidence with herpetic esophagitis.