984 resultados para 60-452
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Agronomic characteristics and commercial quality of popcorn maize cultivars. In order to identify popcorn cultivars that constitute a viable alternative For popcorn producers, an experiment was conducted using a randomized blocks experimental design with Five genotypes (BRS Angela, Zelia, IAC 112, IAC 12 and IAC TC-01) and four repetitions, during the 2003/2004 crop. The experiment was carried out with 60 cm spacing between lilies and density of 75 thousand plants per hectare. During the experiment, agronomic and commercial characteristics were evaluated, under field and laboratory conditions. The variety BRS Angela featured increased yield, followed by simple hybrids IAC, with Zelia (triple hybrid) showing lower yield. The simple hybrid IAC 12 showed the lowest commercial quality of popcorn. Grain production was positively associated with the number of grains per car and with the weigh of 1,000 grains, and negatively with the level of N(total) in grain. The commercial quality was negatively influenced by the weigh of 1,000 grains.
A indução de tolerância imunológica em situações altamente desejadas como no transplante e em doenças autoimunes permanece um grande desafio para pesquisa científica de tradução. Nesse contexto, o estudo das proteínas do choque térmico (HSPs) e seus peptídeos vêm trazendo informações relevantes sobre o controle da reposta imune. Dados da literatura mostram que alguns de seus peptídeos apresentam propriedades imunorreguladoras, como os peptídeos N3 e N7 da HSP60. Além disso, tem se mostrado que a apresentação de antígenos em contextos específicos por células dendríticas (DCs) pode favorecer o estabelecimento da tolerância imunológica. Dessa forma, o direcionamento dos peptídeos tolerogênicos da HSP60, N3 e N7, in vivo, para DCs, com o intuito de essas células apresentarem esses peptídeos em um contexto imunorregulador, pode induzir um estado de tolerância. Assim, nesse trabalho, tivemos como objetivo a produção de anticorpos (Acs) contra o receptor DEC-205 de DCs conjugados com os peptídeos N3 e N7 da HSP60. Esses Acs, ao se ligarem ao DEC-205 nas DCs, podem ser fagocitados, processados e por fim apresentados a células T em um contexto imunorregulador. Para tal, foram realizadas transfecções de células HEK-293T e CHO com plasmídeos codificando as cadeias leve e pesada dos respectivos Acs a fim de se obter essas proteínas recombinantes. Podemos observar que as células HEK apresentaram uma produção mais eficiente dos Acs quando comparadas com as células CHO (120 vs 30 ng/ml, respectivamente), apesar disso a produção dos Acs ficou abaixo do esperado impossibilitando a realização ensaios in vivo. Além disso, realizamos um ensaio de ligação do Ac anti-DEC-N7 a superfície de DCs e observamos que os Acs produzidos apresentam capacidade de se ligarem a superfície dessas células. Concluímos que os anticorpos recombinantes anti-DEC-205 são capazes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A determinação da composição corporal pode ser utilizada para evidenciar diversos fatores entre eles a dieta, o uso de drogas, a incidência de patologias, diferenças genética, nível de treinamento, gênero e idade. No modelo de natação para ratos a composição corporal pode ter um papel determinante na intensidade de exercício, uma vez que os animais utilizados podem apresentar diferentes densidades corporais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente projeto baseia-se na possibilidade de desenvolver uma equação para estimar o volume corporal de ratos sedentários a partir da relação linear entre peso e volume corporais (r=1,00) encontrada em estudos anteriores. Dessa forma, tornando prático e viável o uso da densidade corporal para precisa determinação da intensidade de exercício em estudos que utilizam a natação como ergômetro de exercício animal. Para isso serão utilizados 105 Rattus norvegicus albinus da linhagem Wistar, os quais serão avaliados em um estudo longitudinal que consiste em avaliações a cada 30 dias, a partir dos 60 até 240 dias de idade, para a determinação do volume corporal através de pesagens hidrostáticas, do índice de lee e análise da composição química da carcaça. Com isso, espera-se poder derivar uma equação para estimar o volume corporal dentro de toda a faixa de idade utilizada ou, no caso não seja encontrada uma relação linear entre peso e volume corporais entre ratos de diferentes idades, o desenvolvimento de várias equações para estimar o volume corporal em faixas etárias. Além disso, a composição química da carcaça dos mais será determinada na tentativa de validar o método de pesagem hidrostática e buscar eventuais correlações entre os parâmetro corporais (volume corporal, peso corporal, índice de lee e densidade) e os componentes de gordura, massa magra, água e proteína dos animais
This monograph object of analysis is the agriculture modernization in Brazil between 1960 and 1980, highlighting the discussion of the economic and politic ideas around the Brazilian agrarian question. The first parte presents an introduction about this issue and the theoretical positions, as well as social and economic implications for the development of the productive forces on rural areas. Nevertheless, reflections of its development to the economy as a whole, highlighting the way the income distribution and concentration was realized. On the second part its presented the agriculture modernization Project on the centralized militar government point of view, by the propositions of that time Agriculture Minister, Antônio Delfim Netto. The approach is made through the proposals precreeded by the Rural Worker Statute and the Land Statute, before the Military Coup, with its news counterpoints settled in law by the Agriculture Modernization Project installed in 1964; the concessions of funding grants and subsidized credits; the relationship between the authoritarian State and the militarization of the land conflicts. The third part deals with the salary dinamics, income and profit on the modernized rural economy created by the agroindustrial productions system. Lastly the conclusion cross the economic and social results of the agrarian question evolution, to the Brazilian agriculture modernization on income distribution
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The developed research aims to analyze clippings of Petrobras' commemorative 60th anniversary campaign, entitled Gente, é o que inspira a gente., launched in 2013, using concepts of institutional advertising from the perspective of semiotics. The company was chose due to its traditionalism and strength within and outside the country, being one of the 20 largest in the world. During the study, it will be covered topics such as organizational communication and institutional advertising. From analyzing three parts of the Campaign, which aims to influence public opinion about the organization, associating her concepts or images that benefit the way Petrobras is seen. To analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the campaign, it was chosen as methodological method, the semiotic studies of Charles Peirce, with his concepts of firstness, secondness and thirdness. This approaching intention of its audience is clear in this campaign not only with the participation of employees and signs that compose it, but also with the dissemination of information about the company, such as history, data, policies, methods and services provided, transmitting effectively its essence as a company, through its mission, vision and explicit and implicit values in messages
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of three plant growth inhibitors on the development and emission of floral rachis of Saint Augustine grass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntzel] plants. The study was carried out in a 15 month old lawn with the experimental plots being distributed in accordance with a complete randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of sole application of trinexapac-ethyl (113, 226, 452, 678, and 904 g ai ha(-1)), prohexadione-calcium (100 and 200 g ai ha(-1)), and bispyribac-sodium (40 and 60 g ai ha(-1)) plus a check treatment in which the plants were not submitted to any of the plant growth inhibitors. The effects of those products were evaluated in terms of visual signs of plant intoxication, plant height, emission and height of floral rachises, and chip total dry matter production. All the plant growth inhibitors resulted in visible injury to the plants but these intoxication signs practically disappeared 28 days after the application. Trinexapac-ethyl at the dose of 904 g ai ha(-1) reduced plant height by 59.7%, the emission of floral rachis by 96.4%, and the amount of chip dry matter production by 87.7%. Plant growth inhibitors may reduce the number of times of lawn plants cutting up to 119 days after their application with no harmful effects on the plants visual aspect.
Objectives: To evaluate bone healing in an experimental radial ostectomy in dogs treated with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP), through histological, densitometric, radiographic studies, as well as expression of growth factors in the ostectomy gap. Methods: Twenty-one dogs were randomly divided into either a control or a PRP group. All underwent unilateral ostectomy of the radius to generate a gap of 2.0 mm, that was stabilized with external skeletal fixation. The ostectomy gap was either filled with PRP or left empty as a control. The radiographic and densitometric studies were performed after surgery, then at intervals until 60 days during the post-surgery period. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations were performed at seven or 60 days post-surgery. Analyses were performed using a statistical analysis system, and the level of significance was set at p <0.05. Results: The median radiographic healing score in the PRP group increased significantly between day 0 and day 60. Furthermore, at 60 days, the median healing score and the proportion of healed ostectomies in the control group (score 1; 1/6 healed) and the PRP group (score 5; 4/5 healed) were significantly different. There were differences between groups in radiographic and densitometric values at days 45 and 60. The histological evaluation showed advanced bone healing at 60 days in the PRP group and signs of delayed union in the control group. Clinical relevance: Platelet-rich plasma can be used as an adjuvant therapy because it may promote better bone healing of a radial ostectomy treated with external skeletal fixation in dogs.
Tifton 419' bermudagrass cultivar [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] is the most preferred turfgrass for sportive, commercial and residential lawns. On similar species, such as Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica, gibberellic acid-inhibiting plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to decrease mowing frequency. A very limited research has been reported yet on the PGRs regarding seasonal effects of single vs. multiple applications of these products on turfgrass quality and clipping production on South America. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sequential applications of different plant growth inhibitors during re-growth and flower rachis emission of 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass. The treatment pattern includes an initial application followed by one sequential application at 14 days intervals, according to the following: prohexadione-calcium at 100+100 or 200+200 g a.i. ha-1, bispyribac-sodium at 40+40 or 60+60 g a.i. ha-1, trinexapac-ethyl at 113+113, 226+113, 226+226, 452+113, 452+226, 452+452, 678+0 or 904+0 g a.i. ha-1, and untreated control. The treatment effect was evaluated based on measurements of visual injury, height of plants, height and number of flower rachis, and clipping total dry mass production. The results showed that only bispyribac-sodium provided visual injury on 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass, but the symptoms quickly tend towards zero at 21 days after second application (DASA). 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass greens could be better handle by sequential application of trinexapac-ethyl, or prohexadione-calcium or bispyribac-sodium, once the height of plants, seedhead emission and total clipping dry mass reduction were over than 37%, 91% and 88%, respectively, for a period up to 60 DASA.
Boletim elaborado pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
The South Carolina Federal Feminist Credit Union Records consists of a charter, newspaper clippings, photographs, statements, minutes, correspondence, memoranda and brochures relating to the creation and early history of the Credit Union, the first of its kind in the Southeast and the tenth one established in the nation. The Credit Union dissolved on September 1, 1977.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a relação da síndrome metabólica (SM) com o nível socioeconômico, hábitos comportamentais, condições de saúde, antecedentes familiares de morbidades e áreas de residência. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal. A amostra aleatória foi constituída por usuários de duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da cidade de São Paulo - Jardim Comercial (UBS1) e Jardim Germânia (UBS2) -, totalizando 452. Para o diagnóstico de SM utilizou-se o critério do Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (NCEP-ATP III). Na avaliação antropométrica foram aferidas medidas de peso, estatura, circunferências abdominal e do quadril. Foi utilizado questionário geral para obtenção de dados sociodemográficos, socioeconómicos, antecedentes familiares e pessoais de morbidades, hábitos comportamentais como tabagismo, etilismo e nível de atividade física. Foi estabelecida associação entre as variáveis explicativas de interesse e SM, empregando-se a regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Na UBS1, o percentual de SM foi de 56,1% e na UBS2, de 34,0%. Houve associação direta e significativa entre SM e idade, sexo feminino, cor, tabagismo, etilismo, nível de atividade física, estresse e antecedentes familiares de doença cardíaca e de diabetes mellitus. A escolaridade apresentou associação inversa: morar no bairro de menor nível socioeconómico aumentou a chance de SM. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que as morbidades que compõem a SM são um grave problema de saúde pública nessa população.
Novel water-soluble decacationically armed C-60 and C-70 decaiodide monoadducts, C-60- and C-70[>M(C3N6+C3)(2)], were synthesized, characterized, and applied as photosensitizers and potential nano-PDT agents against pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells. A high number of cationic charges per fullerene cage and H-bonding moieties were designed for rapid binding to the anionic residues displayed on the outer parts of bacterial cell walls. In the presence of a high number of electron-donating iodide anions as parts of quaternary ammonium salts in the arm region, we found that C-70[>M(C3N6+C3)(2)] produced more HO center dot than C-60[>M(C3N6+C3)(2)], in addition to O-1(2). This finding offers an explanation of the preferential killing of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria by C-60[>M(C3N6+C3)(2)] and C-70[>M(C3N6+C3)(2)], respectively. The hypothesis is that O-1(2) can diffuse more easily into porous cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria to reach sensitive sites, while the less permeable Gram-negative bacterial cell wall needs the more reactive HO center dot to cause real damage.