903 resultados para 340206 International Economics and International Finance
Los precios de transferencia ocupan el interés de los Estados en el mundo actual al constituir uno de los retos fundamentales del Derecho Internacional Tributario. En el seno de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), creada en 1961, se discutieron y desarrollaron diversas propuestas para regular el fenómeno. Estas, se materializaron en Modelos de Convenios Tributarios e instrumentos de soft law, que hoy en día constituyen los principios internacionalmente aceptados en la materia. Las Guías de la OCDE sobre precios de transferencia para empresas multinacionales y administraciones tributarias son el cuerpo normativo de soft law que se erigen, en el Ordenamiento Internacional, como el norte de las legislaciones a nivel interno para efectos de regulación de dicha temática. Su adopción por parte de los países miembros y no miembros de la OCDE se enfrenta a problemas teóricos derivados del quebrantamiento del decantado principio de reserva de ley tributaria y el respeto por la seguridad jurídica, razón por la cual su incorporación ha variado de Estado a Estado. El presente trabajo recoge la experiencia en varios países europeos y latinoamericanos y pretende proponer una fórmula de adopción en Colombia, coherente con los principios constitucionales tributarios y con virtualidad de superar las críticas realizadas por la doctrina a la aplicación directa de las Guías.
El presente trabajo desarrolla un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general dinámico y estocástico (DSGE), con el fin de analizar los efectos macroeconómicos que se derivan de simular un choque positivo al componente estocástico de la productividad del sector minero-energético. Este hecho genera un aumento generalizado de los salarios en el sector formal y en el recaudo tributario, incrementando el consumo total de los miembros del hogar. Esto genera un incremento del precio de los bienes no transables relativo al precio de los bienes transables, disminuyendo la tasa de cambio real (apreciación) y provocando un desplazamiento de los recursos productivos, desde el sector transable (manufacturero) al no-transable, seguido de un aumento en el PIB y empleo formal de la economía. Esto hace que el sector formal agregado absorba trabajadores desde el sector informal a través del subsector formal no-transable, lo que disminuye el PIB informal. En consecuencia, el consumo neto de los miembros informales disminuye, lo que incentiva a que algunos miembros del hogar no se empleen en el sector informal y prefieran quedarse desempleados. Por lo tanto, el resultado final sobre el mercado laboral es una disminución de los trabajadores informales, de los cuales una parte se encuentra en el sector formal, y la parte restante está en condición de desempleo.
Este documento presenta los resultados del componente cuantitativo de la evaluación del Programa de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de Ciudadanía (PESCC) del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (MEN). Para identificar el efecto, la estrategia empírica explota la variación en la implementación del componente pedagógico del PESCC entre los colegios y la variación en el componente de fortalecimiento institucional del programa a nivel departamental. El principal hallazgo de este trabajo es que el PESCC mejora las prácticas docentes de planeación y los conocimientos de los estudiantes en servicios en salud sexual y reproductiva y en derechos humanos sexuales y reproductivos. No hay efectos significativos en otros índices de Conocimientos, Actitudes o Prácticas (CAP) de profesores o estudiantes.
We study the role of natural resource windfalls in explaining the efficiency of public expenditures. Using a rich dataset of expenditures and public good provision for 1,836 municipalities in Peru for period 2001-2010, we estimate a non-monotonic relationship between the efficiency of public good provision and the level of natural resource transfers. Local governments that were extremely favored by the boom of mineral prices were more efficient in using fiscal windfalls whereas those benefited with modest transfers were more inefficient. These results can be explained by the increase in political competition associated with the boom. However, the fact that increases in efficiency were related to reductions in public good provision casts doubts about the beneficial effects of political competition in promoting efficiency.
Previous research has shown that often there is clear inertia in individual decision making---that is, a tendency for decision makers to choose a status quo option. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate two potential determinants of inertia in uncertain environments: (i) regret aversion and (ii) ambiguity-driven indecisiveness. I use a between-subjects design with varying conditions to identify the effects of these two mechanisms on choice behavior. In each condition, participants choose between two simple real gambles, one of which is the status quo option. I find that inertia is quite large and that both mechanisms are equally important.
Attitudes toward risk influence the decision to diversify among uncertain options. Yet, because in most situations the options are ambiguous, attitudes toward ambiguity may also play an important role. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of ambiguity on the decision to diversify. I find that diversification is more prevalent and more persistent under ambiguity than under risk. Moreover, excess diversification under ambiguity is driven by participants who stick with a status quo gamble when diversification among gambles is not feasible. This behavioral pattern cannot be accommodated by major theories of choice under ambiguity.
The present essay is based on a lecture delivered on the 25 August 2011 at the KIMEP (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research). Its principal aim is to explore the relationship between international law and nationalism, whilst arguing that both concepts cannot be viewed as two separate and self-contained realities, but should rather be considered in light of their mutual interaction. The external actions of a nation are reflected internally. Similarly, its internal actions have external repercussions. In this work, such consequences are examined in a nation-state with an authoritarian structure as opposed to those found in a democratic nation-state. Additionally, the concept of nationalism is studied in its variant forms in both these contexts, leading to the premise that an aggressive and expansionist nation-state is unlikely to be guided by a constitution that places a high value on democracy and freedom. A nation which does not respect the liberties of its own nationals will undoubtedly disrespect other States and their nationals, and vice-versa. This begs the question: should international law be irresponsive and neutral in these cases? Although briefly, this work also discusses a personalist or individualist type of nationalism by exploring its foundations and advantages and, consequently, postulating its legitimacy and compatibility with the underlying tenets of international law.
Um olhar breve para a história financeira internacional denota que, em períodos de crise ou até mesmo de depressão das principais economias mundiais, os investidores tendem a proteger os seus investimentos, muito para além dos usuais activos financeiros, como o caso das acções, obrigações, entre outros. A principal razão para tal é que, em termos empíricos, verifica-se que estes activos referidos apresentam uma elevada volatilidade, especialmente em momentos de grande turbulência nos mercados financeiros, em virtude da incerteza quanto ao futuro das economias mundiais. Assim sendo, a presente investigação realiza uma análise em torno da previsão de volatilidade dos activos associados a arte e, assim, pretende comparar com a volatilidade existente em torno dos índices ou mercados financeiros. Para tal, serão adoptados os modelos de heterocedasticidade condicional, com a finalidade de previsão de volatilidade marginal ou incondicional. A análise efectuada baseou-se na comparação da volatilidade marginal dos índices S&P 500 e DJ Euro Stoxx 50, representativos dos activos financeiros, face à volatilidade marginal das principais empresas (Christie´s e Sotheby´s) e do principal índice de arte (ArtPrice Global Index), representativos dos activos associados à arte. Os resultados evidenciam uma diferença significativa entre as volatilidades marginais ou incondicionais previstas, resultando numa menor volatilidade prevista incondicional dos activos de arte face aos activos financeiros.
Este artigo tem por objetivo chamar a atenção para o despontar de várias situações de grande incerteza e elevado grau de risco que afetam o sistema mundial e que os velhos poderes democráticos persistem em ignorar. Essas situações provêm essencialmente de três fatores altamente desestabilizadores: primeiro a existência de países em que toda uma elite corrupta, totalitária e didatorial se instalou e procura perpetuar-se no poder, com a geração de grandes focos de miséria e do aumento do grassar da fome; segundo a execução de uma política intransigente, arrogante e agressiva da parte de Pequim, a qual se tem refletido em evidentes apoios económicos e militares a Estados considerados como irracionais ou fomentadores do atual desestabilização nas áreas política e dos mercados internacionais; e terceiro na evidente instabilidade que se verifica em África pelas razões mencionadas, continente que a Europa não deve nem pode ignorar. Conclui-se com a necessidade premente de Portugal se tornar um Estado mais forte, de maior solidez e credibilidade, que lhe permita reconquistar o lugar a que tem direito nos níveis superiores de hierarquização das Potências no interior do Sistema mundial.
In the UK there is widespread support from Government, media and consumers for local food networks. These have the potential to provide a more sustainable supply chain and are well suited to the unique production and consumption characteristics of horticultural products. In terms of food marketing, local food is in its relative infancy and is still without any formal definition. This lack of clarity hampers research activities. Although the profile of local food buyers and their expectations has been explored, our knowledge of its social, economic and environmental aspects is minimal. This research contributes by exploring the structure and scope of local food activities in the UK in terms of profiling those specialised retail outlets who provide consumers with the opportunity to purchase locally grown horticultural products.
Reduced flexibility of low carbon generation could pose new challenges for future energy systems. Both demand response and distributed storage may have a role to play in supporting future system balancing. This paper reviews how these technically different, but functionally similar approaches compare and compete with one another. Household survey data is used to test the effectiveness of price signals to deliver demand responses for appliances with a high degree of agency. The underlying unit of storage for different demand response options is discussed, with particular focus on the ability to enhance demand side flexibility in the residential sector. We conclude that a broad range of options, with different modes of storage, may need to be considered, if residential demand flexibility is to be maximised.
In this paper, we examine the temporal stability of the evidence for two commodity futures pricing theories. We investigate whether the forecast power of commodity futures can be attributed to the extent to which they exhibit seasonality and we also consider whether there are time varying parameters or structural breaks in these pricing relationships. Compared to previous studies, we find stronger evidence of seasonality in the basis, which supports the theory of storage. The power of the basis to forecast subsequent price changes is also strengthened, while results on the presence of a risk premium are inconclusive. In addition, we show that the forecasting power of commodity futures cannot be attributed to the extent to which they exhibit seasonality. We find that in most cases where structural breaks occur, only changes in the intercepts and not the slopes are detected, illustrating that the forecast power of the basis is stable over different economic environments.
One reason for the recent asset price bubbles in many developed countries could be regulatory capital arbitrage. Regulatory and legal changes can help traditional banks to move their assets off their balance sheets into the lightly regulated shadows and thus enable regulatory arbitrage through the securitized sector. This paper adopts a global vector autoregression (GVAR) methodology to assess the effects of regulatory capital arbitrage on equity prices, house prices and economic activity across 11 OECD countries/ regions. A counterfactual experiment disentangles the effects of regulatory arbitrage following a change in the net capital rule for investment banks in April 2004 and the adoption of the Basel II Accord in June 2004. The results provide evidence for the existence of an international finance multiplier, with about half of the countries overshooting U.S. impulse responses. The counterfactual shows that regulatory arbitrage via the U.S. securitized sector may enhance the cross-country reallocation of capital from housing markets towards equity markets.