949 resultados para 1200
Turun yliopiston arkeologian oppiaine tutki Raision Ihalan historiallisella kylätontilla, ns. Mullin eduspellolla, asuinpaikan, josta löydettiin maamme oloissa harvinaisen hyvin säilyneitä rakennusten puuosien jäännöksiä. Löytö on ainutlaatuinen Suomen oloissa ja sillä on kansainvälistäkin merkitystä, koska hyvin säilyneet myöhemmän rautakauden ja varhaisen keskiajan maaseutuasuinpaikat, joista tavataan puujäännöksiä, ovat harvinaisia erityisesti itäisen Itämeren piirissä. Rakennukset on ennallistettu käyttäen tiukkaa paikallisen analogian (’Tight Local Analogy’) metodia, erityisesti suoraa historiallista analogista lähestymistapaa. Tätä tarkoitusta varten muodostettiin aluksi arkeologinen, historiallinen ja etnografinen lähdemalli. Tämä valittiin maantieteellisesti ja ajallisesti relevantista tutkimusaineistosta pohjoisen Itämeren piiristä. Tiedot lounaisen Suomen rakennuksista ja rakennusteknologiasta katsottiin olevan tärkein osa mallia johtuen historiallisesta ja spatiaalisesta jatkuvuudesta. Lähdemalli yhdistettiin sitten Mullin arkeologiseen aineistoon ja analyysin tuloksena saatiin rakennusten ennallistukset. Mullista on voitu ennallistaa ainakin kuusi eri rakennusta neljässä eri rakennuspaikassa. Rakennusteknologia perustui kattoa kannattaviin horisontaalisiin pitkiin seinähirsiin, jotka oli nurkissa yhdistetty joko salvoksella tai varhopatsaalla. Kaikissa rakennuksissa ulkoseinän pituus oli 5 – 7 metriä. Löydettiin lisäksi savi- ja puulattioita sekä kaksi tulisijaa, savikupoliuuni ja avoin liesi. Runsaan palaneen saven perusteella on mahdollista päätellä, että katto oli mitä todennäköisimmin kaksilappeinen vuoliaiskatto, joka oli katettu puulla ja/tai turpeella. Kaikki rakennukset olivat samaa tyyppiä ja ne käsittivät isomman huoneen ja kapean eteisen. Kaikki analysoitu puu oli mäntyä. Ulkoalueelta tavattiin lisäksi tunkioita, ojia, aitoja ja erilaisia varastokuoppia. Rakennukset on ajoitettu 900-luvun lopulta 1200-luvun lopulle (cal AD). Lopuksi tutkittiin rakennuksia yhteisöllisessä ympäristössään, niiden ajallista asemaa sekä asukkaiden erilaisia spatiaalisia kokemuksia ja yhteyksiä. Raision Ihalaa analysoidaan sosiaalisen identiteetin ja sen materiaalisten ilmenemismuotojen kautta. Nämä sosiaaliset identiteetit muodostuvat kommunikaatioverkostoista eri spatiaalisilla ja yhteisöllisillä ta¬soilla. Näitä eri tasoja ovat: 1) kotitalous arjen toimintoineen, perhe ja sukulaisuussuhteet traditioineen; 2) paikallinen identiteetti, rakennus, rakennuspaikka, asuinpaikan ympäristö ja sen käyttö, (maa)talo ja kylä; 3) Raision Ihalan kylä laajemmassa alueellisessa kontekstissaan pohjoisen Itämeren piirissä: kauppiaiden ja käsityöläisten kontaktiverkostot, uskonnollinen identiteetti ja sen muutokset.
The construction and analytical evaluation of a coated graphite-epoxy electrode sensitive to the zinc-1,10-phenantroline complex based on the [Zn(fen)3][tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate]2 incorporated into a poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) matrix are described. A thin membrane film of this ion-pair, dibutylphthalate (DBPh) and PVC were deposited directly onto an electrically conductive graphite-epoxy support located inside a Perspex® tube. The best PVC polymeric membrane contains 65% (m/m) DBPh, 30% (m/m) PVC and 5% (m/m) of the ion-pair. This electrode shows a response of 19.5 mV dec-1 over the zinc(II) concentration range of 1.0 x 10-5 to 1.0 x 10-3 mol L-1 in 1,10-phenantroline medium, at pH 6.0. The response time was less than 20 seconds and the lifetime of this electrode was more than four months (over 1200 determinations by each polymeric membrane). It was successfully used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric precipitation titration of zinc(II) ions.
Electron stimulated ion desorption (ESID) and degradation studies of polypyrrole doped with dodecylsulfate (PPy/DS) deposited on FTO were performed using time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) for ion analysis. The results suggest a strong contribution from fragments of the dodecylsulfate hydrocarbon chain to the mass spectra. In the 650-1500 eV energy range the ion yield curves show maxima at about 600, 1200 and 1400 eV, which can be related to carbon, nitrogen and oxygen-containing fragments, respectively, and interpreted in terms of the Auger Stimulated Ion Desorption (ASID) mechanism. Degradation studies indicate rapid loss of heavier hydrocarbons and an increase of bulk and substrate fragments. Some degradation profiles suggest formation of new species.
The synthesis of the ceramic pigment Victoria Green (Ca3Cr2Si3O12 ) is described. As raw materials CaCO3, Cr2O3, and SiO2 obtained from rice husk were used. Borax was used as mineralizer. Raw materials were formulated stoichiometrically and calcined from 1000 to 1200 ºC for 180 min. The main phase detected was uvarovite with particle size below 45 mm. The pigments were applied on ceramic tiles and sintered at 1150 ºC for 40 min. The synthesis process showed to be adequate to produce the green pigment, whose characteristics resemble those of a commercial pigment.
Samples of shells of oysters and mussels from sea farm around the Santa Catarina Island in south Brazil were collected and analyzed by DRX, FRX, SEM, CHN-S, FTIR, TG, AAS/Flame and AAS /GF. The results showed that the crystalline structure of mussel's shells is mainly formed by aragonite and the oyster's shells by calcite. The calcium percentage in both shells species was in the range of 33 to 35% and also 850 and 1200 mg/kg of strontium was detected in the shells of oysters and mussels, respectively. The content of organic matter was larger in the mussel's shells and the thermal degradation of both shells species occurred by three events at different temperatures from 250 to 830 ºC.
Invocatio: G.A.
Automotive catalyst, using in Brazil since 1992, is a essential technology for vehicular emissions control. Noble metals are the active phase of these catalysts, and cerium zirconium mixed oxides (CZ), responsibles for the oxygen storage capacity (OSC), one of the most important aspect for the operational performance of the catalyst. In this context, the oxireduction properties analysis of CZ and Pd/CZ (palladium supported in CZ) system are the objective of this study, as well as, the impact of the thermal aging in the OSC. Aging consisted of treatments at 900 or 1200 °C, for 12 or 36 h, in oxidizing condition.
In May 1950 a trip was undertaken by the ships "Baependi" and "Vega" to the Trindade Island - 20º30'S and 29º20'W - Approximately 1200 km off the coast of Espirito Santo State. This scientific expedition was realized by the iniciative of the Minister J. A. Lins de Barros. In this expedition the supervisor of the oceanographic works was Prof. W. Besnard, the director of the São Paulo Oceanographic Institute. He brougth home 42 samples of water for study, collected upon the insular terrace of the island, referring to the 15 established stations - see table I - with depths varying between 0 m and 115 m. The physical and chemical properties of them are to be seen on table II. The results obtained were compared with those of the German Expedition to the South Atlantic, 1925/27 ("Meteor"), observed at the stations 157-158-159-163 of profile VI and 168-169-170 of profile VII. The mean results obtaneid by the boats "Baependi" and "Vega" are represented on table IV. We constructed vertical sections - I to VI - of each group of Stations, showing the slope of the insular shelves and, in a general manner, the distribution of salinity. We made also longitudinal section - E, M, I - involving the island and corresponding, respectively, to the groups of stations, the farthest, nearest and intermediary ones. As the number of samples received is reduced and consequently the data obtained are few, no conclusions could be deduced. We made only a commentary supposing that the predominating waters surrounding the island are the same as those coming from the mentioned stations on Profile VI, marked by the "Meteor". No indication authorizes the supposition that waters of the Brazil Current or those of Profile VII of the "Meteor" reach the Trindade Island. On the contrary, its waters must be warm and salted to which Albert Defant (Die Troposphaere, Wiss. Erg. D. Atl. Exp. "Meteor" Band VI, 1 Tel Lief. 3, Berlin, 1936) has referred, as the island is located very near to the limits of the perspective diagram of warm water circulation pointed out. (Kieler Meeresforschungen, Inst. Meereskunde, Universit. Kiel, Band VII, Heft 1, S 24, 1950).
A aplicação de um eletrodo sensível a íons H3O+, obtido pelo recobrimento de um eletrodo de grafite com uma membrana polimérica contendo PbO2 incorporado em uma matriz de PVC (PbO2-PVC), como eletrodo indicador em titulações coulométricas de neutralização, foi investigada. As leituras dos potenciais foram feitas usando o eletrodo indicador de PbO2-PVC e para comparação dos resultados foi usado um eletrodo de vidro combinado (EVC). As curvas de titulação monitoradas com o eletrodo de PbO2-PVC apresentaram características semelhantes àquelas monitoradas com o EVC e os tempos de equivalência obtidos foram concordantes a um nível de confiança de 95%. O eletrodo de PbO2-PVC apresentou resposta linear no intervalo de pH 2 a 12 com inclinação de Nernst de -57,6 ± 0,1 mV/pH (r= 0,9998), sendo o tempo de resposta deste eletrodo bem menor do que aquele obtido com o EVC. O eletrodo de PbO2-PVC é de fácil construção, possui baixo custo e tempo de vida útil superior a 4 meses, equivalente a (pelo menos 1200 determinações por membrana polimérica).
O propósito deste trabalho foi determinar os parâmetros cinéticos de decomposição térmica para uma amostra de propelente base simples e base dupla. Os dados obtidos pela calorimetria exploratória diferencial foram ajustados para o modelo cinético de pseudo-primeira ordem de Flynn, Wall e Ozawa. Os respectivos parâmetros obtidos foram: BS REX 1200 (Ea) (2,3 ± 0,2) 10² kJ mol-1 e (A) 1,34 10(25) min-1; BD-111 (Ea) (1,6 ± 0,1) 10² kJ mol-1 e (A) 3,31 10(17) min-1. O espectro de infravermelho da amostra de propelente base dupla indicou a presença de salicilato, justificando o comportamento de decomposição observado na respectiva curva térmica.
Estudou-se a eficiência do meio semi-seletivo desenvolvido para Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum (Xam) do algodoeiro, com algumas modificações, na detecção de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) em sementes de feijoeiro, bem como a eficiência do fungicida tolylfluanid na erradicação de Xap através do tratamento de sementes. Foram utilizadas sementes naturalmente infectadas por Xap, procedentes de diferentes municípios do Estado do Paraná. Houve o desenvolvimento de colônias bacterianas ao redor das sementes infectadas sob meio semi-seletivo entre seis e 12 dias de incubação. A freqüência de recuperação de colônias da bactéria em relação ao meio Agar nutriente (AN) variou entre 30 a 112%. O crescimento de Xap foi inibido a concentrações entre 54 a 1500 ppm do fungicida tolylfluanid. A bactéria foi recuperada das sementes não tratadas em meio semi-seletivo, mas não das sementes tratadas em solução do fungicida tolylfluanid (1,20g/L água). Em casa de vegetação, das 400 sementes tratadas com tolylfluanid não foi produzida nenhuma planta com sintomas da doença até 30 dias após a semeadura, enquanto que 9,75% das sementes não tratadas apresentaram sintomas de Xap. Em um outro experimento, das 1200 sementes não tratadas um total de 7,08% e 11,67% das plantas mostraram-se com sintomas da doença, enquanto que das sementes tratadas 0,5% e 2,4% apresentaram sintomas, 26 e 46 dias após a semeadura, respectivamente.
Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää Proto 10 kemikaalisekoittimen kyky dispergoida kaasua keskisakean valkaistun mäntysellun joukkoon. Työssä käytettiin kuvantamistekniikkaa, jonka avulla pystyttiin näkemään sekoittimen ja putkiston sisälle sekoitustapahtuman aikana. Muodostunutta dispersiota tarkasteltiin kolmesta kuvauspisteestä, joista yksi sijaitsi sekoittimen pesässä ja kaksi putkistossa sekoittimen jälkeen. Työssä verrattiin myös laboratoriosekoittimella saatuja tuloksia teollisen mittakaavan sekoittimella saatuihin tuloksiin, sekä määritettiin tarvittava pinta-aktiivisen aineen konsentraatio, jolla saavutettiin ruskeaa massaa vastaava vaahtoaminen. Työn kokeellinen osuus koostui kolmesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin ruskeasta mänty- ja koivumassasta lingotun suodoksen vaahtoamista ja verrattiin sitä vedellä ja pesuaineella saatavaan vaahtoon. Toisessa vaiheessa suoritettiin referenssiajot laboratoriosekoittimen ja teollisen mittakaavan sekoittimen vertailua varten Quantum Mark IV laboratoriosekoittimella. Kolmannessa vaiheessa tutkittiin Proto 10 sekoittimen kykyä dispergoida kaasua mäntysellun joukkoon eri pyörimisnopeuksilla ja virtaamilla. Työn tuloksien perusteella energiankäytön kannalta paras pyörimisnopeus Proto 10 sekoittimelle on 1500 min-1. Nostamalla kierrosnopeutta yli tämän ei saavutettu merkittävää parannusta dispersion laadussa varsinkaan suuremmilla virtaamilla. Virtaamalla todettiin olevan suuri merkitys sekoitustulokseen. Laboratoriosekoittimella tehtyjen kokeiden todettiin vastaavan parhaiten teollisen mittakaavan tuloksia pyörimisnopeudella 1200 min-1.
1870/08/21 (Numéro 1200).
Planting densities influence several aspects of forest formation, including management practices, timber yield, quality, and extraction, and consequently its production costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate Mimosa caesalpiinifolia and Gliricidia sepium growth as a function of planting density (400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 plants ha-1) and plant age. The species were evaluated every 90 days for plant height (PH), crown diameter (CD) and root collar diameter (RCD) (10 cm above the ground), with the first evaluation performed at 90 days and the last at 720 days. When plants were one year of age and beyond, evaluations were conducted also for stem diameter at breast height (DBH) (1.30 m above the ground). A randomized block design with split-plots and three replicates was adopted. Species were assigned to plots, planting densities were assigned to subplots, and evaluation ages were assigned to subsubplots. The four traits in both species had their values decreased as planting density increased, but continually increased as plant age increased. For PH and RCD there was an alternation between species superiority, with gliricidia being superior to sabiá at some ages, while the opposite occurred at other ages. As to CD the species only differed in the last measurement, gliricidia being superior. With regard to DBH, gliricidia was superior starting from the second measurement. There was an effect of the species × ages interaction for the four traits and also an effect of the densities × ages interaction for CD and DBH.