996 resultados para amphibole olivine


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This dissertation describes the igneous suites of the Japi granitoid pluton, intrusive in the Paleoproterozoic gneiss-migmatite complex of the eastern domain of the Seridó Belt, northeastern Brazil. Field relations show that the pluton is affected by strong deformation associated to the Brasiliano orogeny (known as the D3 phase) , with a NW-trending extensionalleft-hand senestral shear zone (the Japi Shear Zone, JSZ) bordering the intrusive body to the west. Four plutonic suites are found in the main pluton and as satellyte intrusions, besides Iate pegmatite and pink leucogranites. An alkaline granitoid suite, dominated by syenogranites bearing sodic augite (and subordinate hornblende), define a main elliptical intrusion. In its northern part, this intrusion is made up by concentric sheets, contrasting with a smaller rounded stock to the south. These granites display a pervasive solid-state S>L fabric developed under high T conditions, characterized by plastic deformation of quartz and feldspar. It is especially, developed along the border of the pluton, with inward dips. A regular magmatic layering is present sometimes, parallel to the tectonic foliation. The syntectonic emplacement as regards to the Brasiliano (D3) event is indicated by the common occurrence of dykes and sheets along transtensional or extensional sites of the major structure. Field relations attest to the early emplacement of the alkaline granites as regards to the other suites. A basic-to-intermediate suite occurs as a western satellyte body and occupying the southern tail of the main alkaline pluton. It comprises a wide variety of compositional terms, including primitive gabbros and gabbro-norites, differentiated to monzonitic intermediate facies containing amphibole and biotite as their main mafic phases. These rocks display transitional high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinities. Porphyritic monzogranite suítes commonly occur as dykes and minor intrusives, isolated or associated with the basic-tointermediate rocks. In the latter case, magma mingling and mixing features attest that these are contemporaneous igneous suites. These granites show K-feldspar phenocrysts and a hornblende+biotite+titanite assemblage, displaying subalkaline/monzonitic geochemical affinities. Both suites exhibit SL magmatic fabrics overprinting or transitional to solid-state D3 deformation related to the JSI. Chemical data clearly show that they are related to different parental magmas. Finally, a microgranite suite occurs along a few topographic ridges paralell to the JSI. It comprises dominantly granodiorites with a mineralogy similar to the one of the porphyritic granitoids. However, discriminant diagrams show their distinct calc-alkaline affinity. The granodiorites display an essencially magmatic fabric, even though an incipient D3 solid-state structure may be developed along the JSI. Intrusion relationships with the previous suites, as well as regards to the D3 structures, point to their Iate emplacement. All these suites are intrusive in a Paleoproterozoic, high-grade gneiss-migmatite complex affected by two previous deformation phases (D1, D2). The fabrics associated with these earlier events are folded and overprinted by the younger D3 structures along the JSZ. The younger deformation is characterized by NE-dipping foliations and N/NE-plunging stretching lineations. In the JSZ northern termination the foliation acquires an ENE orientation, containing a stretching lineation plunging to the south. Symmetric kinematic cri teria developed at this site confirms the transpressional termination of the JSZ, as also shown by orthorrombic quartz c-axis patterns. E-W-trending d extra I shear zones developed in the central part of the JSZ are interpreted as antithetic structures associated to the transtensional deformation along the JSZ. This is consistent with its extensional-transcurrent kinematics and a flat-and-ramp geometry at depth, as shown by gravimetric data. The lateral displacement of the negative residual Bouguer anomalies, as regards to the main outcropping alkaline pluton, may be modelized by other deeper-seated granite bodies. Based on numerical modelling it was possible to infer two distinct intrusion styles for the alkaline pluton. The calculated model values are consistent with an emplacement by sheeting for the northern body, as already suggested by satellyte imagery and field mapping. On the other hand, the results point to a transition towards a diapir-related style associated to the smaller. southern stock. This difference in intrusion styles may relate to intensity variations and transtensional sites of the shear deformation along the JSZ. Trace element and Sr and Nd isotopes of the alkaline granites are compatible with their derivation trom a more basic crustal source, as compared to the presently outcropping highgrade gneisses, with participation (or alternatively dominated by) of an enriched lithospheric mantle component. Like other igneous suites in the Seridó Belt, the high LlL contents and fractionated REE patterns of the basic rocks also point to an enriched mantle as the source for this kind of magmatism. Geochemical and isotope data are compatible with a lower crustal origin for the porphyritic granites. On the basis of the strong control of the JSZ on the emplacement of lower crustal (porphyritic and alkaline granites) or lithospheric mantle (basic rocks, alkaline granites or a component of them) magmas, one may infer a deep root for this structure, bearing an important role in magma extraction, transport and emplacement in the Japi region, eastern domain of the Seridó Belt


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The study area is located at the eastern-central portion of the Seridó Belt, on the interface between the Seridó Group Metasediments and the crystalline basement rocks of the Caicó Complex (RN). Petrographic and geochemical data allow us to define aspects related to the genesis and evolution of the Serra Verde Pluton magmas, which composes the goal of this dissertation The Serra Verde Pluton is a stock with outcropping area of about 25 km², which is intrusive into metasedimentary sequence and the basement gneisses. The pluton intrusion is sintectonic to the Brasiliano event, elongated along the NE direction, developing a cornue geometry. The rock is a monzogranite mainly composed by K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, which usually compose more than 85% of the modal analisys. The main mafic mineral is the biotite, while amphibole, sphene, epidote, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite occur as accessory minerals. It features still a latemagmatic paragenesis composed by chlorite, granular epidote, carbonates and muscovite, developed through the percolation of late CO2 and H2O rich fluids. Chemically, the Serra Verde Pluton rocks may be classified as metaluminous, of calc-alkaline affiliation, sometimes showing trondhjemític characteristics, with high Na2O (>4,5%), Sr (>400ppm) and Ba (>800ppm) and low K2O (&#8804;3,0%), MgO (<1,0%), TiO2 (<0,5%), Rb (<90ppm), Y (&#8804;16ppm) and Zr (&#8804;13ppm). Micropetrographic evidences (mineral assembly and microtextures) indicate that the magma evolution occurred in moderated to high fO2 conditions, above the FMQ buffer. Thermo-barometric data obtained by minor elements geochemistry and the CIPW data, suggest a final/minimal pressure crystallization for the Serra Verde Pluton samples of about 3 to 5 kbar, liquidus temperature around 800o C, solidus temperature between 680o and 660o C. This data is compatible with those observed by many authors for the Neoproterozoic granites of the Seridó Belt. The group of analyzed data (Petrographic, microtextural and geochemical), suggests that the dominant process of the generation and evolution of the Serra Verde Granite magma was the fractional crystallization, probably from basement quartz-dioritic and tonalitic orthogneisses source


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The of Serrinha plutonic suite, northeastern portion of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil), is characterized by a voluminous and diversified magmatism of Neoproterozoic age, intrusive in the Archean to Paleoproterozoic gneissic-migmatitic basement of the São José de Campestre massif. Field relations and petrographic and geochemical data allowed us to individualize different lithologic types among this plutonic suite, which is represented by intermediate to mafic enclaves, porphyritic diorites, porphyritic granitoids, porphyritic granodiorites, microporphyritic granites and dykes/sheets of microgranite. The intermediate-to-mafic enclaves occur associated with porphyritic granitoids, showing mixture textures. The porphyrytic diorites occur as isolated bodies, generally associated with intermediate-to-mafic enclaves and locally as enclaves within porphyritic granites. The granodiorites represent mixing between an intermediate to mafic magma with an acidic one. The micropophyritic granites occur as isolated small bodies, generally deformed, while the microgranite dykes/sheets crosscut all the previous granitoids. A U-Pb zircon age of 576 + 3 Ma was obtained for the Serrinha granite. This age is interpreted as age of the peak of the regional ductile deformational event (D3) and of the associated the E-W Rio Jacu shear zone, which control the emplacement of the Neoproterozoic syntectonic plutons. The porphyrytic granitoids show monzogranitic composition, transitional between peraluminous and metaluminous types, typically of the high potassium subalkaline-calc-alkaline series. The intermediate-to-mafic enclaves present vary from quartz diorite to tonalite/granodiorite, with metaluminous, shoshonitic affinity. The diorites are generally quartz-monzodiorite in composition, with metaluminous, subalkaline affinity. They display coarse-grained, inequigranular, porphyrytic texture, with predominance of plagioclase phenocrystals immersed in a matrix composed of biotite and pyroxenes. The microporphyrytic granites are essentially monzogranites of fine- to medium-grained texture, whereas microgranite dikes/sheets varying from monzogranites to syenogranites, with fine to media texture, equigranular. The diversified magmatism occurring at a relatively small surface associated with shear zones, suggests lithospheric dimensions for such structures, with magma extractions from different depths within the lower crust and upper mantle. The geological, geochemical and geochronological characteristics of the Serrinha plutonic suite suggest a pos-collisional geodynamic context for the Neoproterozoic magmatism. Thermobarometric data show emplacement conditions in the range 5-6 kbar (AlTamphibole) and 730-740°C (plagioclase-amphibole) for the porphyrytic granitoids (Serrinha body) and the intermediate-to-mafic enclaves


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A subduction complex composed of ocean floor material mixed with arc-derived metasediments crops out in the Elephant Island group and at Smith Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with metamorphic ages of 120-80 Ma and 58-47 Ma? respectively. Seven metamorphic zones (I-VII) mapped on Elephant Island delineate a gradual increase in metamorphic grade from the pumpellyite-actinolite facies, through the crossite-epidote blueschist facies, to the lower amphibolite facies. Geothermometry in garnet-amphibole and garnet-biotite pairs yields temperatures of about 350 degrees C in zone III to about 525 degrees C in zone VII. Pressures were estimated on the basis of Si content in white mica, Al2O3 content in alkali amphibole, Na-M4/Al-IV in sodic-calcic and calcic amphibole, Al-VI/Si in calcic amphibole, and jadeite content in clinopyroxene. Mean values vary from about 6-7.5 kbar in zone II to about 5 kbar in zone VII. Results from the other islands of the Elephant Island group are comparable to those from the main island; Smith Island yielded slightly higher pressures, up to 8 kbar, with temperatures estimated between 300 and 350 degrees C. Zoned minerals and other textural indications locally enable inference of P-T-t trajectories, all with a clockwise evolution. A reconstruction in space and time of these P-T-t paths allows an estimate of the thermal structure in the upper crust during the two ductile deformation phases (D-1 & D-2) that affected the area. This thermal structure is in good agreement with the one expected for a subduction zone. The arrival and collision of thickened oceanic crust may have caused the accretion and preservation of the subduction complex. In this model, D-1 represents the subduction movements expressed by the first vector of the clockwise P-T-t path, D-2 reflects the collision corresponding to the second vector with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure, and D-3 corresponds to isostatic uplift accompanied by erosion, under circumstances of decreasing temperature and pressure.


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The iron ores of Alegria mine are composed of itabirites enclosing minor bodies of high-grade ores. The itabirites are classified according to mineralogical composition in five types: martite-rich, goethite-rich, specularite-rich, magnetite-rich and anphibolite-rich ores. The hematites are martite-rich, magnetite-rich, specularite-rich and more rarely, amphibolite-rich. Other classification criteria of the ores are based on the physical properties and the degree of compaction. As such, the itabirites and hematites can be classified as hard, friable and soft types. The mineralogical/textural evolution of the ores is linked to the pressure and temperature conditions that accompanied the tectonic processes in anphibolite facies and the different degrees of subsequent surficial weathering processes. Petrographic and microstructural studies indicate that the magnetite and amphibole bearing itabirites represent the parent rocks that created the other itabirites and that the specularite itabirites and the hard martite types are related to silica dissolution and redeposition in zones of high and low strain. Most of itabirites ores correspond to chert oxide facies banded iron formation, except the goethite and amphibole bearing itabirite that resemble a silicate or oxide-silicate facies with minor carbonate impurities. The great mass and pods of soft martite itabirites are probably shaley oxide facies BIFs with little volcanic contribution. Trace element contents of the Alegria's itabirites show strong dissimilarities with BIFs associated with volcanism (Algoma type), but closely ressemble to the Lake Superior type, with high content in Cr, Co and low V, Ni, Cu and Zn. Although the absolute contents of REE present in the Alegria's itabirites are, in general very low, the pattern when normalised by NASC is similar to the great majority of the Archean and Paleoproterozoic BIFs elsewhere in the world, and characterised by positive Eu anomaly.


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The basalts of the Formação Serra Geral in Parana Basin in the Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso states cover an area of 180,000 km2. They rest on the Botucatu sandstones and they are recovered by the sedimentary rocks of Bauru and Caiuá Groups. The mineralogical composition of these rocks are plagioclase (40%-55%), clinopyroxenes (19%-40%; augite and pigeonite), opaque minerals (2%-10%; magnetite and ilmenite) and olivine (1.5%). Geochemical data show two different types of basalts, named ATi-Pitanga (2.6% < TiO2 < 4.2%; 396 ppm < Sr < 438 ppm) and BTi-Ribeira (1.7% TiO2 <2.4%, 246 ppm < Sr < 286 ppm). In general, ATi-Pitanga have gently higher La/Yb(n) (6,1 ± 1,5ppm) than those BTi-Ribeira (5.6 ± 1,7ppm). The geochemical differences between ATi-Pitanga and BTi-Ribeira probably are related to different degrees of partial melt of a same mantle source, or to different mantle sources. The field relations show that BTi-Ribeira is displaced towards the north-western margin of the Paraná Basin and the thickness of lava flows increases towards the Paraná Graben, suggesting that ATi-Pitaga overlies BTi-Ribeira.


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Metaultramafic bodies tectonically emplaced within the metasedimentary sequence of the Araxá Group are associated with an ophiolitic melange in southeast Goiás. In the region of Crominia - Mairipotaba, they occur as lenticular bodies aligned E-W. Cumulate textures and geochemical data indicate that the parent rocks had harzburgitic to dunitic compositions. Relicts of primary crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene are suggestive of amphibolite facies metamorphic re-equilibration fabrics, even though the paragenesis and mineral associations of these metaultramafic rocks are typical of greenschist facies (T < 550°C and P = 5.5 kbar). The chromitites exhibit massive to breccioid structure and pull-apart texture, with chromite crystals around 0.5 mm in size. Chromite concentrations in the chromitite levels reach 70 to 85% by volume of the rock. The crystals are dispersed in the matrix, which is composed essentially of serpentine, and subordinately of chlorite and talc. The textures and geochemical data (Cr 2O 3 x TiO 2 and Mg x Cr ratios present in the chromitite) are similar to those observed in ophiolitic complexes. Hence, they correspond to allochthonous bodies (Alpine type) associated with an ophiolitic mélange.


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At the Pontalina region, the Magmatic Arc of Goiás is constituted by orthogneisses, metasediments, metaultramafics and metamafic/metabasics, geochemically related to island arcs. Mineral assemblages related to metamorphic peak observed in the study area are typically of the amphibolite facies and were generated before or during the initial stage of the development of the main foliation (S n). Thermobarometric data show the P and T conditions for the amphibole + plagioclase and plagioclase + garnet + amphibole assemblages in the metamafic/metabasic rocks correspond to amphibolite facies (medium to upper grade), and plot in the kyanite stability field. The results indicate that the metamorphic peak (M1) in the amphibolite facies (medium up to upper grade) reached temperatures slightly higher than 700°C, not exceeding 775°C, under conditions of medium pressure (∼10 kbar). Thermobarometric and petrographic data, related to the metamorphism, indicate a clockwise P-T path for the surrounding rocks.


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In the Morrinhos region, Goiás state, Brazil, the rocks of the Araxá Group have mineral assemblages related to the metamorphic peak which occurred in this region and is typical of the amphibolite facies (kyanite zone). These rocks are associated with the initial stage of the main ductile deformation that occurred in this area. Thermobarometric calculations, including the associations, garnet + plagioclase + biotite + muscovite; garnet + plagioclase +biotite + muscovite + kyanite; garnet + plagioclase + biotite + muscovite + amphibole, with quartz in excess, indicate that the metamorphic peak occurred at temperatures of approximately 610°C and pressures in the order of 10 kbar. The P-T path is probably clockwise and is in agreement with the tectonic conditions observed in collisional settings.


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This paper aims to present the results of petrographic and lithochemical studies obtained in one of the three artifacts, which fell on the farm Buritis in Buritizal County in August 1967, which were collected and stored until the present by reporter Saulo Gomes. The petrographic analysis showed that the artifact is composed by spherical and irregular chondrules with serial granulometry and size averaging around 1 mm and the largest reaching about 6 mm in diameter. The chondrules are made of olivine, ortho and clinopyroxene, crystallite glass, nickel iron alloy and troillite (kamacite and/or taenite/tetrataenite) and inter chondrules glassy material occurs in association with troillite, nickel and other alloy iron-based compounds. The lithochemical data show excellent correlation with the C chondrite, noting only small differences above or between them. The study made it possible to classify the artifact as type L3 and L4 ordinary chondrite.


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This paper is a contribution for the understanding of the geological evolution of Guaxupé Complex. New data on petrography and mineral chemistry as well as estimates of metamorphic (P-T) conditions in the region of Arceburgo - Santa Cruz do Prata (MG) Brazil, at the southern portion of the Brasília Belt, more specifically at the Guaxupé Complex (Domain) are now presented. The lithotypes are high-grade metamorphic rocks subdivided into two groups: metasediments and granulites (orthoderivates). Chemical analysis of minerals was performed in three steps including core and rim of amphibole, pyroxene, feldspar, biotite, and garnet from samples of the following rock types: enderbites, mafic granulites, charnockites, and alkali feldspar charnockites. Results obtained with geothermobarometric calculations show metamorphic peak around 900°C of T and 10 kbar of P. Enderbites and tonalite granulites (mafic) show the highest values of temperature and pressure, while alkali feldspar charnockites show the lowest probably due to their late generation in relation to mafic rock types (enderbites and mafic tonalite granulite). Chemical mineral analysis in metamorphic parageneses and geothermobarometric calculations indicate that the possible metamorphic peak may be higher than 900°C of temperature and around 10 kbar of pressure, within a isothermal decompression (ITD) regime.


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In the S - SW region of Goiás State, Brazil, the Araxá Group is constituted of a metasedimentary sequence containing schistose and gneissic (garnet-biotite-quartz schists, feldspatic garnet-biotite-quartz schists, garnet-biotite-quartz paragneisses, with muscovite and locally amphibole, epidote, kyanite and staurolite. This sequence presents intercalations of metaul-tramafc rocks (serpentinite, actinolite schist, talc schist, chlorite schist), metamafc ones (amphibolite, amphibole schist containing or not garnet, garnet amphibolite) and associated granitic bodies. Chemically, the Araxá Group metasediments present peraluminous composition, showing enrichment in LILE, when compared with HFSE and REE, and displaying negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti. Their chemical composition is that of greywake and the chemical characteristics of the sediments are generated in magmatic arcs. Isotopic data for Sm/Nd - model ages (TDM) between 1,04 - 1,51 and 1,76 - 2,26 Ga - and U/Pb (predominance of zircon with ages < 900 Ma) suggest that these metasediments have Neoproterozoic rocks as the source rocks. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of the studied metasediments suggest that their source are rocks originated in magmatic arcs and that they were deposited in a fore arc basin developed in the margins of Neoproterozoic island arcs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Depósitos albianos da bacia de São Luís-Grajaú, antigamente conhecidos apenas em subsuperfície como â˜Unidade Indiferenciadaâ do Grupo Itapecuru, foram recentemente encontrados ao longo do rio Itapecuru, na parte leste desta bacia. São argilitos avermelhados, esverdeados a cinzas, arenitos estratificados e maciços e subordinadamente calcários, interpretados como depósitos de delta progradante para ENE/E e ESE e conectado a uma plataforma restrita. Para determinar a proveniência de arenitos albianos, foram coletadas 18 amostras para estudos de minerais pesados (fração 0,062-0,125 mm) usando-se microscópio petrográfico convencional e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Os arenitos foram classificados como quartzo-arenito moderadamente a bem selecionado, cimentado por dolomita, cujos principais minerais pesados são zircão (4-70%), granada (12-74%), turmalina (3-20%), estaurolita (1-9%), rutilo (1-8%) e barita (0-55%), enquanto cianita, anatásio (autigênico), anfibólio (hornblenda), andaluzita, sillimanita, espinélio e ilmenita ocorrem raramente. A maioria dos grãos é irregular angulosa, mas grãos bem arredondados, particularmente de turmalina e zircão, também estão presentes. Texturas superficiais incluem fraturas conchoidais, marcas de percussão em V e pequenos buracos, estes últimos em grãos arredondados de turmalina e zircão, enquanto feições de corrosão estão principalmente presentes em barita (cavidades rômbicas), cianita, estaurolita (superfície mamilar) e granada (facetas bem formadas por dissolução). Grãos de zircão, com texturas de zoneamento oscilatório e razões U/Th ⥠0,5 e Zr/Hf média de 29, indicam proveniência de granitos e migmatitos, enquanto os tipos de turmalina, determinados como dravita e shorlita, são oriundos, principalmente, de metapelitos e metapsamitos aluminosos e/ou pobres em Al, com menor contribuição de granitos e rochas meta-ultramáficas. As granadas, por sua vez, são ricas em almandina e têm baixos teores dos componentes de espessartita, grossulária e piropo. Suas fontes potenciais são rochas metamórficas de baixo a médio grau e granitos. Com base em análises de minerais pesados e progradação do sistema deltaico para ENE/E e ESE, as áreas mais prováveis como fontes potenciais de arenitos albianos são o cráton São Luís, os cinturões neoproterozóicos Araguaia e Gurupi, bem como a bacia paleozóica do Parnaíba, esta fornecendo sedimentos de grãos arredondados.