939 resultados para water source
Reasons for performing study: The distance travelled by Australian feral horses in an unrestricted environment has not previously been determined. It is important to investigate horse movement in wilderness environments to establish baseline data against which the movement of domestically managed horses and wild equids can be compared. Objectives: To determine the travel dynamics of 2 groups of feral horses in unrestricted but different wilderness environments. Methods: Twelve feral horses living in 2 wilderness environments (2000 vs. 20,000 km2) in outback Australia were tracked for 6.5 consecutive days using custom designed, collar mounted global positioning systems (GPS). Collars were attached after darting and immobilising the horses. The collars were recovered after a minimum of 6.5 days by re-darting the horses. Average daily distance travelled was calculated. Range use and watering patterns of horses were analysed by viewing GPS tracks overlaid on satellite photographs of the study area. Results: Average distance travelled was 15.9 ± 1.9 km/day (range 8.1–28.3 km/day). Horses were recorded up to 55 km from their watering points and some horses walked for 12 h to water from feeding grounds. Mean watering frequency was 2.67 days (range 1–4 days). Central Australian horses watered less frequently and showed a different range use compared to horses from central Queensland. Central Australian horses walked for long distances in direct lines to patchy food sources whereas central Queensland horses were able to graze close to water sources and moved in a more or less circular pattern around the central water source. Conclusions: The distances travelled by feral horses were far greater than those previously observed for managed domestic horses and other species of equid. Feral horses are able to travel long distances and withstand long periods without water, allowing them to survive in semi-arid conditions.
The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesises an inverse U-shaped relationship between a measure of environmental pollution and per capita income levels. In this study, we apply non-parametric estimation of local polynomial regression (local quadratic fitting) to allow more flexibility in local estimation. This study uses a larger and globally representative sample of many local and global pollutants and natural resources including Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) emission, CO2 emission, CO2 damage, energy use, energy depletion, mineral depletion, improved water source, PM10, particulate emission damage, forest area and net forest depletion. Copyright © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Os diversos tipos de lançamentos de cargas poluidoras podem tornar a qualidade da água inadequada para os usos benéficos previstos. Entre as causas desta queda na qualidade da água, pode-se citar a eutrofização. O grau de trofia pode ser estimado através da utilização de índices, destacando-se o Índice do Estado Trófico desenvolvido por Carlson (1977) e o Índice do Estado Trófico desenvolvido por Carlson, modificado por Toledo et al. (1984). O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo analisar a variação espaço-temporal entre o período de 1980 a 2008, a fim de verificar o estado trófico das águas da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (RJ) e do Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá (RJ), através do uso destes índices. As variáveis utilizadas foram clorofila-a, transparência da água e fósforo total, e para o IETm, foi acrescido a variável ortofosfato dissolvido. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que tanto a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, quanto o Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá estão classificados como ambientes hipereutróficos no índice de Carlson e como eutróficos no índice modificado por Toledo. Entretanto, estes corpos dágua encontram-se em fases distintas. Para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, foi observada uma melhora na qualidade de suas águas nas últimas décadas, já para o Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá, foi constatado uma piora significativa da qualidade de suas águas, principalmente nesta última década. A aplicação dos índices do estado trófico demonstrou-se uma ferramenta de avaliação do grau de trofia dos corpos dágua bastante prática, de fácil interpretação e divulgação dos dados obtidos a partir de um monitoramento sistemático
Com o desenvolvimento da espécie humana, a sociedade humana passou demandar quantidades cada vez maiores de diversos elementos naturais, principalmente a água. Por estar presente em uma pequena quantidade no planeta (3%), com relação a toda hidrosfera, as águas disponíveis para consumo humano (Ex: Mananciais) são as que mais sofrem com a ação antrópica. A degradação destes recursos se dá por fatores como: poluição, desperdício e falta de políticas públicas sobre conservação dos recursos hídricos. Buscando a implementação de estratégias para a melhor gestão dos recursos hídricos, a utilização de águas pluviais como fonte hídrica alternativa, ganha importância diante desse cenário. Além de uma fonte hídrica de fácil acesso em muitas regiões (com média anual de precipitação em 1589 mm na região da Tijuca Alerta Rio, 2013), estudos demonstram que sua qualidade permite sua utilização em atividades não potáveis, resultando na economia de águas que são tratadas e destinadas para consumo humano. Visando colaborar com as questões expostas anteriormente, a presente dissertação de mestrado buscou avaliar a qualidade das águas de chuva em uma determinada região e os fatores que possam interferir na qualidade das águas pluviais, como: tipo de material da superfície de captação, proximidade a focos de poluição atmosférica e período de estiagem antecedente ao evento pluviométrico. Para tal tarefa, foi instalado um sistema de captação de águas pluviais no Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira, localizado no bairro do Rio Comprido, região norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os parâmetros físico-químicos para qualidade da água pH, turbidez, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, sólidos totais dissolvidos, potencial de oxi-redução e condutividade foram analisados com o auxílio da sonda multiparâmetro. Ao correlacionar a presença de sólidos na água de chuva com os períodos de estiagem, verificou-se que quanto maior o período de seca, maior a quantidade de sólidos nas amostras. Com relação aos marcos regulatórios (Portaria 2914/2011, MS; Padrões de potabilidade, OMS; CONAMA 357 e NBR 15.527) , os resultados para estes parâmetros ficaram de acordo com os limites exigidos pelas mesmas, exceto o pH. Com a análise dos resultados, recomenda-se estudos para determinar quais fatores podem estar interferindo na acidificação das águas coletadas no estudo.
Two large hydrologic issues face the Kings Basin, severe and chronic overdraft of about 0.16M ac-ft annually, and flood risks along the Kings River and the downstream San Joaquin River. Since 1983, these floods have caused over $1B in damage in today’s dollars. Capturing flood flows of sufficient volume could help address these two pressing issues which are relevant to many regions of the Central Valley and will only be exacerbated with climate change. However, the Kings River has high variability associated with flow magnitudes which suggests that standard engineering approaches and acquisition of sufficient acreage through purchase and easements to capture and recharge flood waters would not be cost effective. An alternative approach investigated in this study, termed On-Farm Flood Flow Capture, involved leveraging large areas of private farmland to capture flood flows for both direct and in lieu recharge. This study investigated the technical and logistical feasibility of best management practices (BMPs) associated with On-Farm Flood Flow Capture. The investigation was conducted near Helm, CA, about 20 miles west of Fresno, CA. The experimental design identified a coordinated plan to determine infiltration rates for different soil series and different crops; develop a water budget for water applied throughout the program and estimate direct and in lieu recharge; provide a preliminary assessment of potential water quality impacts; assess logistical issues associated with implementation; and provide an economic summary of the program. At check locations, we measured average infiltration rates of 4.2 in/d for all fields and noted that infiltration rates decreased asymptotically over time to about 2 – 2.5 in/d. Rates did not differ significantly between the different crops and soils tested, but were found to be about an order of magnitude higher in one field. At a 2.5 in/d infiltration rate, 100 acres are required to infiltrate 10 CFS of captured flood flows. Water quality of applied flood flows from the Kings River had concentrations of COC (constituents of concern; i.e. nitrate, electrical conductivity or EC, phosphate, ammonium, total dissolved solids or TDS) one order of magnitude or more lower than for pumped groundwater at Terranova Ranch and similarly for a broader survey of regional groundwater. Applied flood flows flushed the root zone and upper vadose zone of nitrate and salts, leading to much lower EC and nitrate concentrations to a depth of 8 feet when compared to fields in which more limited flood flows were applied or for which drip irrigation with groundwater was the sole water source. In demonstrating this technology on the farm, approximately 3,100 ac-ft was diverted, primarily from April through mid-July, with about 70% towards in lieu and 30% towards direct recharge. Substantial flood flow volumes were applied to alfalfa, wine grapes and pistachio fields. A subset of those fields, primarily wine grapes and pistachios, were used primarily to demonstrate direct recharge. For those fields about 50 – 75% of water applied was calculated going to direct recharge. Data from the check studies suggests more flood flows could have been applied and infiltrated, effectively driving up the amount of water towards direct recharge. Costs to capture flood flows for in lieu and direct recharge for this project were low compared to recharge costs for other nearby systems and in comparison to irrigating with groundwater. Moreover, the potentially high flood capture capacity of this project suggests significant flood avoidance costs savings to downstream communities along the Kings and San Joaquin Rivers. Our analyses for Terranova Ranch suggest that allocating 25% or more flood flow water towards in lieu recharge and the rest toward direct recharge will result in an economically sustainable recharge approach paid through savings from reduced groundwater pumping. Two important issues need further consideration. First, these practices are likely to leach legacy salts and nitrates from the unsaturated zone into groundwater. We develop a conceptual model of EC movement through the unsaturated zone and estimated through mass balance calculations that approximately 10 kilograms per square meter of salts will be flushed into the groundwater through displacing 12 cubic meters per square meter of unsaturated zone pore water. This flux would increase groundwater salinity but an equivalent amount of water added subsequently is predicted as needed to return to current groundwater salinity levels. All subsequent flood flow capture and recharge is expected to further decrease groundwater salinity levels. Second, the project identified important farm-scale logistical issues including irrigator training; developing cropping plans to integrate farming and recharge activities; upgrading conveyance; and quantifying results. Regional logistical issues also exist related to conveyance, integration with agricultural management, economics, required acreage and Operation and Maintenance (O&M).
A Mata Atlântica é considerada como um dos cinco hotspots mais diversos, sendo um conjunto complexo de ecossistemas que abriga uma parcela significativa da diversidade biológica do Brasil. O Estado do Espírito Santo, localizado na região Sudeste, possuía quase 90% de sua superfície coberta por Mata Atlântica, entretanto com o processo de colonização portuguesa, ocupação do território e industrialização, restou apenas 8% da cobertura florestal original. Com toda a informação existente acerca das espécies neotropicais de mamíferos de médio e grande porte ainda há muitas lacunas no nosso conhecimento. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação foi desenvolvida em quatro capítulos com o objetivo de realizar um levantamento de dados de riqueza, composição, abundância, densidade populacional, período de atividade, distribuição e uso do hábitat por espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, da Reserva Natural Vale (RNV), norte do Espírito Santo. Espera-se que as informações aqui geradas possam contribuir com o incremento no conhecimento da ecologia dos mamíferos neotropicais, bem como fornecer informações desse grupo para subsidiar as políticas e ações ambientais que visem à conservação da biodiversidade. Para este estudo foi realizado amostragens mensais no período de abril de 2013 até junho de 2014 na RNV, através de armadilhamento fotográfico (39 armadilhas fotográficas) e também transecções lineares Os registros obtidos nas39 armadilhas fotográficas resultaram em um total de 7.020 dias de monitoramento. Foram observadas 23245 fotos de 26 espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte. Uma maior riqueza e frequência de registros ocorreram nas armadilhas estabelecidas na região norte da RNV. A distância do recurso hídrico estava positivamente relacionada com a composição de mamíferos e a quantidade de registros de caça no presente estudo teve um efeito marginalmente negativo na frequência de registros nas regiões oeste e sul, onde apresentaram uma maior incidência de caça. Nossos resultados mostram que essas espécies não estão distribuídas uniformemente dentro da reserva, com a ocupação das mesmas tendo sido afetada por quatro principais covariáveis: (1) distância entre árvores; (2) distância da estrada; (3) distância do recurso hídrico mais próximo e (4) densidade de lianas por hectare. A detectabilidade das espécies que são consideradas cinegéticas foi afetada pelo histórico de registros de caça. A maioria das espécies registradas que tiveram uma probabilidade de ocupação alta são raras ou até mesmo localmente extintas em outras áreas de domínio da Mata Atlântica. Adicionalmente nossos dados confirmam que a RNV abriga uma fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte rica, incluindo grandes herbívoros, dispersores de sementes e alguns carnívoros. Embora o estudo tenha sido realizado em apenas uma área, vale lembrar que a RNV, juntamente com a ReBio Sooretama, formam o maior bloco de área protegida dentro do estado do Espírito Santo e também um dos maiores blocos de Mata de Tabuleiro. Assim, para a conservação das espécies que habitam a RNV, é preciso considerar não apenas a reserva isolada, mas todo o bloco Linhares-Sooretama, uma vez que estão conectados permitirão o incremento populacional e as trocas genéticas entre as populações. Somente desse modo será aumentada a probabilidade de sobrevivência e manutenção das espécies em longo prazo, das espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte
锥形繁殖体是具有吸湿芒和锐利尖端的一种繁殖体类型。芒的吸湿运动促使锥形繁殖体穿透土壤,而存在于繁殖体上的短硬刚毛阻止它在芒再次打开螺旋时从土壤中退出。通过这个过程,种子被埋藏到一定深度,称之为种子(繁殖体)的打钻作用,这是锥形繁殖体最主要的功能。锥形繁殖体的结构和功能代表了繁殖体在生活史各个阶段的适应,可能是植物在群落内占优势的原因之一。针茅属植物是具有锥形繁殖体的植物中较大的一类,常常被看作是识别地带性植被的优势种。小针茅分布于荒漠草原,克氏针茅和大针茅分别分布于典型草原较干和较湿的区域。沿着环境梯度的变化这些植物呈现明显的生态替代。因此,我们以小针茅、克氏针茅和大针茅为研究对象,从种子打钻、种子埋藏、种子生理特征出发研究针茅属植物的繁殖体特征对地带性分布的适应。结果表明: 小针茅的实生苗主要由当年种子产生,克氏针茅和大针茅在当年的冷秋季节和第二年的春季均能够产生实生苗。根据土壤种子库分类,三种针茅均具有瞬时种子库,所不同的是小针茅具有I型种子库的特征,克氏针茅和大针茅具有II型种子库的特征。针茅属植物通过芒的吸湿运动将繁殖体埋入土壤,这个过程可以造成种子损伤,但大部分只是引起基盘的脱落,而这不影响萌发,受到严重损伤的种子仅占种子库很小的一部分。 繁殖体吸湿芒的损伤程度和繁殖体的入土角度都影响繁殖体的埋藏。当芒被过度损伤以致不能提供杠杆作用时繁殖体不能埋藏。而繁殖体入土角度和埋藏深度之间存在显著的负相关关系。繁殖体的埋藏能力并不总是与土壤条件有关,大针茅和克氏针茅的繁殖体埋藏与土壤类型有关,而小针茅的埋藏主要与环境的湿度条件有关。 种子埋藏深度通过减少实生苗出现率和推迟实生苗的出现时间来影响实生苗的出现。埋藏深度与实生苗的出现率呈显著负相关,与实生苗出现时间呈显著的正相关关系。棕钙土内种子埋藏深度对实生苗出现的影响比在栗钙土内的影响更明显。不同针茅物种具有不同的最适埋藏深度范围,小针茅的最适埋藏深度更浅而范围也更窄,这与它出现的环境有关。因此,繁殖体的形态和生理特征都体现了不同针茅繁殖体对环境条件的进化适应,可以从有性更新的角度解释针茅属植物的地带性分布和生态替代的原因。 放牧是羊草草原的主要利用方式。放牧引起的植被变化影响水分的可用性,而反过来植物所获取的水分来源也可以影响物种的分布。通过测定内蒙古羊草草原群落放牧和不放牧区内主要植物种和土壤的氢同位素值来研究植物 的水分来源,确定放牧对植物使用水分来源的影响,调查放牧前后植物的水分来源变化和相对生物量变化的关系。 我们发现120 cm深的土壤剖面在统计学上可以分为三层:0-20 cm, 20-50 cm和50-120 cm。低于50 cm土壤层的氢同 位素信号类似于地下水,这部分水分很少受到降雨的影响也不被任何植物所利用。群落内,灌木小叶锦鸡儿主要使 用来自20-50 cm土壤层的水分,除此之外大多数物种则主要使用来自水分含量频繁波动的地下20 cm土壤层内的水分。放牧使群落倾向于利用更浅层的土壤水,对植物的水分来源的影响则直接反映到它们的生物量变化上。此外,植 物水分来源对放牧的响应和生物量对放牧的响应存在显著的相关关系,水分来源受到放牧影响越大的植物对放牧的响应越敏感。因此,我们有可能能够通过植物对水分来源的利用来估计物种在放牧演替中的丰富度分布。
水分是半干旱草原生态系统植物多样性和初级生产力的限制因素。近年来由于人为干扰和气候干旱,特别是过度放牧,导致半干旱地区草原严重退化,草地生产利用和生态服务功能日益衰减,自然灾害频繁发生。草原退化演替主要表现为不同植物种的消长和替代过程。在内蒙古草原,过度放牧导致多年生根茎禾草和丛生禾草被豆科灌木或具根茎和不定根的杂类草替代,丰富的多年生杂类草被一、二年生植物替代。目前,对于上述功能群之间的替代机制,以及草原退化的机理尚不十分清楚。本研究在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站选取了79年围封的大针茅(Stipa grandis)样地、其外围的自由放牧样地及中德合作项目“ Matter Fluxes in grassland of Inner Mongolia as influenced by stocking rate (MAGIM) ”的传统平地放牧处理小区为研究对象,从植物-水分关系的角度,利用氢和碳稳定性同位素技术,研究主要植物种和功能群水分来源和水分利用效率对放牧的响应,进而揭示放牧干扰下草原退化的机理。本研究取得了如下主要研究结果和结论: 1. 在干旱年份,雨水仅湿润了大针茅草原0-20cm的表层土壤。土壤中保存的冬季降水贡献了植物可利用水分的30%,而在正常年份只有10%。干旱季节羊草(Leymus chinensis)和大针茅能够利用土壤60cm以下保存的多年降水,而糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和冰草(Agropyron cristatum)只能利用生长季的雨水。长期过度放牧使冰草和糙隐子草的相对生物量和相对多度均显著增加,而羊草的相对生物量和相对多度显著降低。这种由放牧引起的群落结构与组成的改变,降低了植被对冬季降水的利用,加剧了干旱对生态系统的影响。 2. 依据羊草草原群落植物的生活型和光合类型划分为:C4禾草、C4杂类草、C4灌木、C3禾草、C3杂类草、C3鳞茎类植物和C3灌木七个功能群,各功能群间的水分利用效率差异显著。不同功能群植物在对土壤水分的利用上存在着明显的生态位分离。C4禾草和C3鳞茎类植物主要利用表层水分,而C4灌木则利用深层土壤水分,C3其它功能群介于二者之间。在无放牧和低载畜率下,各功能群植物均主要吸收浅层土壤水分,功能群间竞争相对强烈。在较高载畜率下,C3禾草转为利用深层土壤水分,功能群间出现水分生态位的分离,部分地缓解了植物对土壤表层水分的竞争。沿着载畜率梯度,群落对浅层土壤水分的利用呈现出先增加,尔后下降的趋势。 3. 在放牧干扰下,羊草草原群落中主要植物种稳定性碳同位素值的变化范围为-13.100/00~-27.590/00。不同功能群植物间的水分利用效率有着显著的差异:C4禾草> C4杂类草> C4灌木> C3禾草、C3杂类草> C3鳞茎类植物> C3灌木。C3鳞茎类植物和C4杂类草的水分利用效率随载畜率增加而降低。C3和C4禾草的水分利用效率随载畜率的增加表现为先增加,尔后下降的趋势。群落水平的水分利用效率主要由占生物量90%的禾草的水分利用效率决定。随着载畜率增加,群落水分利用效率有逐渐降低的趋势。
Dew is an important water source for desert organisms in semiarid and arid regions. Both field and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the possible roles of dew in growth of biomass and photosynthetic activity within cyanobacterial crust. The cyanobacteria, Microcoleus vaginatus Gom. and Scytonema javanicum (Kutz.) Born et Flah., were begun with stock cultures and sequential mass cultivations, and then the field experiment was performed by inoculating the inocula onto shifting sand for forming cyanobacterial crust during late summer and autumn of 2007 in Hopq Desert, northwest China. Measurements of dew amount and Chlorophyll a content were carried out in order to evaluate the changes in crust biomass following dew. Also, we determined the activity of photosystem II(PSII) within the crust in the laboratory by simulating the desiccation/rehydration process due to dew. Results showed that the average daily dew amount as measured by the cloth-plate method (CPM) was 0.154 mm during fifty-three days and that the crust biomass fluctuated from initial inoculation of 4.3 mu g Chlorophyll a cm(-2) sand to 5.8-7.3 mu g Chlorophyll a cm(-2) crust when dew acted as the sole water source, and reached a peak value of approximately 8.2 mu g Chlorophyll a cm(-2) crust owing to rainfalls. It indicated that there was a highly significant correlation between dew amounts and crust moistures (r = 0.897 or r = 0.882, all P < 0.0001), but not a significant correlation between dew and the biomass (r = 0.246 or r = 0.257, all P > 0.05), and thus concluded that dew might only play a relatively limited role in regulating the crust biomass. Correspondingly, we found that rains significantly facilitated biomass increase of the cyanobacterial crust. Results from the simulative experiment upon rehydration showed that approximately 80% of PSII activity could be achieved within about 50 min after rehydration in the dark and at 5 degrees C, and only about 20% of the activity was light-temperature dependent. This might mean that dew was crucial for cyanobacterial crust to rapidly activate photosynthetic activity during desiccation and rehydration despite low temperatures and weak light before dawn. It also showed in this study that the cyanobacterial crusts could receive and retain more dew than sand, which depended on microclimatic characteristics and soil properties of the crusts. It may be necessary for us to fully understanding the influence of dew on regulating the growth and activity of cyanobacterial crust, and to soundly evaluate the crust's potential application in fighting desertification because of the available water due to dew. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The evolution and variation history of the Tsushima warm current during the late Quaternary was reconstructed based on the quantitative census data of planktonic foraminiferal fauna, together with oxygen and carbon isotope records of mixed layer dweller a ruber and thermocline dweller N. dutertrei in piston core CSH1 and core DGKS9603 collected separately from the Tsushima warm current and the Kuroshio dominated area. The result showed that the Tsushima warm current vanished in the lowstand period during 40-24 cal ka BP, while the Kuroshio still flowed across the Okinawa Trough, arousing strong upwelling in the northern Trough. Meanwhile, the influence of freshwater greatly increased in the northern Okinawa Trough, as the broad East China Sea continental shelf emerged. The freshwater reached its maximum during the last glacial maximum (LGM), when the upwelling obviously weakened for the lowest sea-level and the depression of the Kuroshio. The modern Tsushima warm current began its development since 16 cal ka BP, and the impact of the Kuroshio increased in the middle and northern Okinawa Trough synchronously during the deglaciation and gradually evolved as the main water source of the Tsushima current. The modern Tsushima current finally formed at about 8.5 cal ka BP, since then the circulation structure has been relatively stable. The water of the modern Tsushima current primarily came from the Kuroshio axis. A short-term wiggle of the current occurred at about 3 cal ka BP, probably for the influences from the enhancement of the winter monsoon and the depression of the Kuroshio. The cold water masses greatly strengthened during the wiggle.
The Xinli mine area of Sanshandao mine is adjacent to the Bohai Sea and its main exploitable ore deposit occurs in the undersea rock mass. The mine is the biggest undersea gold mine of China after production. The mine area faces a latent danger of water bursting, even sudden seawater inrush. There is no mature experience in undersea mining in China so far. The vein ore deposit is located in the lower wall of a fault; its possible groundwater sources mainly include bittern, Quaternary pore water and modern seawater. To ensure the safety of undersea mining, to survey the flooding conditions of the ore deposit using proper measures and study the potential seawater inrush pattern are the key technical problems. With the Xinli mine area as a case study, the engineering geological conditions of the Xinli mine area are surveyed in situ, the regional structural pattern and rock mass framework characteristics are found out, the distribution of the structural planes are modeled by a Monte Carlo method and the connectivity coefficients of rock mass structural planes are calculated. The regional hydro-geological conditions are analyzed and the in-situ hydro-geological investigation and sampling are performed in detail, the hydrochemistry and isotopes testing and groundwater dynamic monitoring are conducted, the recharge, runoff, discharge conditions are specified and the sources of flooding are distinguished. Some indices are selected from the testing results to calculate the proportion of each source in some water discharge points and in the whole water discharge of the Xinli mine area. The temporal and spatial variations of each water source of the whole ore deposit flooding are analyzed. According to the special project conditions in the Xinli mine area, the permeability coefficient tensors of the rock mass in Xinli mine area are calculated based on a fracture geometry measurement method, in terms of the connectivity and a few hydraulic testing results, a modified synthetic permeability coefficient are calculated. The hydro-geological conceptual and mathematical model are established,the water yield of mine is predicted using Visual Modflow code. The spreading law of surrounding rock mass deformation and secondary stress are studied by numerical analysis; the intrinsic mechanism of the faults slip caused by the excavation of ore deposit is analyzed. The results show that the development of surrounding rock mass deformation and secondary stress of vein ore deposit in the lower wall of a fault, is different from that in a thick-big ore deposit. The secondary stress caused by the excavation of vein ore deposit in the lower wall of a fault, is mainly distributed in the upper wall of the fault, one surface subsidence center will occur. The influences of fault on the rock mass movement, secondary stress and hydro-geological structures are analyzed; the secondary stress is blocked by the fault and the tensile stress concentration occurs in the rock mass near the fault, the original water blocking structure is destructed and the permeable structure is reconstructed, the primary structural planes begin to expand and newborn fissures occur, so the permeability of the original permeable structure is greatly enhanced, so the water bursting will probably occur. Based on this knowledge, the possible water inrush pattern and position of the Xinli mine area are predicted. Some computer programs are developed using object-oriented design method under the development platform Visual Studio.Net. These programs include a Monte Carlo simulation procedure, a joint diagrammatizing procedure, a structural planes connectivity coefficient calculating procedure, a permeability tensor calculating procedure, a water chemical formula edit and water source fixture conditions calculating procedure. A new computer mapping algorithm of joint iso-density diagram is raised. Based on the powerful spatial data management and icon functions of Geographic Information System, the pit water discharge dynamic monitoring data management information systems are established with ArcView.
The flower industry has a reputation for heavy usage of toxic chemicals and polluting the environment, enormous consumption of water, and poor working condition and low wage level in various parts of the world. It is unfortunate that this industry is adamant to change and repeating the same mistakes in Ethiopia. Because of this, - there is a growing concern among the general public and the international community about sustainability of the Ethiopian flower industry. Consequently, working conditions in the flower industry, impacts of wage income on the livelihoods of employees, coping strategies of low wage flower farm workers, impacts of flower farms on the livelihoods of local people and environmental pollution and conflict, were analysed. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed. Four quantitative data sets: labour practice, employees’ income and expenditure, displaced household, and flower grower views survey were collected between 2010 and 2012. Robust regression to identify the determinants of wage levels, and Multinomial logit to identify the determinants of coping strategies of flower farm workers and displaced households were employed. The findings show the working conditions in flower farms are characterized by low wages, job insecurity and frequent violation of employees’ rights, and poor safety measures. To ensure survival of their family, land dispossessed households adopt a wide range of strategies including reduction in food consumption, sharing oxen, renting land, share cropping, and shifting staple food crops. Most experienced scarcity of water resources, lack of grazing areas, death of herds and reduced numbers of livestock due to water source pollution. Despite the Ethiopian government investment in attracting and creating conducive environment for investors, not much was accomplished when it comes to enforcing labour laws and environmental policies. Flower farm expansion in Ethiopia, as it is now, can be viewed as part of the global land and water grab and is not all inclusive and sustainable. Several recommendations are made to improve working conditions, maximize the benefits of flower industry to the society, and to the country at large.
The Miyun Reservoir, the only surface water source for Beijing city, has experienced water supply decline in recent decades. Previous studies suggest that both land use change and climate contribute to the changes of water supply in this critical watershed. However, the specific causes of the decline in the Miyun Reservoir are debatable under a non-stationary climate in the past 4 decades. The central objective of this study was to quantify the separate and collective contributions of land use change and climate variability to the decreasing inflow into the Miyun Reservoir during 1961–2008. Different from previous studies on this watershed, we used a comprehensive approach to quantify the timing of changes in hydrology and associated environmental variables using the long-term historical hydrometeorology and remote-sensing-based land use records. To effectively quantify the different impacts of the climate variation and land use change on streamflow during different sub-periods, an annual water balance model (AWB), the climate elasticity model (CEM), and a rainfall–runoff model (RRM) were employed to conduct attribution analysis synthetically. We found a significant (p < 0.01) decrease in annual streamflow, a significant positive trend in annual potential evapotranspiration (p < 0.01), and an insignificant (p > 0.1) negative trend in annual precipitation during 1961–2008. We identified two streamflow breakpoints, 1983 and 1999, by the sequential Mann–Kendall test and double-mass curve. Climate variability alone did not explain the decrease in inflow to the Miyun Reservoir. Reduction of water yield was closely related to increase in actual evapotranspiration due to the expansion of forestland and reduction in cropland and grassland, and was likely exacerbated by increased water consumption for domestic and industrial uses in the basin. The contribution to the observed streamflow decline from land use change fell from 64–92 % during 1984–1999 to 36–58 % during 2000–2008, whereas the contribution from climate variation climbed from 8–36 % during the 1984–1999 to 42–64 % during 2000–2008. Model uncertainty analysis further demonstrated that climate warming played a dominant role in streamflow reduction in the most recent decade (i.e., 2000s). We conclude that future climate change and variability will further challenge the water supply capacity of the Miyun Reservoir to meet water demand. A comprehensive watershed management strategy needs to consider the climate variations besides vegetation management in the study basin.
The osmoregulatory function of common spiny mice Acomys cahirinus living on opposite slopes of the lower Nahal Oren ('Evolution Canyon') on mount Carmel, Israel, was investigated by increasing the salinity of the water source whilst maintaining a high-protein diet. The southern-facing slope (SFS) of this canyon differs from the northern-facing slope (NFS) as it receives considerably more solar radiation and consequently forms a more xeric, sparsely vegetated habitat. During the summer, mice living on the two opposite slopes significantly differed in their urine osmolality, which also increased significantly as dietary salinity increased. Offspring of wild-captured mice, born in captivity, and examined during the winter, continued to show a difference in osmoregulatory function depending on the slope of origin. However, they differed from wild-captured mice, as they did not respond to the increase in dietary salinity by increasing the concentration of their urine, but rather by increasing the volume of urine produced. This study shows that A. cahirinus occupying different microhabitats may exhibit differences in their ability to concentrate urine and thus in their ability to withstand xeric conditions. We suggest that they may also differ genetically, as offspring from the NFS and SFS retain physiological differences, but further studies will be needed to confirm this hypothesis.