983 resultados para voluntary work
The breadth of material found in surgical pathology services in African countries differs from the common spectrum of "the West". We report our experience of a voluntary work in the pathology departments of Blantyre and Lilongwe, Malawi. During a 6-week period, 405 cases (378 histology and 27 cytology cases) were processed. The vast majority showed significant pathological findings (n = 369; 91.1 %): 175 cases (47.4 %) were non-tumoral conditions with predominance of inflammatory lesions, e.g., schistosomiasis (n = 11) and tuberculosis (n = 11). There were 39 (10.6 %) benign tumors or tumor-like lesions. Intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix uteri dominated among premalignant conditions (n = 15; 4.1 %). The large group of malignancies (n = 140; 37.9 %) comprised 11 pediatric tumors (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma, small blue round cell tumors) and 129 adult tumors. Among women (n = 76), squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the cervix uteri predominated (n = 25; 32.9 %), followed by breast carcinomas (n = 12; 15.8 %) and esophageal SCC (n = 9; 11.8 %). Males (n = 53) most often showed SCC of the esophagus (n = 9; 17.0 %) and of the urinary bladder (n = 7; 13.2 %). Lymphomas (n = 7) and Kaposi's sarcomas (n = 6) were less frequent. Differences compared to the western world include the character of the conditions in general, the spectrum of inflammatory lesions, and the young age of adult tumor patients (median 45 years; range 18-87 years). Providing pathology service in a low-resource country may be handicapped by lack of personnel, inadequate material resources, or insufficient infrastructure. Rotating volunteers offer a bridge for capacity building of both personnel and the local medical service; in addition, the volunteer's horizons are broadened professionally and personally.
Volunteer research in sports clubs has paid hardly any attention to the individual expectations even though matching conditions to the specific volunteer’s expectations represents a major management challenge. This article presents a person-oriented approach to the expectation profiles of volunteers that delivers the basis for identifying different volunteer segments. The approach assumes explicitly that volunteers in sports clubs develop specific expectations regarding their working conditions. These expectations were determined in a sample of 441 members of 45 selected sports clubs. Proximately, a cluster analysis revealed that volunteers vary in their expectations regarding voluntary work. Four different types of volunteers could be identified: (1) recognition seekers, (2) material incentive seekers, (3) participation and communication seekers, and (4) support seekers. These “expectation-based volunteer types” could also be characterized in socioeconomic, membershiprelated, and volunteer-work-related terms. These types could serve as a basis for designing specific voluntary work conditions in sports clubs.
Volunteers are the most important resource for non-profit sport clubs seeking to bolster their viability (e.g. sporting programs). Although many people do voluntary work in sport clubs, stable voluntary engagement can no longer be granted. This difficulty is confirmed by existing research across various European countries. From a club management point of view, a detailed understanding of how to attract volunteers and retain them in the long term is becoming a high priority. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyse the influence of individual characteristics and corresponding organisational conditions on volunteering in sports clubs as well as (2) to examine the decision-making processes in relation to implement effective strategies for recruiting volunteers. For the first perspective a multi-level framework for the investigation of the factors of voluntary engagement in sports clubs is developed. The individual and context factors are estimated in different multi-level models based on a sample of n = 1,434 sport club members from 36 sport clubs in Switzerland. Results indicate that volunteering is not just an outcome of individual characteristics such as lower workloads, higher income, children belonging to the sport club, longer club memberships, or a strong commitment to the club. It is also influenced by club-specific structural conditions; volunteering is more probable in rural sports clubs whereas growth-oriented goals in clubs have a destabilising effect. Concerning decision-making processes an in-depth analysis of recruitment practices for volunteers was conducted in nine selected sport clubs (case study design) based on the garbage can model. Results show that the decision-making processes are generally characterised by a reactive approach in which dominant actors try to handle personnel problems of recruitment in the administration and sport domains through routine formal committee work and informal networks. In addition, it proved possible to develop a typology that deliver an overview of different decision-making practices in terms of the specific interplay of the relevant components of process control (top-down vs. bottom-up) and problem processing (situational vs. systematic). Based on the findings some recommendations for volunteer management in sport clubs are worked out.
Introduction: Organisational changes in sports federations are often associated with a drift from a volunteer driven to an increasingly business-like phenomenon (Shilbury & Ferkins, 2011). This process of transfor-mation is be called as “professionalization”. Accordingly, professionalization seems to be an appropriate strategy for sport organisations in order to meet organizational pressure due to challenges of a more complex and dynamic changing environment adequately. Despite the increasing research interest and the attempts for systematization on the phenomenon of professionalization it still remains unclear what does the term professionalization exactly mean (Dowling et al., 2014). Thus, there is a lack of a consistent concept of professionalization that is needed in order to explore different facets and perspectives of this phenomenon more validly. Against this background following question emerged: What is the suitable concept of professionalization for analyzing the actual ongoing processes of change, adaption or transformation in sport federations? Methods: Dealing with this question, following two-step approach was choosen: (1) In a first step a scholar’s perspective at professionalisation of sport organisations will be displayed in order to explore both the common ground as well as divergences and inconsistencies in previous approaches. Therefore, a literature review is indicated. (2) In a second step, and in contrast to previous studies we will consider a practical point of view by a so called second-order observation of experts to gain valuable insights into current thinking and acting towards professionalization in sport federations. In doing so, a hermeneutical approach is used, which is about understanding the meaning of contexts by grasping the everyday world, and draw insight and meaning from it (Shilbury et al., 2013). Accordance with hermeneutics, the explorative interpretive knowledge of expert interviews was used. The interviews were conducted with a sample of six selected experts, who have both dedicated insider knowledge and the overall view of all Swiss sport federations. Results and discussion: The summaries of literature review could be categorized into two research currents. The one defines professionalization as a structural process towards professional status of occupations. The other defines it in a broader sense as an organisational change towards a business-like approach. Whereas the first perspective there is a broad scientific consensus that second isn’t that clear, however. Explorative analysis of interview data reveals different themes in relation to professionalization of sports federation. First theme deals with a changed philosophy as more strategic alignment towards for-profit, efficiency and quality orientation. Second theme refers to paid work associated with more competence orientation and balanced governance between paid and voluntary work. Third theme deals with acting shift towards more rationalization and efficiency by implementation of innovative management and communication tools. Based on findings of both our review of scholar`s perspective as well insights from experts we will provide – in the sense of synthesis – a more clear understanding of what does professionalization mean that can be useful in terms of further studies. References: Dowling, M., Edwards, J. & Washington, M. (2014). Understanding the concept of professionalisation in sport management research. Sport Management Review, 17 (4), 520–529. Shilbury, D., Ferkins, L. & Smythe, L. (2013). Sport governance encounters: Insights from lived experiences. Sport Management Review, 16,349–363. Shilbury, D., & Ferkins, L. (2011). Professionalisation, sport governance and strategic capability. Managing Leisure, 16, 108–127.
Aim of the study Due to the valuable contribution made by volunteers to sporting events, a better understanding of volunteers’ motivation is imperative for event managers in order to develop effective volunteer re-cruitment and retention strategies. The adoption of working conditions and task domains to the mo-tives and needs of volunteers is one of the key challenges in volunteer management. Conversely, an ignorance of the motives and needs of volunteers could negatively affect their performance and attitude, which will have negative consequences for the execution of events (Strigas & Jackson, 2003). In general, the motives of volunteers are located on a continuum between selflessness (e.g. helping others), and self-interest (e.g. pursuing one’s own interests). Furthermore, it should take into account that volunteers may be motivated by more than one need or goal, and therefore, configure different bundles of motives, resulting in heterogeneous types of motives for voluntary engagement (Dolnicar & Randle, 2007). Despite the extensive number of studies on the motives of sport event volunteers, only few studies focus on the analysis of individual motive profiles concerning volun-teering. Accordingly, we will take a closer look at the following questions: To what extent do volun-teers at sporting events differ in the motives of their engagement, and how can the volunteers be ade-quately classified? Theoretical Background According to the functional approach, relevant subjective motives are related to the outcomes and consequences that volunteering is supposed to lead to and to produce. This means, individuals’ mo-tives determine which incentives are anticipated in return for volunteering (e.g. increase in social contacts), and are important for engaging in volunteering, e.g. the choice between different oppor-tunities for voluntary activity, or different tasks (Stukas et al., 2009). Additionally, inter-individual differences of motive structures as well as matching motives in the reflections of voluntary activities will be considered by using a person-oriented approach. In the person-oriented approach, it is not the specific variables that are made the entities of investigation, but rather persons with a certain combination of characteristic features (Bergmann et al., 2003). Person-orientation in the field of sports event volunteers, it is therefore essential to implement an orientation towards people as a unit of analysis. Accordingly, individual motive profiles become the object of investigation. The individ-ual motive profiles permit a glimpse of intra-individual differences in the evaluation of different motive areas, and thus represent the real subjective perspective. Hence, a person will compare the importance of individual motives for his behaviour primarily in relation to other motives (e.g. social contacts are more important to me than material incentives), and make fewer comparisons with the assessments of other people. Methodology, research design and data analysis The motives of sports event volunteers were analysed in the context of the European Athletics Championships 2014 in Zürich. After data cleaning, the study sample contained a total of 1,169 volunteers, surveyed by an online questionnaire. The VMS-ISA scale developed by Bang and Chel-ladurai (2009) was used and replicated successfully by a confirmatory factor analysis. Accordingly, all seven factors of the scale were included in the subsequent cluster analysis to determine typical motive profiles of volunteers. Before proceeding with the cluster analysis, an intra-individual stand-ardization procedure (according to Spiel, 1998) was applied to take advantage of the intra-individual relationships between the motives of the volunteers. Intra-individual standardization means that every value of each motive dimension was related to the average individual level of ex-pectations. In the final step, motive profiles were determined using a hierarchic cluster analysis based on Ward’s method with squared Euclidean distances. Results, discussion and implications The results reveal that motivational processes differ among sports event volunteers, and that volunteers sometimes combine contradictory bundles of motives. In our study, four different volunteer motive profiles were identified and described by their positive levels on the individual motive dimension: the community supporters, the material incentive seekers, the social networkers, and the career and personal growth pursuers. To describe the four identified motive profiles in more detail and to externally validate them, the clusters were analysed in relation to socio-economic, sport-related, and voluntary work characteristics. This motive-based typology of sports event volunteers can provide valuable guidance for event managers in order to create distinctive and designable working conditions and tasks at sporting events that should, in relation to a person-oriented approach, be tailored to a wide range of individ-ual prerequisites. Furthermore, specific recruitment procedures and appropriate communication measures can be defined in order to approach certain groups of potential volunteers more effectively. References Bang, H., & Chelladurai, P. (2009). Development and validation of the volunteer motivations scale for international sporting events (VMS-ISE). International Journal Sport Management and Market-ing, 6, 332-350. Bergmann, L. R., Magnusson, D., & El-Khouri, B. M. (2003). Studying individual development in an interindividual context. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Dolnicar, S., & Randle, M. (2007). What motivates which volunteers? Psychographic heterogeneity among volunteers in Australia. Voluntas, 18, 135-155. Spiel, C. (1998). Four methodological approaches to the study of stability and change in develop-ment. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 3, 8-22. Stukas, A. A., Worth, K. A., Clary, E. G., & Snyder, M. (2009). The matching of motivations to affordances in the volunteer environment: an index for assessing the impact of multiple matches on volunteer outcomes. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 38, 5-28.
La privación del trabajo remunerado tiene profundas consecuencias sobre el tiempo vivido de las personas. El trabajo es consumidor de tiempo, estructura el desarrollo de la jornada, impone limitaciones a otras actividades y ejerce una fuerte impronta en la vida cotidiana. El desempleo no solo conduce a liberar tiempo sino que, fundamentalmente, da lugar a una desestabilización del tiempo de referencia. Sin embargo, el tiempo de los desempleados es también objeto de encuadres y prescripciones que tienden a imponer una forma específica a la experiencia del desempleo. A partir de ello, es posible considerar que la desocupación no puede ser disociada de una perspectiva temporal. En este sentido, este artículo explora el ordenamiento temporal de las actividades instrumentales en un grupo de desocupados asistidos por el Estado en la Ciudad de Rosario. Así, se considera actividades instrumentales a aquellas que, teniendo por contenido y función la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales que hacen posible la supervivencia de la especie, se caracterizan por ser socialmente heterónomas, producto de una división social del trabajo que se explica en líneas complejas de diferenciación y desigualdad. Dentro de ellas se analizan dos conjuntos: el primero constituido por el trabajo remunerado, las actividades de contraprestación y los estudios; y el segundo integrado por el trabajo doméstico y familiar, y el trabajo voluntario
La privación del trabajo remunerado tiene profundas consecuencias sobre el tiempo vivido de las personas. El trabajo es consumidor de tiempo, estructura el desarrollo de la jornada, impone limitaciones a otras actividades y ejerce una fuerte impronta en la vida cotidiana. El desempleo no solo conduce a liberar tiempo sino que, fundamentalmente, da lugar a una desestabilización del tiempo de referencia. Sin embargo, el tiempo de los desempleados es también objeto de encuadres y prescripciones que tienden a imponer una forma específica a la experiencia del desempleo. A partir de ello, es posible considerar que la desocupación no puede ser disociada de una perspectiva temporal. En este sentido, este artículo explora el ordenamiento temporal de las actividades instrumentales en un grupo de desocupados asistidos por el Estado en la Ciudad de Rosario. Así, se considera actividades instrumentales a aquellas que, teniendo por contenido y función la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales que hacen posible la supervivencia de la especie, se caracterizan por ser socialmente heterónomas, producto de una división social del trabajo que se explica en líneas complejas de diferenciación y desigualdad. Dentro de ellas se analizan dos conjuntos: el primero constituido por el trabajo remunerado, las actividades de contraprestación y los estudios; y el segundo integrado por el trabajo doméstico y familiar, y el trabajo voluntario
La privación del trabajo remunerado tiene profundas consecuencias sobre el tiempo vivido de las personas. El trabajo es consumidor de tiempo, estructura el desarrollo de la jornada, impone limitaciones a otras actividades y ejerce una fuerte impronta en la vida cotidiana. El desempleo no solo conduce a liberar tiempo sino que, fundamentalmente, da lugar a una desestabilización del tiempo de referencia. Sin embargo, el tiempo de los desempleados es también objeto de encuadres y prescripciones que tienden a imponer una forma específica a la experiencia del desempleo. A partir de ello, es posible considerar que la desocupación no puede ser disociada de una perspectiva temporal. En este sentido, este artículo explora el ordenamiento temporal de las actividades instrumentales en un grupo de desocupados asistidos por el Estado en la Ciudad de Rosario. Así, se considera actividades instrumentales a aquellas que, teniendo por contenido y función la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales que hacen posible la supervivencia de la especie, se caracterizan por ser socialmente heterónomas, producto de una división social del trabajo que se explica en líneas complejas de diferenciación y desigualdad. Dentro de ellas se analizan dos conjuntos: el primero constituido por el trabajo remunerado, las actividades de contraprestación y los estudios; y el segundo integrado por el trabajo doméstico y familiar, y el trabajo voluntario
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) no terceiro setor, focando-se especificamente nas Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS). Estas organizações têm vindo a demonstrar um papel cada vez mais relevante nas comunidades em que se inserem, pela sua missão em prestar serviços de cariz social e pela atual relevância como entidades empregadoras. A diversidade presente nas IPSS ao nível da estrutura, funcionamento, dimensão, organização e dinâmicas internas, proporciona o estudo e reflexão das especificidades na GRH. Para isso, abordam-se um conjunto de aspetos: i) diferenças entre meio empresarial e terceiro setor na GRH; ii) implicações da diversidade de respostas sociais e suas especificidades na gestão de pessoas; iii) o papel do Instituto de Segurança Social e as implicações legais na gestão de pessoas; iv) a localização geográfica e acesso a recursos humanos qualificados; v) a perspetiva das IPSS sobre os recursos humanos; vi) o perfil profissional dos colaboradores das IPSS; vii) práticas quotidianas na gestão de recursos humanos nas IPSS; viii) características da GRH nas IPSS (administrativa ou estratégica); ix) responsáveis pela GRH nas IPSS; x) o papel dos órgãos sociais na GRH; xi) profissionalização versus voluntariado; xii) a GRH, certificação e qualidade; xiii) as tendências do terceiro setor na gestão de pessoas. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa e aplicada a técnica de entrevista para recolher o conhecimento, experiências e perspetivas de diferentes interlocutores do terceiro setor, dirigentes, técnicos superiores, diretores de serviço, investigadores e representantes nacionais e distritais das IPSS. Da sistematização e análise dos dados recolhidos retiraram-se várias conclusões. As pessoas são consideradas o recurso mais importante para estas organizações, pela natureza social e humana das atividades desenvolvidas, prestadas por pessoas e destinadas a pessoas. Neste sentido, é demonstrada a importância do potencial humano aquando do recrutamento e seleção, pela primazia de requisitos como o relacionamento interpessoal em detrimento das qualificações. O perfil profissional característico das IPSS reconhece a importância da polivalência, disponibilidade, comprometimento, confiança, proximidade afetiva, voluntarismo e sentido de missão dos colaboradores, os quais tendem a ser são vistos como investimento tanto quanto reúnam estes aspetos; caso contrário podem ser encarados como custo. Quanto à acessibilidade a recursos humanos, surgem diferentes modalidades, consoante fatores de localização, dimensão, formação e estrutura organizacional, bem como o fenómeno da fuga de mão de obra, indício da dificuldade em captar e reter recursos humanos. O modelo de GRH nas IPSS é de cariz tradicional, caracterizado por uma gestão porimproviso com diferentes níveis de sensibilidade e capacidade das IPSS, no que concerne à implementação de processos de GRH, tais como sistemas de progressão na carreira, recrutamento interno e sistemas de avaliação de desempenho. Quanto aos aspetos da motivação e satisfação profissional, é assumida a importância da proximidade e apoio aos colaboradores, indicativos de um sistema de recompensas informal. É percetível a resistência na aplicação de técnicas de desenvolvimento organizacional, comprovada pela limitação na formação dos quadros de colaboradores. No entanto as IPSS são confrontadas com a rigidez dos instrumentos legais. A responsabilidade pela GRH é mais ou menos partilhada entre a direção técnica e os órgãos sociais, condicionada pelo estilo de liderança e relação de confiança entre si, em norma, pouco clara quanto aos papéis e funções desempenhadas. Por fim, é percebida a necessidade de coexistência de uma gestão profissionalizada e de direções voluntárias mais capacitadas e sensibilizadas para o desenvolvimento de metodologias e estratégias de gestão de pessoas, adaptadas às especificidades das IPSS. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com um espaço de reflexão para a elaboração de respostas mais eficazes e inovadoras que proporcionem o desenvolvimento organizacional, face às necessidades e transformações do terceiro setor. / This work main objective is the study of human resource management (HRM) in the third sector. It is focused specifically on Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social [Private Institutions for Social Solidarity] (IPSS). These kind of organizations have demonstrated an increased value in the communities they are inserted in, by providing social care services and by generating new jobs in the local communities. The study and reflection of HRM specificities is based on the variety in the structure, the purpose, the size, the internal organization and the dynamics of the different IPSS. For this purpose we explored the following aspects : i) the differences between business community and the third sector in HRM; ii) the implications of social responses diversity in people management; iii) the role of the National Insurance Institute and the legal impact on people management; iv) the geographic location and the IPSS access to skilled human resources; v) the understanding of IPSS on human resources; vi) the professional profile of IPSS employees; vii) the daily practices in human resource management on the IPSS; viii) the characteristics of HRM in IPSS (managerial or strategic); ix) who is responsible for HRM in IPSS; x) the role of executive board in HRM; xi) professionalization versus voluntary work; xii) HRM, quality and certification; xiii) the third sector trends in people management. The qualitative method and the interview technique were applied in order to gather knowledge, experiences and perspectives from several sources such as, different partners of the third sector, managers, service directors, technicians, researchers and national and local IPSS representatives. The results indicate several conclusions. Firstly the human resources are the most important resource of IPSS organizations due to the social nature of the services provided by them but also the importance of, the individual and social, skills required for these activities that are provided by people and are directed to people. This demonstrates the importance of interpersonal skills over professional qualifications during recruitment and selection. The IPSS recognize in their professionals the importance of versatility, availability, commitment, confidence, emotional proximity, voluntarism and sense of mission. If an employee fulfills these requirements, is considered an investment; otherwise might be seen as a cost. Regarding the accessibility of IPSS to qualified human resources, we consider different models, depending on location, size and training and organizational structure as well as the phenomenon run of hand labor, defined as the index of difficulty in capturing and retaining human resources. The model of HRM in IPSS is traditional in its nature and is characterized by management based on improvisation at different levels, regarding the implementation ofHRM processes such as career advancement systems, internal recruitment and performance evaluation. In regards to motivation and job satisfaction, it is valued the proximity and the support to the employees, showing therefore an informal system of rewards. There is a noticeable resistance to the application of organizational techniques which is demonstrated by controlling the formation of employees. However the IPSS are required to face the rigidity of legal instruments. The responsibility for HRM is shared between the technical direction and the management bodies, which depends on leadership style and mutual trust, and is generally unclear about the roles and duties performed. Finally, it becomes evident the need for coexistence between a professional management and a voluntary management, more capable and more sensible to the development of methods and strategies for people management, specifically adapted to each IPSS. This paper aims to contribute with space for reflection in the development of more effective and innovative responses for the organizational development, given the needs and transformations of the third sector.
O trabalho é uma atividade de fundamental importância na vida do homem porque é uma condição essencial para sua existência social. Ao longo do tempo o trabalho teve diversas definições e significados, mas na atualidade pode-se dizer que ele sintetiza e satisfaz três necessidades essenciais da natureza humana, a necessidade de subsistir (função econômica), a de criar (função psicológica) e a de colaborar (função social). Nesse contexto a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender as relações estabelecidas entre os trabalhos remunerado e voluntário, na perspectiva de identificar os aspectos convergentes e divergentes dessas atividades, que possam explicar a permanência dos sujeitos nas duas dimensões laborais e ao mesmo tempo entender qual a importância e reflexo que ambas as atividades têm na vida dos entrevistados. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado a entrevista semi-estruturada do tipo focalizada. Foram entrevistados nove líderes da Pastoral da Criança no mês de dezembro de 2009 na cidade de Natal/RN. Os dados foram interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo, proposta por Bardin. Os principais resultados encontrados quanto aos aspectos convergentes do trabalho remunerado foram a importância do salário para prover a sobrevivência, convivência com as pessoas e troca de experiência além do valor do trabalho para manter a dignidade do homem. Os pontos divergentes enquadraram: trabalho como obrigação, competitividade no ambiente laboral e baixa remuneração. Quanto ao trabalho voluntário, os aspectos convergentes emergidos foram a realização pessoal, a solidariedade, o envolvimento com a causa da Pastoral, valorização das coisas que possui diante de outras realidades mais difíceis, reconhecimento e prestígio dos voluntários pelas famílias assistidas, e por fim a visão do trabalho voluntário como complementação da vida. Com relação aos pontos divergentes foram citados a falta de comprometimento de alguns voluntários, bem como a necessidade de adesão de novas pessoas à este tipo de trabalho, limitação de querer fazer mais e não poder, exigências do público assistido e imagem distorcida da missão da Pastoral da Criança por parte das famílias, além da constatação dos níveis de pobreza e injustiça social que geram desigualdades as mais diversas. Sobre os aspectos marcantes para a permanência dos sujeitos nas duas esferas de trabalho, o amor, a dedicação, a realização pessoal foram os motivos mais apontados. Nas relações entre os dois trabalhos, as transferências de valores aparecem como recíprocas e naturais, sendo aproveitados para estabelecê-las o que cada atividade laboral apresenta de melhor. Conclui-se que o altruísmo, a solidariedade, a generosidade, o acolhimento, a paz espiritual, o bem-estar e sobretudo o amor, são sentimentos que sustentam e confortam o homem, cujas relações aparecem de forma expressiva nas falas dos entrevistados e permeando todo o decorrer da pesquisa.
O trabalho é uma atividade de fundamental importância na vida do homem porque é uma condição essencial para sua existência social. Ao longo do tempo o trabalho teve diversas definições e significados, mas na atualidade pode-se dizer que ele sintetiza e satisfaz três necessidades essenciais da natureza humana, a necessidade de subsistir (função econômica), a de criar (função psicológica) e a de colaborar (função social). Nesse contexto a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender as relações estabelecidas entre os trabalhos remunerado e voluntário, na perspectiva de identificar os aspectos convergentes e divergentes dessas atividades, que possam explicar a permanência dos sujeitos nas duas dimensões laborais e ao mesmo tempo entender qual a importância e reflexo que ambas as atividades têm na vida dos entrevistados. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado a entrevista semi-estruturada do tipo focalizada. Foram entrevistados nove líderes da Pastoral da Criança no mês de dezembro de 2009 na cidade de Natal/RN. Os dados foram interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo, proposta por Bardin. Os principais resultados encontrados quanto aos aspectos convergentes do trabalho remunerado foram a importância do salário para prover a sobrevivência, convivência com as pessoas e troca de experiência além do valor do trabalho para manter a dignidade do homem. Os pontos divergentes enquadraram: trabalho como obrigação, competitividade no ambiente laboral e baixa remuneração. Quanto ao trabalho voluntário, os aspectos convergentes emergidos foram a realização pessoal, a solidariedade, o envolvimento com a causa da Pastoral, valorização das coisas que possui diante de outras realidades mais difíceis, reconhecimento e prestígio dos voluntários pelas famílias assistidas, e por fim a visão do trabalho voluntário como complementação da vida. Com relação aos pontos divergentes foram citados a falta de comprometimento de alguns voluntários, bem como a necessidade de adesão de novas pessoas à este tipo de trabalho, limitação de querer fazer mais e não poder, exigências do público assistido e imagem distorcida da missão da Pastoral da Criança por parte das famílias, além da constatação dos níveis de pobreza e injustiça social que geram desigualdades as mais diversas. Sobre os aspectos marcantes para a permanência dos sujeitos nas duas esferas de trabalho, o amor, a dedicação, a realização pessoal foram os motivos mais apontados. Nas relações entre os dois trabalhos, as transferências de valores aparecem como recíprocas e naturais, sendo aproveitados para estabelecê-las o que cada atividade laboral apresenta de melhor. Conclui-se que o altruísmo, a solidariedade, a generosidade, o acolhimento, a paz espiritual, o bem-estar e sobretudo o amor, são sentimentos que sustentam e confortam o homem, cujas relações aparecem de forma expressiva nas falas dos entrevistados e permeando todo o decorrer da pesquisa.
From a pragmatic point of view, it is the people who make an organisation, but organisations are both people and structures, and not least organisations develop culture. One of the significant features of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) as an organisation is that many of its activities are run by people on a voluntary basis. Apart from a small office, now in Berlin, which oversees and handles the everyday management, participation on Council, reviewing and programming for ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), managing networks, etc. are all undertaken as voluntary work by academics from across Europe (and beyond). From the large group of people who are currently sustaining these activities, many have participated from the beginning, but many others, after having been once at the conference, returned and got engaged in the work, for instance within one of the networks. Among the many who participate in EERA activities, there is a diversity of reasons for doing so, but there seems to be something which is recurring in what people say about why they do it. One of these recurring ideas is that the discursive norms of the organisation are enforced in the context of welcoming people and ideas, and second, there exists an intellectual generosity and egalitarianism which encourages newcomers to participate rather than protect themselves. We believe that this tells something about what EERA and ECER are about.
Practice based learning in Northern Ireland is a core element of social work education and comprising 50% of the degree programme for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This article presents evidence about the perceptions of practice learning from voluntary sector/non-government organisation (NGO) placement providers and final year social work students on social work degree programmes in Northern Ireland in 2011. It draws on data from 121 respondents from189 final year students and focus group interviews with voluntary sector providers offering 16% (85) of the total placements available to students. The agencies who participated in the research study provide a total of 55 PLOs to social work students, and are therefore fairly representative in terms of voluntary sector (NGO) provision. The article locates these data in the context of practice learning pedagogy and the changes introduced by the Regional Strategy for Practice Learning Provision in Northern Ireland 2010–2015. Several themes emerged including; induction, support and guidance, practice educator/student relationship, professional identity and confidence in risk assessment and decision-making. Social work educators, placement providers and employers must be cognisant of newly qualified social workers’ needs in terms of consolidating knowledge within the formative stages of their professional development.
In response to a looming leadership shortage, leadership development for teachers has become an increasingly important area of interest around the world. A review of the literature identified the key components of educational leadership development programs as effective curriculum, leadership practice, relationship building, and reflection. A gap in the research was found regarding the use of voluntary committee work as a vehicle for leadership practice. The purpose of this study was to explore teachers' perceptions of their experiences within board-level committees to determine the key factors that contributed, positively or negatively, to their leadership,pevelopment. A qualitative research design was employed using semistructured interviews with 8 participants. The key findings included a list of factors perceived by teachers as either supporting or hindering their leadership development. The supporting factors were: (a) leadership practice, (b) mentors and role models, (c) relationships and networks, and (d) positive outcomes for students. The hindering factors were: (a) lack of follow through and support, (b) committee members with a careerist approach to the experience, (c) personal and political agendas, and (d) overcommitment leading to burnout. Recommendations for practice focused on strategies to enhanc~_ the committee experience as a tool for leadership development. Recommendations for theory and research suggested more research be done on each of the 8 key factors, perceptions associated with teachers choosing to follow a leadership path, and how school boards can structure the committee process as an effective leadership development tool. This study provides a starting point for educators to begin to intentionally design, develop, and deliver voluntary committee experiences as a tool for leadership development.