990 resultados para visceral larva migrans
The contaminated soil with mammal feces is an important factor of risk to infection with zoonotic diseases. Amongst these zoonoses are visceral larva migrans and cutaneous larva migrans caused by Toxocara spp. and Ancylostoma spp., respectively. The aim of this study was to assess the environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs and hookworms (Ancylostoma spp.) in public parks and squares in the city of Guarulhos, a metropolitan area of São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil. Soil samples were collected, between September and December 2010, and examined using the centrifugal flotation technique with sodium dichromate and zinc sulphate as well as the modified Baermann method. Notably, 35 (74.5%) of the 47 districts surveyed in Guarulhos possessed samples contaminated with Toxocara spp. and/or eggs or larvae of Ancylostoma spp. The frequency of Toxocara spp. and Ancylostoma spp. in the samples from public areas was 68.1% and 46.8%, respectively. Overall, the eastern side of Guarulhos is the region with the highest occurrence of causative agents of larva migrans. In all collection sites, the presence of feces from dogs and cats accompanied by their owners and stray animals were observed. Notably, it is important to adopt measures to control dog and cat breeding, to treat infected animals, and provide health education to the population.
Clinical involvement of the nervous system in visceral larva migrans due to Toxocara is rare, although in experimental animals the larvae frequently migrate to the brain. A review of the literature from the early 50's to date found 29 cases of brain involvement in toxocariasis. In 20 cases, various clinical and laboratory manifestations of eosinophilic meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis or radiculopathy were reported. We report two children with neurological manifestations, in which there was cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis with marked eosinophilia and a positive serology for Toxocara both in serum and CSF. Serology for Schistosoma mansoni, Cysticercus cellulosae, Toxoplasma and cytomegalovirus were negative in CSF, that was sterile in both cases. Improvement of signs and symptoms after specific treatment (albendazole or thiabendazole) was observed in the two cases. A summary of data described in the 25 cases previously reported is presented and we conclude that in cases of encephalitis and myelitis with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and eosinophilia, parasitic infection of the central nervous system should be suspected and serology should be performed to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies in serum from 7-year-old children attending elementary school in Vitória-ES, Brazil and to correlate these antibodies with socio-demographic factors, the presence of intestinal helminths, blood eosinophil numbers, past history of allergy or asthma, and clinical manifestations of helminth infections. METHODS: The detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies was performed using an ELISA (Cellabs Pty Ltd)on serum from 391 children who had already been examined by fecal examination and blood cell counts. Data from clinical and physical examinations were obtained for all children. RESULTS: The prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies was 51.6%, with no gender differences. No significant differences were observed between positive serology and the presence or absence of intestinal worms (60.3 and 51.7%, respectively; p = 0.286). The only variables significantly related to positive serology were onycophagy and the use of unfiltered water. Although eosinophilia (blood eosinophil count higher than 600/mm³) was significantly related to the presence of a positive ELISA result, this significance disappeared when we considered only children without worms or without a past history of allergy or asthma. No clinical symptoms related to Toxocara infection were observed. CONCLUSIONS: There is a high prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in children attending elementary schools in Vitória, which may be partially related to cross-reactivity with intestinal helminths or to a high frequency of infection with a small number of Toxocara eggs.
In this review we discuss our recently results showing interleukin 5 (IL-5) involvement in eosinophil migration and in the maintenance of eosinophilia in blood, bone marrow, lung and peritoneal cavity, in a visceral larva migrans syndrome model using guinea-pigs infected with Toxocara canis. We also describe the sequential release of TNF-alpha and IL-8 during the course of infection, and the interaction between these cytokines and IL-5 during infection. Finally we propose a new biological role for IL-5, at least in our model, as a modulator of IL-8 release and secretion.
Toxocara canis is very common in dogs throughout the world. It is the primary cause of visceral larva migrans (VLM) in humans. Soil contaminated with T. canis embryonated eggs is the main source of infection of man. Our objective was to describe Toxocara seroprevalence in humans in the city of La Plata associated with some determinants such asage, presence or absence of clinical manifestations and risk factors. Blood samples were collected at random from 156 patients of different sex and age, with and without clinical symptoms compatible with the disease. The diagnostic technique ELISA test was performed with the Bordier Affinity Products Commercial Kit, using excretory-secretory Toxocara antigen with a sensitivity higher than 90%. The values were positive in 39% of the studied population. In the analysis according to age, the younger group presented significant differences with respect to the older one (Chi-square p<0.05). Positive patients presented clinical symptoms compatible with the disease (84%), and 41% presented some risk factor. The level of positivity obtained indicates a certain risk of being infectes mainly in patients younger than 15 years old. The authors agree that an early identification and treatment of VLM may save a life.
Visceral larva migrans syndrome by Toxocara affects mainly children between 2 and 5 years of age, it is generally asymptomatic, and the seroprevalence varies from 3 to 86% in different countries. A total of 399 schoolchildren from 14 public schools of the Butantã region, São Paulo city, Brazil, were evaluated by Toxocara serology (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Epidemiological data to the Toxocara infection obtained from a protocol were submitted to multiple logistic regression analysis for a risk profile definition. Blood was collected on filter paper by finger puncture, with all samples tested in duplicate. Considering titers > 1/160 as positive, the seroprevalence obtained was 38.8%. Among infected children, the mean age was 9.4 years, with a similar distribution between genders. A significant association was observed with the presence of onychophagia, residence with a dirty backyard, living in a slum, previous wheezing episodes, school attended, and family income (p < 0.05). All data, except "living in a slum", were considered to be determinant of a risk profile for the acquisition of Toxocara infection. A monthly income > 5 minimum salaries represented a protective factor, although of low relevance. Toxocara eggs were found in at least one of the soil samples obtained from five schools, with high prevalence of Toxocara infections, indicating the frequent soil contamination by this agent.
In the present work, we identified adult Toxocara canis antigens through sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for potential use in human toxocariasis immunodiagnosis. The sensitivity and specificity of several semi-purified antigens, as well as their cross-reactivity with other parasitic infections, were assessed by IgM and IgG-enzime linked immunosorbent assay. Whilst we found that the crude extract of the parasite presented limited sensitivity, specificity and high cross-reactivity against other parasites, we identified 42, 58, 68 and 97-kDa semi-purified antigens as the most promising candidates for immunodiagnosis. Moreover, the 58 and 68-kDa antigens presented the lowest IgM cross-reactivity. When tested as a combination, a mixture of the 58 and 68-kDa antigens presented 100% sensitivity and specificity, as well as minor cross-reactivity. Although the combination of the 42, 58, 68 and 97-kDa antigens presented 100% sensitivity at a dilution of 1:40, the low specificity and high cross-reactivity observed suggested a limited use for diagnostic purposes. Our data suggested that the 58 and 68-kDa antigens might be most suitable for the immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis.
Toxocariasis is caused by infection of man by Toxocara canis and Toxocara, cati larvae, the common roundworm of dogs and cats. Because larvae are difficult to detect in tissues, diagnosis is mostly based on serology. Non specific reactions are observed mainly due to cross-reactivity with Ascaris sp antigens. This investigation aimed at developing and evaluating an indirect antibody competition ELISA (IACE) employing a specific rabbit IgG anti-Toxocara canis excretory-secretory antigens as the competition antibody. in order to improve indirect ELISA specificity performed for toxocariasis diagnosis. For that, the rabbit IgG was previously absorbed by Ascaris suum adult antigens. Sensitivity and specificity of IACE were first evaluated in 28 serum samples of mice experimentally infected with T. canis embryonated eggs. Adopting cut-off value established in this population before infection, sensitivity and specificity were 100% after 20 days post-inoculation. For human population IACE was evaluated using sera from 440 patients with clinical signs of toxocariasis and the cut-off value was established with 60 serum samples from apparently healthy individuals. Using as reference test the indirect ELISA performed by Adolfo Lutz Institute, sensitivity was 60.2%, specificity was 98% and concordance was 77.3%. Repeatability of IACE was evaluated by the inter-reactions variation coefficient (2.4%).
Although human toxocariasis ranks among the most common zoonotic infections worldwide, it remains relatively unknown to the public. The causal agents are the nematode parasites Toxocara canis and T. cati, whose definitive hosts are dogs and cats, respectively. When embryonated eggs are accidentally ingested by humans, larvae hatch in the small intestine, penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate, via the bloodstream, to the liver, lungs, muscles, eye and central nervous system. Although most human infections are asymptomatic, two well-defined clinical syndromes are classically recognised: visceral larva migrans (a systemic disease caused by larval migration through major organs) and ocular larva migrans (a disease limited to the eyes and optic nerves). Two less-severe syndromes have recently been described, one mainly in children (covert toxocariasis) and the other mainly in adults (common toxocariasis). Here, the current laboratory diagnosis, epidemiology and main clinical features of both the systemic and ocular forms of human toxocariasis are reviewed. New developments in serological diagnosis are described, the available seroprevalence data are analysed, and the results of relevant clinical studies that have been published over the last decade are explored, to provide an updated overview of this neglected but highly prevalent human infection.
Larva migrans visceral e cutânea são zoonoses parasitárias causadas pela infecção da larva de Toxocara sp. e Ancylostoma sp., respectivamente. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a contaminação por ovos de Toxocara sp. e ovos e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. em amostras de solos coletadas de praças públicas e de áreas de recreação infantil de Lavras, Estado de Minas Gerais, por meio da técnica de centrífugo-flutuação e do método de Baermann. A ocorrência de ovos de Toxocara sp. e, ovos e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. foi observada em 69,6% (16/23) das amostras de solo coletadas de praças públicas. A contaminação somente por ovos de Ancylostoma sp. em amostras de solo coletadas em escolas/creches foi de 22,2% (4/18). A percentagem de amostras de areia coletadas de escolas/creches contaminadas somente com larvas de Ancylostoma sp. foi de 11,1% (2/18). Praças públicas são as áreas com maior risco potencial de infecção por Toxocara sp. e Ancylostoma sp. Exame coproparasitológico realizado em 174 amostras de fezes de cães observou 58% e 23%, respectivamente, com ovos de Ancylostoma sp. e Toxocara sp.
In the present paper the main aspects of the natural history of human infection by Toxocara larvae that occasionally result in the occurrence of visceral and/or ocular larva migrans syndrome were reviewed. The contribution by Brazilian researchers was emphasized, especially the staff of the Tropical Medicine Institute of São Paulo (IMT).
A associação entre o abscesso hepático e a esquistosomose mansônica foi confirmada por estudos clínicos e experimentais. Outros parasitos, como a larva de Toxocara canis, podem causar alterações imunológicas sistêmicas e estruturais nos órgãos acometidos que favorecem a instalação e o crescimento da bactéria. A piomiosite tropical, o abscesso hepático piogênico e o abscesso renal são doenças freqüentes nos países tropicais e muitas vezes não se encontra doença de base que poderia explicá-las. A síndrome de larva migrans visceral é causada pela presença no organismo humano de larvas de vermes que têm outros animais como hospedeiro definitivo sendo a T. canis o agente mais comum. As larvas migram por vários órgãos causando reação inflamatória na forma de granuloma com necrose tecidual. Nesta revisão discutem-se os possíveis mecanismos de interação entre o hospedeiro, o parasito e a bactéria que podem favorecer a formação de abscessos nos órgãos acometidos pela larva de T. canis e resumem-se alguns resultados preliminares de trabalho clínico-experimental realizado durante os últimos quatro anos para definir o papel deste parasito na patogenia dos abscessos.
Para estudar a freqüência da infecção pelo Toxocara canis em crianças de classes sociais diferentes de Brasília, Brasil, foram testados soros de 602 crianças de ambos os sexos, de 1 a 12 anos, distribuídas em dois grupos representativos de condições socioeconômicas distintas. As amostras do primeiro grupo foram obtidas em laboratório público que atende bairros pobres. As do segundo grupo foram colhidas em laboratório privado, que serve à classe média. Os anticorpos anti-Toxocara foram detectados pelo método ELISA, com antígenos de Toxocara canis, e absorção com antígenos do Ascaris suum. A prevalência de soropositividade foi de 21,8% (66/302) no primeiro grupo e de 3% (9/300) no segundo (p<0,0001). Não houve diferença quanto ao gênero ou idade das crianças. Os resultados sugerem significativa prevalência de toxocaríase na população infantil de Brasília, com predomínio nas classes sociais menos favorecidas economicamente.
INTRODUÇÃO: Toxocara canis é um ascarídeo parasita do intestino delgado de cães, causador da larva migrans visceral em seres humanos. MÉTODOS: Com o objetivo de demonstrar a eficácia do fungo Pochonia chlamydosporia sobre ovos de Toxocara canis em condições laboratoriais, foi montado ensaio experimental em placas de Petri com ágar-água 2%. RESULTADOS: Houve atividade ovicida de 43,8% (p<0,01) do grupo tratado em relação ao grupo controle durante os intervalos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados demonstrados no presente trabalho sugerem a empregabilidade de Pochonia chlamydosporia como uma alternativa de controle biológico dos ovos embrionados de Toxocara canis.
INTRODUÇÃO: A concentração de cães e gatos em áreas urbanas, associada a um número cada vez mais crescente da população errante desses animais, tem um papel epidemiológico importante na contaminação de solos de praças e parques públicos e na disseminação de infecções por variados gêneros de parasitas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a frequência de geo-helmintos com potencial zoonótico em solo de praças públicas e escolas municipais infantis da Cidade de Fernandópolis, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período compreendido entre março de 2007 e fevereiro de 2008. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas todas as praças (32) e escolas (13) da cidade. As amostras foram testadas pelos métodos de Rugai adaptado, Willis e Caldwell e Caldwell. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 225 amostras de solo com 30,2% (68) de positividade. Nas amostras provenientes de praças públicas, a positividade foi de 40% (64), ao passo que, nas escolas, foi de apenas 6,1% (6). Os ovos de parasitas encontrados foram Toxocara spp. 79,3% (47), Trichuris spp. 13,8% (8) e ancilostomídeos 6,9% (4). Variáveis relacionadas ao local, como o número de cães (OR 21,18 - IC95%: 10,81-41,51), de espécimes de fezes (OR 6,87 - IC95%: 3,51-13,47) e a utilização de cerca (OR 0,1 - IC95%: 0,05-0,20) tiveram impacto na contaminação do solo. CONCLUSÕES: Foram observados, nas amostras contaminadas, parasitas com potencial zoonótico, entre os quais estão os agentes etiológicos de doenças como a larva migrans visceral e cutânea, fato que representa risco a saúde da população que frequenta tais ambientes.