834 resultados para use value
Cette recherche s’intéresse à la valeur d’usage du toit vert dans l’arrondissement du Plateau Mont-Royal, de la Ville de Montréal. Spécifiquement, elle s’intéresse à l’état problématique qu’est l’étalement urbain en tentant l’estimation de la valeur d’usage du toit vert, de la cour arrière et du balcon-terrasse soutenue par le dispositif argumentaire immobilier propre à chacun des aménagements. L’étalement urbain est la source de graves problèmes et la résorption de ses effets néfastes est devenue une priorité dans l’aménagement du territoire. L’une des principales raisons sousjacentes à l’exode urbain est la valeur d’usage accordée à la parcelle extérieure qu’offre l’habitat unifamilial pavillonnaire. Dans cette situation, la question est de savoir si l’insertion d’espaces verts privés en milieu urbain peut participer à la résorption de l’exode urbain. Or, dans l’agglomération, le sol manque. Le toit vert privé apparaît comme une alternative astucieuse, bien que limitée, au terrain entourant la maison. Reste à savoir si les gens le valorisent tel un espace vert privé d’extrême proximité, à même le sol. À la lueur de l’analyse, il advient que le toit vert ne présente pas de valeur d’usage comparable à celle de la cour arrière dans le contexte observé, précisément parce que leurs publics cibles s’opposent d’emblée. En revanche, le balcon-terrasse et le toit vert semblent être, en fonction des données construites, des aménagements à valeur d’usage comparable.
Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII se presentaron varias querellas ante el Tribunal de Justicia Criminal del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en las que se denunciaba que había personas que ejercían los oficios médicos sin tener títulos que los acreditaran como facultativos en las artes curativas. Por ese entonces, se creía que quienes utilizaban yerbas y conjuros como métodos terapéuticos, por lo general mujeres, debían ser juzgadas como yerbateras-envenenadoras, porque no pretendían curar sino matar a quien consumiera sus preparados. El texto establece que los procesos criminales por envenenamiento constituyen un prisma en el que convergen diferentes problemáticas del periodo colonial neogranadino, relacionadas con la salud, los oficios médicos, las enfermedades, las creencias mágico-religiosas, el ideal de mujer en la época, la delincuencia, y las dinámicas de las instituciones españolas, entre otras. De esta manera, se estudió cómo fue la relación entre los aspectos jurídicos, las leyes criminales (dictadas por la Corona) y las conductas “desviadas” (relacionadas con el crimen por envenenamiento) de los habitantes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Para ello se revistaron desde diferentes perspectivas, varios temas del mundo colonial neogranadino, relacionados con los rumores, la comidilla, los chismes y la importancia de la comunicación hablada en el virreinato; el problema de la honra, como una de las virtudes más sobresalientes de la época y las creencias de la cultura popular con relación al envenenamiento y los diferentes métodos curativos.
El aprovechamiento económico del espacio público constituye un fenómeno que pone a prueba la definición de lo público y lo privado. Esta distinción es una de las bases de la institucionalidad del Estado moderno, por lo que desafiarla genera tensiones que repercuten en su administración. Por su parte, los actores involucrados en la discusión de la racionalidad sobre la que se fundamentan los cimientos de nuestra democracia liberal, son agentes marginalizados a través de las diferentes clasificaciones que se aplican a ellos estigmatizándolos socialmente. Es a partir de esta dicotomía entre lo formal y lo informal y su manera de relacionarse, que se entra a discutir la construcción social del espacio público y las ambivalencias de los derechos de una población que actúa al margen del sistema.
Esta contribución discute algunas de las reflexiones del filósofo ecuatoriano Bolívar Echeverría, y su aporte al llamado “marxismo crítico” a la luz de tres categorías por él desarrolladas: “valor de uso”, ethos barroco y utopismo. En primer lugar, el autor analiza cómo Echeverría retomó el concepto valor de uso, presente en las reflexiones de Marx, para referirse a los procesos de producción y reproducción de la cultura, colocándolo así en un espacio central del análisis del capitalismo, seguidamente, se analizan las reflexiones de Echeverría en relación al estudio de la modernidad barroca, y el ethos barroco, finalmente, se aborda el problema del utopismo a partir de la construcción de una teoría crítica del marxismo descentrada del escenario que la produjo (el mundo europeo).
Cape Wind has proposed a wind farm of 130 turbines on Horseshoe Shoal in the center of Nantucket Sound. A prominent concern about the project is the impact the visibility of the turbines will have on the region's tourism industry and property values. It is feared that their presence will diminish the value of the pristine coastline that has attracted vacationers to Cape Cod for generations. In this project, we assess the extent to which Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket will be visually affected by the wind farm. It was completed using a Viewshed Analysis in the GIS program, ArcMap, from the surface, mean, and maximum height of the towers. These Viewsheds were combined to give a comprehensive perspective of which areas are able to see the highest percent of the wind farm. Finally, a weighted land use value was applied to the Viewshed to account for the impact of land use on the ability to see the project. The objective of this analysis is to provide a visual representation of how great an influence the wind farm will in fact have on Cape Cod.
Este trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de estudar as plantas utilizadas como medicinais pelos moradores do bairro Ponta Grossa e pelos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde relacionados ao Posto de Saúde da Família do bairro Ponta Grossa, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Como metodologia, foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas, na forma de questionários, para obtenção dos dados socioculturais e semi-estruturadas para o levantamento dos dados sobre as plantas. Foram coletadas 150 espécies utilizadas pela população, sendo 9 delas identificadas somente até gênero, pertencentes a 59 famílias botânicas. As famílias mais representadas em número de espécies foram Asteraceae e Lamiaceae. As partes das plantas mais utilizadas foram folhas e partes aéreas, sendo o chá a principal forma de utilização. As doenças e/ou sintomas mais mencionados foram os relacionados aos aparelhos digestório e respiratório. Em uma análise dos nomes populares foram encontradas 56 espécies com etnohomônimos e 73 espécies com etno-sinônimos verdadeiros ou falsos. Também foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica comparativa entre as indicações de uso originais e as indicações atuais referidas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e países limítrofes. Esta revisão teve como objetivo verificar se houve alterações do conhecimento popular. Uma espécie apresentou equivalência entre as indicações de usos originais e atuais e 140 apresentaram alteração do conhecimento popular. Para 16 espécies foi detectada alteração total do conhecimento, 61 apresentaram ampliação do conhecimento e 21 redução do conhecimento popular. Ferramentas quantitativas foram utilizadas, como Valor de Uso (UV) e a porcentagem de Concordância corrigida quanto aos Usos Principais (CUPc), para verificar quais as espécies mais importantes para a população e as mais promissoras para a realização de estudos biológicos posteriores. Para as 21 espécies mais importantes foram feitas revisões na literatura científica com o objetivo de reunir dados químicos e biológicos, que resultarão na elaboração de um manual didático, o qual será devolvido como um retorno para a população estudada.
O presente trabalho investigou o valor de uma floresta nativa no bioma Mata Atlântica. Para isso, utilizou-se da metodologia de custo de reposição. Além disso, buscou-se explicitar os principais fatores determinantes desse valor, bem como seus impactos. Foram formuladas quatro hipóteses de pesquisa, a saber, i) o nível de degradação da área não influencia o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa; ii) relevos mais acidentados das áreas a serem restauradas não influenciam o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa; iii) a distância da área a ser restaurada em relação ao centro urbano mais próximo não influencia o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa; e iv) a distância da área a ser restaurada em relação ao viveiro produtor de mudas não influencia o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa. Para chegar aos resultados foram realizados testes simples de diferença de médias para as variáveis qualitativas. Os resultados encontrados foram de que pode-se rejeitar a hipótese de que relevos mais acidentados das áreas a serem restauradas não influenciam o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa. No entanto, não se rejeitam as hipóteses de que a distância da área a ser restaurada em relação ao centro urbano mais próximo não influencia o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa e de que a distância da área a ser restaurada em relação ao viveiro produtor de mudas não influencia o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa. Após essa primeira aproximação, é realizada uma série de regressões, utilizando o modelo clássico de mínimos quadrados ordinários (MQO). Fez-se uma análise de sensibilidade dos resultados obtidos. O levantamento de dados foi obtido por meio da realização de uma pesquisa (questionário) a uma série de entidades do setor. Foram testadas as quatro hipóteses. De acordo com os testes realizados, pode-se dizer que a hipótese 2 sobre o impacto de um relevo mais acidentado das áreas a serem restauradas no custo total de reposição da floresta nativa se mostrou não significativa em todos os modelos. No entanto, a hipótese 1 do impacto do nível de degradação sobre o valor do projeto foi rejeitada em todos os modelos. A hipótese 3 do impacto da localização da área em relação ao centro urbano sobre o valor do projeto foi rejeitada em dois modelos e a hipótese 4 de que a distância da área a ser restaurada em relação ao viveiro produtor de mudas não influencia o custo total de reposição da floresta nativa foi rejeitada em um modelo. Chegou-se ao resultado de R$22 mil/hectare para o custo de reposição de uma floresta nativa do bioma Mata Atlântica. Esse tipo de estudo foi contextualizado no desenvolvimento feito pela economia ambiental ao longo do tempo, ressaltando suas principais características. Nas conclusões destaca-se os principais pontos do trabalho e são discutidas uma série de implicações teóricas e gerenciais do presente estudo, bem como apresentadas sugestões para novos estudos nessa área.
This work has as its theme the social function of terrenos de marinha. Theresearch universe is the terrenos de marinha of Natal coastline, focusing on thefulfillment of its social function. Prescribed by law since the colonial period with thepurpose of protecting the coast and free movement of people and goods, theywere swathes of land not available to private use by individuals. With the transitionfrom the allotments system to the purchase and sale, regard to land access,crystallized with the creation of the Land Law in the nineteenth century, the land isheld as merchandise and terrenos de marinha, following this logic, also acquireexchange value and become capable of enjoyment by private individuals, with thecondition of tax payments to the state. This is seen until the twentieth century,when in 1988, primarily because of the Federal Constitution promulgation, begins anew cycle when is possible to use on terrenos de marinha the principle of thesocial function of property. From this perspective this study aims to identify thesocial function of terrenos de marinha in Natal, focusing on the public destinationand the use value of the city coastline. To this end, it was made a data collection inthe on-line information system of the Federal Heritage Department of Rio Grandedo Norte (SPU / RN) and in the terrenos de marinha areas, in order to find out ifthey had public or private use, or if they were empty lots, as well as if thepopulation access to the shore exist. Interviews with managers of the SPU weremade. The empirical study showed that the social function of terrenos de marinhain the city of Natal still didn´t happen, considering the constant existence of vacantlots in their areas, the lack of access in significant portions of the coastline and thereduced areas directed to common use along the coastline, minimizing its potentialof enjoyment by the population. It concludes by pointing to the existence of a newtransition phase on the terrenos de marinha, in witch, gradually, come up lawprovisions in the legal system and public policies to expand the purely taxcollection function attributed to this land for two centuries. In this direction, thesocial function of terrenos de marinha is embodied in concomitant adjustment ofthe tax collection function and the rescue of coastline use value, national heritageand a place for sociability and social relations development
The aim of this study was to test the Ecological Apparency Hypothesis comparing two rural communities in João Câmara (RN) and Remigio (PB), in the Northeast of Brazil. This hypothesis assumes that plants are perceived, known and used by human populations according to their local availability. The most used species would be the ones that are more available in the forest (apparent), and apparently suffer greater pressure of use. Communities were consulted through semi-structured interviews. In Remigio 42 people were interviewed, and 50 in João Câmara. The importance of each species was evaluated considering the distinction between citations from current and potential uses. The ethnobotanical information was associated with phytosociological parameters collected by the point-centered quarter method in forested areas, where 50 transects were distributed in each community, and 4,000 individuals sampled in total. Based on the interviews, 58 useful species were recorded, 42 genera and18 families. In the phytosociological study 30 species, 22 genera and 12 families in João Câmara, In Remígio were identified 34 species, 22 genera and nine families.The species were grouped into 11 categories of use. The ecological appearance was confirmed only in the João Câmara, which best explained the relationship between local availability and use of timber resources. Positive correlations were observed also between the technology category VUpotential and dominance. The point-centered quarter was efficient to test appearance, however, further studies through the point-centered quarter method are recommended
In this study we have developed a discussion about academic text production in the undergraduate course of Literature and Languages. Specifically, we are going to analyze the monographic text writing in order to verify the meaning effects created from the ways of showing other s discourses that constitute a written production. As a means to do that, we are going to answer the following question: How does a young researcher make use of a theory in order to be part of a particular scientific community? We aim to: 1) analyze the linguistic resources, like quotations and signs of cohesion that demonstrate the other s voice presence in academic writing; 2) observe the meaning effects produced through the ways that the one who writes shows the other s voice in the written text. Firstly, we have selected 23 (twentythree) monographs produced in the last five years by students from a Literature and Languages undergraduate course in a determined public university. However, in this study, we have analyzed just 02 (two) different monographic texts. To develop such an investigation, we have inquired Kuhn s concept of science, which shows the existence of different meanings of science production in the course of the centuries. It allows us to define academic writing as science production that develops and contributes to knowledge production. With the purpose of restricting the meaning of writing conception, we have relied on Coracini, who assumes that all writing production is the registration of the self, in other words, writing comes from the subject s intervention, it is to say that only an imposition of the self guarantees the subject as author of what he writes. We have as theoretical basis the following concepts: 1-) Authier-Revus s enunciative heterogeneity, that allowed us to analyze the written marks of the other in the monographic writing; 2-) Pêcheux s reformulation-paraphrase and Orlandi s polysemy and paraphrase, concepts that present notions of productivity and creativity as ways of meaning production, and allows us to observe how the process of language production in academic writing is established; 3-) Rossi-Landi s concept of exchange-value and use-value, which consider language as a linguistic work, allowing us to verify the differences between use and social functionality in a determined theory; and 4-) Possenti s notion of authorship indicia, with which we have identified attitudes that make the one who writes author of his own text. We have verified that writing characterized for repetition and reproduction may develop a meaning effect that constructs the idea that writing production promotes an author, a concept or a theory. We have also realized that a written text that restricts itself to reproduce other authors discourses and does not articulate a theory with data analysis or with work methodology, when evaluated is approved and legitimates itself as scientific production. That demonstrates the existence of academic productions that do not develop any functionality of the employed theory. The text works as a means to promote its theoretical concepts, and theory. It is to say that the theoretical foundantion, which usually is a way to argue and sustain scientific production, does not have any function. Thus, we consider that the way someone shows the other s discourse in academic writing may work as a way to underline what the other asserts to the detriment of the researcher s words. This fact allows us to comprehend that a way of writing may evidence a meaning effect of the author s, theory s or theoretical concepts promotion
This master thesis aimed to investigate how the power relations operating in the tourism social processes, have shaped the urbanization of Ponta Negra district, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The study assumes that the production of space is the result of global phenomena individualized by local forces a process of glocalization. The method used was the case study. It used primary and secondary data and information were treated using the technique of content analysis. The urbanization of Ponta Negra is inserted in the context of global process triggered in the 1970s. The Park of Dunas and Costeira Highway (PD/VC) urbanization project marks the beginning of the Tourisms since 1979. The period in focus was 1979 to 2009. The tourism was dived into four major sections time: tourism in Natal before the Coastal Highway (1939-1979); Project Parque das Dunas / Coastal Highway to the first boom in domestic tourism (1979 - 1990); the internationalization of tourism (1991-2000) and, of first "boom" to "decline" of international tourism (2001-2009). Based on the historical evolution of the tourism were elected three different social processes, able to demonstrate how relations of social forces brought in space act on them and help shape the process of urbanization of the neighborhood in question: The removal of beach hut , the soccer field Botafogo Football Club and the skyscrapers . Finally, it should summarize the research identified interests and conflicts among the actors that form the thrust of spatial transformations: cultural conflicts resulting from the imposition of social practices that differ from the taste of native; clashes between different groups that reflect the duality between use value and exchange value; and interests in land values. In addition, demonstrated that the social relations that involve the production of the area are stimulated by deep-seated societal processes historically and camouflaged by market relations and a modern facade that the city has acquired in recent times; revealed that the actors are linked in networks to increase their influence and that this influence varies mainly according to economic and political power that they or their associates hold
The aim of the present study was to identify the main plant use categories of native varieties from the Caatinga biome, in the rural community of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte state (Northeastern Brazil). Semi-structured and structured interviews were used to gather information from local specialists about the use of the plants. The uses of 69 species are described by 23 observers (woodsmen, herb doctors, healers, farmers and housewives) aged 35 years or more. These species were allocated to seven categories: medicinal, wood plants, nutritional, mystic, fuel, forage plants and domestic use. The most represented families were Fabaceae (14 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (6 spp.), Cucurbitaceae (3 spp.) and Cactaceae (3 spp.). The calculation of use- value showed that the cumaru (Amburana cearensis (Allemão) A. C. Sm) and the jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir) were the most commonly mentioned, in addition to having the largest number of uses. The data obtained confirm the potential of the plants from the Seridó region and reinforce the importance of biodiversity for rural communities, underscoring the need for local plant management
Amenities value provided by green areas, sea, river and natural landscapes are hardly perceived and incorporated on urban planning and development. In this work, distance and view to protected and non-protected green areas, sea and river were evaluated as to how they increase the housing prices in Natal. Hedonic pricing methods were used with linear models to estimate the marginal implicit value of environmental, residential and neighborhood features. Results on Chapter 1 demonstrate the view to the sea and protected natural areas were largely capitalized on housing prices, while non-protected natural areas didn t display such effect. Housing prices also increase when close to the sea or to parks entrance. However, housing prices fall when houses are near non-protected natural areas. When estates with sea view were excluded, the protected natural areas view and a longer distance to non-protected natural areas increased dwelling prices. Results on Chapter 2 point the sea view as an hedonic variable the contributes strongly to the property selling prices, even though not always as the greatest contributor; furthermore, the property proximity to Dunas Park or City of the Park entrance increases its price, as does closeness to Dunas Park, view to City of the Park or Dunas Park. On the other hand, selling prices diminish if properties are close to City of the Park or Morro do Careca. Results on this study confirm the hedonic pricing methods is an important intrument, capable of revealing to popullation the importance of enviromental amenities and can be used by public managers for creating public policies for conservation and restoration projects
This dissertation is about low-income rental housing vilas in the South Zone in the city of Natal. Vilas are a string of houses, built privately in an urban plot of land, usually a backyard, facing a narrow street beco. This type of housing is originated in the 19th century in the Brazilian scenario. In Natal, this has become more popular since the late 1960s. This study is aimed at analyzing the urban integration of the vilas, considering that these house a low income population, vis à vis the speedy development of Natal s most economically dynamic area. The study starts with a discussion of the production of space, taking into consideration categories such as use value, exchange value, commodity and land rent. Field work was undertaken through structured interviews with dwellers of vilas in Nova Descoberta and Ponta Negra neighbourhoods. Owners of vilas were also interviewed. Data collected indicated worrisome housing conditions. Vilas, in the areas researched, are increasingly becoming unwelcome, constituting guetos in a place where landscape is changing rapidly. Gentrification is fast under way, first because of rise in rent and taxes; second because of general rise in living costs
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)