979 resultados para triangular enclosure


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Numerically investigation of free convection heat transfer in a differentially heated trapezoidal cavity filled with non-Newtonian Power-law fluid has been performed in this study. The left inclined surface is uniformly heated whereas the right inclined surface is maintained as uniformly cooled. The top and bottom surfaces are kept adiabatic with initially quiescent fluid inside the enclosure. Finite volume based commercial software FLUENT 14.5 is used to solve the governing equations. Dependency of various flow parameters of fluid flow and heat transfer is analyzed including Rayleigh number, Ra ranging from 10^5 to 10^7, Prandtl number, Pr of 100 to 10,000 and power index, n of 0.6 to 1.4. Outcomes have been reported in terms of isotherms, streamline, and local Nusselt number for various Ra, Pr, n and inclined angles. Grid sensitivity analysis is performed and numerically obtained results have been compared with those results available in the literature and found good agreement.


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Numerical simulations of thermomagnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids placed in a micro-gravity condition (g ≈ 0) and under a uniform vertical gradient magnetic field in an open ended square enclosure with ramp heating temperature condition applied on a vertical wall is investigated in this study. In presence of the strong magnetic gradient field thermal convection of the paramagnetic fluid might take place even in a zero-gravity environment as a direct consequence of temperature differences occurring within the fluid. The thermal boundary layer develops adjacent to the hot wall as soon as the ramp temperature condition is applied on it. There are two scenarios can be observed based on the ramp heating time. The steady state of the thermal boundary layer can be reached before the ramp time is finished or vice versa. If the ramp time is larger than the quasi-steady time then the thermal boundary layer is in a quasi-steady mode with convection balancing conduction after the quasi-steady time. Further increase of the heat input simply accelerates the flow to maintain the proper thermal balance. Finally, the boundary layer becomes completely steady state when the ramp time is finished. Effects of magnetic Rayleigh number, Prandtl number and paramagnetic fluid parameter on the flow pattern and heat transfer are presented.


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Numerical simulations of thermomagnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids placed in a micro-gravity condition (g nearly 0) and under a uniform vertical gradient magnetic field in an open ended square enclosure with ramp heating temperature condition applied on a vertical wall is investigated in this study. In presence of the strong magnetic gradient field thermal convection of the paramagnetic fluid might take place even in a zero-gravity environment as a direct consequence of temperature differences occurring within the fluid. The thermal boundary layer develops adjacent to the hot wall as soon as the ramp temperature condition is applied on it. There are two scenario that can be observed based on the ramp heating time. The steady state of the thermal boundary layer can be reached before the ramp time is finished or vice versa. If the ramp time is larger than the quasi-steady time then the thermal boundary layer is in a quasi-steady mode with convection balancing conduction after the quasi-steady time. Further increase of the heat input simply accelerates the flow to maintain the proper thermal balance. Finally, the boundary layer becomes completely steady state when the ramp time is finished. Effects of magnetic Rayleigh number, Prandtl number and paramagnetic fluid parameter on the flow pattern and heat transfer are presented.


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Numerically investigation of free convection within a porous cavity with differential heating has been performed using modified corrugated side walls. Sinusoidal hot left and cold right walls are assumed to receive sudden differentially heating where top and bottom walls are insulated. Air is considered as working fluid and is quiescent, initially. Numerical experiments reveal 3 distinct stages of developing pattern including initial stage, oscillatory intermediate and finally steady state condition. Implicit Finite Volume Method with TDMA solver is used to solve the governing equations. This study has been performed for the Rayleigh numbers ranging from 100 to 10,000. Outcomes have been reported in terms of isotherms, streamline, velocity and temperature plots and average Nusselt number for various Ra, corrugation frequency and corrugation amplitude. The effects of sudden differential heating and its resultant transient behavior on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics have been shown for the range of governing parameters. The present results show that the transient phenomena are enormously influenced by the variation of the Rayleigh Number with corrugation amplitude and frequency.


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A numerical study is carried out to investigate the transition from laminar to chaos in mixed convection heat transfer inside a lid-driven trapezoidal enclosure. In this study, the top wall is considered as isothermal cold surface, which is moving in its own plane at a constant speed, and a constant high temperature is provided at the bottom surface. The enclosure is assumed to be filled with water-Al2O3 nanofluid. The governing Navier–Stokes and thermal energy equations are expressed in non-dimensional forms and are solved using Galerkin finite element method. Attention is paid in the present study on the pure mixed convection regime at Richandson number, Ri = 1. The numerical simulations are carried out over a wide range of Reynolds (0.1 ≤ Re ≤ 103) and Grashof (0.01 ≤ Gr ≤ 106) numbers. Effects of the presence of nanofluid on the characteristics of mixed convection heat transfer are also explored. The average Nusselt numbers of the heated wall are computed to demonstrate the influence of flow parameter variations on heat transfer. The corresponding change of flow and thermal fields is visualized from the streamline and the isotherm contour plots.


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Turbulent mixed convection flow and heat transfer in a shallow enclosure with and without partitions and with a series of block-like heat generating components is studied numerically for a range of Reynolds and Grashof numbers with a time-dependent formulation. The flow and temperature distributions are taken to be two-dimensional. Regions with the same velocity and temperature distributions can be identified assuming repeated placement of the blocks and fluid entry and exit openings at regular distances, neglecting the end wall effects. One half of such module is chosen as the computational domain taking into account the symmetry about the vertical centreline. The mixed convection inlet velocity is treated as the sum of forced and natural convection components, with the individual components delineated based on pressure drop across the enclosure. The Reynolds number is based on forced convection velocity. Turbulence computations are performed using the standard k– model and the Launder–Sharma low-Reynolds number k– model. The results show that higher Reynolds numbers tend to create a recirculation region of increasing strength in the core region and that the effect of buoyancy becomes insignificant beyond a Reynolds number of typically 5×105. The Euler number in turbulent flows is higher by about 30 per cent than that in the laminar regime. The dimensionless inlet velocity in pure natural convection varies as Gr1/3. Results are also presented for a number of quantities of interest such as the flow and temperature distributions, Nusselt number, pressure drop and the maximum dimensionless temperature in the block, along with correlations.


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We study the equilibrium properties of the nearest-neighbor Ising antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice in the presence of a staggered field conjugate to one of the degenerate ground states. Using a mapping of the ground states of the model without the staggered field to dimer coverings on the dual lattice, we classify the ground states into sectors specified by the number of "strings." We show that the effect of the staggered field is to generate long-range interactions between strings. In the limiting case of the antiferromagnetic coupling constant J becoming infinitely large, we prove the existence of a phase transition in this system and obtain a finite lower bound for the transition temperature. For finite J, we study the equilibrium properties of the system using Monte Carlo simulations with three different dynamics. We find that in all the three cases, equilibration times for low-field values increase rapidly with system size at low temperatures. Due to this difficulty in equilibrating sufficiently large systems at low temperatures, our finite-size scaling analysis of the numerical results does not permit a definite conclusion about the existence of st phase transition for finite values of J. A surprising feature in the system is the fact that unlike usual glassy systems; a zero-temperature quench almost always leads to the ground state, while a slow cooling does not.


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We discuss the results of an extensive mean-field investigation of the half-filled Hubbard model on a triangular lattice at zero temperature. At intermediate U we find a first-order metal-insulator transition from an incommensurate spiral magnetic metal to a semiconducting state with a commensurate linear spin density wave ordering stabilized by the competition between the kinetic energy and the frustrated nature of the magnetic interaction. At large U the ground state is that of a classical triangular antiferromagnet within our approximation. In the incommensurate spiral metallic phase the Fermi surface has parts in which the wave function renormalization Z is extremely small. The evolution of the Fermi surface and the broadening of the quasi-particle band along with the variation of the plasma frequency and a charge stiffness constant with U/t are discussed.


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This paper presents simulation and experimental studies on the characterization of ultra wideband antennas for imaging applications. Various configurations of antennas were simulated for their time and frequency domain characteristics with special emphasis on flat responses for group delay and gain versus frequency. Parametric studies reported here showed that locating the capacitive feed strip near the vertex of the triangle gave better response in these respects. An antenna with operating frequency from 2.9GHz to 4.1GHz was fabricated and measured.


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Kinetically frustrated bosons at half filling in the presence of a competing nearest-neighbor repulsion support a wide supersolid regime on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. We study this model on a two-leg ladder using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method, obtaining a phase diagram which contains three phases: a uniform superfluid (SF), an insulating charge density wave (CDW) crystal, and a bond ordered insulator (BO). We show that the transitions from SF to CDW and SF to BO are continuous in nature, with critical exponents varying continuously along the phase boundaries, while the transition from CDW to BO is found to be first order. The phase diagram is also found to contain an exactly solvable Majumdar Ghosh point, and reentrant SF to CDW phase transitions.


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The spin dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) is studied on a triangular lattice using numerical diagonalization technique and Monte-Carlo simulation algorithm. Magnetic properties have been explored for different values of parameters: on-site Coulomb correlation U, exchange interaction J and filling of electrons. We have found that the ground state configurations exhibit long range Neel order, ferromagnetism or a mixture of both as J is varied. The magnetic moments of itinerant (d) and localized U) electrons are also studied. For the one-fourth filling case we found no magnetic moment from d- and f-electrons for U less than a critical value. `.2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present work investigates the mixed convective flow and heat transfer characteristics past a triangular cylinder placed symmetrically in a vertical channel. At a representative Reynolds number, Re = 100, simulations are carried out for the blockage ratios beta = 1/3; 1/4; and 1/6. Effect of aiding and opposing buoyancy is brought about by varying the Richardson number in the range -1.0 <= Ri <= 1.0. At a blockage ratio of 1/3, suppression of vortex shedding is found at Ri = 1, whereas von Karman vortex street is seen both at beta = 1/4 and 1/6, respectively. This is the first time that such behavior of blockage ratio past a triangular cylinder in the present flow configuration is reported. Drag coefficient increases progressively with increasing Ri and a slightly higher value is noticed at beta = 1/3. For all b, heat transfer increases with increasing Ri. Flattening of Nu(avg)-Ri curve beyond Ri > 0: 75 is observed at beta = 1/3.


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Ground state magnetic properties are studied by incorporating the super-exchange interaction (J(se)) in the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) between localized (f-) electrons on a triangular lattice for half filled case. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo simulation are used to study the ground state magnetic properties. We have found that the magnetic moment of (d-) and (f-) electrons strongly depend on the value of Hund's exchange (J), super-exchange interaction (J(se)) and also depends on the number of (d-) electrons (N-d). The ground state changes from antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) state as we decrease (N-d). Also the density of d electrons at each site depends on the value of J and J(se).


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Ground state magnetic properties of the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) are studied by incorporating the intrasite exchange correlation J (between itinerant d- and localized f-electrons) and intersite (superexchange) correlation J (between localized f-electrons) on a triangular lattice for two different fillings. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo techniques are used to determine the ground state magnetic properties. Transitions from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic and again to re-entrant antiferromagnetic phase is observed in a wide range of parameter space. The magnetic moments of d- and f-electrons are observed to depend strongly on the value off, J and also on the total number of d-electrons (N-d). (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.