959 resultados para transcription elongation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Das Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrom (WHS) ist ein komplexes und variables Fehlbildungs- Retardierungssyndrom, das durch Deletion in der distalen Chromosomenregion 4p16.3 hervorgerufen wird und dessen Ätiologie und Pathogenese bisher weitgehend unverstanden sind. Die Zielsetzung in der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Identifizierung und vorläufigen Charakterisierung neuer Gene, die an der Entstehung des Syndroms beteiligt sein könnten. Die Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrom-kritische Region (WHSCR) konnte zu Beginn der vorliegenden Arbeit auf einen ca. 2 Mb großen Bereich zwischen den Markern D4S43 und D4S142 eingegrenzt werden. Für die Identifizierung neuer Gene wurden zunächst drei größere genomische Cosmid-/PAC-Contigs (I-III) im Bereich der Marker D4S114 bis D4S142 erstellt und mittels Exonamplifikation auf transkribierte Bereiche (Exons) untersucht. Es konnten insgesamt 67 putative 'Exons' isoliert werden, von denen einige bereits bekannten Genen (ZNF141, PDEB, MYL5, GAK, DAGK4 und FGFR3) entsprechen. Zwei dieser Gene konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals (DAGK4) bzw. genauer (GAK) in die distale Region 4p16.3 kartiert werden. Die restlichen Exons können aufgrund von Homologievergleichen und/oder EST-cDNA-Homologien vermutlich neuen Genen oder auch Pseudogenen (z. B. YWEE1hu) zugeordnet werden. Durch die im Verlaufe der vorliegenden Arbeit publizierte weitere Eingrenzung der WHSCR auf einen 165 Kb-großen Bereich proximal des FGFR3-Gens konzentrierten sich weitere Untersuchungen auf die detaillierte Analyse der WHSCR zwischen dem Marker D4S43 und FGFR3. Mit Hilfe von Exonamplifikation bzw. computergestützter Auswertung vorliegender Sequenzdaten aus diesem Bereich ('GRAIL', 'GENSCAN' und Homologievergleiche in den EST-Datenbanken des NCBI) konnten mehrere neue Gene identifiziert werden. In distaler-proximaler Reihenfolge handelt es sich dabei um die Gene LETM1, 51, 43, 45, 57 und POL4P. LETM1 kodiert für ein putatives Transmembran-Protein mit einem Leucin-Zipper- und zwei EF-Hand-Motiven und könnte aufgrund seiner möglichen Beteiligung an der Ca2+-Homeostase und/oder der Signal-transduktion zu Merkmalen des WHS (Krampfanfällen, mentale Retardierung und muskuläre Hypotonie) beitragen. Das Gen 51 entspricht einem in etwa zeitgleich durch Stec et al. (1998) und Chesi et al. (1998) als WHSC1 bzw. MMSET bezeichnetem Gen und wurde daher nicht weiter charakterisiert. Es wird genauso wie das Gen 43, das zeitgleich von Wright et al. (1999b) als WHSC2 beschrieben werden konnte und eine mögliche Rolle bei der Transkriptionselongation spielt, ubiquitär exprimiert. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit identifizierte Gen 45 zeigt demgegenüber ein ausgesprochen spezifisches Expressionsmuster (in Nervenzellen des Gehirns sowie in Spermatiden). Dies stellt zusammen mit der strukturellen Ähnlichkeit des putativen Genprodukts zu Signalmolekülen einen interessanten Zusammenhang zu Merkmalen des WHS (beispielsweise Kryptorchismus, Uterusfehlbildungen oder auch neurologische Defekte) her. Demgegenüber handelt es sich bei dem Gen 57 möglicherweise um ein trunkiertes Pseudogen des eRFS-Gens auf Chromosom 6q24 (Wallrapp et al., 1998). Das POL4P-Gen schließlich stellt allein aufgrund seiner genomischen Lokalisation sowie seiner möglichen Funktion (als DNA-Polymerase-ähnliches Gen) kein gutes Kandidatengen für spezifische Merkmale des Syndroms dar und wurde daher nicht im Detail charakterisiert. Um die Beteiligung der Gene an der Ätiologie und Pathogenese des Syndroms zu verstehen, ist die Entwicklung eines Mausmodells (über das Einfügen gezielter Deletionen in das Mausgenom) geplant. Um dies zu ermöglichen, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Charakterisierung der orthologen Region bei der Maus vorgenommen. Zunächst wurden die orthologen Gene der Maus (Letm1, Whsc1, Gen 43 (Whsc2h), Gen 45 und Pol4p) identifiziert. Durch die Erstellung sowie die genaue Kartierung eines murinen genomischen P1/PAC-Klon-Contigs konnte gezeigt werden, daß die murinen Gene Fgfr3, Letm1, Whsc1, Gen 43 (Whsc2h), Gen 45 und Pol4p sowie einige weitere der überprüften EST-cDNA-Klone der Maus in einem durchgehenden Syntänieblock zwischen Mensch (POL4P bis FGFR3) und Maus (Mmu 5.20) enthalten sind, der in seiner genomischen Ausdehnung in etwa den Verhältnissen beim Menschen (zwischen POL4P und FGFR3) entspricht.


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Die kumulative Habil.‐Schrift gründet sich auf 6 Originalpublikationen, die beschreiben: [Sass, H. (1982), Cell 28: 269‐278]. RNA polymerase B in polytene chromosomes: Immunofluorescent and autoradiographic analysis during stimulated and repressed RNA synthesis. Elektronenmikroskopie charakterisierte das C. tentans Balbianiring BR2‐Gen von Speicheldrüsenchromosomen als hoch aktives 5‐6 μm langes single‐copy Gen, das 33/μm RNAPolymerasen B (Pol II) transkribieren (Diss., Sass, H., 1978, Univ. Tübingen). Diese Immunfluoreszenzstudie ortet Pol II in allen Interbanden von Region IV‐3B10‐3B5 des nichtinduzierten BR2. Prominente Fluoreszenz im BR2‐Genort 3B9/10 zeigt, das BR2‐Gen ist präaktiv, wie erwartet. 3H‐Autoradiogramme beweisen, in allen fluoreszierenden BR2, BR1, BR3, Puffs, aufgelockerten Banden, Interbanden und Loci ohne Puffing, synthetisiert Pol II RNA. Die genomweite ständige Pol II‐Präsenz zeigt, dass, wie beim nichtinduzierten BR2‐Gen, bereits schon gebundene Pol II wohl auch andere Gene präaktiviert. So erfolgt die Regulation der Transkription mehr über die transkriptionelle Elongation. Auch durch α‐Amanitin, oder Actinomycin D, oder Hitzeschock in vivo kollabierte BR2, BR1, BR3 besitzen Pol II. [Sass, H. (1984), Chromosoma 90: 20‐25]. Gene identification in polytene chromosomes: some Balbiani ring 2 gene sequences are located in an interband‐like region of Chironomus tentans. Immunfluoreszenz und 3H‐Autoradiographie zeigen, dass Injektionen von DRB in Larven die Balbianiringe (BR) sowie andere Puffs und deren Pol II‐Konzentration dramatisch reduzieren. Trotzdem zeigen 3H‐Uridin markierte Speicheldrüsenchromosomen, dass RNA‐Synthese doch in nichtinduzierten BR2, BR1, BR3 erfolgt, aber nur auf reduziertem Level. Das widerspricht der von Egyházi E. (1975, PNAS 73:947‐950) propagierten „Inhibition of Balbiani ring RNA synthesis at the initiation level“ durch DRB. Vielmehr sieht es so aus, DRB wirkt bei der transkriptionellen Elongation inhibierend. Durch in situ‐Hybridisierung von Sequenzen klonierter BR2‐DNA wurde in Speicheldrüsenchromosom IV das BR2‐Gen in Region 3B9/10 direkt identifiziert. [Sass, H. and Pederson, T. (1984), J. Mol. Biol. 180: 911‐926]. Transcription‐dependent localization of U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins at major sites of gene activity in polytene chromosomes. Immunolokalisation von Sm‐, U1‐ und U2snRNP‐spezifischen Antigenen in Speicheldrüsenchromosomen von C. tentans hat zur Entdeckung der beim Spleißen von prä‐mRNA beteiligten U1/U2snRNPs in Balbianiringen BR2, BR1, BR3 sowie anderen Puffs und aufgelockerten Banden geführt. Die überraschenden BR‐Daten zeigen erstmals: (i) Der Spleiß‐Apparat ist in Genloci mit intensiver RNA‐Synthese schon vorhanden. (ii) Immunfluoreszenz reflektiert den Exon‐Intron‐Bau dieser BR‐Gene. (iii) Transkription und spleißosomales Ausschneiden von Introns sind koordiniert. [Sass, H. (1989), Nucleic Acids Research 17: 10508]. Hsp82‐neo transposition vectors to study insertional mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and tissue culture cells; [Sass, H. (1990), Gene 89: 179‐186]. P‐transposable vectors expressing a constitutive and thermoinducible hsp82‐neo fusion gene for Drosophila germline transformation and tissue‐culture transfection. Beschrieben sind Design, Konstruktion und Expression der Genfusion hsp82‐neo als ein in vivo selektierbares Reporter‐/Markergen, die Transposons P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} sowie P{hsp82‐neo} und Transformations‐Vektoren pHS22, pHS24, pHS85, pHS103 und pHS104. Sie stellen das von der Fliege gebildete Enzym bakteriellen Ursprungs, Neomycin‐Phosphotransferase II, für die G418‐Selektion bereit, um die Position, Struktur, Expression und Funktion von Genen mittels hsp82‐neo‐Mutagenese zu erforschen. [Sass, H. and Meselson, M. (1991), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 6795‐6799]. Dosage compensation of the Drosophila pseudoobscura Hsp82 gene and the D. melanogaster Adh gene at ectopic sites in D. melanogaster. Quantitative Unterschiede in der Dosiskompensation des X‐chromosomalen hsp82‐Gens von D. pseudoobscura und autosomalen Adh‐Gens von D. melanogaster wurden als Erhöhung der RNAMenge in D. melanogaster gemessen. Beide Transgene sind dosiskompensiert, sprang P{hsp82‐ neo/Adh} in euchromatische Regionen des D. melanogaster X‐Chromosoms. Beide Transgene sind nicht dosiskompensiert, insertierte P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} ins β‐Heterochromatin in Region 20 an der Basis des X. Keine der zehn autosomalen Insertionen ist dosiskompensiert. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass X‐chromosomale regulatorische Sequenzen, die für die Verstärkung der Genaktivität um Faktor 2 in Männchen verantwortlich sind, gehäuft im X vorkommen, jedoch im β‐ Heterochromatin und den Autosomen fehlen. Das Kompensationsverhalten der transponierten Gene wird durch das neue chromosomale Milieu des Insertionsortes bestimmt.


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5′-Capping is an early mRNA modification that has important consequences for downstream events in gene expression. We have isolated mammalian cDNAs encoding capping enzyme. They contain the sequence motifs characteristic of the nucleotidyl transferase superfamily. The predicted mouse and human enzymes consist of 597 amino acids and are 95% identical. Mouse cDNA directed synthesis of a guanylylated 68-kDa polypeptide that also contained RNA 5′-triphosphatase activity and catalyzed formation of RNA 5′-terminal GpppG. A haploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking mRNA guanylyltransferase was complemented for growth by the mouse cDNA. Conversion of Lys-294 in the KXDG-conserved motif eliminated both guanylylation and complementation, identifying it as the active site. The K294A mutant retained RNA 5′-triphosphatase activity, which was eliminated by N-terminal truncation. Full-length capping enzyme and an active C-terminal fragment bound to the elongating form and not to the initiating form of polymerase. The results document functional conservation of eukaryotic mRNA guanylyltransferases from yeast to mammals and indicate that the phosphorylated C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II couples capping to transcription elongation. These results also explain the selective capping of RNA polymerase II transcripts.


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Derivatives of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter lacking CG and CNG methylation targets were constructed and used to direct transcription of reporter gene constructs in transiently transformed protoplasts. Such methylation-target-free (MTF) promoters, although weaker than the 35S promoter, retain significant activity despite mutation of the as-1 element. The effect of methylation on gene expression in MTF- and 35S-promoter driven constructs was examined. Even when the promoter region was free of methylation targets, reporter gene expression was markedly reduced when cytosine residues in CG dinucleotides were methylated in vitro prior to transformation. Mosaic methylation experiments, in which only specific parts of the plasmids were methylated, revealed that methylation of the coding region alone has a negative effect on reporter gene expression. Methylation nearer the 5' end of the coding region was more inhibitory, consistent with inhibition of transcription elongation.


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The product of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene, the gene inactivated in VHL disease and in sporadic clear-cell renal carcinomas, has recently been shown to have as a functional target the transcription elongation complex, elongin (also called SIII). Here it is shown that there is a tightly regulated, cell-density-dependent transport of VHL into and/or out of the nucleus. In densely grown cells, the VHL protein is predominantly in the cytoplasm, whereas in sparse cultures, most of the protein can be detected in the nucleus. We have identified a putative nuclear localization signal in the first 60 and first 28 amino acids of the human and rat VHL protein, respectively. Sequences in the C-terminal region of the VHL protein may also be required for localization to the cytosol. These findings provide the initial indication of a novel cell density-dependent pathway that is responsible for the regulation of VHL cellular localization.


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The process of RNA chain initiation by RNA polymerases plays a central role in the regulation of transcription. In this complex phase of transcription, short oligomers are synthesized and released from the enzyme-promoter complex in a reaction termed abortive initiation. The polymerase undergoes many cycles of abortive initiation prior to completion of the initiation process, which is signaled by the translocation of the enzyme away from the promoter, release of sigma factor, and formation of an elongation complex in which the RNA is stably bound. We have studied the parameters that affect escape from the promoter by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase for the phage T7 A1 promoter, the phage T5 N25 promoter, and the chimeric promoter T5 N25antiDSR. The latter site contains a synthetic initial transcribed region that reduces its ability to synthesize RNA both in vivo and in vitro. Clearance from T5 N25antiDSR can be stimulated up to 10-fold in vitro by addition of the E. coli transcript cleavage factor GreA or GreB, but these factors have little effect on transcription from the normal T7 A1 or T5 N25 promoters. Using an E. coli strain lacking GreA and GreB, we were also able to show stimulation of transcription by the Gre factors from the T5 N25antiDSR promotor in vivo. The stimulation of RNA chain initiation by Gre factors, together with their known biochemical properties in the transcription elongation reaction, suggests some specific models for steps in the transcription initiation reaction.


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More than fifteen years following the description of Tat as a critical HIV gene expression regulatory protein, additional roles for Tat in HIV replication have been described, including reverse transcription. Tat achieves function through direct interaction with viral proteins, including reverse transcriptase, and numerous cellular proteins including cyclin T1, RNA polymerase 11, protein kinase R (PKR), p300/CBP, and P/CAF. Despite our advanced knowledge of how Tat operates, this has not yet resulted in the discovery of effective agents capable of targeting various Tat functions. Nevertheless, Tat remains an attractive, virus-specific molecule and detailed understanding of specific protein interaction holds promise for future drug discovery.


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The eleven-nineteen lysine-rich leukemia (ELL) gene undergoes translocation and fuses in-frame to the multiple lineage leukemia gene in a substantial proportion of patients suffering from acute forms of leukemia. Studies show that ELL indirectly modulates transcription by serving as a regulator for transcriptional elongation as well as for p53, U19/Eaf2, and steroid receptor activities. Our in vitro and in vivo data demonstrate that ELL could also serve as a transcriptional factor to directly induce transcription of the thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) gene. Experiments using ELL deletion mutants established that full-length ELL is required for the TSP-1 up-regulation and that the trans-activation domain likely resides in the carboxyl terminus. Moreover, the DNA binding domain may localize to the first 45 amino acids of ELL. Not surprisingly, multiple lineage leukemia-ELL, which lacks these amino acids, did not induce expression from the TSP-1 promoter. In addition, the ELL core-response element appears to localize in the -1426 to -1418 region of the TSP-1 promoter. Finally, studies using zebrafish confirmed that ELL regulates TSP-1 mRNA expression in vivo, and ELL could inhibit zebrafish vasculogenesis, at least in part, through up-regulating TSP-1. Given the importance of TSP-1 as an anti-angiogenic protein, our findings may have important ramifications for better understanding cancer.


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TFIIF is unique among the general transcription factors because of its ability to control the activity of RNA polymerase II at both the initiation and elongation stages of transcription. Mammalian TFIIF, a heterodimer of approximately 30-kDa (RAP30) and approximately 70-kDa (RAP74) subunits, assists TFIIB in recruiting RNA polymerase II into the preinitiation complex and activates the overall rate of RNA chain elongation by suppressing transient pausing by polymerase at many sites on DNA templates. A major objective of efforts to understand how TFIIF regulates transcription has been to establish the relationship between its initiation and elongation activities. Here we establish this relationship by demonstrating that TFIIF transcriptional activities are mediated by separable functional domains. To accomplish this, we sought and identified distinct classes of RAP30 mutations that selectively block TFIIF activity in transcription initiation and elongation. We propose that (i) TFIIF initiation activity is mediated at least in part by RAP30 C-terminal sequences that include a cryptic DNA-binding domain similar to conserved region 4 of bacterial sigma factors and (ii) TFIIF elongation activity is mediated in part by RAP30 sequences located immediately upstream of the C terminus in a region proposed to bind RNA polymerase II and by additional sequences located in the RAP30 N terminus.


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Early HIV-1 reverse transcription can be separated into initiation and elongation phases. Here we show, using PCR analysis of negative-strand strong-stop DNA [(−)ssDNA] synthesis in intact virus, that different reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors affect distinct phases of early natural endogenous reverse transcription (NERT). The effects of nevirapine on NERT were consistent with a mechanism of action including both specific and nonspecific binding events. The nonspecific component of this inhibition targeted the elongation reaction, whereas the specific effect seemed principally to be directed at very early events (initiation or the initiation-elongation switch). In contrast, foscarnet and the nucleoside analog ddATP inhibited both early and late (−)ssDNA synthesis in a similar manner. We also examined compounds that targeted other viral proteins and found that Ro24-7429 (a Tat antagonist) and rosmarinic acid (an integrase inhibitor) also directly inhibited RT. Our results indicate that NERT can be used to identify and evaluate compounds that directly target the reverse transcription complex.


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Cell proliferation, transcription and metabolism are regulated by complex partly overlapping signaling networks involving proteins in various subcellular compartments. The objective of this study was to increase our knowledge on such regulatory networks and their interrelationships through analysis of MrpL55, Vig, and Mat1 representing three gene products implicated in regulation of cell cycle, transcription, and metabolism. Genome-wide and biochemical in vitro studies have previously revealed MrpL55 as a component of the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome and demonstrated a possible role for the protein in cell cycle regulation. Vig has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and identified as a constituent of the RNAi-induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in cell cycle regulation and RNAi-directed transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) coupled to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription. Mat1 has been characterized as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) complex phosphorylating and regulating critical targets involved in cell cycle progression, energy metabolism and transcription by RNAPII. The first part of the study explored whether mRpL55 is required for cell viability or involved in a regulation of energy metabolism and cell proliferation. The results revealed a dynamic requirement of the essential Drosophila mRpL55 gene during development and suggested a function of MrpL55 in cell cycle control either at the G1/S or G2/M transition prior to cell differentiation. This first in vivo characterization of a metazoan-specific constituent of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome also demonstrated forth compelling evidence of the interconnection of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes as well as complex functions of the evolutionarily young metazoan-specific mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. In studies on the Drosophila RISC complex regulation, it was noted that Vig, a protein involved in heterochromatin formation, unlike other analyzed RISC associated proteins Argonaute2 and R2D2, is dynamically phosphorylated in a dsRNA-independent manner. Vig displays similarity with a known in vivo substrate for protein kinase C (PKC), human chromatin remodeling factor Ki-1/57, and is efficiently phosphorylated by PKC on multiple sites in vitro. These results suggest that function of the RISC complex protein Vig in RNAi-directed TGS and chromatin modification may be regulated through dsRNA-independent phosphorylation by PKC. In the third part of this study the role of Mat1 in regulating RNAPII transcription was investigated using cultured murine immortal fibroblasts with a conditional allele of Mat1. The results demonstrated that phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNAPII in the heptapeptide YSPTSPS repeat in Mat-/- cells was over 10-fold reduced on Serine-5 and subsequently on Serine-2. Occupancy of the hypophosphorylated RNAPII in gene bodies was detectably decreased, whereas capping, splicing, histone methylation and mRNA levels were generally not affected. However, a subset of transcripts in absence of Mat1 was repressed and associated with decreased occupancy of RNAPII at promoters as well as defective capping. The results identify the Cdk7-CycH-Mat1 kinase submodule of TFIIH as a stimulatory non-essential regulator of transcriptional elongation and a genespecific essential factor for stable binding of RNAPII at the promoter region and capping. The results of these studies suggest important roles for both MrpL55 and Mat1 in cell cycle progression and their possible interplay at the G2/M stage in undifferentiated cells. The identified function of Mat1 and of TFIIH kinase complex in gene-specific transcriptional repression is challenging for further studies in regard to a possible link to Vig and RISC-mediated transcriptional gene silencing.


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All protein-encoding genes in eukaryotes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) by RNA Polymerase II (RNAP II), whose activity therefore needs to be tightly controlled. An important and only partially understood level of regulation is the multiple phosphorylations of RNAP II large subunit C-terminal domain (CTD). Sequential phosphorylations regulate transcription initiation and elongation, and recruit factors involved in co-transcriptional processing of mRNA. Based largely on studies in yeast models and in vitro, the kinase activity responsible for the phosphorylation of the serine-5 (Ser5) residues of RNAP II CTD has been attributed to the Mat1/Cdk7/CycH trimer as part of Transcription Factor IIH. However, due to the lack of good mammalian genetic models, the roles of both RNAP II Ser5 phosphorylation as well as TFIIH kinase in transcription have provided ambiguous results and the in vivo kinase of Ser5 has remained elusive. The primary objective of this study was to elucidate the role of mammalian TFIIH, and specifically the Mat1 subunit in CTD phosphorylation and general RNAP II-mediated transcription. The approach utilized the Cre-LoxP system to conditionally delete murine Mat1 in cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes in vivo and and in cell culture models. The results identify the TFIIH kinase as the major mammalian Ser5 kinase and demonstrate its requirement for general transcription, noted by the use of nascent mRNA labeling. Also a role for Mat1 in regulating general mRNA turnover was identified, providing a possible rationale for earlier negative findings. A secondary objective was to identify potential gene- and tissue-specific roles of Mat1 and the TFIIH kinase through the use of tissue-specific Mat1 deletion. Mat1 was found to be required for the transcriptional function of PGC-1 in cardiomyocytes. Transriptional activation of lipogenic SREBP1 target genes following Mat1 deletion in hepatocytes revealed a repressive role for Mat1apparently mediated via co-repressor DMAP1 and the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. Finally, Mat1 and Cdk7 were also identified as a negative regulators of adipocyte differentiation through the inhibitory phosphorylation of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ. Together, these results demonstrate gene- and tissue-specific roles for the Mat1 subunit of TFIIH and open up new therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of diseases such as type II diabetes, hepatosteatosis and obesity.


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In many bacteria, there is a genome-wide bias towards co-orientation of replication and transcription, with essential and/or highly-expressed genes further enriched co-directionally. We previously found that reversing this bias in the bacterium Bacillus subtilis slows replication elongation, and we proposed that this effect contributes to the evolutionary pressure selecting the transcription-replication co-orientation bias. This selection might have been based purely on selection for speedy replication; alternatively, the slowed replication might actually represent an average of individual replication-disruption events, each of which is counter-selected independently because genome integrity is selected. To differentiate these possibilities and define the precise forces driving this aspect of genome organization, we generated new strains with inversions either over approximately 1/4 of the chromosome or at ribosomal RNA (rRNA) operons. Applying mathematical analysis to genomic microarray snapshots, we found that replication rates vary dramatically within the inverted genome. Replication is moderately impeded throughout the inverted region, which results in a small but significant competitive disadvantage in minimal medium. Importantly, replication is strongly obstructed at inverted rRNA loci in rich medium. This obstruction results in disruption of DNA replication, activation of DNA damage responses, loss of genome integrity, and cell death. Our results strongly suggest that preservation of genome integrity drives the evolution of co-orientation of replication and transcription, a conserved feature of genome organization.


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The basis of quantitative regulation of gene expression is still poorly understood. In Arabidopsis thaliana, quantitative variation in expression of FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) influences the timing of flowering. In ambient temperatures, FLC expression is quantitatively modulated by a chromatin silencing mechanism involving alternative polyadenylation of antisense transcripts. Investigation of this mechanism unexpectedly showed that RNA polymerase II (Pol II) occupancy changes at FLC did not reflect RNA fold changes. Mathematical modeling of these transcriptional dynamics predicted a tight coordination of transcriptional initiation and elongation. This prediction was validated by detailed measurements of total and chromatin-bound FLC intronic RNA, a methodology appropriate for analyzing elongation rate changes in a range of organisms. Transcription initiation was found to vary ∼ 25-fold with elongation rate varying ∼ 8- to 12-fold. Premature sense transcript termination contributed very little to expression differences. This quantitative variation in transcription was coincident with variation in H3K36me3 and H3K4me2 over the FLC gene body. We propose different chromatin states coordinately influence transcriptional initiation and elongation rates and that this coordination is likely to be a general feature of quantitative gene regulation in a chromatin context.