999 resultados para tooth development


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Fluoride was introduced into dentistry over 70 years ago, and it is now recognized as the main factor responsible for the dramatic decline in caries prevalence that has been observed worldwide. However, excessive fluoride intake during the period of tooth development can cause dental fluorosis. In order that the maximum benefits of fluoride for caries control can be achieved with the minimum risk of side effects, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of the mechanisms by which fluoride promotes caries control. In the 1980s, it was established that fluoride controls caries mainly through its topical effect. Fluoride present in low, sustained concentrations (sub-ppm range) in the oral fluids during an acidic challenge is able to absorb to the surface of the apatite crystals, inhibiting demineralization. When the pH is re-established, traces of fluoride in solution will make it highly supersaturated with respect to fluorhydroxyapatite, which will speed up the process of remineralization. The mineral formed under the nucleating action of the partially dissolved minerals will then preferentially include fluoride and exclude carbonate, rendering the enamel more resistant to future acidic challenges. Topical fluoride can also provide antimicrobial action. Fluoride concentrations as found in dental plaque have biological activity on critical virulence factors of S. mutans in vitro, such as acid production and glucan synthesis, but the in vivo implications of this are still not clear. Evidence also supports fluoride's systemic mechanism of caries inhibition in pit and fissure surfaces of permanent first molars when it is incorporated into these teeth pre-eruptively. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Upper canines impaction are considered the second most frequent and are associated to important esthetics and functional limitations. Among the treatment strategies described in the literature the most commonly used are the extraction of the primary canines and the surgical exposure followed by orthodontic traction, that requires an adequate interdisciplinary approach. The aim of this case report is to draw the attention of the clinician to the possibility of adapting the segmented arch technique to manage a canine impaction clinical case.


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Dogs' teeth with infected root canals, were submitted to apicoectomy and the root canals were filled flush or 2 mm short. In a third group the canals were left unfilled and only the access openings were closed. One hundred and eighty days after the treatment, the animals were killed and the specimens prepared for histological analysis. Repair was not observed in the teeth with unfilled root canals. The healing observed in the teeth with root canals filled flush was less complete than the healing observed when the root canals were filled 2 mm short.


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BACKGROUND Although regenerative treatment options are available, periodontal regeneration is still regarded as insufficient and unpredictable. AIM This review article provides scientific background information on the animated 3D film Cell-to-Cell Communication - Periodontal Regeneration. RESULTS Periodontal regeneration is understood as a recapitulation of embryonic mechanisms. Therefore, a thorough understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating normal tooth root development is imperative to improve existing and develop new periodontal regenerative therapies. However, compared to tooth crown and earlier stages of tooth development, much less is known about the development of the tooth root. The formation of root cementum is considered the critical element in periodontal regeneration. Therefore, much research in recent years has focused on the origin and differentiation of cementoblasts. Evidence is accumulating that the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) has a pivotal role in root formation and cementogenesis. Traditionally, ectomesenchymal cells in the dental follicle were thought to differentiate into cementoblasts. According to an alternative theory, however, cementoblasts originate from the HERS. What happens when the periodontal attachment system is traumatically compromised? Minor mechanical insults to the periodontium may spontaneously heal, and the tissues can structurally and functionally be restored. But what happens to the periodontium in case of periodontitis, an infectious disease, after periodontal treatment? A non-regenerative treatment of periodontitis normally results in periodontal repair (i.e., the formation of a long junctional epithelium) rather than regeneration. Thus, a regenerative treatment is indicated to restore the original architecture and function of the periodontium. Guided tissue regeneration or enamel matrix proteins are such regenerative therapies, but further improvement is required. As remnants of HERS persist as epithelial cell rests of Malassez in the periodontal ligament, these epithelial cells are regarded as a stem cell niche that can give rise to new cementoblasts. Enamel matrix proteins and members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) superfamily have been implicated in cementoblast differentiation. CONCLUSION A better knowledge of cell-to-cell communication leading to cementoblast differentiation may be used to develop improved regenerative therapies to reconstitute periodontal tissues that were lost due to periodontitis.


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La odontodisplasia regional, también denominada diente fantasma o detención localizada del desarrollo dental, es una anomalía estructural del desarrollo, compleja y rara. Su etiología es desconocida y no presenta un patrón hereditario, aunque se han considerado factores locales como alteraciones vasculares y traumatismos locales. Puede afectar ambas denticiones: temporal y permanente; existe una anormal aposición dentinaria, que a su vez está detenida precozmente. Se encuentran afectados todos los componentes histológicos del órgano dentario y radiográficamente el aspecto fantasma es típico: raíces cortas, coronas que semejan cáscaras y aspecto dismórfico general. Se recibieron estudios radiográficos correspondientes a una niña de 10 años derivada del Hospital Materno Infantil de la ciudad de Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. Luego del análisis de signos radiográficos se determina el diagnóstico de odontodisplasia regional en los cuadrantes superior e inferior izquierdos. Se sugiere la investigación de antecedentes traumáticos al presentarse la lesión en dos cuadrantes isolaterales.


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Teeth have been missing from birds (Aves) for at least 60 million years. However, in the chick oral cavity a rudiment forms that resembles the lamina stage of the mammalian molar tooth germ. We have addressed the molecular basis for this secondary loss of tooth formation in Aves by analyzing in chick embryos the status of molecular pathways known to regulate mouse tooth development. Similar to the mouse dental lamina, expression of Fgf8, Pitx2, Barx1, and Pax9 defines a potential chick odontogenic region. However, the expression of three molecules involved in tooth initiation, Bmp4, Msx1, and Msx2, are absent from the presumptive chick dental lamina. In chick mandibles, exogenous bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) induces Msx expression and together with fibroblast growth factor promotes the development of Sonic hedgehog expressing epithelial structures. Distinct epithelial appendages also were induced when chick mandibular epithelium was recombined with a tissue source of BMPs and fibroblast growth factors, chick skin mesenchyme. These results show that, although latent, the early signaling pathways involved in odontogenesis remain inducible in Aves and suggest that loss of odontogenic Bmp4 expression may be responsible for the early arrest of tooth development in living birds.


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Root fractures in immature teeth are rare because the resilience of the alveolar bone is more favorable to the occurrence of luxation. This article reports a case of traumatic injury in an immature permanent tooth that progressed to root fracture, having a parafunctional oral habit as the possible modifying factor of case evolution. A 12-year-old boy presented for treatment complaining of a defective restoration and mild pain on the maxillary right central incisor. The patient had a history of crown fracture in this tooth due to trauma 2 years before. The clinical examination showed healthy gingival tissues and no abnormal tooth mobility, whereas radiographic projections revealed healthy periradicular tissues, incomplete root formation, and no visible root fracture. As pulp necrosis was diagnosed, calcium hydroxide therapy was started for canal disinfection and subsequent obturation. However, after 4 weeks of treatment, a horizontal fracture line was observed radiographically in the root's middle third. The patient denied a new traumatic injury, but revealed the habit of chewing on a pencil. Refraining from the deleterious oral habit was strongly advised, and root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate was performed to treat the root fracture. After 4 years of follow-up, the tooth has normal function and no abnormal mobility. Images suggestive of remodeling at the apical end of the coronal segment and replacement resorption of the apical segment are seen radiographically. This case demonstrates the need of following cases of dental trauma and the possible influence of parafunctional oral habits as modifying factors of case progression.


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Vitamin A and its derivatives, retinoic acid, tretinoin and isotretinoin, are currently used in dermatological treatments. The administration of high doses of this vitamin provokes congenital malformations in mice: cleft palate, maxillary and mandibular hypoplasia and total or partial fusion of the maxillary incisors. This study compares the tooth germs of the first maxillary and mandibular molars of fetal mice submitted to isotretinoin during organogenesis. Twelve 60-day-old female Mus musculus were divided into two groups on the 7th day of pregnancy: treated group--1 mg isotretinoin per kg body weight, dissolved in vegetable oil, was administered from the 7th to the 13th day of pregnancy; control group--vegetable oil in equivalent volume was administered orally for the same period. On the 16th day of pregnancy, the females were sacrificed, the fetuses were removed and their heads amputated. After standard laboratory procedures, 6-micron thick serial slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopy examination. The results showed that both groups had closed palates with no reminiscence of epithelial cells; however, the first molar germs of the isotretinoin-treated animals showed delayed development compared to the control animals.


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A comparison was made of accelerated professional development (APD) for nurses (n=64), involving peer consultation and reflective practice, and peer consultation alone (n=30). Although APD participants had a higher completion rate, improvements in caregiver behaviors and work environment were not significantly different.


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Adaptive phenotypic plasticity, the ability of an organism to change its phenotype to match local environments, is increasingly recognized for its contribution to evolution. However, few empirical studies have explored the molecular basis of plastic traits. The East African cichlid fish Astatoreochromis alluaudi displays adaptive phenotypic plasticity in its pharyngeal jaw apparatus, a structure that is widely seen as an evolutionary key innovation that has contributed to the remarkable diversity of cichlid fishes. It has previously been shown that in response to different diets, the pharyngeal jaws change their size, shape and dentition: hard diets induce an adaptive robust molariform tooth phenotype with short jaws and strong internal bone structures, while soft diets induce a gracile papilliform tooth phenotype with elongated jaws and slender internal bone structures. To gain insight into the molecular underpinnings of these adaptations and enable future investigations of the role that phenotypic plasticity plays during the formation of adaptive radiations, the transcriptomes of the two divergent jaw phenotypes were examined. Our study identified a total of 187 genes whose expression differs in response to hard and soft diets, including immediate early genes, extracellular matrix genes and inflammatory factors. Transcriptome results are interpreted in light of expression of candidate genesmarkers for tooth size and shape, bone cells and mechanically sensitive pathways. This study opens up new avenues of research at new levels of biological organization into the roles of phenotypic plasticity during speciation and radiation of cichlid fishes.


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The aim of this research, which focused on the Irish adult population, was to generate information for policymakers by applying statistical analyses and current technologies to oral health administrative and survey databases. Objectives included identifying socio-demographic influences on oral health and utilisation of dental services, comparing epidemiologically-estimated dental treatment need with treatment provided, and investigating the potential of a dental administrative database to provide information on utilisation of services and the volume and types of treatment provided over time. Information was extracted from the claims databases for the Dental Treatment Benefit Scheme (DTBS) for employed adults and the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) for less-well-off adults, the National Surveys of Adult Oral Health, and the 2007 Survey of Lifestyle Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Factors associated with utilisation and retention of natural teeth were analysed using count data models and logistic regression. The chi-square test and the student’s t-test were used to compare epidemiologically-estimated need in a representative sample of adults with treatment provided. Differences were found in dental care utilisation and tooth retention by Socio-Economic Status. An analysis of the five-year utilisation behaviour of a 2003 cohort of DTBS dental attendees revealed that age and being female were positively associated with visiting annually and number of treatments. Number of adults using the DTBS increased, and mean number of treatments per patient decreased, between 1997 and 2008. As a percentage of overall treatments, restorations, dentures, and extractions decreased, while prophylaxis increased. Differences were found between epidemiologically-estimated treatment need and treatment provided for those using the DTBS and DTSS. This research confirms the utility of survey and administrative data to generate knowledge for policymakers. Public administrative databases have not been designed for research purposes, but they have the potential to provide a wealth of knowledge on treatments provided and utilisation patterns.