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19.6.2011 I am pleased to present the Report of the Working Group on Congregated Settings, which is the outcome and culmination of a very significant piece of data capture, research and analysis. The Report was initiated by the Primary, Community and Community Care Directorate in 2007 to develop a national plan and associated change programme for moving people from congregated settings to the community in line with Government policy. Click here to download the document


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Background: About 80% of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) require bowel resection and up to 65% will undergo a second resection within 10 years. This study reports clinical risk factors for resection surgery (RS) and repeat RS. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, using data from patients included in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort. Cox regression analyses were performed to estimate rates of initial and repeated RS. Results: Out of 1,138 CD cohort patients, 417 (36.6%) had already undergone RS at the time of inclusion. Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the probability of being free of RS was 65% after 10 years, 42% after 20 years, and 23% after 40 years. Perianal involvement (PA) did not modify this probability to a significant extent. The main adjusted risk factors for RS were smoking at diagnosis (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.33; p = 0.006), stricturing with vs. without PA (HR = 4.91 vs. 4.11; p < 0.001) or penetrating disease with vs. without PA (HR = 3.53 vs. 4.58; p < 0.001). The risk factor for repeat RS was penetrating disease with vs. without PA (HR = 3.17 vs. 2.24; p < 0.05). Conclusion: The risk of RS was confirmed to be very high for CD in our cohort. Smoking status at diagnosis, but mostly penetrating and stricturing diseases increase the risk of RS.


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OBJECTIVES: Retinoblastoma is the most frequent intraocular malignancy in children. Early diagnosis is essential for globe salvage and patient survival. The aim of our study was to determine how time to diagnosis of retinoblastoma has evolved over a 40-year period in Switzerland. METHOD AND PATIENTS: A retrospective study of 139 Swiss patients with retinoblastoma was performed comparing 3 periods: (1) 1963-1983; (2) 1984-1993; and (3) 1994-2004. Factors taken into account were gender, laterality of retinoblastoma, age at first symptoms, type and first observer of symptoms, time to diagnosis, age at diagnosis, disease stage, and family history. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients (26.6%) were treated in period 1, 44 (31.7%) in period 2, and 58 (41.7%) in period 3. Overall, the diagnostic interval decreased in a significant way from 6.97 months in period 1 to 3.58 in period 2 and to 2.25 in period 3. When looking separately at unilateral and bilateral disease, the decrease of the diagnostic interval remained statistically significant in unilateral retinoblastoma; there was also a significant reduction in the number of patients with advanced group E disease (Murphree classification) (61.5% in period 1, 46.7% in period 2, 22.2% in period 3). In bilateral disease, the same observations were made to a lesser extent. However, there were no cases with group E disease in 10 patients with positive family history. Leukocoria (48.2%) and strabismus (20.1%) were the 2 most frequent symptoms throughout the 3 periods. The only factors that statistically influenced the chances of having a diagnosis of group E disease were the diagnostic interval and period of diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Progress has been made in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma in Switzerland, notably in unilateral disease. Improvement to a lesser extent has also been observed in bilateral cases but without statistical significance. Greater effort is needed to teach physicians-in-training to recognize the importance of ocular symptoms and refer patients earlier.


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A one page informational sheet about skin cancer and the hat you wear. Sun Safety


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Rapport de synthèse : Le rétinoblastome est la tumeur de l'oeil la plus fréquente chez l'enfant. Un diagnostic précoce est important pour sauver le globe oculaire et la survie du patient. Le but de notre étude est de déterminer l'évolution de l'intervalle diagnostique, c'est-à-dire le délai entre les premiers symptômes et la date du diagnostic officiel du rétinoblastome, sur une période de 40 ans en Suisse. Matériel et méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective faite sur 139 patients suisses traités pour rétinoblastome durant trois différentes périodes : (1) 1963-1983 ; (2) 1984-1993 ; et (3) 1994-2004. On compare certaines caractéristiques : le sexe du patient, la latéralité de la maladie, les premiers symptômes, leurs observateurs, l'intervalle diagnostique, l'âge au diagnostic, le stade de la maladie, l'histoire familiale. Résultats : 37 patients (26.6%) ont été traités dans la première période ; 44 (31.7%) dans la période 2 et 58 (41.7%) dans la période 3. L'intervalle diagnostique diminue de façon significative de 6.97 mois dans la période 1 à 3.58 dans la période 2 à 2.25 dans la période 3 pour le total des malades. Ceci reste significatif pour les rétinoblastomes unilatéraux. De plus, dans ce même groupe, on observe une diminution significative des stades avancés de la maladie, groupe E selon Murphree (61.5% dans la période 1 ; 46.7% dans la période 2 et 22.2 % dans la période 3). Lorsque la maladie est bilatérale, les mêmes observations se font de façon un peu moins marquée. Il n'y a aucun patient diagnostiqué au stade E de la maladie en présence d'une anamnèse familiale positive. Leucocorie (48.2%) et strabisme (20.1 %) sont les symptômes les plus fréquents durant les 3 périodes. Les seuls facteurs qui influencent significativement le risque d'avoir un stade E de la maladie sont la durée de l'intervalle diagnostic et la période de diagnostic. Conclusion : On constate un progrès dans le diagnostic du rétinoblastome en Suisse, surtout lors de maladie unilatérale. De même, des améliorations sont notées dans la maladie bilatérale mais de façon non significative. Il est donc important de mieux enseigner aux médecins à reconnaître les symptômes oculaires de la maladie et à référer les patients plus tôt aux spécialistes. Abstract : OBECTIVES : Retinoblastoma is the most frequent intraocular malignancy in children. Early diagnosis is essential for globe salvage and patient survival. The aim of our study was to determine how time to diagnosis of retinoblastoma has evolved over a 40-year period in Switzerland. METHOD AND PATIENTS : A retrospective study of 139 Swiss patients with retinoblastoma was performed comparing 3 periods: (1) 1963-1983; (2) 1984-1993; and (3) 1994-2004. Factors taken into account were gender, laterality of retínoblastoma, age at first symptoms, type and first observer of symptoms, time to diagnosis, age at diagnosis, disease stage, and family history. RESULTS : Thirty-seven patients (26.6%) were treated in period 1, 44 (31.7%) in period 2, and S8 (41.7%) in period 3.Overall, the diagnostic interval decreased in a significant way from 6.97 months in period 1 to 3.58 in period 2 and to 2.25 in period 3. When looking separately at unilateral and bilateral disease, the decrease oí the diagnostic interval remained statistically significant in unilateral retinoblastoma; there was also a significant reduction in the number of patients with advanced group E disease (Murphree classification) (61.5% in period 1, 46.7% in period 2, 22.2% in period 3). In bilateral disease, the same observations were made to a lesser extent. However, there were no cases with group E disease in 10 patients with positive family history. Leukornria (48.2%) and strabismus (20.1 %) were the 2 most frequent symptoms throughout the 3 periods. The only factors that statistically influenced the chances of having a diagnosis of group E disease were the diagnostic interval and period of diagnosis. Conclusion : Progress has been made in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma in Switzerland, notably in unilateral disease. Improvement to a lesser extent has also been observed in bilateral cases but without statistical significance. Greater effort is needed to teach physians-in-training to recognize the importance of ocular symptoms and refer patients earlier.


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PURPOSE: This study investigated the isolated and combined effects of heat [temperate (22 °C/30 % rH) vs. hot (35 °C/40 % rH)] and hypoxia [sea level (FiO2 0.21) vs. moderate altitude (FiO2 0.15)] on exercise capacity and neuromuscular fatigue characteristics. METHODS: Eleven physically active subjects cycled to exhaustion at constant workload (66 % of the power output associated with their maximal oxygen uptake in temperate conditions) in four different environmental conditions [temperate/sea level (control), hot/sea level (hot), temperate/moderate altitude (hypoxia) and hot/moderate altitude (hot + hypoxia)]. Torque and electromyography (EMG) responses following electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve (plantar-flexion; soleus) were recorded before and 5 min after exercise. RESULTS: Time to exhaustion was reduced (P < 0.05) in hot (-35 ± 15 %) or hypoxia (-36 ± 14 %) compared to control (61 ± 28 min), while hot + hypoxia (-51 ± 20 %) further compromised exercise capacity (P < 0.05). However, the effect of temperature or altitude on end-exercise core temperature (P = 0.089 and P = 0.070, respectively) and rating of perceived exertion (P > 0.05) did not reach significance. Maximal voluntary contraction torque, voluntary activation (twitch interpolation) and peak twitch torque decreased from pre- to post-exercise (-9 ± 1, -4 ± 1 and -6 ± 1 % all trials compounded, respectively; P < 0.05), with no effect of the temperature or altitude. M-wave amplitude and root mean square activity were reduced (P < 0.05) in hot compared to temperate conditions, while normalized maximal EMG activity did not change. Altitude had no effect on any measured parameters. CONCLUSION: Moderate hypoxia in combination with heat stress reduces cycling time to exhaustion without modifying neuromuscular fatigue characteristics. Impaired oxygen delivery or increased cardiovascular strain, increasing relative exercise intensity, may have also contributed to earlier exercise cessation.


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Radioimmunotherapies with Zevalin® (RIT-Z) showed encouraging results in patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma (FL), leading frequently to failure-free intervals longer than those achieved by the last previous therapy. We compared time-to-event variables obtained before and after RIT-Z in patients with relapsed FL, previously exposed to rituximab. All patients with relapsed non-transformed, non-refractory, non-rituximab-naïve FL who have been treated with RIT-Z in two different centres in Europe were included. Staging and response were assessed by contrast-enhanced CT in all patients; PET/CT was performed according to local availability. Event-free survival (EFS) and time to next treatment (TTNT) following the last previous therapy and after RIT-Z were compared. Pre-therapy characteristics were tested in univariate analyses for prediction of outcomes. A description of the patterns of relapse was also provided. Among 70 patients treated, only 16 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. They were treated with a median of 3 prior lines of chemo-immunotherapies, including a median of 2 rituximab-containing regimens; 6 patients had undergone myeloablative chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue (ASCT). Overall response rates were 10 (62%) CR/CRu, 3 (19%) PR and 3 (19%) PD; response rates were similar in patients with prior ASCT. After RIT-Z only few patients obtained EFS and TTNT longer than after the last previous therapy. All four patients receiving rituximab maintenance were without progression 12 months after RIT-Z. Relapses occurred in both previously and newly involved sites; a significant association was found between the number of pathologic sites involved prior to RIT-Z and subsequent TTNT. Despite the excellent response rate, the duration of response was shorter than the previous one confirming the known trend of relapses to occur earlier after subsequent treatments. Rituximab maintenance after RIT-Z showed encouraging results in terms of prolonging EFS, warranting further studies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd.


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Selostus: Korkealla virranvoimakkuudella tainnutettujen broilereiden rintafileen irroitushetken vaikutus lihaksen leikkausvoiman vastukseen, pH:hon, keittohävikkiin ja väriin


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Urinary indices are classically believed to allow differentiation of transient (or pre-renal) acute kidney injury (AKI) from persistent (or acute tubular necrosis) AKI. However, the data validating urinalysis in critically ill patients are weak. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Pons and colleagues demonstrate in a multicenter observational study that sodium and urea excretion fractions as well as urinary over plasma ratios performed poorly as diagnostic tests to separate such entities. This study confirms the limited diagnostic and prognostic ability of urine testing. Together with other studies, this study raises more fundamental questions about the value, meaning and pathophysiologic validity of the pre-renal AKI paradigm and suggests that AKI (like all other forms of organ injury) is a continuum of injury that cannot be neatly divided into functional (pre-renal or transient) or structural (acute tubular necrosis or persistent).


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Cardiovascular risk assessment might be improved with the addition of emerging, new tests derived from atherosclerosis imaging, laboratory tests or functional tests. This article reviews relative risk, odds ratios, receiver-operating curves, posttest risk calculations based on likelihood ratios, the net reclassification improvement and integrated discrimination. This serves to determine whether a new test has an added clinical value on top of conventional risk testing and how this can be verified statistically. Two clinically meaningful examples serve to illustrate novel approaches. This work serves as a review and basic work for the development of new guidelines on cardiovascular risk prediction, taking into account emerging tests, to be proposed by members of the 'Taskforce on Vascular Risk Prediction' under the auspices of the Working Group 'Swiss Atherosclerosis' of the Swiss Society of Cardiology in the future.