445 resultados para theorems


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How can one compute qualitative properties of the optical flow, such as expansion or rotation, in a way which is robust and invariant to the position of the focus of expansion or the center of rotation? We suggest a particularly simple algorithm, well-suited to VLSI implementations, that exploits well-known relations between the integral and differential properties of vector fields and their linear behaviour near singularities.


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A computer program, named ADEPT (A Distinctly Empirical Prover of Theorems), has been written which proves theorems taken from the abstract theory of groups. Its operation is basically heuristic, incorporating many of the techniques of the human mathematician in a "natural" way. This program has proved almost 100 theorems, as well as serving as a vehicle for testing and evaluating special-purpose heuristics. A detailed description of the program is supplemented by accounts of its performance on a number of theorems, thus providing many insights into the particular problems inherent in the design of a procedure capable of proving a variety of theorems from this domain. Suggestions have been formulated for further efforts along these lines, and comparisons with related work previously reported in the literature have been made.


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Planner is a formalism for proving theorems and manipulating models in a robot. The formalism is built out of a number of problem-solving primitives together with a hierarchical multiprocess backtrack control structure. Statements can be asserted and perhaps later withdrawn as the state of the world changes. Under BACKTRACK control structure, the hierarchy of activations of functions previously executed is maintained so that it is possible to revert to any previous state. Thus programs can easily manipulate elaborate hypothetical tentative states. In addition PLANNER uses multiprocessing so that there can be multiple loci of changes in state. Goals can be established and dismissed when they are satisfied. The deductive system of PLANNER is subordinate to the hierarchical control structure in order to maintain the desired degree of control. The use of a general-purpose matching language as the basis of the deductive system increases the flexibility of the system. Instead of explicitly naming procedures in calls, procedures can be invoked implicitly by patterns of what the procedure is supposed to accomplish. The language is being applied to solve problems faced by a robot, to write special purpose routines from goal oriented language, to express and prove properties of procedures, to abstract procedures from protocols of their actions, and as a semantic base for English.


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Given a probability distribution on an open book (a metric space obtained by gluing a disjoint union of copies of a half-space along their boundary hyperplanes), we define a precise concept of when the Fréchet mean (barycenter) is sticky. This nonclassical phenomenon is quantified by a law of large numbers (LLN) stating that the empirical mean eventually almost surely lies on the (codimension 1 and hence measure 0) spine that is the glued hyperplane, and a central limit theorem (CLT) stating that the limiting distribution is Gaussian and supported on the spine.We also state versions of the LLN and CLT for the cases where the mean is nonsticky (i.e., not lying on the spine) and partly sticky (i.e., is, on the spine but not sticky). © Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013.


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This paper surveys the recent progresses made in the field of unstable denumerable Markov processes. Emphases are laid upon methodology and applications. The important tools of Feller transition functions and Resolvent Decomposition Theorems are highlighted. Their applications particularly in unstable denumerable Markov processes with a single instantaneous state and Markov branching processes are illustrated.


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We say that the Peano theorem holds for a topological vector space $E$ if, for any continuous mapping $f : {\Bbb R}\times E \to E$ and any $(t(0), x(0))$ is an element of ${\Bbb R}\times E$, the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t) = f(t,x(t))$, $x(t(0)) = x(0)$, has a solution in some neighborhood of $t(0)$. We say that the weak version of Peano theorem holds for $E$ if, for any continuous map $f : {\Bbb R}\times E \to E$, the equation $\dot x(t) = f (t, x(t))$ has a solution on some interval. We construct an example (answering a question posed by S. G. Lobanov) of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E for which the weak version of Peano theorem holds and the Peano theorem fails to hold. We also construct a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E for which the Peano theorem holds and any barrel in E is neither compact nor sequentially compact.


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It is proved that for any $f$ is an element of $C^k(L,R)$, where k is a natural number and L is a closed linear subspace of a nuclear Frechet space $X$, the function $f$ can be extended to a function of class $C^{k-1}$ defined on the entire space $X$. It is also proved that for any $f$ is an element of $C^k(L, R)$, where $k$ is a natural number of infinity and L is a closed linear subspace of a dual $X$ of a nuclear Frechet space, the function $f$ can be extended to a function of class $C^k$ defined on the entire space $X$. In addition, it is proved that under these conditions, the existence of a linear extension operator is equivalent to the complementability of the subspace.


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We present a general method to undertake a thorough analysis of the thermodynamics of the quantum jump trajectories followed by an arbitrary quantum harmonic network undergoing linear and bilinear dynamics. The approach is based on the phase-space representation of the state of a harmonic network. The large deviation function associated with this system encodes the full counting statistics of exchange and also allows one to deduce for fluctuation theorems obeyed by the dynamics. We illustrate the method showing the validity of a local fluctuation theorem about the exchange of excitations between a restricted part of the environment (i.e., a local bath) and a harmonic network coupled with different schemes.