520 resultados para teknologia berriak


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[EN]Due to the limitations associated with fossil fuels it is necessary to promote energy sources that are renewable as well as eco-friendly, such as biogas generated in anaerobic digesters. The biogas, composed principally of methane and CO2, is the result of the biodegradation of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. Its use as fuel is limited by the presence of minority compounds such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S); therefore, its pre-treatment is necessary. Currently there are various technologies for the removal of H2S from a gas stream, but most of them are based on physic-chemical treatments which have a number of drawbacks as reactive consumption, generation of secondary flows, etc. Biofiltration has been used as an efficient and low cost alternative to conventional purification processes, and excellent results for the degradation of H2S have been obtained. However process can be limited due to the progressive ageing of the support material, along with the loss of nutrients and other specific characteristics necessary for the good development of biomass. The purpose of this project is to develop a mixed support consisting of a mixture of an organic material and an inorganic support for its application in the removal of the H2S from biogas. This support material helps to optimize the characteristics of the bed and extend its lifespan. The development of such material will contribute to the implementation of biofiltration for treating biogas from anaerobic digesters for its use as biofuel. The inorganic material used is electric arc furnace (EAF) black slag, a by-product generated in large quantities in the production of steel in the Basque Country. Although traditionally the slag has been used in civil engineering, its physicochemical characteristics make it suitable for reuse as a filter medium in biofiltration. The main conclusion drawn from the experimental results is that EAF black slag is a suitable co-packing material in organic biofilters treating H2S-polluted gaseous streams. High pollutant removal rates have been achieved during the whole experimental period. The removal capacity recorded in biofilters with less inorganic material was higher than in those with higher slag portion. Nevertheless, all the biofilters have shown a satisfactory response even at high inlet loads (48 g·m-3·h-1), where the RE has not decreased over 82%.


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[ES]Con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías, se han facilitado las relaciones, acortado el tiempo de espera y agilizado los trámites con la Administración Pública. Estos adelantos, sin embargo, han propiciado que sea necesario proporcionar información de carácter personal de los ciudadanos, que en la mayoría de los casos es sensible. Es por esto que en los últimos años se han ido modificando e introduciendo nuevas leyes que permiten proteger estos datos de carácter personal. Cuando un contribuyente realiza sus obligaciones tributarias suministra datos de carácter personal a Hacienda, datos que están protegidos por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos. El Sistema Tributario deber ser eficaz y transparente. Sin embargo, cabe preguntarse dónde se sitúa el límite a esa transparencia. Con el fin de que la transparencia sea máxima y de que la ciudadanía se conciencie de la importancia de cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias el legislador se ha planteado la posibilidad de publicar una lista de deudores y las sentencias firmes condenatorias de grandes defraudadores. Esta publicación de las listas aparentemente vulneraría los derechos de los ciudadanos en lo referente a la protección de datos con opiniones encontradas. Tras informes de diferentes organismos se ha llegado al Proyecto de Ley de Modificación parcial de la Ley 58/2003, General Tributaria (Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales del 30 de abril de 2015), que permitiría publicar las listas con ciertos límites: publicación únicamente del nombre de la persona física o jurídica y DNI o NIF. Además, para permitir la publicación de las sentencias firmes de los defraudadores, recientemente se ha aprobado el Proyecto de reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial.


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Lan honetan Pauso Berriak programaren eraginkortasuna handitzeko marketinak eskaintzen duen aukera aztertu dut, aplikagarrienak zaizkion marketin alorrak jorratuz,bereziki marketin soziala, eta komunikazio plan baten lerro nagusiak zehaztuz. Xede publiko ezberdin asko egon daitezke programa honetan. Hala nola, adimen urritasuneko pertsonak, familiak, Gureak eta Atzegi, administrazioa, enpresak eta Gipuzkoako gizartea, baina Gipuzkoako enpresetan zentratuko naiz xede honekin lan asko egin behar delako iruditzen zaidalako eta nire ikasketekin lotura handiena duena baita.


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[EUS] Gure gaur egungo gizarte globalizatuak, internazionalki komunikatzeko beharra areagotu du, eta horregatik atzerriko hizkuntzak ikastea ezinbestekoa bihurtu da. Eskola errealitatearen isla denez, behar horri aurre egiteko, gero eta gehiago dira irakaskuntza eleaniztuna garatzeko ikuspegi metodologikoak. Ikuspegi metodologiko hauen artean, CLIL/HEBI eta HTB dira garrantzitsuenetarikoak. HEBIk hizkuntzak eta edukiak batera ikasteari egiten dio erreferentzia, eta HTBk curriculumeko hizkuntzen programazio adostuari. Lan honetan metodologia hauen nondik norakoak aztertzen dira, baita hauek ikastetxe batean nolako ibilbidea izan duten eta nola lantzen diren ere. Azken honetan ikastetxearen eta ikasleen aldetik HEBIrekiko dagoen jarrera aztertzen da, galdetegi batzuen bitartez.


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Lan honen bitartez fotofisikari buruzko kontzeptu berriak, karga transferentzia intramolekularreko prozesua, irakasgaian aztertutakoa askoz gehiago sakondu da. Hala nola, kimika konputazionalean ikasitako oinarriak kontuan harturik bestelako metodo berriak aztertu dira. Etekin kuantikoa kalkulatzean erreferentzia egokia erabakitzeko gaitasunak lortu dira. Laborategiari dagokionez, absortzio eta fluoreszentzia teknikak ezagunak izan arren, askoz sentikorragoak diren teknikak erabiltzen ikasi da. Gainera, teknika berriak ere ikasi dira, fotoi kontagailua esate baterako. Lan honen helburua eremu ikuskor osoan lan egiteko zianina familia bat lortzea da. Hain zuen BODIPY laser koloratzaileekin lortu nahi da. Horretarako kromoforo sinpleena, 1. Lagina, erreferentziatzat hartu da eta honen egitura eraldatuz eta ezaugarri fotofisikoak moldatuz bandaren posizioa aldatzea lortu da, ahalmen fluoreszente altua mantendu den bitartean.


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Resumen tomado de la página web de la publicación


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Existe una versi??n en espa??ol, con el t??tulo "Evaluaci??n de Diagn??stico 2013. Informe Ejecutivo. 2?? curso de Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria"


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Lan honen egilea Eusko Ikaskuntzaren Asmoz Fundazioaren eta UPV/EHUko Sociología II Sailaren artean antolatzen duten eta Moodle plataforma erabiltzen duen HIZNET on-line graduondokoaren modulu baten irakaslea da. Esperientzia hori abiapuntu, komunikazio honetan hausnarketaren beharra planteatu nahi dugu bereziki bi punturen inguruan: Batetik, unibertsitate alorreko formazioan komunikazio sistema gisa Moodle plataforma bezalako IKT teknologiak erabiltzeak berez hezkuntza praktikaren berrikuntza edota eraldaketa suposatzen ote duen hausnarketa. Bestetik, IKT teknologietan oinarritutako formazio proiektuen eraikuntza sustengatzen dituzten eredu edota paradigmei buruzko hausnarketa.


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149 p.


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[EU]XX. mendearen azken bi hamarkadetatik hona jendartean gertatu diren aldaketek, Lanbide Heziketaren (lan merkatura bideratzeko langileen prestakuntza oinarri duen heziketaren epe gisara ulertuta) planteamendua birpentsatu beharra ekarri dute. Dinamikoa eta aldakorra den jendarte honetan, Lanbide Heziketari bere hezkuntza jardueraren gaineko gogoeta egin beharra suertatu zaio, eta baita zer eta nola irakatsi lanbidea garatzea helburu duten ikasleei bezalako galderei erantzuna eman ere. Ingurumari honetan konpetentzia kontzeptua eta haren inguruko esperientziak eta metodoak garatu dira hala nazioartean nola Euskal Herrian. Master Bukaerako lan honetan Lanbide Heziketan aurrera eraman den irakasleen etengabeko prestakuntza programa baten azterketa egin dugu. Horretarako, berrikuntza eta kalitatea sustatzeko zeregina duen Tknika zentroak zuzendu eta gidatutako Ikaskuntza Agertoki Berriak prestakuntza programan parte hartu duen Tolosaldeko Lanbide Institutua aukeratu dugu, kasu azterketaren ikuspegia erabiliz. Azken xedea, laburki, irakasleei konpetentzietan oinarritutako ikaskuntza aukera didaktikoak eskaini eta haiei buruzko gogoeta egitea da, gero praktikara eraman ditzaten. Gure ikerlanaren helburua, berriz, programa horren asmoak praktikan nola ebazten eta gauzatzen diren ikustea da, prozesuan engaiatuta dauden pertsonen bizipenetatik abiatuta. Hurbilketa kualitatibo eta interpretatibo honetatik lau irakasle elkarrizketatu ditugu eta haien igurikapen, kezka eta bestelakoak jasotzen saiatu gara. Ondorio nagusienak, honakoak: (i) konpetentzien bidezko irakaskuntza-ikaskuntzaren potentziala oso nabarmena dela ikusten dutela elkarrizketatuek, (ii) gogo eta motibazio handia dutela, (iii), ikastetxean, euren egunerokoan, zailtasun eta oztopo andana topatzen dutela, (iv) zailtasunak kasu batzuetan metodologia berari dagozkion arren beste askotan ikasleak eurek ez dutela aldaketarako borondate handirik atzematen da.


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Egunerokotasunean aurrera eramaten ditugun jarduerek mundu juridikoan erreflexua dute modu oso anitzean. Azken hamarkadan jabetza intelektualaren aurkako delituen inguruan eztabaida sakona sortu da, hain zuzen aurrerapen teknologikoek, eta bereziki Interneten globalizazioak ondasun juridiko honen babesean tentsioak sortu dituelako. Teknologia berriek, eta Interneten masifikazioak aukera berriak ireki ditu autoreek beren obrak garatzeko eta publiko handiagoa lortzeko, baina autore edo eskubideen titularrentzat aukera bat dena gehiegikeriaz obrak esplotatzeko bide ere bihurtu da. Honela, Internetek kultura kontsumitzeko modu ezberdin eta berehalakoa sortu du, gure kontsumo ohiturak aldatuz eta eskaintza kultural handiago bat sortuz. Dena den honek gatazka argi bat sortu du kontsumitzaile hauen eta jabetza intelektualaren eskubideen titularren artean, kontsumo kulturala normalean titularren eskubideak errespetatu gabe egiten baita. Tentsio honek bere isla eduki du mundu juridikoan, honen azterketa egingo delarik lan honetan.


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Arau hauste bat gertatzen den garaian, arau hauste hau jasan dutenekiko babestu beharrekoak diren ondasun juridikoak urratzen dira. Hauek babesteko betebeharra estatuak dauka, eta kasuan kasuko zigor prozedura ezberdinen bitartez, gizarte ordena ezarri eta elkarbizitza soziala bermatu ahal izateko erantzunak ematen dituzte arau hausteen aurrean.


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The surface properties of solid state pharmaceutics are of critical importance. Processing modifies the surfaces and effects surface roughness, which influences the performance of the final dosage form in many different levels. Surface roughness has an effect on, e.g., the properties of powders, tablet compression and tablet coating. The overall goal of this research was to understand the surface structures of pharmaceutical surfaces. In this context the specific purpose was to compare four different analysing techniques (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, laser profilometry and atomic force microscopy) in various pharmaceutical applications where the surfaces have quite different roughness scale. This was done by comparing the image and roughness analysing techniques using powder compacts, coated tablets and crystal surfaces as model surfaces. It was found that optical microscopy was still a very efficient technique, as it yielded information that SEM and AFM imaging are not able to provide. Roughness measurements complemented the image data and gave quantitative information about height differences. AFM roughness data represents the roughness of only a small part of the surface and therefore needs other methods like laser profilometer are needed to provide a larger scale description of the surface. The new developed roughness analysing method visualised surface roughness by giving detailed roughness maps, which showed local variations in surface roughness values. The method was able to provide a picture of the surface heterogeneity and the scale of the roughness. In the coating study, the laser profilometer results showed that the increase in surface roughness was largest during the first 30 minutes of coating when the surface was not yet fully covered with coating. The SEM images and the dispersive X-ray analysis results showed that the surface was fully covered with coating within 15 to 30 minutes. The combination of the different measurement techniques made it possible to follow the change of surface roughness and development of polymer coating. The optical imaging techniques gave a good overview of processes affecting the whole crystal surface, but they lacked the resolution to see small nanometer scale processes. AFM was used to visualize the nanoscale effects of cleaving and reveal the full surface heterogeneity, which underlies the optical imaging. Ethanol washing changed small (nanoscale) structure to some extent, but the effect of ethanol washing on the larger scale was small. Water washing caused total reformation of the surface structure at all levels.


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The ability to deliver the drug to the patient in a safe, efficacious and cost-effective manner depends largely on the physicochemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in the solid state. In this context, crystallization is of critical importance in pharmaceutical industry, as it defines physical and powder properties of crystalline APIs. An improved knowledge of the various aspects of crystallization process is therefore needed. The overall goal of this thesis was to gain better understanding of the relationships between crystallization, solid-state form and properties of pharmaceutical solids with a focus on a crystal engineering approach to design technological properties of APIs. Specifically, solid-state properties of the crystalline forms of the model APIs, erythromycin A and baclofen, and the influence of solvent on their crystallization behavior were investigated. In addition, the physical phenomena associated with wet granulation and hot-melting processing of the model APIs were examined at the molecular level. Finally, the effect of crystal habit modification of a model API on its tabletting properties was evaluated. The thesis enabled the understanding of the relationship between the crystalline forms of the model APIs, which is of practical importance for solid-state control during processing and storage. Moreover, a new crystalline form, baclofen monohydrate, was discovered and characterized. Upon polymorph screening, erythromycin A demonstrated high solvate-forming propensity thus emphasizing the need for careful control of the solvent effects during formulation. The solvent compositions that yield the desirable crystalline form of erythromycin A were defined. Furthermore, new examples on solvent-mediated phase transformations taking place during wet granulation of baclofen and hot-melt processing of erythromycin A dihydrate with PEG 6000 are reported. Since solvent-mediated phase transformations involve the crystallization of a stable phase and hence affect the dissolution kinetics and possibly absorption of the API these transformations must be well documented. Finally, a controlled-crystallization method utilizing HPMC as a crystal habit modifier was developed for erythromycin A dihydrate. The crystals with modified habit were shown to posses improved compaction properties as compared with those of unmodified crystals. This result supports the idea of morphological crystal engineering as a tool for designing technological properties of APIs and is of utmost practical interest.