121 resultados para sympathy


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The middle classes form the bulk of Indian migrants who head for Australian shores today. Yet, within Australia, general knowledge of the conditions that drive Indians’ determined search for opportunities overseas is limited to the few who have contact with international students and migrants from the sub-continent, and the skewed, melodramatic antics of Bollywood. It is my suggestion that a broader understanding of the underlying reasons that push Indians to migrate to societies like Australia can be had through readings of Chetan’s Bhagat’s four hugely popular novels: Five Point Someone, One night @the Call Center, The 3 mistakes of My life and Two States. Bhagat is a graduate of India’s famed Indian Institute of Technology and a former Non-Resident Indian investment banker who has since returned to live in Delhi. His experiences make him the perfect mouthpiece for middle India and his paperbacks depict that stratum of Indian society’s obsessions with social mobility, marriage, regional and religious divides with great sympathy and conviction. Drawing on observations made during a recent visit to India, I illustrate what an exploration of Bhagat’s paperbacks reveals about everyday, contemporary India and what it adds to Australian understandings of Indians and India today.


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Sound design for documentary is an under-researched field. The specific context of representation of emotional or mental states is particularly open to clichéd treatment. Such treatment in the media often ‘perpetuates inaccurate or negative assumptions about mental health issues in the wider community’ (Francis et al 2005: 11) by employing, for example, either jarring sound/music combinations to signify ‘madness’ or overtly saccharine music to educe sympathy. This project adopted a practice-based approach to discovering a considered aesthetic treatment designed to elicit a more empathetic audience response. A more discriminating engagement with the intentions of the film was cultivated by abandoning both the ‘representational naturalism’ and the ‘distilled, evocative realism’ of documentary sound design (Davies 2007: 18) in favour of a more lyrical or musical approach. To achieve this we manipulated perspective, tonal character and perceptions of space in the final mixing stage. The project was funded by the Film Australia National Interest Program, ABC TV and the Pacific Film and Television Commission. As a crucial contributor to the aesthetic of the project I was nominated in the funding application, and ultimately received an AFI Award for Best Sound in a Documentary in 2008. The film was honoured by The Film Critics Circle of Australia, The Slamdance Film Festival in Utah and The Sydney Film Festival. It has been favourably reviewed in national and international print media (The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, among others) as well as online film/culture zines and blogs.


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Aggressive behavior at the steering wheel has been indicated as a contributing factor in a majority of crashes and anger has been compared to alcohol impairment in terms of probability to cause a crash. It has been shown that being in a state of anger or excitement while driving can decrease the drivers’ performances. . This paper reports the evaluation of 6 novel design alternatives of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) aimed at mitigating driver aggression. Each application presented was designed to tackle the following contributing factors to driver aggression: competitiveness, anonymity, territoriality, stress as well as social and emotional isolation. The 6 applications were simulated using computer vision algorithm to automatically overlay the real traffic conditions with ‘Head-Up Display’ visualizations. Two applications emerged over the others from participant’s evaluation: shared music combined the known calming effect of music with the sense of sympathy and intimacy caused by hearing other drivers’ music. The Shared Snapshot application provided an immediate gratification and was evaluated as a potential prevention of roadside quarrels. The paper presents Theoretical foundation, participant’s evaluations, implications and limitations of the study.


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Background: Driver fatigue contributes to 15-30% of crashes, however it is difficult to objectively measure. Fatigue mitigation relies on driver self-moderation, placing great importance on the necessity for road safety campaigns to engage with their audience. Popular self-archiving website YouTube.com is a relatively unused source of public perceptions. Method: A systematic YouTube.com search (videos uploaded 2/12/09 - 2/12/14) was conducted using driver fatigue related search terms. 442 relevant videos were identified. In-vehicle footage was separated for further analysis. Video reception was quantified in terms of number of views, likes, comments, dislikes and times duplicated. Qualitative analysis of comments was undertaken to identify key themes. Results: 4.2% (n=107) of relevant uploaded videos contained in-vehicle footage. Three types of videos were identified: (1) dashcam footage (n=82); (2) speaking directly to the camera - vlogs (n=16); (3) passengers filming drivers (n=9). Two distinct types of comments emerged, those directly relating to driver fatigue and those more broadly about the video or its uploader. Driver fatigue comments included: attribution of behaviour cause, emotion experienced when watching the video and personal advice on staying awake while driving. Discussion: In-vehicle footage related to driver fatigue is prevalent on YouTube.com and is actively engaged with by viewers. Comments were mixed in terms of criticism and sympathy for drivers. Willingness to share advice on staying awake suggests driver fatigue may be seen as a common yet controllable occurrence. This project provides new insight into driver fatigue perception, which may be considered by safety authorities when designing education campaigns.


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In Finland the period 1880 -1914 constituted an essential phase in the creation of the great national project as well as it was a golden time of Francophilia. With Francophilia, i.e. French-mindedness, is here understood a collectively upheld strong sympathy towards France and French culture. However, the Francophilia of late nineteenth century Finland was free from apparent political intentions and remained a chosen disposition. The strength of its drive was not only based on the older European admiration of everything French, but also on the growing fascination for a novelty emerging besides the traditional influences of the Germanic culture. In Finnish society Francophilia mostly worked as an opposite force to the most confined conceptions of what was considered national ; as a consequence France came to denote more than a country and Francophilia contained an important symbolical meaning in the construction of the Finnish nation. The main tasks of the study are to introduce as the first large historical presentation of the subject a covering examination of the many descriptions of Paris-phases of assorted artists, authors, and intellectuals, to clarify the mental relationship of the Finnish intelligentsia to France prior to national independence, and finally to provide these developments with case studies of certain life paths. However, the examination is not biographical, because the starting point remains within the rhetoric arguments of Francophilia and patriotism as these appeared within the public sphere. Historical persons have thus been dealt with primarily as reflectors of the then-current French-minded mentality. Such Francophiles in Finland were first and foremost Werner Söderhjelm, Juhani Aho, L. Onerva and V. A. Koskenniemi. The networks of the Finnish cultural field are mostly displayed through these examples. In previous research the intensive relationship of Finnish artists and authors with France has not been connected with actual concepts of nationalism. The respective periods of the intellectuals in Paris have simply been viewed as devoid of ideological links with the contemporary advancement of the fatherland, or even as opposites to the patriotic pursuits in Finland. From the viewpoint of this study these now canonized creators of a Finnish culture are primarily seen as patriots and fellow countrymen, and only secondly as artists and artist s colleagues. The dissertation is constructed as both a regional survey of the idealization of France and a study of Finnish history through the mirror of Francophilia. As such France only held an instrumental role for the receiving culture, i.e. for the construction of Finland, as no "objective truths" were sought for in France. Keywords: France, francophilia, Finnishness, national project, Paris


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Digital image


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Since the declaration by the United Nations that awareness raising should be a key part of efforts to combat human trafficking, government and non-government organisations have produced numerous public awareness campaigns designed to capture the public’s attention and sympathy. These campaigns represent the ‘problem’ of trafficking in specific ways, creating heroes and villains by placing the blame for trafficking on some, while obscuring the responsibility of others. This paper adopts Carol Bacchi’s ‘What is the problem represented to be?’ framework for examining the politicisation of problem representation in 18 anti-trafficking awareness campaigns. It is argued that these campaigns construct a narrow understanding of the problem through the depiction of ‘ideal offenders’. In particular, a strong focus on the demand for commercial sex as causative of human trafficking serves to obscure the problematic role of consumerism in a wide range of industries, and perpetuates an understanding of trafficking that fails to draw a necessary distinction between the demand for labour, and the demand for ‘exploitable’ labour. This problem representation also obscures the role governments in destination countries may play in causing trafficking through imposing restrictive migration regimes that render migrants vulnerable to traffickers.


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The role of the coroner in common law countries such as Australia, England, Canada and New Zealand is to preside over death investigations where there is uncertainty as to the manner of death, a need to identify the deceased, a death of unknown cause, or a violent or unnatural death. The vast majority of these deaths are not suspicious and thus require coroners to engage with grieving families who have been thrust into a legal process through the misfortune of a loved one's sudden or unexpected death. In this research, 10 experienced coroners discussed how they negotiated the grief and trauma evident in a death investigation. In doing so, they articulated two distinct ways in which legal officers engaged with emotions, which are also evident in the literature. The first engages the script of judicial dispassion, articulating a hierarchical relationship between reason and emotion, while the second introduces an ethic of care via the principles of therapeutic jurisprudence, and thus offers a challenge to the role of emotion in the personae of the professional judicial officer. By using Hochschild's work on the sociology of emotions, this article discusses the various ways in which coroners manage the emotion of a death investigation through emotion work. While emotional distance may be an understandable response by coroners to the grief and trauma experienced by families and directed at cleaner coronial decision-making, the article concludes that coroners may be better served by offering emotions such as sympathy, consideration and compassion directly to the family in those situations where families are struggling to accept, or are resistant to, coroners' decisions.


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Resumen: El presente estudio analiza el rol de la simpatía en la conducta prosocial infantil, determinando posibles diferencias en función del sexo y la edad. La muestra estuvo constituida por 275 niños de ambos sexos, escolarizados, de 6 y 7 años de edad de las provincias de Chaco y Corrientes, Argentina. Previo consentimiento informado de los padres, se administró la Escala de simpatía para niños de 6 y 7 años de edad, de Oros (2006), el Prosocial BehaviorScale de Caprara y Pastorelli (1993) traducido y adaptado al español por Del Barrio, Moreno y López, (2001), y el Cuestionario de Conducta Prosocial (PBQ) de Weiner y Duveen (1981).En función de los objetivos propuestos, se realizó un análisis univariado de varianza (ANOVA) y análisis multivariados de variancia (MANOVAs). Los diferentes resultados obtenidos, se discuten en función de los desarrollos teóricos y empíricos encontrados hasta el momento, hallando una consistencia general entre los mismos


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Resumen: Un niño con anencefalia, debido a su innegable condición humana, merece ser tratado con respeto y dignidad, como cualquier otro hombre. Por su severa patología y su corta expectativa de vida, es una criatura frágil e indefensa a la que hay que cuidar, y no por ello aplicar tratamiento, hasta que devenga su inevitable muerte. La futilidad de cualquier medida agresiva sustenta la necesidad de proporcionarle calor y cuidados básicos, sin incurrir en tratamientos desproporcionados. Al mismo tiempo, resulta fundamental informar, acompañar y brindar apoyo médico y psicológico a toda la familia, en especial a la madre, para poder superar la muerte del niño. Por último, es preciso establecer que el pronóstico ominoso de una criatura anencefálica jamás justifica el aborto. A partir del estudio de la bibliografía argentina sobre el tema, y desde la perspectiva de un estudiante de medicina, se analizan los textos publicados, añadiendo algunos comentarios éticos actuales sobre los problemas de la anencefalia.


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A dissertação comenta criticamente as interpretações recentes referentes ao vitalismo no século XVIII, dedicando atenção especial aos Nouveuax Éléments de la Science de lHomme (publicado primeiramente em 1778), de Paul-Joseph Barthez (1734-1806). Até a segunda metade do século XX, como é primeiramente argumentado nesta dissertação, intérpretes do iluminismo entendiam a doutrina mecanicista como a herdeira direta da Revolução Científica, bem como a corrente dominante no mundo das ciências da vida ao longo de todo o século XVIII. Assim, na historiografia do século passado, o vitalismo era ou escassamente mencionado, ou visto como uma retrógrada corrente anti-iluminista. Mais recentemente, vários historiadores e pesquisadores da história das ciências no século XVIII (sobretudo Williams e Reill) entendem o iluminismo de um modo mais amplo e plural, considerando o vitalismo iluminista (um termo proposto por Reill) como parte integrante de um conceito mais dinâmico de iluminismo. A seguir, são apresentados a doutrina mecanicista e seus conceitos centrais, bem como as ideias de alguns dos principais representantes do mecanicismo no século XVII e início do XVIII, no caso, mais especificamente, do mecanicismo newtoniano. Em seguida, são expostos e comentados a doutrina vitalista e seus conceitos, no que é dado destaque ao vitalismo na Universidade de Montpellier. Nesse contexto, são comentados conceitos vitalistas, tal como apresentados nos Nouveuax Éléments de la Science de lHomme, no qual Barthez propõe uma nova fisiologia baseada no princípio vital; nisso são apresentados sua metodologia de pesquisa, o conceito de princípio vital, as forças sensitivas e motrizes do princípio da vida, além dos conceitos de simpatia, sinergia e, por fim, o conceito de temperamento. Esses conceitos ou essa terminologia , tal como é mostrado, não são originalmente concebidos por Barthez, mas foram por ele reapropriados e reformulados em debate com o newtonianismo e demais correntes filosóficas médicas desde a Antiguidade até o século XVIII, assim como com observações e experimentos próprios às investigações médico-científicas da época. Como resultado, é alcançada uma compreensão da doutrina vitalista como um esforço intelectual inovador tanto interagindo quanto integrado com o debate científico contemporâneo, ou seja, os médicos vitalistas se viam e, em geral, eram vistos como atuando segundo os padrões de cientificidade exigidos por seus pares.


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Esta dissertação reflete sobre as concepções de ensino, língua e gramática que podem nortear o trabalho do professor de Língua Portuguesa, bem como sobre as contribuições que os PCN trouxeram para ensino da língua materna, uma vez que ressaltaram a necessidade de se trabalhar o texto em sala de aula. Propõe-se um trabalho de análise de textos produzidos por alunos, que não considere somente as questões gramaticais, mas, principalmente, os aspectos linguístico-discursivos de que o aluno/autor já dispõe para compor seu texto. O maior objetivo desta pesquisa é desmistificar o preconceito presente na ideia de que o aluno de escola pública, por, na maioria das vezes, não dominar a norma padrão da língua, é incapaz de produzir textos coerentes e criativos. Além disso, mostrar que a qualificação de um texto como bom ou ruim está ligada aos critérios de análise que são utilizados. Para tal pesquisa, foi escolhido o gênero conto, e seu subgênero, o reconto. O motivo de tal escolha se deu pelo fato de os alunos mostrarem simpatia por esse gênero e já estarem familiarizados com ele


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Nesta dissertação investigamos como a ficção envolve o leitor. Para isso, partimos da rejeição a Homero declarada por Calímaco, observando que a suposta diferença entre a literatura preferida pelo público e a literatura preferida pela crítica depende de dois fatores distintos. O primeiro é o simples fato de a crítica ler profissionalmente e o público ler por prazer. O segundo está relacionado à distinção entre recepção e uso da literatura proposta por C.S. Lewis. Na recepção, a obra tende a ser admirada por si; no uso, tende a ser instrumentalizada como suporte para um devaneio em que os desejos do próprio leitor são vicariamente satisfeitos. Observamos que essa devaneio, que Lewis chama de construção egoísta de castelos, e que inclui uma variante mórbida, tem um paralelo na noção girardiana do duplo angélico. Contudo, o devaneio depende da simpatia como definida por Adam Smith, a qual por sua vez depende de certa aprovação moral. Investigamos portanto o tipo de personagem que conquista a aprovação moral do leitor, contrastando os heróis homéricos com os cavaleiros cristãos a fim de verificar como o cristianismo dirige a aprovação moral para as vítimas, fazendo com que os heróis da ficção sejam pessoas perseguidas ou marginalizadas.


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Detailed measurements have been made of the transient stalling process in an axial compressor stage. The stage is of high hub-casing ratio and stall is initiated in the rotor. If the rotor tip clearance is small stall inception occurs at the hub, but at clearances typical for a multistage compressor the inception is at the tip. The crucial quantity in both cases is the blockage caused by the endwall boundary layer. Prior to stall disturbances rotate around the inlet flow in sympathy with rotating variations in the endwall blockage; these can persist for some time prior to stall, rising and falling in amplitude before the final increase which occurs as the compressor stalls.


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Detailed measurements have been made of the transient stalling process in an axial compressor stage. The stage is of high hub-casing ratio and stall is initiated in the rotor. If the rotor tip clearance is small stall inception occurs at the hub, but at clearances typical for a multistage compressor the inception is at the tip. The crucial quantity in both cases is the blockage caused by the endwall boundary layer. Prior to stall, disturbances rotate around the inlet flow in sympathy with rotating variations in the endwall blockage.